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Corona Cross Country Nutrition Help
Eating To Be A Champion
There is no perfect diet for every athlete. The best thing to do is to keep a diary on what
you eat every day and see what you’ve eaten before great days and bad days, workout
and race wise. Track what you’ve eaten hours and days before races and hard
workouts. See what works and what doesn’t work for you. Trial and error is your
Drinking throughout the day is a necessity in order to stay hydrated. Since we practice
in the heat, 80 - 100 ounces should be consumed at minimum during the day. Sports
drinks and or juices can be used along with water, but keep them to less than 1/3 of
your total fluid consumption.
The proper nutrition is not only critical for your body to perform at it’s best, it is also
critical for recovery. The timing of the proper nutrition has been shown to increase the
rate of improvement in studies. Eating or drinking a protein supplement within an hour
after a workout is the key. Chocolate Milk has been shown to be perfect for this. Protein
powders or protein bars also work. Having 25 - 30 grams of protein at each meal along
with 10 - 15 grams along with snacks ensures your body’s ability to continue recovering
throughout the day.
General Nutritional Tips
Avoid a repetitive diet of the same foods each week
Eating different foods helps ensure you meet all your nutritional needs
Eating foods in their natural state is preferred
Foods in their natural state have better nutritional value
They contain less sodium, trans-fats, and other unwanted things
Don’t fear Fats
Fats make you FAST!
Only man-made or processed fats are harmful to our health (trans-fats)
Some saturated fat is necessary
Avoid fats in processed meats
Proteins are the building blocks for fit, durable bodies
Every meal should include protein
Aim for at least 25-30 grams of protein at each meal
o 10-15 g per snack
Eating the right carbs are the key
o Veggies -> 5-6 cups/day
o Fruits -> 1-2 cups/day
o Beans/legumes -> 1/2 cup
o Starchy veggies -> good but above are better
Recommended Nutritional Supplements
Supplements cannot replace a good eating regimen. They can however ensure you are
not missing any key nutrients which will in turn help give you more consistent optimum
performances along with increasing recovery. The below products are found at Lifetime
Fitness or High Health
Core nutrients. A multivitamin is a MUST!
Fish Oil
Help Reduce Inflammation
Omega 3s - buy them in this form. Training causes a lot of inflammation in the
body. Omega 3s help reduce it.
Whey Protein
Clean recovery nutrition. Protein is needed to help the body rebuild itself. This
type of supplement is a MUST after runs and workouts.
Chocolate Milk is a great protein source and considered the best recovery drink
Protein bars are another good source
Generation UCAN
Great pre-workout & post-workout fuel. This is a “super” carbohydrate that is
great to keep energy levels up during and after a workout.
Dynamic Greens (Super Greens)
These are great if you cannot get the proper amount of vegetables in your diet.
A great source of antioxidants
Pre-race or Pre-workout meal example
Eat something high in carbohydrates and low in fat and protein. The goal is to no have
food in your stomach. Proteins and fats take longer to digest.
An example of a pre-workout/race meal
1 packet of instant oatmeal
1 English muffin with honey
8 ounces of sports drink while headed to the race
Note: remember, this meal could work for some but not for others.
An example of what a good day of eating looks like (Remember this is just an
3-4 eggs, 1oz cheese
1-2 cups of veggies/salsa
1/2 cup of wild rice
1/2 cup of fruit
1/3 cup of mixed nuts or 1-2 oz of Jerky
4-5 cups mixed greens
1-2 cups of veggies
1/2 cup of beans, 1/2 avocado
1-2 Tbsp Dressing or Olive Oil
5-6 oz lean meat
Pre-Workout snack (60-90min prior)
Protein shake with Generation UCAN & water
Handful of mixed nuts or coconut oil
Post-Workout snack (w/in 30 mins)
Protein shake with Generation UCAN or Whey Protein & Water
5-6 oz protein
2-3 cup of veggies with 1 Tbsp butter
1 sweet potato
Water ~ 1 gallon throughout day
Electrolyte water or min-in for moderate/intense workouts & Generation UCAN