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Speakers: Prof Tim Lewis & Dr Barbra Mitchell – Missouri University
Session 1 – Prof Tim Lewis – Promoting Social & Emotional Wellbeing through Positive Behaviours
for Learning
Introduction to the framework of PBL
All students
PBL currently has 40% trained and actively implementing schools in NSW .
The overall aim of Positive Behaviour for Learning – PBL - to promote student & teacher wellbeing by
creating environments to increase the likelihood of student learning & positive behaviour.
“Environments that increase the likelihood are guided by a core curriculum and implemented with
consistency & fidelity” Prof Tim Lewis.
If social behaviour is given the same importance as trying to solve a maths problem the outcome will
be student success & wellness.
The school needs a PBL team which MUST have a trained executive on the team. PBL training is nonnegotiable.
Educators need good ground level support due to the busyness of schools
Challenges: what needs to be done to the environment to increase learning & positive behaviour?
 Apply the same teaching logic to behaviour
 A predictable regular environment that promotes success
Problem solving framework
A systematic implementation which is evidence based. Providing layers of support depending on the
changing environments of a school day.
Problem Solving Logic Outcomes
 Systems
 Practices
 Data
what is being implemented how is this being practiced
what, where, when are the infractions happening
The logic of PBL is to create a universal environment so that students can master skills. As in
academia, students will need a variety of different supports depending on their needs. 5% of
students take up 40- 60% of a teacher’s class time.
Teach – Practice – Feedback
Teachers need to give high grade specific feedback regarding positive social behaviour
Type of feedback needs to be specific to the school structure & requirements – eg: sticker/merit
Schools set out clearly defined expected behaviours (rules) to include
Teaching & practice
Data based decision making
Family awareness and involvement
Any school detention process must have the support and be a learning environment where by the
student can work on anger management, conflict resolution and social skills.
TEIR 2 - Small groups of students with behavioural & social problems
TEIR 3 – individual students with continuing problem behaviour that is NOT changing
The challenge of Public Education is not only promoting
 Academic excellence
But also
 Enculturation of future citizens to be socially responsible.
Educators play a vital role – Educators are the only professionals who are expected to keep problem
students at school and deal with these problems as part of their every day.
Exploration – how do we want to do this?
Installation – when – start small
Initial Implementation
Full Implementation
What works?
 Long Term
 Skill based training
 Practiced based implementation
Teacher/School – buy-in:
 Solve my problem - Help me fix the situation
 Make my life better - Give me skills that change behaviour
Meaningful Staff development = change in teacher = change in student = change in teacher
Peer Coaching (Stricher, Lewis & colleagues)
 Feedback is essential
 Support is essential
 Infra-structure is vital
Clear “hand – in – glove” association between academic instruction and behaviour. Random
controlled trials done in the US showed
Major disciplinary infractions
Academic achievement
School climate
Social & emotional outcomes
A change in environment needs to be done on student needs NOT curriculum needs. PBL needs
protected time during the day.
All organisations are designed intentionally to achieve exactly what they want
Schools are important and good places supporting
 Regular predictable positive learning and teaching environments
 Using positive adult and peer role models.
Session 2 – Prof Tim Lewis
Leadership, School Practices and Support Systems - download workbook
Evidence based practice
Building the environment – pro-social behaviours
Functional relationship
What do you want students to do instead?
Code of Conduct needs to be taken away from the negative
Focus on establishing school environments that support long term success of effective practices (3-5
Acknowledge the mastery of social skills with positive feedback that is genuine and contingent
Do Principals make a difference YES!!!
Blue print Logic
Evaluation data
Highly effective teachers constantly interacting with students to give positive feedback by, gestures,
quiet words, thumbs up or pat on the back.
PBL needs student involvement from the planning stage
Students need to be part of the process to offer their suggestions and ideas
Students need to be invested in the program
Students receive awards but so should the teachers. Eg “Pride Tickets” a form of acknowledgement
and thank you for efforts and time given.
(Check out State of Montana - state-wide survey)
Focus on Function
What expertise do we currently have?
What additional skill sets do we need?
Focus on Key Features of process
Steps to get to outcomes
How to embed in existing resources
“repurpose” resources when necessary
Students – what supports are needed
Teachers - what supports are needed
o Invest time in teachers who want to implement the framework
o Hard to argue with outcomes and success
o “Self - opt out” – get Principals involved use them to help out.
Data – will show why the program didn’t work – usually a systems breakdown.
Session 3 – DR Barbara Mitchell
Use of a Structured Peer Observation Process to Monitor Classroom PBL implementation
Teachers need to be trained in each of the 3 tiers of PBL (refer to triangle) for a school to implement
and progress into the next tier, proof of successful attainment in previous tier is required. PBL can
refuse progress!
Tier 1 - the main focus as it applies to the general school population.
Academic Systems
 All Students
 Proactive
Behavioural Systems
 All students
 Proactive
 Positive
Example of classroom management using PBL. The first lesson at the start of a new year for a Yr 9
class - The teacher showed implementation of the procedures:
He did this by:
 Positive Greeting - Individually at the door
 Pre Correct – “silently” - established tasks were to be done in silence to avoid problems
occurring – go and sit down, start the test paper, reading at the end of the test – students
followed the “rule”. Repeated consistently throughout the lesson
 Correction given– student was asked to return to the teacher so that correction could be
given – privately and at the door. At the end of the lesson to a student show a little attitude
by the end of the lesson.
 Active Supervision – teacher walked around the class and was aware of all students and
their progress
 Attention “ track me with your eyes” - the phrased used to keep students attention on the
teacher whilst he was talking
 Organisation Procedures:
o Homework written on board and explained thoroughly with the T S P F approach
o Handing in of test papers - explicit explanation and a slight competitive element with
other classes as the process was timed.
o Daily Schedule – offered predictability – written on the board so that students knew
just what time classes started ended and when there were breaks in the day.
Removes the anxiety element from a student’s day.
o End of the lesson students packed up as the teacher instructed
40 minutes of time invested in setting the ground rules for his class room management and
organisation – this set the tone of the lesson and possibly the year – if there is consistency.
In the US teachers involved in PBL are given Peer Feedback which is essential to qualify their
performance in apply the framework.