Download 2016 Biodiversity MICRO-GRANT Application 2016 Biodiversity

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Biodiversity MICRO-GRANT Application
About Slow Food West Michigan
Slow Food is a non-profit, member-supported locally-rooted international organization that
was founded in 1989 to counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people’s
dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes, and how our food choices affect the rest
of the world. Slow Food is good, clean, and fair food. We believe that the food we eat should taste good, that it
should be produced in a clean way that does not harm the environment, animal welfare, or our health, and that
food producers should receive fair compensation for their work. Slow Food West Michigan works to address these
issues on a local level through our educational events and programs.
Farmer/Producer Grants
Slow Food West Michigan is kicking off its second year of the Biodiversity Micro-Grant program. Taking on a new
project for a small farm can be risky. We hope to provide funding to small-scale local farmers that will support the
cultivation of heirloom varieties and/or heritage breeds. The program encourages farmers to explore more niche
product offerings, as many heirloom and heritage breeds are unique in the marketplace better enabling farmers to
distinguish themselves.
We are offering grant money to further support biodiversity in the central West Michigan food system. We are
now accepting grant applications for the 2016 growing season. Grant award amounts will be between the
amounts of $200 to $500; however, the grant committee reserves the right to offer funding above or below these
amounts. We are particularly interested in allocating funding to supporting producers growing and selling in food
deserts or food insecure areas.
Heirloom varieties are defined as a horticultural variety that has survived for several generations and is not used
in large-scale agriculture. Many varieties are listed with the Slow Food Ark of Taste, Seed Savers Exchange, and
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Heritage breeds are traditional livestock breeds that date back several generations,
before the drastic reduction of breed variety caused by the rise of industrial agriculture. Many breeds are listed
with the Livestock Conservancy.
Grant Application Information
Please fill out the attached application questions and follow the submission instructions at the end of this form.
Applicants will be selected annually and can only be selected to participate once per year. However, applicants
who were awarded previous funding are eligible to apply again the following year. Selection priority will be given
to applications that:
1. Articulates clear identifiable goals supporting biodiversity.
2. Introduces a NEW product/variety into the West Michigan market that will be sold at a farmers market,
CSA, grocer, food pantry, food-buying club, food truck, and/or restaurant. Sales to schools, colleges, and/or
institutions are also encouraged.
3. Outlines an approach for introducing and marketing niche product in the local/regional marketplace.
4. Summarizes the maintenance of varieties or breeds using clear identifiable sustainable farming methods.
Please Note: Due to the multitude of heirloom tomato varieties that are already present in the marketplace, we
will not be giving grants for tomatoes. Also, please do not include labor costs in your grant application.
We welcome applications from current small-scale local farmers, producers, and individuals interested in
getting into farming, those with experience with heirlooms and heritage breeds as well as those without.
Applicants who have received grant funding from any other source in excess of $500 in the past year will be
asked to list those funding sources and their amounts. In such cases, we will consider prioritizing need for
funding, food desert locations, serving lower income customers, creativity of project, etc.
Slow Food West Michigan – Biodiversity Micro-Grant 2016
Biodiversity MICRO-GRANT Application
Application Deadline
We are currently accepting applications for 2016. While we will continue to accept applications throughout the
year, our grant selection committee will make decisions on grant awards in March 2016. To be considered for
2016, please submit your application by March 4, 2016 or before.
Application Submission Instructions
If you have any questions or want to discuss your plans before applying please feel free to contact: Cindee Dresen,
Slow Food West Michigan President at [email protected] or 616.863.9412.
Please send the completed application form including any relevant literature via mail or email to:
[email protected]
Slow Food West Michigan
6880 Blue Ridge Drive NE
Belmont, MI 49306
Additional Requirements
All grant recipients will be expected to present their project experience and/or do a tasting event featuring the
product at a Slow Food West Michigan event and/or meeting if requested. We will also invite you contribute to
our blog to highlight your project and farm. Finally, we will require photos and an update including a report
containing a summary of expenses, success of harvest, where products were sold, etc. We would like to feature
each successful applicant in our Snail of Approval Directory, E-Newsletter, Facebook page, website and other
relevant communications.
Please note: All grant recipients must provide a written acknowledgement/receipt to Slow Food West Michigan
within 30 days of receiving a grant. A completed application is not an agreement to honor your request.
Also you must respond to e-mails and/or phone calls from Slow Food West Michigan leadership inquiring about
the status of your grant project.
Slow Food West Michigan – Biodiversity Micro-Grant 2016
Biodiversity MICRO-GRANT Application
1. List what varieties you are interested in growing or breeds you are interested in
breeding/raising and estimated costs for this project (including feed, soil amendments, etc.):
2. Briefly describe your interest and research on this vegetable/fruit/animal including the
source you will likely purchase from:
Slow Food West Michigan – Biodiversity Micro-Grant 2016
Biodiversity MICRO-GRANT Application
3. Comment on how you plan to introduce and promote this product to the local marketplace:
4. Requirements for Grant Recipients: We request that all grant recipients chronicle their
experience such as growing challenges, conditions, weight brought to market, cost, profit, etc.
and share this information with Slow Food West Michigan. What records do you intend to
keep for this project?
5. List any other sources of grant funding and their amounts you have received in 2014 and are
expected to receive in 2016.
Slow Food West Michigan – Biodiversity Micro-Grant 2016
Biodiversity MICRO-GRANT Application
Program and materials adapted from Slow Food Saint Louis
Slow Food West Michigan – Biodiversity Micro-Grant 2016