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Accurate Measurement of
Power System Frequency
Using a Digital Signal Processing
• This paper describes the design, computational
aspects, and implementation of a digital signal
processing technique for measuring the operating
frequency of a power system.
• The technique provides correct and noise-free
estimates for near nominal, nominal, and offnominal frequencies in about 25 ms, and it requires
modest computations.
• The proposed technique is implemented using a
DSP-based board and has been extensively tested
using voltage signals obtained from a dynamic
frequency source and from a power system.
• FREQUENCY is an important operating parameter of a
power system.
• A decrease in system frequency also reduces the
reactive power balance and an increase in system
frequency can damage the blade of generator.
• the system frequency should be maintained at its
nominal frequency as quickly as possible.
• Frequency relays having a measurement range from 40
Hz to 70 Hz are adequate for over- and underfrequency relaying.
• Accuracy of electromagnetic relays range from 0.1 to
0.2 Hz of the set frequency.
• Microprocessor relays use algorithms that process the sampled and
digitized values of the system voltage to estimate the frequency
• These techniques are adversely affected by the presence of
harmonics in the signals. Also, they may take from 50 ms to few
seconds to provide accurate estimates of the frequency.
• It is necessary to detect underfrequency and overfrequency
condition very quickly so that necessary corrective actions can be
• the problem is that of fast and accurate determination of the
frequency of the power system using voltage waveforms which may
be corrupted by noise and harmonic components
• This paper presents a technique for frequency estimation that
provides accurate estimates in about 25 ms and requires modest
• The proposed technique was tested using voltage signals obtained
from a dynamic frequency source and from the Power system
• The technique uses digitized values of samples of the
voltage taken at a prespecified sampling rate.
• Consider a voltage signal having a fundamental frequency
of f0.
• The signal may also contain harmonics and noise. It is
possible to use orthogonal FIR digital filters to extract real
and imaginary parts of the fundamental frequency
component of the signal.
• These filters must be designed so that they minimize noise
effect and are not affected by the presence of harmonics.
• This means that the frequency response of the filters must
have nulls at the harmonic frequencies that are expected to
be present in the signal.
• Consider that the desired FIR filter is of length
and has real values coefficients
• The frequency response of the filter can be
expressed as (1)
• For a frequency response corresponding to a
frequency of f, the following two equations
can be written: (2)&(3)
• where Re and Im are the operators that
provide real and imaginary parts, respectively,
and Fs is the sampling frequency.
• This will provide equations 2m which can be
expressed in matrix form as follows: (4)
• The design of filters requires the following
parameters :
• 1) Sampling rate.
• 2) The harmonic components that need to be
eliminated and hence the value of in (4).
• 3) Filter length (n) which also equals the number
of consecutive samples of the voltage signal
needed to compute real and imaginary parts.
These consecutive samples are also termed as
data window.
• Sampling rate is fixed by the application. Generally, in
power system measurement and control applications, a
sampling rate in the range of 600 Hz to 1440 Hz is used.
• Composition of the signal is assumed based on the
prior knowledge of the voltage waveforms and their
harmonic content
• The data window size affects the noise suppression
capabilities. It can be seen from (4) that the minimum
data window size or filter length (n) must equal 2m .
• However, to achieve better noise suppression
capabilities, the data window size should be larger than
2m . The larger the data window, the better is the noise
suppression capability of the filters. On the other hand,
a larger data window means more delay in the filter
• As the next sample arrives, the data window is
shifted by one sample. The real and imaginary parts
of the fundamental frequency phasor, Vr(n+1) and
Vi(n+1) , corresponding to the (n+1) th data window
can be computed using the data from the (n+1) th
window and the filters’ coefficients as discussed
• Fig. 1 depicts the fundamental frequency phasors
corresponding to n th and (n+1) th data windows.
• The filter coefficients are multiplied with the
corresponding samples of the voltage signal within a
data window and the results are accumulated.
• Multiplication and accumulation using the filters’
coefficients provide the real and imaginary parts of
the fundamental frequency component of the signal.
