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Chapter 17
Choice Making Under
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Calculating Expected Monetary Value
 The
expected monetary value is simply the
weighted average of the payoffs (the
possible outcomes), where the weights are
the probabilities of occurrence assigned to
each outcome.
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Expected Value
 Given:
Two possible outcomes having
payoffs X1 and X2 and Probabilities of
each outcome given by Pr1 & Pr2.
 The
expected value (EV) can be
expressed as:
EV(X) = Pr1X1+ Pr2X2
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Expected Utility Hypothesis
 Expected
utility is calculated in the same way
as expected monetary value, except that the
utility associated with a payoff is substituted for
its monetary value.
 With
two outcomes for wealth ($200 and $0)
and with each outcome occurring ½ the time,
the expected utility can be written:
E(u) = (1/2)U($200) + (1/2)U($0)
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Expected Utility Hypothesis
If a person prefers the gamble previously
described, over an amount of money $M with
certainty then:
(1/2)U($200) + (1/2)U($0) > U(M)
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Defining A Prospect
 The
remainder of the chapter will be
talking about lotteries which will be
referred to as prospects which offer three
different outcomes.
 The term prospect will refer to any set of
probabilities (q1, q2, q3: and their assigned
outcomes ($10 000, $6 000 and $1 000).
 Note that the probabilities must sum to 1.
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Defining A Prospect
 Such
a prospect will be denoted as:
(q1, q2, q3: 10 000, 6 000, 1 000)
or simply:
(q1, q2, q3)
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Deriving Expected Utility Functions
Continuity assumption:
For any individual, there is a unique number e*,
(0<e*<1), such that he/she is indifferent between the
two prospects (0, 1, 0) and (e*, 0, 1-e*).
This assumptions guarantees that persons are
willing to make tradeoffs between risk and
assured prospects. Note that e* will vary across
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von Neuman-Morgenstern
Utility Function
 Given
any two numbers a and b with a>b,
we could let U(10 000)=a and U(1 000)=b.
We would then have to assign a utility
number to $6 000 as follows:
U(6 000) =ae*+b(1-e*)
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von Neuman-Morgenstern
Utility Function
With the continuity assumption (and others) satisfied
and the utility function constructed as shown, these
important results are applicable:
If an individual prefers one prospect to another, then
the preferred prospect will have a larger utility.
If an individual is indifferent between two prospects,
the two prospects must have the same expected
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Subjective Probabilities
 The
expected utility theory is often applied
in risky situations in which the probability
of any outcome is not objectively known or
there exists incomplete information.
 The ability to apply expected-utility theory
is such scenarios is to use subjective
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The Expected Utility Function
 Assume
there are 2 states of wealth (w1
and w2) which could exist tomorrow and
they occur with probabilities (q and 1-q)
 The expected utility function for tomorrow:
U(q,1-q:w1w2) = qU(w1)+(1-q)U(w2)
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The Expected Utility Function
Two key features of this utility functions:
The U functions are cardinal, meaning
that the utility values have specific
meaning in relation to one another.
This expected utility function is linear in
its probabilities (which simplifies MRS).
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Figure 17.1 Indifference curves in state space
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From Figure 17.1
 Figure
17.1 shows an indifference curve
for utility level u. Wealth in state 1(today)
and state 2 (tomorrow) are on each axis.
 q and (1-q) are fixed.
 The MRS (slope of u0) shows the rate at
which an individual trades wealth in state 1
for wealth in state 2, before either of these
states occur.
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From Figure 17.1
 The
slope of the indifference curve is
equal to the ratio of the probabilities times
the ratio of the marginal utilities.
 Each marginal utility however is function of
wealth in only one state since the utility
functions are the same in each state.
 Therefore the MRS equals the ratio of the
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From Figure 17.1
 Hence,
along the 45 degree line, where
wealth in the two states are equal, the
slope of u0 is q/(1-q).
 If q is large relative to (1-q) then u0 is
relatively steep and vice versa.
 In other words, if you believe state 1 is
very likely (q is high) then you will prefer
your wealth in state one rather than state
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Figure 17.2 Preferences towards risk
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Optimal Risk Bearing
 Now
that different attitudes toward risk
have been defined, it is necessary to
illustrate how attitudes toward risk affect
choices over risky prospects.
 An expected value line shows prospects
with the same expected value. Note
however that along this line, the risk of
each prospect varies.
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Figure 17.3 The expected monetary value line
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From Figure 17.3
 At
point A there is no risk and that risk
increases as the prospects move away from
the 45 degree line.
 The slope of the expected value line equals
the ratios of the probabilities (relative prices)
 Utility will be maximized when the individual’s
MRS equals the ratios of the probabilities.
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Figure 17.4 Optimal risk bearing
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Optimal Risk Bearing
 The
optimal amount of risk that a person bears
in life depends on his/her aversion to risk.
 The choices of risk averse persons tend toward
the 45 degree line where wealth is the same no
matter what state arises.
 Risk inclined persons move away from the 45
degree line and are willing to take the chance
that they will be better off in one state
compared to the other.
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Pooling Risk
 Risk
Pooling is a form of insurance aimed
at reducing an individual’s exposure to risk
by spreading that risk over a larger
number of persons.
 Suppose the probability of either Abe or
Martha having a fire is 1-q, the loss from
such a fire is L dollars and wealth in period
t denoted as wt.
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Pooling Risk
 Abe’s
expected utility is:
u(q, L,w0) = qU(w0)+(1-q)U(w0-L).
 If Abe’s house burns his wealth is w0-L,
and his utility U(w0-L). If it does not burn,
his wealth is w0 and utility is U(w0).
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Pooling Risk
If Abe and Martha pool their risk (share any
loss from a fire), There are now three relevant
1. One house burns.
Probability = 2q(1-q), Abe’s Loss=L/2
2. Both houses burn.
Probability = (1-q)2 , Abe’s Loss=L
3. Neither house burns.
Probability = q2 , Abe’s loss = 0
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Risk Pooling
 Abe’s
expected utility with risk pooling:
 Rearranging and factoring Abe’s individual and
risk pooling utility function shows he is better off
if he is risk averse as:
 When individuals are risk averse, they have
clear incentives to create institutions that allow
them to share (pool) their risks.
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Figure 17.5 Optimal risk pooling
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The Market for Insurance
 What
is Abe’s reservation demand price
for insurance (the maximum he is willing to
pay rather than go without)?
 Set his expected utility without insurance
equal to the certainty equivalent (assured
prospect wce) in Figure 17.6.
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Figure 17.6 The demand for insurance
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The Market for Insurance
 On
the assumption that insurance
companies are risk neutral, what is the
lowest price they will offer full coverage?
 This is the reservation supply price,
denoted by Is in Figure 17.6
 Ignoring any administrative costs, the
expected costs are (1-q)L and the firm will
write a policy if revenues (I) exceed costs.
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The Market for Insurance
As shown in Figure 17.6, there is a viable insurance
market because the reservation supply price Is =(1q)L is less than the reservation demand price
(distance w0-wce).
 Abe trades his risky prospect for the assured prospect
and reaches indifference curve u*.
 If no resources are required to write and administer
insurance policies and if individuals are risk-averse,
there is a viable market for insurance.
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