Download Taxonomy Unit Test Review Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote 1. What is the

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Taxonomy Unit Test Review
Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote
1. What is the easiest way to tell the difference between a prokaryote and eukaryote cell?
Presence of a nucleus.
2. Do all cells (both pro and eu) have a cell wall? No.
3. Do all cells (both pro and eu) have a cell membrane? Yes.
4. Which type of cell contains membrane bound organelles? Eukaryote
5. What do prokaryotes and eukaryotes have in common? They are biotic, have DNA, and are
contained in a cell membrane.
Animal vs. Plant
1. Are animal and plant cells eukaryotes? Yes.
2. What do plant cells have that differentiate them from animal cells? Chloroplasts and a cell
3. Are plants (circle one)
4. Are animals (circle one)
Levels of Classification
1. What are the levels of classification IN ORDER? Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family,
Genus, Species
2. Which level is the broadest, or most general, category? Kingdom
3. Which level is the smallest, or most specific? Species
4. What is the definition of a species? A group of organisms that can breed and produce fertile
5. What are ways that that organisms are classified into kingdoms? Structure and evolutionary
Taxonomy Unit Test Review
6. In binomial nomenclature, which two levels of classification are used to name an organism?
Genus and species
7. If Cat A shares a genus with Cat B, but Cat C shares an order with Cat B, which one is more
closely related to Cat B? Cat A.
8. If you examine the DNA and therefore the nucleic acid sequences of an organism it can
show us - how related they are.
The Six Kingdoms
1. Which two kingdoms are prokaryote kingdoms? Archaea and Bacteria
2. Which four kingdoms are eukaryote kingdoms? Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
3. What are the characteristics of Kingdom Plantae (you may abbreviate)? Eukaryotes,
multicellular, autotrophic (know the plant organelles!), mostly sexual reproduction
4. What are the characteristics of Kingdom Animalia? Eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophs,
sexual reproduction (know animal organelles!)
5. What are the characteristics of Kingdom Protista? Eukaryotic, can by unicellular OR
multicellular, mostly asexual but can reproduce sexually, the catch all kingdom
6. What are the characteristics of Kingdom Fungi? Eukaryotic, mostly multicellular, cell wall
made of chitin, heterotrophs (decaying animals)
Taxonomy Unit Test Review
Use the following chart to answer the questions below.
1. What does the cladogram above show? A visual of how related organisms are to each
2. Why are traits in a cladogram placed in a certain order? It shows the order in which they
evolved (think of a timeline in a way).
3. Which organism is most closely related to the domestic cat? Leopard
4. Which organism has hair, but does not have carnivorous teeth? Horse
5. Which organism is least related to a domestic cat? Turtle
6. What traits do the leopard and domestic cat share? Hair, Carnivorous teeth, Retractable
7. Phylogeny is – the study of how related organisms are, in particular by their evolutionary
**Study your sample cladograms and make sure you can navigate them and explain them.
Taxonomy Unit Test Review
Dichotomous Keys
Use the following dichotomous key to answer the questions below.
1. If an organism has feathers and swims, what kind of organism is it? Duck
2. What do we know about a lizard from this dichotomous key? It does not have feathers and
has legs.
Use the following dichotomous key to answer the questions below
1. What is Bird W? Geospiza
2. What is Bird Z? Camarhynchus
**Study your sample dichotomous keys and make sure you can navigate them and explain