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Kick Colon Complications
to the Curb!
Today’s Agenda
Disease Stats
and Risk
Colon Cancer
Stats and Risk
Colon Health
Eat Right for
Colon Health
Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis
Symptoms, Stats, Treatment,
and Cats
Just kidding about the cats
Diverticulosis and
Approximately 10%
of Americans over
age 40 have
Approximately 50% of
Americans between the
ages of 60 and 80 have
some form of
diverticular disease.
When a person
has multiple weak
spots in the colon,
that person has
Usually there are
no symptoms of
10 to 25% of
people who have
diverticulosis get
Diverticulitis is an
inflammation of
diverticula in the
Symptoms include
abdominal pain,
tenderness, and
Complications of
Intestinal obstruction
Rectal bleeding (rare)
Causes of
Diverticular Disease
• Low-fiber diet.
• Lack of exercise may also be a
contributing factor.
Treatment of
Diverticular Disease
• Getting enough fiber can keep diverticular
disease from getting worse – aim for 35 g
or more per day.
• Treatment of inflammation and any
infection that accompanies diverticulitis.
Treatment Myth!
• In the past, doctors advised people
with diverticular disease to steer
clear of seeds, nuts, popcorn, etc
because they seemed to irritate the
• No data supports
that theory!
Diverticular Quiz
• Which of the following is the only widely
accepted treatment of diverticular
A) Specialized diet
B) Increased fiber
C) Transfusions
D) No treatment
• True or False: Nuts, seeds, and popcorn
can block or irritate the colons of people
with diverticular disease.
Diverticular Quiz
• Which of the following is the only widely
accepted treatment for diverticular
A) Specialized diet
B) Increased fiber
C) Transfusions
D) No treatment
• True or False: Nuts, seeds, and popcorn
can block or irritate the colons of people
with diverticular disease.
Colon Cancer
Shall I compare thee to
diverticular disease?
Colon cancer is the …
• 2nd leading cause of
cancer death In the US.
• 4th most common cancer
in the world.
Your risk of colon cancer
rises sharply after age 50.
What Are the Signs of Colon
Bleeding from the
Blood in the stool
or toilet after a
bowel movement
Cramping pain in
the abdomen
A change in the
shape of the stool
(i.e. thinning)
Feeling the need to
have a bowel
movement when
you don't have to
have one
Did You Know?
• 75% of all colon
cancer incidences
could be prevented
by diet and
Surprising Fact
• What is one of the
most important
things you can do
to prevent cancer,
including colon
• Answer: Avoid
weight gain.
Poor Diet + Big Waist =
Increased Cancer Risk
• Your cancer risk
increases when you
overeat and don’t
• Being overweight and
sedentary account for
one-third of colon
cancer cases worldwide.
Poor Diet + Big Waist =
Increased Cancer Risk
• Women and men double their risk of colon
cancer if:
• A woman’s waist is larger than 32 inches
• A man’s waist is larger than 36 inches
Are You a Pear or an Apple?
• People with an apple
shape face greater health
risks than people with a
pear shape.
• If your hips are bigger
than your waist, then you
have a pear shape.
• If your waist is bigger
than your hips, then you
have an apple shape.
Poor Diet + Big Waist =
Increased Cancer Risk
• Abdominal fat is linked to increased
insulin production.
• This may promote the growth of
tumors in the colon.
Colon Cancer Quiz
• What is one of the most important
things that you can do to prevent
colon cancer?
A) Avoid weight gain
C) Sleep
B) Determine your shape D) Avoid soda
• True or false? Your risk of colon
cancer rises sharply after age 50.
Colon Cancer Quiz
• What is one of the most important
things that you can do to prevent
colon cancer?
A) Avoid weight gain
C) Sleep
B) Determine your shape D) Avoid soda
• True or false? Your risk of colon
cancer rises sharply after age 50.
Complication Promoters
Steer clear of these unhealthy
habits and foods that promote
colon cancer!
Colon Complication
• Sedentary lifestyle
• Poor dietary habits:
Excess calories
Refined carbohydrates
Red and processed
Promoter: Sedentary Life
• A sedentary lifestyle
includes things like…
• Watching TV.
• Sitting at a desk.
• Surfing the web.
• Be more active during
your leisure time.
Promoter: Alcohol
• Alcohol destroys folic acid,
which guards against the DNA
damage that causes cancer.
• Limit alcohol consumption to
no more than…
• 1 drink per day (women).
• 2 drinks per day (men).
Promoter: Excess Calories
• Excess calories usually
come from energy-dense
foods that are…
• Low in fiber.
• High in fat.
• High in sugar.
Promoter: Refined Carbohydrates
• Eating high-sugar, refinedcarbohydrate foods triggers
excessive insulin and insulin
growth production, which can
increase growth of cancer
cells in the colon.
Promoter: Meat
• Eat no more than 3 ounces
of beef, pork, or lamb per
• Cancer-causing compounds
are produced when meats
are cooked at very high
• Grill vegetables, tofu, and
fruit instead.
Safe Grilling Tips
Use marinades.
Flip frequently.
Remove fat.
Use foil and avoid direct
• Microwave first, then grill.
• Do not eat charred meat.
Danger Zone Quiz
• Excess calories usually come from
energy-dense foods that are _____.
A) Low-fiber
B) High-sugar
C) High-fat
D) All of the above
• True or false? Cancer-causing compounds
are produced when meats are cooked at
very high temperatures.
Danger Zone Quiz
• Excess calories usually come from
energy-dense foods that are _____.