• The real and imaginary parts computed using
samples corresponding to the n th data window can
be used to represent the signal in the phasor form as
• Where Vrn and Vin are the real and imaginary parts
computed using samples from the n th data window
• The amount of this rotation can be estimated by
using real and imaginary parts of the phasors
corresponding to n th and (n+1) th data windows as
follows: (6)
• This rotation for a phasor having fundamental
frequency of f0 will equal to
• the basis for frequency estimation and
• estimate of the frequency can be obtained as
follows: (7)
• One of the following two situations can exist.
• 1) The estimated frequency is equal to the
fundamental frequency assumed for designing
the filters that computed the phase angles
difference . This means that the estimated
frequency is also the fundamental frequency of
the signal.
• 2) The estimated frequency is not equal to the
fundamental frequency assumed for designing
the filters. This means that the estimated
frequency is not the fundamental frequency of
the signal. This can be achieved by using an
iterative procedure as follows:
• a) Design new filters by assuming the fundamental
frequency of the signal being equal to the latest
estimate of the frequency obtained from (7).
• b) Compute the phase angles rotation, Qn+1 - Qn, by
using (6), the filters designed in step i), the samples
corresponding to data windows n and n+1 .
• c) Estimate the frequency using (7) and the phase
angles rotation computed in step b).
• d) Check if the estimated frequency from step c) is
equal to the fundamental frequency assumed for
designing the filters in step a). If it is, the estimated
frequency in step c) is the fundamental frequency of
the signal. Otherwise, the process reverts to step a).
• The proposed technique was implemented by using a DSP.
• Fig. 2. Frequency responses of typical FIR filters used for
extracting (a) real part and (b) imaginary part of a signal.
• Fig. 3. Block diagram of DSP-based hardware used
for implementing the proposed technique.
A. Test Results Using Signals from a Dynamic
Frequency Source and a Power System
• The voltage was set at 110 V and frequency
was selected in the 40 Hz to 70 Hz range.
• The voltage level was reduced by using a
voltage module of the isolation and analog
scaling block of the general-purpose
• The reduced voltage signal was applied to a
channel of the data acquisition card.
• Fig. 4 shows the frequency estimates of a 59 Hz
signal. The figure shows that the maximum
estimation error is approximately 0.02 Hz.
• Figs. 5–7 show the frequency estimates of 44 Hz, 60 Hz, and
65 Hz signals. It can be seen from the figures that the
maximum estimation error for nominal, near-nominal and
offnominal frequencies ranges from about 0.015 Hz to 0.02
• Fig. 8 shows the estimated frequency when data recorded
from a power system was used. As the true frequency of the
power system was not known, therefore, estimation errors
can not be specified. However, the quality of estimates can be
judged from the their consistency.
• The maximum variation in the estimates about
the mean value is about 0.02 Hz. This
demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed
technique for measuring power system
• It can be seen from Figs. 4–8 that the
measurement time taken to provide the correct
estimates is about 25 ms.
• Above results represent a significant
improvement, in terms of accuracy and speed, in
comparison to the results previously reported in
the literature.
B. Results Using Synthesized Signals
• To demonstrate the effectiveness of the
proposed technique for estimating
frequencies in presence of harmonics, an
input signal having fundamental frequency of
59 Hz, a 20% third harmonic component (177
Hz), and 10% fifth harmonic component (295
Hz) was synthesized
• Frequency of the synthesized signal was
estimated by using the proposed technique.
• Fig. 9. (a) A 59 Hz voltage signal containing third and
fifth harmonic components and (b) its frequency
• The estimated values are nearly equal to the
true value despite the presence of harmonic
components. The initial deviation from the
true value is due to the fact that the initial
estimate is taken to be 60 Hz and this
transient usually lasts for about 3 ms to 5 ms.
• Design and implementation of a new technique for
measuring the operating frequency of a power system
have been described in the paper.
• The proposed technique is suitable for measuring nearnominal, nominal, and off-nominal frequencies.
• Maximum estimation errors observed during testing
are of the order of 0.02 Hz for nominal, near-nominal,
and off-nominal frequencies.
• Performance test results, using signals from a dynamic
frequency source and from a power system, indicate
that the proposed technique can provide accurate
estimates within 25 ms.
• The proposed technique provides accurate estimates in
presence of noise and harmonics.
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