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A Project
Presented to the faculty of the Department of Computer Science
California State University, Sacramento
Submitted in partial satisfaction of
the requirements for the degree of
Computer Science
Jinsheng Li
A Project
Jinsheng Li
Approved by:
__________________________________, Committee Chair
Ying Jin, Ph.D.
__________________________________, Second Reader
Mary J Lee, Ph.D.
Student: Jinsheng Li
I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University
format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to
be awarded for the project.
__________________________, Graduate Coordinator
Nikrouz Faroughi, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science
Jinsheng Li
The birth of cloud computing indicates the shifts in computing architecture and
the data processing mechanisms. The location of the computing infrastructure is shifted
from local to the network for managing large scale data running in the cloud
environment. Challenges exist in traditional database systems due to the gap between the
large amount of data being produced and the relatively limited size of traditional
databases that are used to store data. Additionally, a new movement on data model and
data storage - NoSQL (Not Only SQL or Not the relational DBs) is called for considering
the needs in data availability, reliability, and scalability.
In this project, an example with designed scenarios is applied to study the query
over four selected database systems that are from various popular vendors. These four
database systems are: Oracle Database 11g Expression Edition, Oracle Public Cloud,
Amazon SimpleDB, and Google App Engine Datastore. We studied the data definition,
database population, and query languages in all the above four systems with the scenarios
designed from our example. A discussion of data definition, query syntax, data types in
query, and database population over these four database systems based on our study is
also provided.
The aim of this project is to help our students to learn and to understand how the
data is stored and retrieved through queries from cloud databases. Two applications are
developed and implemented using Java language with the Eclipse IDE to show how
queries are processed on the application level.
_______________________, Committee Chair
Ying Jin, Ph.D.
Since I began my study on the Master Program, I have received a great deal of
invaluable assistance from the people around me. I want to say a BIG THANK YOU for
those who have helped and encouraged me on my Master’s Degree completion.
I would like to thank my project advisor Dr. Ying Jin for her guidance throughout
this project and the constructive input received from her.
I would also like to thank my second advisor Dr. Mary J Lee for taking time to
review my report and give me advice.
I am also very thankful to my parents and my fiancé for their unlimited support
and encouragement throughout my entire graduate study.
Special thanks to my friends Steve Hubbard and Wayne Fong for their friendship
and assistance over the years.
List Of Tables………………………………………………………………………. . ix
List Of Figures……………………………………………………………………...….x
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................1
2. BACKGROUND .....................................................................................................3
2.1 Cloud Databases…………………………………………………………...3
2.2 Research of Cloud Data Services on Vendors…………………………….4
2.2.1 Data Models……………………………………………………..4
2.2.2 Deployment Models……………………………………………..5
3. CASE STUDY .........................................................................................................7
3.1 Motivating Example……………………………………………………….7
3.2 Implementation…………………………………………………………….9
3.2.1 Oracle Database 11g Express Edition……………………………9 Data Definition and Populating Database……………...9 Queries………………………………………………...11
3.2.2 Oracle Public’s Cloud (Oracle Database Cloud Service)……….18 Data Definition and Populating Database…………….20 Queries………………………………………………...22
3.2.3 Amazon SimpleDB…………………………………………… 23 Data Definition and Populating Database……………23 Queries………………………………………………..29
3.2.4 Google App Engine (GAE) Datastore………………………….41 Data Definition and Populating Database…………....41 Queries………………………………………………..46
3.3 Database Comparison…………………………………………………….54
3.3.1 Comparison of Data Definition………………………………...54
3.3.2 Comparison of Query Syntax…………………………………..57
3.3.3 Comparison of Data Types……………………………………..59
3.3.4 Comparison of Database Population…………………………...60
4. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ..............................................................62
Appendix A. SQL Statement .......................................................................................64
Appendix B. Source Code............................................................................................69
Appendix C. Query Language .....................................................................................94
Bibliography ................................................................................................................96
Table 1 Relational Schema…………………………………………………………...10
Figure 1 EER Diagram...................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2 Scenario 2 Query Statement and Result Generated in Oracle 11g Express ....... 13
Figure 3 Scenario 4 Query Statement and Result Generated in Oracle 11g Express ...... 14
Figure 4 Scenario 5 Query Statement and Result Generated in Oracle 11g Express ...... 15
Figure 5 Scenario 6 Result Generated After Procedure Executed in
Oracle 11g Express ............................................................................................. 17
Figure 6 SQL Workshop in APEX in Oracle Public Cloud............................................. 20
Figure 7 INSERT Statement Entered in Oracle Public Cloud - SQL Commands ........... 21
Figure 8 SQL Load Data in Oracle Public Cloud ............................................................ 21
Figure 9 Function in Scenario 10 Created in Oracle Public Cloud SQL
Commands Window ........................................................................................... 22
Figure 10 The Result Generated after Function in Scenario 10 is Executed ................... 23
Figure 11 Create Domain “Artist” in Amazon SimpleDB............................................... 27
Figure 12 Populating Data into Domain “Artist” via PutAttributes in Amazon
SimpleDB......................................................................................................... 27
Figure 13 Populating Data into Domain “Artist” via BatchPutAttributes in Amazon
SimpleDB......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 14 Query 1.1 Select Expression in Javascript Scratchpad .................................... 30
Figure 15 Result Returned from Query 1.1 in Javascript Scratchpad .............................. 31
Figure 16 Query 1.2 Select Expression in Javascript Scratchpad .................................... 32
Figure 17 Result Returned from Query 1.2 in Javascript Scratchpad .............................. 32
Figure 18 Java Codes to Implement Query 1.1 and 1.2 in Amazon SimpleDB .............. 33
Figure 19 Result for Query 1.1 and 1.2 Generated by Running Java Application
“SimpleDB_ArtShow” in Amazon SimpleDB ................................................ 33
Figure 20 Java Codes to Implement Query 4.1 in Amazon SimpleDB ........................... 37
Figure 21 Java Codes to Implement Query 4.2 in Amazon SimpleDB ........................... 38
Figure 22 Java Codes to Implement Query 4.3 in Amazon SimpleDB ........................... 39
Figure 23 Result for Scenario 4 Generated by Running Java Application
“SimpleDB_ArtShow” in Amazon SimpleDB ................................................ 40
Figure 24 Java Codes to Create a Kind (“Artist”) in GAE Datastore .............................. 44
Figure 25 Web Page for Populating with Artist Data (Generated by Application
“ExArtShow”) .................................................................................................. 45
Figure 26 Artist Entities Displaying in Datastore Viewer ............................................... 45
Figure 27 Java Codes to Add a New Attribute to an Item ............................................... 56
Figure 28 A New Attribute "Email Address" is added to Item "Artist_05" .................... 56
Chapter 1
Cloud computing has been a hot topic and trend since the latter part of 2007. The
birth of cloud computing indicates a major transition in computing architecture that has
shifted the location of computing infrastructure from local to the network.
Correspondingly, the data processing mechanism has also been shifted for managing
large amounts of data which are running in the cloud environment.
Questions are raised. Is the way of data storage and retrieval on the traditional
database systems the same as what has been done in the cloud environment?
Additionally, can the concepts we use in the traditional databases be applied to the cloud
databases? Are there any advantages when storing data and querying data from the cloud
databases compared to the traditional databases?
In this project, we apply an example with designed scenarios on different cloud
database systems that are from various popular vendors. The aim is to help our students
to learn and to understand how the data is stored and retrieved through queries from these
cloud databases. We study the differences, advantages/disadvantages, improvements on
the RDBs query in the cloud environments vs. traditional RDBs query; the queries used
in traditional RDBs (SQL query) vs. those NoSQL queries used in several popular
vendors’ cloud DB services. The comparison is through direct database statements and
queries rather than through the application level, which is more intuitive regarding the
database learning aspect. We also discuss the possibilities of applying the knowledge and
concepts we have already learned on the traditional RDBMS to Cloud DBs. Some
common characteristics on cloud database query are highlighted.
