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Cryptography for IoT
by Yosi Hendarsjah
What is Internet of Things?
It’s basically collection of devices that are connected to the Internet and
communicate with other devices.
The term was coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999.
A Coke vending machine at Carnegie Mellon U. is considered as the first IoT
device (1982).
IoT Applications
Smart Homes
Smart Cities
Why Lightweight Cryptography
Typical IoT devices are resource-constrained. They generally have
lower computational power,
smaller memory size,
lower power consumption,
smaller physical size,
lower price
than full-fledged devices such as PCs, laptops, or tablets. We need cryptography
algorithms that have small footprints and consume low power without sacrificing
ISO/IEC 29192
Is about standards on lightweight cryptography.
Lightweight cryptography is classified by a combination of the constraints on
chip area, energy consumption, program code and RAM size, communication
bandwidth, and execution time.
Defines 80 bits security as the minimum security strength for lightweight
Specifies a number of block ciphers, stream ciphers, and hash functions as
Not yet completed. Work still in progress for standards on MAC.
Block Ciphers
Block ciphers specified by ISO/IEC 29192:
PRESENT: 64 bits block size and 80 or 128 bits key size
CLEFIA: 128 bits block size and 128, 192, and 256 bits key size
SIMON: 48 – 128 bits block size, 96 – 256 bits key size
SPECK: 48 – 128 bits block size, 96 – 256 bits key size
PRESENT Block Cipher
Designed for some very specific applications for which AES is unsuitable.
Designed to conform these characteristics:
To be implemented on hardware
For applications that only need moderate security level
For applications that unlikely to encrypt large amount of data
Where physical size, power consumption, and execution time are the primary
concerns (after security).
For some applications it is possible that the key will be fixed at the time when the
device is manufactured.
For some applications the cipher will be used to perform encryption only.
Hardware implementation of PRESENT has much higher throughput and
requires a half of gates compared to the implementation of AES with similar
key size.
SIMON and SPECK Block Ciphers
Flexible secure block ciphers, can perform well on any platform.
64-256 bits key size, 32-128 bits block size
SIMON is more hardware oriented, SPECK is more software oriented.
Hardware implementation requires less gates than other algorithms.
Stream Ciphers
ISO/IEC 29192 specifies two stream ciphers:
Enocoro: 80 or 128 bits key size
Trivium: 80 bits key size
Both of them are hardware oriented.
The literatures do not really explain much about why these algorithms are
considered ‘lightweight’ and do not compare them to other algorithms.
Hash Functions
ISO/IEC 29192 specifies three hash functions:
PHOTON: permutation size 100-288 bits and output size 80-256 bits
SPONGENT: permutation size 88-272 bits and output size 88-256 bits
Lesamnta-LW: permutation size 384 bits and outputs size 256 bits
SPONGENT Hash Function
Five different hash sizes: 88, 128, 160, 224, 256
Three types pre-image and second pre-image security level:
Full pre-image and second pre-image security level
Reduced second pre-image security level
Reduced pre-image and second pre-image security level
Lesamnta-LW Hash Function
Lightweight 256 bits hash function
Has collision, pre-image, and second pre-image security level of at least 2120.
Hardware implementation only requires 8240 gates.
Software implementation only requires 50 bytes of RAM and runs fast on short
messages on 8-bit CPUs.
Cryptography algorithms designed for IoT are ‘lightweight’ because:
Designed specifically for constrained devices such as RFID tags and networked
sensors (hardware oriented).
Have several security levels that are sufficient to different types of applications.
Designed to process only small amount of data.
Existing popular cryptography algorithms are ‘heavy’ because:
Designed as general-purpose algorithms.
Generally software-oriented.
High security level.
Can process large amount of data.
The End