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Maryam Alsulaiman
Khlood AlOatibi
Ryam ALSubaiee
Conflict Management
•Conflict management and Negotiation Terms.
•CASE 13.1 – Defining the case.
• Case Discussion Questions.
•How to solve the case.
Conflict management is the practice of identifying and handling
conflict in a sensible, fair, and efficient manner. Conflict
management requires such skills as effective communicating,
problem solving, and negotiating with a focus on interests.
Negotiation is the process of discussing a problem face to
face in order to get/reach a goal.
1- do not think of negotiation as a game.
2- Be prepared.
3- Know relevant aspects of your own personality and behavior
tendencies as well as your needs, goals, and power.
4- Perceive and assess relevant aspects of your counterpart’s
personality, Needs, power and behavior.
5- practice the rules of effective listening, speaking, filtering, and
6-Never lose control of yourself.
7- Always look for common ground and common goals.
8-Know when to continue and know when to walk away.
9-Maintain your personal integrity and trust yourself.
10-Never negotiate with someone who has no authority to commit.
11-Confirm the status of the negotiation.
12-Put it in writing as soon as possible.
Chapter 13 – Case 13.1
Defining the case:
Clint is Marilyn’s supervisor. Marilyn is a dedicated parttime employee who is known for taking on
responsibility. Clint joked with his colleague that he
could trick Marilyn into completing a project for him so
that he could take a long weekend. Clint told Marilyn
that only she had the skills and conscientiousness to
complete the project properly and on target and,
further, that it would be a big favor to him if she would
accept the challenge. Marilyn agreed to do the project ;
however, when she could not reach Clint over the weekend
to obtain additional explanation that was critical to
completing the project , she left it incomplete. Clint placed
full responsibility for the failure squarely on Marilyn who
now feels that her stellar record has a big blemish. Marilyn
is lamenting all this after giving up her entire weekend
with no extra pay, to boot.
Case Question no.1
1 – which rule of negotiation did Clint break ?
Case Question no.2
2– which rule of negotiation did Marilyn break ?
Case Question no.3
3 – Can Marilyn still recover from her mistakes here? If so, how
How to solve this case
Summary :
 From the case we learned how to negotiate and have
things in our side.
 And take the whole responsibility.
 Doing the work on a complete way.