In this project, we only study the data storage and queries used in cloud database
services that are provided and maintained by the cloud database providers, such as Oracle
Public Cloud, Amazon Simple DB, etc. rather than those used in the databases that are
running on the cloud independently, such as Amazon’s EC2. Amazon EC2 allows clients
to use the web service interfaces to launch instances with a variety of operating systems,
including loading the instances on the client’s application environment and running a preconfigured, templated Amazon Machine Image using as many systems as the client wants
Chapter 2 of this paper discusses the background of this project with the cloud
database systems on the market. Chapter 3 shows the implementation of query
processing on each of the selected database system through a case study. And finally
Chapter 4 gives a brief summary and potential future work on cloud database query.
Chapter 2
Many vendors in the market provide cloud database services, such as Amazon,
Oracle, Google, IBM, etc. Cloud databases are not the patent of these big players. Some
open source projects are able to provide their cloud databases to the clients as well with
either the databases running on the cloud independently or on the services maintained by
2.1 Cloud Databases
A cloud database usually refers to the database that can be accessed by the users
via Internet in the cloud environment with services provided by a cloud database provider
on its servers, such as Amazon EC2, Oracle Public’s Cloud, etc.
The age we live in is a data age. Compared to the past, the amount of data or the
size of the data used is much larger than before. The gap between the large amount of
data being produced and the relatively limited size of traditional databases that are used
to store the data challenge traditional database systems. Meanwhile, new requirements
from data management are being called for: availability, reliability, scalability. These
new requirements also bring up a new movement on data model and data storage NoSQL (Not Only SQL or Not the relational DBs). Many key players on the cloud
computing services market have included NoSQL technology into some of the cloud
services they provide.
2.2 Research of Cloud Data Services on Vendors
We have done some research on different vendors who currently are providing the
cloud DB services on the market, including Amazon, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Oracle,
IBM, and some popular open source projects. This research was from the type of
database service, data model, query interface, size of DB service, to the pricing of the
services. Based on the research results, we picked three of those vendors to study the
query in our project. These vendors are: Oracle, Amazon, and Google.
Oracle started rolling out its public-cloud infrastructure in North America in 2011
and until 2012 had about four data centers on the continent. The company, however, is
continuing to expand the data center capacity supporting its cloud services “quarter by
quarter” [2].
Google App Engine (GAE) is a set of cloud database services provided by Google
and running on Google’s infrastructure [3]. Google App Engine is free up to a certain
level of consumed resources. Fees are charged for additional storage, bandwidth, or
instance hours required by the application. GAE was first released as a preview version in
April 2008, and came out of preview in September 2011 [3].
2.2.1 Data Models
Mainly, there are two data models available for the databases on the cloud: one is
SQL-based (pure relational DBs) and another one is NoSQL.
In the new NoSQL movement, technologies which differ considerably from
traditional RDBMS are used to support various types of data stores, such as key-value
stores, objects store, document stores, graph stores, etc. [4].
NoSQL databases are often highly optimized key-value stores intended for simple
retrieval and appending operations, with the goal being significant performance benefits
in terms of latency and throughput [5]. NoSQL databases are finding significant and
growing industry use in big data and real-time web applications.
Because a NoSQL database provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of
data that employs less constrained consistency models than traditional relational
databases, one of the motivations for this approach is the simplicity of design [5].
2.2.2 Deployment Models
There are two common deployment models: users can run databases on the cloud
independently, using a virtual machine image, such as Amazon’s EC2 (Oracle provides a
ready-made machine image with an installation of Oracle Database 11g Enterprise
Edition on Amazon EC2) or they can purchase access to a database service that is
maintained by a cloud database provider, such as Oracle Public Cloud. (Data
management as a service).
In October 2012, Oracle made an announcement that they will bring their cloud
database service in the early part of 2013. In the IaaS space, Oracle is faced with
competition from other gorilla-caliber players. They include Amazon Web Services,
Google, Microsoft and HP, but the latter three are also relatively new to the space. A key
part from Oracle is that the company wants to give customers the choice of deploying the
same applications on premise, in a private cloud or in its public cloud [2].
Chapter 3
In this Chapter, we design a set of scenarios based on the example we selected.
Against these scenarios, we study how data is being stored and queried on our selected
database systems as mentioned in Chapter 2.
3.1 Motivating Example
Based on the example in the textbook from one of our database classes [6], we
modified it as follows:
In an art center, artists present their artwork in the exhibitions held by this art
center. The personal information of the artists, such as their names, birth date, country of
origin, etc. is stored in the art center’s database system. Each artist can have their artwork
presented in different exhibitions. Each exhibition has its recorded event start date, end
date, and the number of tickets sold. Even though all artwork is categorized into three
categories: Painting, Sculpture, and Other, they have some attributes in common. For
example, each art object has its artwork id number, year created, artwork title, artist’s
name, etc.. In order to simplify the situations, we have the following assumptions:
All the artwork is categorized into one of three types: Painting, Sculpture, and
All artwork is created individually by the artists; no artwork is cooperated
There is no artist who has the same name as any other artist
Below are the scenarios we design for this example:
Scenario 1: The manager of the art center wants to know the exhibition name, exhibition
start date, exhibition end date, and number of paintings exhibited in the exhibition “The
Beauty of Form”.
Scenario 2: The manager of the art center wants to know the name, description, and
country of origin of all artists whose artwork is categorized as “Painting” in the
exhibition named “The Beauty of Form”.
Scenario 3: The manager of the art center wants to know a list of artists and the
exhibitions in which each artist is showing their work, ordered by the artist’s name, and
for each artist’s work ordered alphabetically by title.
Scenario 4: The manager of the art center wants to find the maximum number of tickets
sold, the minimum number of tickets sold, and the average tickets sold among all
exhibitions held in this art center since 2010/01/01.
Scenario 5: The manager of the art center wants to know the name of each artist who
exhibits both paintings and sculpture.
Scenario 6: The manager of the art center wants to print the name(s) of the exhibition(s)
that has/have the largest number of tickets sold whose start date and end date are within
any given time period.
Scenario 7: The manager of the art center wants to know the number of paintings
exhibited in a particular exhibition.
3.2 Implementation
In this section, we apply our example and the scenarios designed above to the
following database and cloud database services. We focus on the study of the data
definition and data queries during the application, which will be listed in detail in the
following subsections.
3.2.1 Oracle Database 11g Express Edition
As we mentioned in the last Chapter, the Oracle Database is the world’s leading
enterprise database (Oracle database 11g is one of the most popular traditional relational
databases.) Its express edition is a free version that can be installed and run on a local
machine. We will present the database schema, creation of tables, views, and triggers,
database population, query processing, procedures, and functions through our designed
scenarios. Data Definition and Populating Database
Database Schema
Based on the example we described in section 3.1, we define the schema as
the following in Table 1:
Table 1 Relational Schema
Artist (name, date_born, date_died, description, country_of_origin)
Art_Object ( id_no, year, title, description, artist_name) foreign key
(artist_name) references to Artist (name)
Others ( id_no, type, style) foreign key (id_no) references to
Painting (id_no, paint_type, style, drawn_on) foreign key (id_no)
references to Art_Object (id_no)
Sculpture (id_no, material, weight_kg, height_cm) foreign key (id_no)
references to Art_Object (id_no)
Exhibition (title, start_date, end_date, no_of_tickets_sold)
Shown_at (art_id_no, exhibition_title) foreign key (art_id_no) references
to Art_Object (id_no), foreign key (exhibition_title) references to
The corresponding EER diagram is shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1 EER Diagram
Creation of Tables and Views
According to the above schema, we enter the following SQL statements in the
SQL Workshop -> SQL Commands screen from Oracle database 11g Express
to create tables and views (see the CREATE statements listed in the
APPENDIX A.1 section in this report).
