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Name _________________________________
*Used for shorter texts and speeches*
Speaker: the voice that tells
the story
Who is the speaker/author?
What is his/her point of view?
Textual Evidence as Proof:
Occasion: the time and place Identify:
of the piece; the context that
encouraged the writing/speech
to happen
Textual Evidence as Proof:
What are the overall societal
issues? What circumstances led
to the text/speech?
Audience: the group of
readers/listeners to whom the
piece is directed
Who is the author/speaker
writing/speaking to?
Who would care about this
Textual Evidence as Proof:
Purpose: the reason behind
the text/speech
What does the author/speaker
want the audience to
Textual Evidence as Proof:
Subject: the general content, Summary of the central idea:
topic, ideas contained in the
What is the topic of the
Provide a summary of the
central idea.
Tone: the attitude of the
What is the attitude of the
author/speaker’s words?
Textual Evidence as Proof:
3. Summarize the article’s main idea in a MEEE+ Con paragraph.
Main Idea (What is the Article Arguing?)
Evidence (Choose a piece of evidence from the text to support the main idea.)
Evidence (Choose a piece of evidence from the text to support the main idea.)
Evidence (Choose a piece of evidence from the text to support the main idea.)
Conclusion (Explain why the evidence is important.)