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Professor Aubakirova Z.Y.
Master student Altynbekova G.A.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
Social policy as a factor in sustainable economic development and
economic security
Social protection and social policy is always pressing issue of economic policy
and economic efficiency. This is even more important for Kazakhstan, ascertaining the
welfare state itself. Socially oriented market economy involves a significant activity of
the state in solving social problems. This is due to the fact that the market economy
does not guarantee workers the right to work, the standard of well-being, education,
and does not provide social protection of the disabled people, the poor and pensioners.
Therefore there is a need for government intervention in the distribution of income by
the scope of social policies. In the end everything depends for the solution of this
problem: the power and independence of the state, welfare of the people, the stability
of the political atmosphere in the society [1].
Among the main tasks undertaken in the field of social policy and its important
areas - social protection should include: the reform of the housing sector; revision of
the principles of functioning of insurance institutes general and the pension system, in
particular [2].
The formation of modern forms and models of the state social policy occurred
in the second half of the XIX century in Western Europe and was conditioned by the
needs of industrialization of their economies and the regulation of social order. [3]
To date, there are following main types of welfare states: a model of Bismarck,
Beveridge model and the Swedish model.
Model of Bismarck. By its basic characteristics should include the following: the size
of pensions and benefits dependent on salary.
This model is characterized by the management of democracy and transparency
of financial flows. To the states relating to the model (Germany, France, Greece) the
main political objective of putting income protection while laying responsibility for the
opportunity of having a job on the worker.
Beveridge model. Its general characteristics are as follows.
Three-level type of social protection, which assigned to the state obligation to
provide basic guarantees of social protection to the entire population, for an employer
- social (professional) employees insurance (in which the employee takes partial
participation), the employee - an additional private insurance. W. Beveridge believed
that family allowances and the national health service should be financed from the state
budget, and other measures of social protection - by contributions of employees and
employers themselves, as well as state subsidies. Beveridge system, common in the
UK and Ireland, based on the principles: every citizen should be covered by social
insurance benefits or social assistance in an emergency (illness, retirement age, death,
birth, etc.).
Next model is a Swedish. Highlights: the financing of social expenditure due to
the revenue side of the budget; a high level of accessibility and measures of social
support of the population [4].
The Scandinavian model, which exists in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark,
adheres to the principles of: all living in the country have the right to social security;
all work shall be entitled to benefits depending on earnings. State as its main political
task puts full employment and assumes responsibility for it.
If we consider the transformation of the social security systems in the CIS
countries, it can be said that they are moving from the Nordic model to the Beveridge
The term "Scandinavian model" refers to a greater extent to the social sphere, as
the Nordic countries are very close to the area of social policy. Social and economic
leader in the region in favor Sweden and therefore equivalent to the term "Scandinavian
model" was the term "Swedish model." A specific feature of the Swedish model is that
economic policy is actively pursued two goals: maximum employment and income
equality. To solve them, the state intervenes in the labor market and contains an
exceptionally large public sector engaged in the redistribution of income for these
purposes [5].
The uniformity of the distribution of income among all the inhabitants of the
country is the foundation of social stability. The Gini coefficient is a statistical measure
of the degree of separation for a particular feature of society. Income inequality is one
of the social problems of modern society. [6]
Image 1. Gini indices in Kazakhstan and Sweden
[Note: Compiled by the author on the basis of the Republic of Kazakhstan Statistics Agency [7]. *
2012 year the most recent available.
For several decades, the most widely used indicator to measure inequality in
society is the indicator of the concentration of household income - Gini coefficient. But
whether it is authentic? It might seems that within the same country, and it is such, but
not on a global scale. Each country has its own characteristics and strategies for
optimization of inequality, its parameters and depth, there is no universal and equal for
all countries equal the best indicator of concentration of income - Gini coefficient [6].
As you can see from the performance difference between the developed social
Switzerland and Kazakhstan is insignificant, thus showing discrepancies of Gini index.
Incomes of the population formed by receiving wages, pensions, scholarships,
grants, revenues from the sale of goods produced on their own farm, as payment for
services rendered, revenues from the sale of personal property, renting it.
Table 1. Statistical data on pensions and pensioners in Kazakhstan
The number of
recipients, people 1695301 1732412 1759321 1863615 1918516 1980847
The average
amount of the
granted pension,
to KZT
The number of
recipients of state
social benefits,
767239 778504 768747 791631 774149 767458
The average size
of a designated
state social
benefits, to KZT
The minimum
pension, to KZT
[Note: The table is compiled by the author on the basis of the Republic of Kazakhstan Statistics
Agency data [8]].
The number of recipients of pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2015
amounted to 1980.8 thousand people, while the average monthly pension was assigned
to 21674 tenge, and the minimum pension was 23692 tenge.
Table 2. Statistical data on pensions and pensioners in Sweden
all pensions
2 056 739
2 102 171
2 141 269
the number of pension recipients,
guaranteed pension
2 070 113
2 116 486
2 156 924
761 602
786 859
770 189
retirement income
1 224 700
1 333 519
1 434 426
supplementary pension
1 945 739
1 997 403
2 033 232
premium pension
property Extras
1 111 513
274 270
1 217 035
284 640
1 314 551
290 663
in particular, additional retirement
Agency data [9]].
As part of the social policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, one of the strategic
priorities of the government announced provision of decent employment as its main
type of social security. Providing employment is an essential condition for the
development and implementation of human resources, the main means of social wealth
growth and quality of life. Raising living standards in Kazakhstan with the 2000s is a
stable trend, which is confirmed by the positive dynamics of income and other
indicators, traditionally used for this feature. [10]
In the twentieth century happened in Sweden, which is often called the
"economic miracle". This welfare state has attracted great attention from experts in the
social sciences and policy makers around the world, and its experience to some degree
was acceptable for other countries. The economic success of Sweden and a high growth
rate in the last ten years show that the direction of reform in Swedish was chosen
correctly. Therefore, the study of Swedish experience in this regard, it is important for
economic science, and for the post-Soviet practices [8].
Experience in other countries shows that the success of the social state is possible
only on the basis of a highly developed economy, which must be effective, socially
oriented, serving the interests of all strata of society. Kazakhstan needs to take into
account the positive experience of developed countries in the construction of legal,
democratic and social state, especially in the formation of state policy in the field of
education, health and social assistance, as the most important areas of social policy to
achieve this level.
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