Database Population
After all the tables and views we need are created based on the schema, we
populate some data into the tables by using the INSERT statements listed in
the APPENDIX A.2 section. Queries
Query Processing
The queries used to provide the answers for the manager in the scenarios we
designed in section 3.1 are as follows:
Scenario 1:
Retrieve the exhibition name, exhibition start date, exhibition end date, and
number of paintings exhibited in the exhibition “The Beauty of Form”.
Query 1 (Implement the GROUP BY Clause and COUNT Aggregate
SELECT e.Title, e.Start_Date, e.End_Date, COUNT(*) as
FROM Painting p, Exhibition e, Shown_At sa
WHERE sa.Exhibition_Title = 'The Beauty of Form' AND p.Id_No =
sa.Art_Id_No AND sa.Exhibition_Title = e.Title
GROUP BY e.Title, e.Start_Date, e.End_Date;
Scenario 2:
Retrieve the name, description, and country of origin of all artists who have
artwork listed as “Painting” in the exhibition named “The Beauty of Form”.
Also list how many paintings of “The Beauty of Form” have been produced
by the same artist.
Query 2 (Implement the HAVING Clause):
Select, a.description, a.Country_of_Origin, count(*) as
From Artist a, Art_Object ao, Painting p, Shown_At sa
Where sa.Exhibition_Title = 'The Beauty of Form' and p.Id_No =
sa.Art_Id_No and ao.Id_No = p.Id_No and a.Name = ao.Artist_Name
Group by, a.description, a.Country_of_Origin
Having count(*) > 0;
OR (Implement the JOIN operation):
Select, a.description, a.Country_of_Origin, count(*) as
From ((painting_view pv JOIN Shown_At sa ON id_no = art_id_no) JOIN
Artist a ON pv.artist_name =
Where sa.Exhibition_Title = 'The Beauty of Form'
Group by, a.description, a.Country_of_Origin
Having count(*) > 0;
Figure 2 Scenario 2 Query Statement and Result Generated in Oracle 11g
Scenario 3:
Retrieve a list of artists and the exhibitions in which each has artwork shown,
arranged by the artist’s name, and for each artist an alphabetically arranged
list of the artist’s titled artwork.
Query 3 (Implement the ORDER BY Clause):
SELECT ao.Artist_Name, sa.Exhibition_Title
Art_Object ao, Shown_At sa
WHERE ao.id_no = sa.Art_Id_No
ORDER BY ao.Artist_Name, ao.Title;
Scenario 4:
Find the maximum number of tickets sold, the minimum number of tickets
sold, and the average tickets sold among all exhibitions held in this art center
since 2010/01/01.
Query 4 (Implement Aggregate Functions):
Select MAX(No_of_Tickets_Sold), MIN(No_of_Tickets_Sold),
From Exhibition e
Where Start_Date >= to_date('2010/01/01','yyyy-mm-dd');
Figure 3 Scenario 4 Query Statement and Result Generated in Oracle 11g
Scenario 5:
Retrieve the name of each artist who exhibits both paintings and sculpture.
Query 5 (Implement the EXISTS Function):
Select ao.Artist_Name
From Art_Object ao
(Select * From Painting_View pv
Where pv.artist_name = ao.artist_name) AND
EXISTS (Select *
From Sculpture_View sv
Where sv.artist_name = ao.artist_name)
GROUP BY ao.Artist_Name;
Figure 4 Scenario 5 Query Statement and Result Generated in Oracle 11g
Scenario 6:
Print the name(s) of the exhibition(s) that has/have the largest number of
tickets sold whose start date and end date are within any given time period. In
this case, the manager wants to print the name of the exhibition that has the
largest number of the tickets sold and was held between Jan 1, 2010 and Mar
31, 2013.
Create A Procedure:
create or replace PROCEDURE MOSTTICKET_SOLD (startdate IN DATE,
enddate IN DATE)
CURSOR exhibitions is
SELECT e.Title, e.No_of_Tickets_Sold
FROM Exhibition e
Where e.No_of_Tickets_Sold = (Select MAX(No_of_Tickets_Sold)
From Exhibition e
Where Start_Date >= startdate
AND End_Date <= enddate);
for exhi in exhibitions
Dbms_output.put_line(exhi.Title || ', ' ||
Execute the Procedure:
MOSTTICKET_SOLD('1/1/2010', '3/31/2013');
Figure 5 Scenario 6 Result Generated After Procedure Executed in Oracle 11g
Scenario 7:
Retrieve the number of paintings exhibited in a particular exhibition. In this
case, the manager wants to retrieve the exhibition name, exhibition start date
and end date, and the number of paintings exhibited in the exhibition “The
Beauty of Form”.
Create A Function:
create or replace function No_Of_Painting_exhibited (exhibition_name IN
varchar2) return number
no_of_paintings number;
Select count(*) into no_of_paintings
From Art_Object ao, Painting p, Shown_At sa
Where sa.Exhibition_Title = exhibition_name and ao.Id_No =
sa.Art_Id_No and p.Id_No = ao.Id_No
Group by sa.Exhibition_Title;
return no_of_paintings;
Call the Function (in the SELECT clause of a query):
select e.Title, e.Start_Date, e.End_Date, No_Of_Painting_exhibited('The
Beauty of Form')
From exhibition e
where e.Title = 'The Beauty of Form';
3.2.2 Oracle Public’s Cloud (Oracle Database Cloud Service)
Besides continuing to develop and to support on-premise Oracle Database
software, Oracle has started its competition in all three of the public-cloud markets –
Software, Platform and Infrastructure-as-a-Service. The company started offering a
cloud-based compute service earlier this year although the compute service offering in
cloud is quite new compared to the other cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services
As we mentioned in Chapter 2, there are four main categories of Cloud computing
solutions: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS), Platformas-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Oracle Public Cloud is a
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that provides those of a PaaS offering, such as a fully
managed service, which does not require any operational effort for the underlying Oracle
Database; the programmatic access to the underlying Oracle Database through SQL or
PL/SQL executed from inside the Oracle Cloud or through RESTful Web Services, etc
[7]. Oracle Public Cloud includes two different tools – Oracle Application Express
(APEX) and SQL Developer. SQL Developer is not used in our project.
APEX is a rapid application development tool included as part of the Oracle
Database Cloud and runs as part of the Oracle Database Cloud. It is accessed through a
standard Web browser [8]. APEX includes SQL Workshop as shown in Figure 6 - a set of
tools and utilities for working with data structures and data in an underlying database. We
will apply our example to Oracle Public Cloud via APEX because we would like to see if
there are any differences in data queries between Oracle’s on-premises database
management system and their Public Cloud.
Figure 6 SQL Workshop in APEX in Oracle Public Cloud Data Definition and Populating Database
We use the same data schema defined in section to create tables and
views. APEX’s SQL Workshop includes two utilities: SQL Commands and SQL Scripts.
Database population in Public Cloud is done through either entering the corresponding
SQL statements that are used in Oracle Database 11g Express in the SQL Commands or
loading the respective SQL script files via SQL Scripts.
Figure 7 below shows one of the INSERT statements entered in SQL Commands
to populate table “Art_Object” with data. And Figure 8 shows the screen in SQL Load
Data for loading the data from the respective SQL script files.
Figure 7 INSERT Statement Entered in Oracle Public Cloud - SQL Commands
Figure 8 SQL Load Data in Oracle Public Cloud
22 Queries
We processed the same query statements as in Oracle Database 11g Express in
Public Cloud. The same procedure and function written in PL/SQL used in Oracle
Database 11g Express are also executed in Public Cloud through SQL Commands.
Figure 9 shows the function created in SQL Commands window. The result
generated is shown in Figure 10 after the function is executed.
