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Initial Idea: Provide targets to shooters in out of the way
Initial Value Proposition: Cheap way to enhance and extend
shooting experience.
Customer Segment Hypothesis:
• Male Shooters (18 -35)
• Lower Income
• Spontaneous
Size of Market:
222K Gun Owners in Las Vegas
William MacDonald
Interviewed 10 People
Value Proposition 1 - is offering a cheap solution of something to shoot at.
Value Proposition 2 – is offering a way to enhance the shooting experience to
Value Proposition 3 – is offering a way to extend the shooting experience.
• Dropped proposition 3. Could not extend shooting experience.
• Could help customer relationships by providing target stands.
• Female customers benefit as much as male customers.
Customers Contacted: 21 (Groups counted as single attempt)
Total Sales: $38
• Groups (without females) most likely to purchase
• More shooting traffic earlier in the day
• Providing target stands a success
• Bundle sales the preferred product offering
• Many requests for additional shooting paraphernalia
Total Customers Contacted: 41 (20 new customers)
Total Sales: $88 ($50 since selling part 1)
• Focused solely on selling bundles
• Targeted groups consisting of males (Majority of shooters encountered)
• Value proposition of offering cheap targets continued to prove true
• Value proposition of offering additional shooting options besides what was
brought continued to be true
• Customer segment hypothesis only adjusted slightly to groups instead of
solo customers.
No Purchase
Used Stands
No Stands
Total Customers
No Group
• Groups with female customers were not interested in purchasing targets.
• Providing rental stands assisted in sales and after purchased targets
used a few taped their own targets on to continue.
• Weather strongly adjusted how many shooters went out. Had to avoid
overly windy or cold days.
• Demand was strong for additional shooting products and ammunition.
• Customer segment turned into group of males (18 -35) because they were
typically less prepared and would benefit from bundle sales.
• Bundles became the main offering because it made more sense to people to
buy that way and easier for the monetary transaction.
Worth Time: Negative. This business as is would bring in too little money to be worth
the time commitment. There is no certainty that customers will decide to shoot on
specific days and which location will be utilized. With more capital investment and the
service delivered as a food truck style business with more product offerings has the
potential to work better.