Download SIOP Superstars - Mrs. Hilliker`s EL and SIOP Toolbox

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SIOP Superstars
Erica Hilliker & Libbie Drake
 Content Objective:
 The participants will discover and apply new SIOP strategies.
 Language Objective:
 The participants will orally discuss the application of new SIOP
strategies to their classrooms.
Name Three
Form a circle
After students are in the circle, direct them to begin passing a
ball around the circle.
The teacher should close her eyes and after some time has
passed, clap her hands to indicate that it is time to stop passing
the ball. Whichever student has the ball in his or her hands must
name three examples in a category. For example, name three
words that start with the letter t. The student then begins
passing the ball around the circle again and has until the ball
reaches him again to finish naming three examples of the
assigned category.
 Elementary: Odd Number or Even Numbers (Math)
 Middle School: Past Presidents of U.S. (Social Studies)
 High School: Elements on the Periodic Table (Science)
Name Three Debrief
 How could you adapt this activity for your classroom?
 How could you incorporate technology with this strategy?
Consensus Definition
The teacher selects a content concept that can defined multiple ways
(e.g. democracy, freedom, education). Students are asked individually
to define the concept in their own words.
In small groups students take turn reading aloud their definitions.
Students are asked to record words they would like to add to their
definition while their group members read aloud.
Students are provided two to three expert definitions of the concept
which group members take turns reading aloud. Again, students are
asked to record words/phrases they would like to add to their
definitions while the expert definitions are read aloud.
Groups are asked to write a consensus definition of the concept in
their groups.
 Let’s Practice this strategy with the term Academic Vocabulary!
Consensus Definition Debrief
 How could you adapt this activity for your classroom?
 How could you incorporate technology with this strategy?
Dinner Menu
 APPETIZER (Everyone Must Complete)
 o Write the chemical equation for photosynthesis
ENTRÉE (Select One)
o Draw a picture that shows what happens during photosynthesis
o Write two paragraphs about what happens during photosynthesis
o Create a rap or song that explains what happens during photosynthesis.
SIDE DISHES (Select at Least Two)
o Define respiration, in writing
o Compare photosynthesis to respiration using aVenn diagram
o Write a journal entry from the point of view of a green plant
o With a partner, create and perform a skit to show the differences between photosynthesis
and respiration
 • DESSERT (Optional)
 o Create a test to assess the teacher’s knowledge of photosynthesis.
Dinner Menu Debrief
 How could you adapt this activity for your classroom?
 How could you incorporate technology with this strategy?
Time to Explore!
 Content Objective:
 The participants will discover and apply new SIOP strategies.
 Language Objective:
 The participants will orally discuss the application of new SIOP
strategies to their classrooms.