Figure 9 Function in Scenario 10 Created in Oracle Public Cloud SQL Commands
Figure 10 The Result Generated after Function in Scenario 10 is Executed
3.2.3 Amazon SimpleDB
Amazon SimpleDB is a managed NoSQL database service designed for smaller
datasets [9]. Making a comparison with Oracle’s on-premises database management
system and Oracle Public Cloud, we apply the same example designed in Chapter 3.1 on
Amazon SimpleDB. Data Definition and Populating Database
Database Schema and Table/View Creation
Because Amazon SimpleDB is a scalable schema-less key-value store hosted
by Amazon’s Web Services division, the database schema used in previous
sections from the traditional relational database, such as Oracle database 11g
Express, is not applicable on Amazon SimpleDB. There are no Table and
View terminologies in Amazon SimpleDB.
Data Model
In Amazon SimpleDB, structured data is organized in domains. If we think
that a customer account subscribed in Amazon’s SimpleDB is an entire Excel
spreadsheet, then the domains are the worksheets of the spreadsheet. Domains
are similar to tables. Rows of the worksheet represent Items. Items can be
considered as the individual objects that have one or more attributes which are
name-value pairs. Columns of the worksheet represent Attributes. Cells of the
worksheet represent Values that can be considered as the instances of
attributes for Items. Something different to the spreadsheet is that an attribute
(a cell) can have multiple values.
Because there are no schemas in SimpleDB, we can partition the data set used
in our example into one or more domains (tables). For better illustration
purposes, we partition the same data set used in Oracle 11g Express and
Public Cloud into the follow two tables:
Domain 1:
Artist (Artist_Id, Name, Date_Born, Date_Died, Description,
Domain 2:
Art_Object (Id_No, Year, Title, Description, Art_Object_Type, Type, Style,
Drawn_On, Material, Weight_kg, Height_cm, Artist_Name, Exhibition_Title,
Start_Date, End_Date, No_of_Tickets_Sold)
A domain can be created through a simple HTML and Javascript application Javascript Scratchpad, which will be shown next.
Database Population
A small group of API calls included in SimpleDB service serves the main
functionality for building an application. These ten API calls [10] are:
 CreateDomain - Create domains to contain the data up to 250 domains.
Additional domains can be requested through Amazon’s web site.
 DeleteDomain - Delete any of the domains
 ListDomains - List all domains within an account
 PutAttributes - Add, modify, or remove data within the Amazon
SimpleDB domains
 BatchPutAttributes - Generate multiple put operations in a single call
 DeleteAttributes - Remove items, attributes, or attribute values from a
 BatchDeleteAttributes - Generate multiple delete operations in a single
 GetAttributes - Retrieve the attributes and values of any item ID that you
 Select - Query the specified domain using a SQL SELECT expression
 DomainMetadata - View information about the domain, such as the
creation date, number of items and attributes, and the size of attribute
names and values
According to the domains created in the above Data Model section, we use
CreateDomain, PutAttributes, BatchPutAttributes API calls through Javascript
Scratchpad to populate the same data set used in Chapter 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 into
our Amazon SimpleDB database.
Javascript Scratchpad is a simple HTML and Javascript application that
allows the user to explore the Amazon SimpleDB API without writing any
codes. It can be downloaded from Amazon’s web site and connected to one of
the Amazon data centers after running on a local machine. The default data
center connected to is US-East (Northern Virginia). Since the main purpose of
this project is to study the queries in our selected databases rather than
through the application level, we implement the API calls in Javascript
Scratchpad for our database population. Three of the API calls we use to
create and to populate the data into Domain “Artist” with Javascript
Scratchpad are shown in Figure 11, 12, and 13.
Figure 11 Create Domain “Artist” in Amazon SimpleDB
Figure 12 Populating Data into Domain “Artist” via PutAttributes in Amazon
Figure 13 Populating Data into Domain “Artist” via BatchPutAttributes in
Amazon SimpleDB
PutAttributes and BatchPutAttributes API calls are used to put data into a
domain. The differences between these two API calls are whether multiple put
operations in a single call or in separate calls.
“Replace” shown in Figure 12 and 13 is a flag specifying whether or not to
replace the attribute/value pair or to add a new attribute/value pair. The
default setting is false.
Because string is the only data type used in SimpleDB, the way to compare
data is performed lexicographically. Therefore, how to store data in an
appropriate format becomes important. Queries
The query language introduced in Amazon SimpleDB is a simple custom query
language that can allow the user to retrieve the name-value pairs of data associated with
items. The query expression in this query language is similar to the standard SQL
SELECT statement.
Javascript Scratchpad also provides the user interface for users to implement the
Select query and to display the result of the query.
Javascript Scratchpad, however, can only allow implementation of the Select
query and display the respective result one at a time. On the other hand, due to the
limitation of the Select query in Amazon SimpleDB (Amazon SimpleDB does not
support joins, aggregations, nested queries), for some of the scenarios, we have to
implement the query in the application level to be able to retrieve the information
requested in these scenarios. The application we use (“SimpleDB_ArtShow”) is modified
from the sample code project provided by Amazon SimpleDB.
Query Processing
In Javascript Scratchpad, we process the following queries on the scenarios
we designed in section 3.1:
Scenario 1:
Retrieve the exhibition name, exhibition start date, exhibition end date, and
number of paintings exhibited in the exhibition “The Beauty of Form”.
Because there is no GROUP BY clause in SimpleDB and the explicit list of
attributes cannot be used with COUNT(*) together in the SELECT output
list, one way to retrieve all the information listed above is to use two queries
Query 1.1 (the output list is an explicit list of attributes):
Select Exhibition_Title, Start_Date, End_Date
From Art_Object
Where Exhibition_Title = 'The Beauty of Form' and Art_Object_Type =
Figure 14 Query 1.1 Select Expression in Javascript Scratchpad
Figure 15 Result Returned from Query 1.1 in Javascript Scratchpad
Query 1.2 (Implement COUNT):
FROM Art_Object
WHERE Exhibition_Title = 'The Beauty of Form' and Art_Object_Type =
Figure 16 Query 1.2 Select Expression in Javascript Scratchpad
Figure 17 Result Returned from Query 1.2 in Javascript Scratchpad
We can process the above two queries in our Java application
“SimpleDB_ArtShow” to obtain the same result. Figure 18 shows how this is
implemented and the result is shown in Figure 19:
//Scenario 1
String selectExpression = "select Exhibition_Title, Start_Date,
End_Date from `" + "Art_Object" + "` where Exhibition_Title = 'The
Beauty of Form' and Art_Object_Type = 'Painting'";
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest = new SelectRequest(selectExpression);
System.out.println(" The number of paintings: " + + "\n");
for (Item item : {
Name: " + item.getName());
for (Attribute attribute : item.getAttributes()) {
Name: " + attribute.getName());
Value: " + attribute.getValue());
Figure 18 Java Codes to Implement Query 1.1 and 1.2 in Amazon SimpleDB
Figure 19 Result for Query 1.1 and 1.2 Generated by Running Java Application
“SimpleDB_ArtShow” in Amazon SimpleDB
Scenario 2:
Retrieve the name, description, and country of origin of all artists who have
artwork listed as “Painting” in the exhibition named “The Beauty of Form”.
Based on the data model we designed in section with two domains:
“Artist” and “Art_Object”, the information needed to retrieve in this scenario:
name, description, and country of origin of the artists is in the domain Artist.
However, the information needed to filter out the kinds of artists who have
artwork listed as “Painting” in the exhibition named “The Beauty of Form” is
in the domain Art_Object. In Amazon SimpleDB, there is no join equivalent.
The only way to retrieve the information requested in this scenario is to get
data from both Artist domain and Art_Object domain through two queries,
and then obtain the requested data from the results of these queries on our end
in an application level.
Below are the two queries we need for retrieving the information requested in
this scenario:
Query 2.1:
SELECT Name, Description, Country_of_Origin
FROM Artist
Query 2.2:
SELECT Artist_Name
FROM Art_Object
WHERE Exhibition_Title = 'The Beauty of Form' and Art_Object_Type =
The Java codes to process the above two queries in our application
“SimpleDB_ArtShow” are shown in the APPENDIX B.1 section.