A) Low-fiber
B) High-sugar
C) High-fat
D) All of the above
• True or false? Cancer-causing compounds
are produced when meats are cooked at
very high temperatures.
Colon Health Protectors
An ounce of prevention…
Colon Protectors
Vitamin D
Folate (Folic Acid)
Good Fats
Green Tea
Exercise: The Best Protection
• When it comes to preventing
colon cancer and diverticular
disease, exercise is an
important lifestyle habit.
• Regular exercise can reduce a
person’s risk of colon cancer
by 50%.
Exercise: The Best Protection
• Exercise…
• Speeds the movement of
food through the intestine.
• Decreases bile acid
• Boosts the immune system.
• Decreases the circulating
insulin levels that are
thought to stimulate tumor
• Helps weight management.
Protector: Fiber-Rich Foods
• Fiber may offer protection against
colon cancer and diverticular
• Rates of colon cancer and
diverticular disease are low in
countries with low-fat, high-fiber
Protector: Fiber-Rich Foods
• Fiber is the part of plant foods that is
not digested by the human body.
• It lends structure, texture, and
support to plants, yet it does not
have any caloric value.
Protector: Fiber-Rich Foods
• Fiber…
• Increases stool bulk.
• Speeds the transit time of
stool through the colon,
reducing the time that
carcinogens stay in your
• Absorbs bile acids.
• Aim for 25-30 grams of
fiber per day.
Fiber is Your Friend!
There are two
types of fiber:
soluble and
Foods that are
rich in fiber are
usually rich in
both types of fiber.
Insoluble fiber is
especially good
for promoting
colon health.
Fiber-Rich Foods: Beans
• Beans/legumes have the highest fiber content.
• Lentils, split peas, black beans, pinto beans,
chickpeas, white beans are all members of this
• Did we mention that they’re a great source of
lean protein?
Fiber-Rich Foods: Whole Grains
• Eating more whole grains
lowers your overall
refined carbohydrate
• Whole grains contain
more antioxidants and
phytochemicals than
refined grains. These
elements help prevent
tumor growth.
Fiber-Rich Foods: Fruits and
• Aim for a pound or about
4.5 cups of fruits and
veggies each day.
• Use MyPlate to remember
to fill half your plate with
fruits and veggies.
Protector: Vitamin D
• Vitamin D is linked to lower
colon cancer incidence.
• 20 minutes of daily sun
exposure provides the
recommended amount of
vitamin D without increasing
your skin cancer risk.
Protector: Calcium
• Researchers found that
just 700 mg of calcium a
day (from food or
supplements) reduced a
person’s risk of colon
cancer by 50%.
• Heed MyPlate’s
recommendation and get 3
cup servings of calciumrich foods daily.
Protector: Folate (Folic Acid)
• This B vitamin guards
against the DNA
damage that causes
• Diets with a folate
deficiency are
associated with higher
colon cancer risk.
Protector: Good Fats
• Omega-3 fatty acids
in salmon,
flaxseeds, and
walnuts can improve
colon health.
Protector: Green Tea
• Green tea may offer
protection against
colon cancer.
Quiz of the Protectors
• Regular exercise can reduce your
risk of colon cancer by _____.
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%
• True or false? Refined grains contain
more antioxidants and
phytochemicals than whole grains.
Quiz of the Protectors
• Regular exercise can reduce your
risk of colon cancer by _____.
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%
• True or false? Refined grains contain
more antioxidants and
phytochemicals than whole grains.
Eat Right for Colon Health
An apple a day CAN keep the doctor away.
Especially when combined with other
fiber- and nutrient-rich foods.
Limit Processed Foods
• The typical modern Western diet is
characterized by high intake of…
* Red meats
* Processed meats
• French fries
* High-fat dairy
* Sweets and desserts
* Refined grains
• At least 75-80% of the colon cancers in
the United States could be prevented if
Americans were to adopt a better diet.
Avoid Western Diets
• A study by the Dan-Farber Cancer
Institute in Boston revealed that
people who ate a Western diet were
much more likely to have a
recurrence of colon cancer than
those who did not.
Eat A Better Diet
• Choose healthful foods…
* Fruit
* Good Fats
• Lean Protein
* Nonfat Dairy
* Vegetables
* Whole Grains
• Include foods that are fortified with
vitamin D, calcium, and folate like
milk, soymilk and fortified whole
grain cereals.
Craft a Menu
• Can you create a
menu for a day filled
with foods that
promote colon
• Follow MyPlate’s
portion and
proportion advice.
40 Grams Fiber
Breakfast: 1
cup oatmeal, 1
cup berries, ½
Lunch: 2 cups
salad, tuna on
whole grain
Dinner: Low-fat
chili, brown
rice, salad
Berries with
Diet Quiz
• Which food is not part of a typical
Western diet?
A) Whole grains
B) Processed meats
C) Red meats
D) French fries
• True or false? At least 80% of the
colon cancers in the US could be
prevented with an improved diet.
Diet Quiz
• Which food is not part of a typical
Western diet?
A) Whole grains
B) Processed meats
C) Red meats
D) French fries
• True or false? At least 80% of the
colon cancers in the US could be
prevented with an improved diet.
3 Take-Home Messages
• Stay active!
• Maintain a healthy weight.
• Practice safe consumption:
• Eat a low-fat, high-fiber,
plant-based diet.
• Get vitamin D.
• Avoid eating too much meat and
meat cooked at high
• Avoid excess alcohol
“Quit worrying about your
health. It'll go away.”
Robert Orben