Scenario 3:
Retrieve a list of artists and the exhibitions in which each artist is showing
their work, ordered by the artist’s name, and for each artist’s work arranged
alphabetically by title.
Amazon SimpleDB supports sorting data only on a single attribute in either
ascending (by default) or descending order. To retrieve the information
requested in this scenario, we can use one query to return the result that is
ordered by artist name and then sort the results in an alphabetical order by the
art object’s title on the application level.
Query 3 (Implement the ORDER BY Clause):
SELECT Artist_Name, Exhibition_Title
WHERE Exhibition_Title != 'N/A'
ORDER BY Artist_Name
Scenario 4:
Find the maximum number of tickets sold, the minimum number of tickets
sold, and the average tickets sold among all exhibitions held in this art center
since 2010/01/01.
Except for COUNT(), there are no other aggregate functions in Amazon
SimpleDB. One way to obtain the information requested in this scenario is to
use two queries (Query 4.1 and 4.2) to retrieve the maximum and minimum
number of the tickets sold respectively by adding a LIMIT clause at the end of
the ORDER BY clause (The “limit” is the maximum number of results to
return. Default is: 100, maximum is: 250) [11]; and another two queries
(Query 4.3 and 4.4) to retrieve all the numbers of tickets sold and the total
number of the exhibitions held since 2010/01/01. The problem is that there
are duplications in domain “Art_Object” based on the data model we designed
in section Therefore, we cannot apply the results returned from the
last two queries (a list of numbers of tickets sold and the total number of the
exhibitions held) directly on the application level to obtain the correct average
number of tickets sold. We have to “manually” implement the operation inside
our application that is similar to “GROUP BY” in SQL to prevent the
duplicate exhibition from being calculated. Figure 22 below shows how this is
Query 4.1:
SELECT No_of_Tickets_Sold
FROM Art_Object
WHERE Start_Date >= '2010-01-01' AND No_of_Tickets_Sold is not null
ORDER BY No_of_Tickets_Sold desc limit 1
Implementing the above Query 4.1 in “SimpleDB_ArtShow” Java
//Scenario 4
//Implement Query 4.1:
String selectExpression4_1 = "select No_of_Tickets_Sold from `" +
"Art_Object" + "` where Start_Date >= '2010-01-01' AND " +
"No_of_Tickets_Sold is
not null ORDER BY No_of_Tickets_Sold desc limit 1";
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression4_1 + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest4_1 = new
Item item1 =;
System.out.println("The maximum number of tickets sold: " +
Figure 20 Java Codes to Implement Query 4.1 in Amazon SimpleDB
Query 4.2:
SELECT No_of_Tickets_Sold
FROM Art_Object
WHERE Start_Date >= '2010/01/01' AND No_of_Tickets_Sold is not null
ORDER BY No_of_Tickets_Sold asc limit 1
Implementing the above Query 4.2 in “SimpleDB_ArtShow” Java
//Scenario 4
//Implement Query 4.2:
String selectExpression4_2 = "select No_of_Tickets_Sold from `" +
"Art_Object" + "` where Start_Date >= '2010-01-01' AND " +
"No_of_Tickets_Sold is
not null ORDER BY No_of_Tickets_Sold asc limit 1";
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression4_2 + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest4_2 = new
Item item2 =;
System.out.println("The minimum number of tickets sold: " +
Figure 21 Java Codes to Implement Query 4.2 in Amazon SimpleDB
Query 4.3:
SELECT No_of_Tickets_Sold
FROM Art_Object
WHERE Start_Date >= '2010/01/01'
Query 4.4:
FROM Art_Object
WHERE Start_Date >= '2010/01/01'
The above queries (Query 4.3 and 4.4) cannot be implemented directly in our
application “SimpleDB_ArtShow” to produce the correct result. Figure 22
shows how this can be done on the application level:
//Implement Query 4.3:
String selectExpression4_3 = "select Exhibition_Title,
No_of_Tickets_Sold from `" + "Art_Object" + "` where Start_Date
>= '2010-01-01'";
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression4_3 + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest4_3 = new
int sumTickets = 0;
int count = 0;
String showName1 = "";
for (Item item3 : {
//Get attribute: No_of_Tickets_Sold
Attribute attribute3 = item3.getAttributes().get(1);
int numTicket = Integer.parseInt(attribute3.getValue()) ;
//Get attribute: Exhibition_Title
Attribute attrib = item3.getAttributes().get(0);
//Filter out the exhibitions that have the same Exhibition_Title;
//only sum up the number of tickets for each different exhibition
//to prevent the duplicate exhibition from being calculated
if (!showName1.equals(attrib.getValue())){
sumTickets += numTicket;
showName1 = attrib.getValue();
float avgTickets = sumTickets / count;
System.out.println("The average number of tickets sold: " +
Figure 22 Java Codes to Implement Query 4.3 in Amazon SimpleDB
And Figure 23 shows the result generated after running Java application
“SimpleDB_ArtShow” for scenario 4:
Figure 23 Result for Scenario 4 Generated by Running Java Application
“SimpleDB_ArtShow” in Amazon SimpleDB
Scenario 5:
Retrieve the name of each artist who exhibits both paintings and sculpture.
Because Amazon SimpleDB does not support nested queries, the query we
used in Oracle 11g Express and Public Cloud (section and section cannot be applied here for SimpleDB. Based on the domains we
designed in previous section, one way to obtain the information
requested in this scenario is to apply the following two queries in the
application level:
Query 5.1:
SELECT Artist_Name
FROM Art_Object
WHERE Art_Object_Type = 'Painting'
Query 5.2:
SELECT Artist_Name
FROM Art_Object
WHERE Art_Object_Type = 'Sculpture'
The Java codes to process the above two queries in our application
“SimpleDB_ArtShow” are shown in the APPENDIX B.1 section.
Procedures and Functions
There is no database programming language like PL/SQL in Oracle for
Amazon SimpleDB. Indeed, those programming structures used in Oracle
procedures and functions in our example will become part of the
programming on the application level.
3.2.4 Google App Engine (GAE) Datastore
App Engine is a platform as a service (PaaS) that uses familiar technologies to
build and host applications on the same infrastructure used at Google [12]. Again,
making a comparison with Oracle’s on-premises database management system, Public
Cloud and Amazon SimpleDB, we apply the same example designed in Chapter 3.1 on
GAE Datastore. Data Definition and Populating Database
Database Schema and Table/View Creation
GAE datastore provides a NoSQL schemaless object datastore, with a query
engine and atomic transactions. The database schema used in previous
sections from the traditional relational database, such as Oracle database 11g
Express, is not applicable on GAE datastore. Similar to Amazon SimpleDB,
there are no Table and View terminologies in GAE datastore. In the “data
population” subsection below, we will show the creation of a kind and an
Data Model
Different from traditional relational database, the GAE datastore uses data
objects called “entities” that have a kind and a set of properties. The structure
of data entities is provided by and enforced by the application code. It is easier
to understand the data model of GAE datastore by thinking about the
following: kind is a data type or a table, an entity is a data object or a data row
in that table, property is the field or a column in that table, and the key is just
like the primary key in the relational database.
Since datastore entities are "schemaless", similar situation to Amazon
SimpleDB, we can categorize the data set used in our example into one or
more kind (tables) of entities. For simplifying and more clearly showing the
concept of the datastore’s data model, we partition the same data set used in
previous sections (Oracle 11g Express, Public Cloud, and Amazon SimpleDB)
into the following two tables (domains):
Domain 1:
Artist (Artist_Id, Name, Date_Born, Date_Died, Description,
Domain 2:
Art_Object (Id_No, Year, Title, Description, Art_Object_Type, Type, Style,
Drawn_On, Material, Weight_kg, Height_cm, Artist_Name, Exhibition_Title,
Start_Date, End_Date, No_of_Tickets_Sold)
Under GAE account after login, there is a Datastore Viewer in Admin
Console to view the list in entities. Unfortunately, this utility does not support
kind creation. Before we can see the entities by populating our data set into
the datastore, we will have to create a small web application by modifying the
sample codes from Google to create the kinds. As we mentioned in section
3.2, GAE supports the runtime environments in several programming
languages. We choose Java as the main language with JavaScript and JQuery
to create this web application “ExArtShow”. Additionally, the relation
between Art_Object and Exhibition is simplified from m:n to m:1 for the
easier use of our web application on database population.
The java codes in our web application “ExArtShow” shown in Figure 24 are
to create a kind (“Artist”) in the datastore:
Figure 24 Java Codes to Create a Kind (“Artist”) in GAE Datastore
Similarly, we create another kind “Art_Object” in the datastore as well.
Database Population
After both kinds (tables) we designed are created, we populate the same
example data set into the datastore through the web page generated from our
Java web application “ExArtShow” as shown in Figure 25:
Figure 25 Web Page for Populating with Artist Data (Generated by Application
Figure 26 shows all the Artist kind entities stored in GAE datastore after the
datastore is populated:
Figure 26 Artist Entities Displaying in Datastore Viewer
46 Queries
The distributed NoSQL data storage service provided by GAE features a query
engine and transactions [13]. A query language “GQL” can be used to query data from
the data store. GQL is a SQL-like language for retrieving entities or keys from GAE
scalable datastore. Even though GQL's features are different from those of a query
language for a traditional relational database, the GQL syntax is similar to that of SQL
Query Processing
Besides displaying and creating entities, the Datastore Viewer in Admin
Console can also let the account subscriber do the query by using GQL. We
use GQL in Datastore Viewer to study the data query in GAE datastore by
applying the same scenarios used in Oracle databases and Amazon SimpleDB.
In datastore, every query computes its results using one or more indexes (An
index is defined on a list of properties of a given entity kind, with a
corresponding order: ascending or descending for each property). If the
application makes any changes to the entities, the indexes will be updated
incrementally to reflect those changes. In this way, it reduces the computation
needed and allows the datastore to provide the correct results of all queries
immediately. The details of how to configure an index will be discussed in
Scenario 2 below.
Scenario 1:
Retrieve the exhibition name, exhibition start date, exhibition end date, and
number of paintings exhibited in the exhibition “The Beauty of Form”.
Similarly to Amazon SimpleDB, there is no GROUP BY clause in GQL and
even more complicated is that there is no COUNT(*) clause either. The only
way to retrieve all the information listed above is to implement it on the
application level, such as in a Java or Python code application. Inside the
application code, we can count the number of entities returned in the result of
a query. On the other hand, there are limitations on datastore queries. One of
the limitations is that in datastore projection on a property cannot be used with
an equality filter, which means that the following query is invalid because
projection on property “exhibitionTitle” is used in the equality filter
“exhibitionTitle = 'The Beauty of Form'” in the WHERE clause:
SELECT exhibitionTitle, start_date, end_date
FROM ArtObject
WHERE exhibitionTitle = 'The Beauty of Form' AND artType = 'Painting'
In order to retrieve the name, start date, and end date of the exhibition besides
the number of paintings, we will need to iterate through the results of the
query below on the application level to obtain the exhibition information we
Query 1 (Return all the entities that are satisfied with the conditions described
in this scenario):
FROM ArtObject
WHERE exhibitionTitle = 'The Beauty of Form' AND artType = 'Painting'
Scenario 2:
Retrieve the name, description, and country of origin of all artists who have
artwork listed as “Painting” in the exhibition named “The Beauty of Form”.
Similar to the situation in Amazon SimpleDB, according to the data models
we designed in section with kind Artist and kind Art_Object, the
information needed to retrieve in this scenario: name, description, and country
of origin of the artists is in the kind “Artist”, but the information needed to
filter out the kinds of artists who have artwork listed as “Painting” in the
exhibition named “The Beauty of Form” is in the kind “Art_Object”. Like the
query language in Amazon SimpleDB, GQL has no join operation. The only
way to retrieve the information requested in this scenario is to get data from
both “Artist” and “Art_Object” through two queries, and then obtain the
requested data from the results of these queries on an application level.
Below are the two queries we need for retrieving the information requested in
this scenario:
Query 2.1:
FROM Artist
Query 2.2:
SELECT artist
FROM ArtObject
WHERE exhibitionTitle = 'The Beauty of Form' AND artType = 'Painting'
As we mentioned at the beginning of this section, indexes need to be defined
for processing the queries. By default, the datastore predefines an index for
each property of each entity kind automatically. The automatically predefined
indexes are stored in file datastore-indexes-auto.xml. Usually, these
predefined indexes are sufficient to perform many simple queries (such as
Query 2.1). For some other queries, however, the queries can become invalid
if there are no indexes defined by the application. This needs to be done in an
index configuration file named datastore-indexes.xml. For example, in our
Java application “ExArtShow”, this file “datastore-indexes.xml” is located in
war/WEB-INF/ directory. When a query cannot be executed with the available
indexes (either predefined or specified in the index configuration file), the
query will become invalid. For the above Query 2.2, it becomes valid and the
correct query result is returned from the datastore, after adding the following
indexes to the configuration file datastore-indexes.xml, and after being
deployed to the App Engine:
<datastore-index kind="ArtObject" ancestor="false">
<property name="artType" direction="asc" />
<property name="exhibitionTitle" direction="asc" />
<property name="artist" direction="asc" />
Scenario 3:
Retrieve a list of artists and the exhibitions in which each artist displays
artwork, ordered by the artist’s name, and for each artist ordered
alphabetically by title of artwork.
Unlike the query in Amazon SimpleDB, the optional ORDER BY clause in
GQL can return the results that are sorted by the given properties, in either
ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. We can apply the following
SELECT statement in GQL to retrieve the information requested in this
scenario by iterating through the results returned from this query on the
application level. Compared to the implementation for this scenario in
Amazon SimpleDB, the implementation of ordering with GQL is much
simpler. By default, if not specified, the order is ascending.
Query 3 (Implement the ORDER BY Clause):
FROM ArtObject
ORDER BY artist ASC, title ASC
Scenario 4:
Find the maximum number of tickets sold, the minimum number of tickets
sold, and the average tickets sold among all exhibitions held in this art center
since 2010/01/01.
In GQL, there are no aggregate functions. And yet, like the query language in
Amazon SimpleDB, there is a LIMIT clause in GQL as well. Without the
restrictions and limitations on queries in datastore, we could have applied the
similar method which we used in the same scenario in SimpleDB (Section to obtain the information requested as shown below (Query 4.1 and
4.2). Because of the restrictions on ordering and inequality filters in datastore,
Query 4.1 and 4.2 become invalid.
Query 4.1 (not valid):
SELECT no_of_tickets_sold
FROM ArtObject
WHERE start_date >= '2010-01-01'
ORDER BY no_of_tickets_sold DESC LIMIT 1
Query 4.2 (not valid):
SELECT no_of_tickets_sold
FROM Art_Object
WHERE start_date >= '2010-01-01'
ORDER BY no_of_tickets_sold ASC LIMIT 1
One of the restrictions on datastore ordering is that the first ordering property
must be the same as the inequality filter property. In Query 4.1 and 4.2, the
first ordering property “no_of_tickets_sold” is expected to be “start_date”, in
which Query 4.1 and 4.2 will become valid. Another limitation from datastore
in inequality filters is that only one property per query may have inequality
filters, such as <=, >=, <, >. Because of this restriction, we cannot apply a
filter like “no_of_tickets_sold != 0” in the WHERE clause since another
property “start_date” is needed also in the WHERE clause in the same query.
Additionally, the nature of the information requested in this scenario limits the
choices we can have to obtain the result (the maximum and minimum number
of the tickets sold) directly from the datastore through a GQL query.
Moreover, another difference from what we are doing in the Amazon
SimpleDB section is that we can’t get the total number of the exhibitions held
since 2010/01/01because there is no COUNT() operation in GQL. This means
that we need to calculate the total number of desired exhibitions in the
application code level as well, besides the maximum and minimum number of
the tickets sold. This can be done through calculating the total number of the
list of entities whose property “start_date” is not less than 2010/01/01.
Finally, in the application, we are able to calculate the average number of
tickets sold by iterating through the results returned from the query below:
Query 4.3:
SELECT no_of_tickets_sold
FROM ArtObject
WHERE start_date >= '2010-01-01'
Scenario 5:
Retrieve the name of each artist who exhibits both paintings and sculpture.
Query 5 :
Like in Amazon SimpleDB, to obtain the information requested in this
scenario, we will need to implement the results returned from the two queries
below in the application level by iterating through the results of the first query
(Query 5.1), and running the second query (Query 5.2) for each result found
from the first query.
Query 5.1:
SELECT artist
FROM ArtObject
WHERE artType = 'Painting'
Query 5.2:
SELECT artist
FROM ArtObject
WHERE artType = 'Sculpture'
Procedures and Functions
Similar to Amazon SimpleDB, there is no database programming language
like PL/SQL in Oracle for GAE as well. Indeed, those programming structures
used in Oracle procedures and functions in our example will become part of
the programming on the application level.
3.3 Database Comparison
Based on the query implementation discussed in the last section 3.2, we compare
these four database systems on the following aspects: data definition, query syntax, query
data type, and database population.
3.3.1 Comparison of Data Definition
Within these four database systems: Oracle Database 11g Express Edition, Oracle
Public Cloud, Amazon SimpleDB, and Google App Engine Datastore, the data model for
the first two are relational (SQL) and the last two are key-value and objects store
respectively (NoSQL). In a relational database, database schema is the description of a
database that is specified during database design and is not expected to change often [6].
In the contract of relational database, NoSQL database is schema-less.
In Oracle 11g and Public Cloud, it is not possible to have multiple values store in
one column in a table. This is not true anymore in some NoSQL databases, such as the
database in Amazon SimpleDB. In a SimpleDB domain, one attribute (like a column in a
table) can contain multiple values. A table in the relational database has a primary key
and often foreign key relationships. During the data query, a heavily normalized
relational database table will have many foreign key relationships and cause many levels
of indirection. In a NoSQL database, the relationships between domains (like in Amazon
SimpleDB) and kinds (like in GAE datastore) are very sparse. One of the advantages of
this loose relationship in a database is to make data modification, such as data adding,
update, insert and delete, become much easier. For example, if we would like to add one
more field like “email address” in the “Artist” table, it takes much more work to complete
this modification in an Oracle table than in a SimpleDB domain due to the table
constraints in the relational database. In SimpleDB, if this new attribute is only applied to
one or more items in our data set rather than all the items, we can add an attribute (such
as “email address”) to those items only in our data set. This can be done via the Javascript
Scratchpad we showed in our previous section or by implementing the following
Java codes in our application “SimpleDB_ArtShow” shown in Figure 27. Unlike in the
relational databases, we have to add a column named “email address” into the “Artist”
table, which is for all the items even though some items might not need to have this
attribute. Furthermore, if the “Artist” table is related to some other tables or views, we
have to make sure other tables or views are updated respectively as well. This is not an
issue in SimpleDB anymore. There are no changes that need to be made in the tables.
Also, because there is no schema in SimpleDB, any changes made in the items in the
table “Artist” won’t affect the other items in other tables. Database updates in SimpleDB
become much more flexible and convenient.
Figure 27 Java Codes to Add a New Attribute to an Item
Figure 28 A New Attribute "Email Address" is added to Item "Artist_05"
One of the techniques used in table creation in relational database is
normalization. The main purpose of data normalization is to minimize duplication of data
by breaking data into smaller chunks and using references to the data, instead of the data
itself. The database schema designed in section is based on such a technique. This
technique is not applicable for NoSQL databases. By contrast, usually we need to denormalize the data set and put often used and related data into one table regardless of the
data duplication and redundancy. This actually makes data update and query much easier.
Comparing the two queries for our Scenario 1 listed in section (Oracle 11g) and
section (Amazon SimpleDB), the query used in SimpleDB is much simpler.
Another purpose to normalize the data in a relational database is to reduce the data
storage space by removing the data duplication. Since in a cloud environment, the
infrastructures that support the data storage have shifted to the network supported by
many servers in the world, the usage of the data storage has become not that critical,
which allows for duplicated data storage.
As mentioned in section 3.2, it is possible to put everything in one table by
combining the information in “Artist” table with “Art_Object” table. For better
illustration on how to handle the JOIN operation for NoSQL database query, we keep
them in two tables. Apparently, it is a paradigm shift from a relational database to a
NoSQL database like SimpleDB and GAE datastore for the developers when defining
and modeling the data. Such a shift also requires forward thinking by developers
regarding how to fit their cases into the constraints which the system imposes, but this
would give the developers more assurance that the query can run quickly and data is
always available and scalable.
3.3.2 Comparison of Query Syntax
The SELECT query statements in all of the databases we studied are very similar
in format. Even though both Amazon SimpleDB and GAE datastore are not relational
databases, both of them invent the query languages that are SQL-like. In the APPENDIX
C section [6], [11], [14], we see the syntax format of these three query languages.
The ORDER BY operation is different in SimpleDB and GAE datastore. Amazon
SimpleDB supports sorting data on a single attribute only, in ascending (default) or
descending order. In GAE datastore, the ORDER BY clause can specify multiple sort
orders as a comma-delimited list, evaluated from left to right with ascending (default) or
descending order.
Comparing the queries of Scenario 4 in section and section, there is
COUNT(*) aggregation function in SimpleDB’s query language but not in GQL. The
reason of not providing COUNT function in GQL is due to the way Google Big Table
(underlying storage for Datastore) is structured. It doesn’t support row counts as a
fundamental concept [15]. Moreover, the nature of the index query mechanism in GAE
datastore forces certain limitations and restrictions on what a query can do as we have
shown in section
A big difference in data query between relational databases and NoSQL databases
is that there are no JOIN operation and aggregate functions supported in NoSQL. In a
relational database, JOIN is often used to combine data from different tables into one
result set. Since there is no JOIN operation supported, to query the same data, in NoSQL
we have to use multiple queries and handle the returned results on the application level
instead. Foreign keys do not exist in NoSQL. In our GAE application “ExArtShow”, a
reference defined in class “ArtObject” constructor is referred to its corresponding
“Artist” object that has 1:m relationship with this “ArtObject”. This is shown in the file
“” in APPENDIX B.2. Also because there are no aggregate functions in
NoSQL (except for the COUNT(*) function in Amazon SimpleDB), in some of the cases
it becomes almost impossible to obtain the results directly from the query itself which can
be done in the relational databases, like Oracle 11g Express. For example, in Scenario 2
and 4, it is much easier and takes less effort to obtain the information requested from the
scenarios in Oracle 11g Express because there are more functions and operations in SQL
query, where NoSQL database has to rely on the applications to complete a query to be
able to achieve the same goal. Apparently, the approach used in NoSQL to obtain the
result of a query has put more responsibility and weight on the application developers.
There are also some minor differences on query syntax between SQL and SQLlike query language. As with SQL, GQL keywords are case insensitive, but Kind and
property names are case sensitive in GQL. This is different from SQL where the
attributes are case insensitive.
3.3.3 Comparison of Data Types
The data type in Oracle 11g Express and Public Cloud include: VARCHAR2,
Boolean , date, numeric and etc. By contrast, only one data type is used in Amazon
SimpeDB which is UT-8 string. The data comparison requires more work for the
developers in SimpleDB when data comparison is needed in a query.
Compared to Oracle’s relational database, GAE datastore provides less data types
as well. In this way, the data type and data structure are enforced by application
developers (application level) rather than the databases, which is the benefit of using less
data types in NoSQL databases. And yet, this becomes one of the challenges on the
application level when populating the data into the NoSQL databases and querying the
information from these databases as shown in the Scenario 4.
3.3.4 Comparison of Database Population
Because the data types used in NoSQL databases are much less than those in
relational databases, having a correct format on the data populated becomes important.
For example, in Amazon SimpleDB, all sort operations are performed in lexicographical
order. This can be seen from the data population into SimpleDB in our example by
padding zeros to the front of the value of “No_of_Tickets_Sold” before populating to the
domains. If the data set contains negative numbers, an offset has to be added to all the
data in the data set in order to obtain the correct result after sorting. For example, if there
is a data set (-1000, 200, -500, 350, 25.6) that contains negative numbers (-1000, -500)
and is stored in an Amazon SimpleDB, an offset 10000 is needed to add to all the data in
this data set for the proper comparison in a query. In this way, the data in the data set is
converted to be positive or zero and can be compared in the lexicographical order to
produce the correct result of a query. The recommendation for the value of the offset
added is that the offset is larger than the module of the smallest expected negative
number in the dataset [16].
When populating our data set into GAE datastore, we have to use our Java
application “ExArtShow” that is modified from one of the sample code projects from
Google to be able to accomplish the datastore population. Currently, GAE only supports
four programming languages: PHP, Java, Python, and Go. For the people who are not
familiar with these four languages, such as C# developers, it could be hard and
cumbersome for them to populate the datastore by developing and applying an
application with the languages they are not familiar with before they can actually get
access to it.
Chapter 4
In this project, the concepts of deployment models and data models of cloud
databases were presented. Also, the cloud data services from the current major cloud
providers were surveyed. We applied an example over our four selected database systems
(one was an on-premise database and other three were cloud database systems) to study
the features of these systems. These four database systems are: Oracle Database 11g
Expression Edition, Oracle Public Cloud, Amazon SimpleDB, and Google App Engine
Datastore. Our study includes the discussion from database schema design and table
creation in relational databases, data population, to query languages in all four systems
when applying the scenarios designed from our example. At the end of the project, we
also discussed the data definition, query syntax, data types in query, and database
population of these four database systems based on our study in Chapter 3.
After the study of data query and related areas on the above four database
systems, we have found that there are no differences between Oracle 11g Express and
Oracle Public Cloud on table creation, data population and data query through its SQL
Workshop. Even though the data model in Amazon’s Simple DB is different from the one
used in GAE Datastore, they have some common characteristics, such as both databases
having sparse relationships between “tables”, both are schema-less and have no “join”
operation on query. These characteristics can provide benefits to cloud databases on data
usage and data storage. Last but not least, the basic database concepts we learned from
traditional RDBMS can help us to get a quick start on the understanding of data storage
and query on cloud database systems. And yet, due to the limitation of the example we
designed, some of the query operations were not able to be studied and compared. For
example, the [<offset>,] <count> in the LIMIT clause in GQL. Also, the data read and
write consistency has not been discussed. Security issues related to database query in the
cloud environment and the technologies used in the cloud databases for data storage and
safety are two more areas that need further study.
SQL Statement
A.1 OracleScriptCreateTables.sql
-------- Create Tables -------CREATE TABLE Artist
date_born date NOT NULL,
date_died date,
description VARCHAR2(500) NOT NULL,
country_of_origin VARCHAR2(30),
id_no numeric(6) NOT NULL,
year numeric(4) NOT NULL,
title VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL,
description VARCHAR2(500) NOT NULL,
artist_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_ArtObject PRIMARY KEY (id_no),
id_no numeric(6) NOT NULL,
type VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL,
style VARCHAR2(150) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT fk_Others FOREIGN KEY (id_no) REFERENCES Art_Object(id_no)
id_no numeric(6) NOT NULL,
paint_type VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL,
style VARCHAR2(150) NOT NULL,
drawn_on VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_Painting PRIMARY KEY (id_no),
CONSTRAINT fk_Painting FOREIGN KEY (id_no) REFERENCES Art_Object(id_no)
id_no numeric(6) NOT NULL,
material VARCHAR2(150) NOT NULL,
weight_kg decimal(4, 1) NOT NULL,
height_cm decimal(4, 1) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_Sculpture PRIMARY KEY (id_no),
title VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL,
start_date date NOT NULL,
end_Date date NOT NULL,
no_of_tickets_sold numeric(10) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_Exhibition PRIMARY KEY (title)
art_id_no numeric(6) NOT NULL,
exhibition_title VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_ShownAt PRIMARY KEY (art_id_no, exhibition_title),
CONSTRAINT fk2_ShownAt FOREIGN KEY (exhibition_title) REFERENCES
A.2 OracleScriptCreateViews.sql
-------- Create Views ------------ Views related to the specialization: Others_View, Painting_View, Sculpture_View -Create view Others_view as
Select a.Id_no, a.year, a.title, a.description, o.type,, a.artist_name
From Art_Object a, Others o
Where a.id_no = o.id_no;
Create view Painting_View as
Select a.id_no, a.year, a.title, a.description, p.paint_type,, p.drawn_on,
From Art_object a, Painting p
Where a.id_no=p.id_no;
Create view Sculpture_View as
Select a.id_no, a.year, a.title, a.description, s.material, s.weight_kg, s.height_cm,
From Art_object a, Sculpture s
Where a.id_no = s.id_no;
------ View of Artist_No_Of_Sculpture
Create view Artist_No_Of_Sculpture_View as
Select artist_name, count(*) as "No_Of_Sculpture"
From Sculpture_View
Group by artist_name
Having count(*) >=2;
A.3 OracleScriptPopulateTables.sql
---------- Some INSERT statements used in Oracle database 11g Express
---------- and Oracle Public Cloud
--------=========== Artist ============-------------------INSERT INTO Artist
(Name, Date_Born, Date_Died, Description, Country_of_Origin)
('Norman Rockwell', TO_DATE('1894/02/03', 'yyyy/mm/dd'), TO_DATE('1978/11/08',
'yyyy/mm/dd'), '20th-century American painter and illustrator', 'United States');
--------=========== Art_Object ============-------------------INSERT INTO Art_Object
(Id_No, Year, Title, Description, Artist_Name)
(1000, '1921', '"No Swimming"', 'Saturday Evening Post (magazine) cover', 'Norman
------------======Others================---------------INSERT INTO Others
(Id_No, Type, Style)
(1006, 'Prints', 'Traditional Realism');
-----------=============== Painting=====------------------INSERT INTO Painting
(Id_No, Paint_Type, Style, Drawn_On)
(1000, 'Oil', 'Traditional', 'Canvas');
-----------=============== Sculpture =====------------------INSERT INTO Sculpture
(Id_No, Material, Weight_kg, Height_cm)
(1010, 'Plaster', 0.0, 26.0);
-----------=============== Exhibition =====------------------INSERT INTO Exhibition
(Title, Start_Date, End_Date, No_of_Tickets_Sold)
('Just Concluded Art Show', to_date('2012/11/10', 'yyyy/mm/dd'), to_date('2013/2/3',
'yyyy/mm/dd'), 89003);
-----------=============== Shown_At =====------------------INSERT INTO Shown_At
(Art_Id_No, Exhibition_Title)
(1000, 'Just Concluded Art Show');
Source Code
B.1 Source Code for Application “SimpleDB_ArtShow”
* This file “” is modified from the project file that is
* provided by, Inc. or its affiliates and is licensed under
* the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* A copy of the License is located at
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException;
import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException;
import com.amazonaws.auth.ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.regions.Region;
import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions;
* The following codes show that how to make the requests to Amazon
* SimpleDB using the AWS SDK for Java and to implement the queries
* from the scenarios designed with Java.
* The prerequisites for running this project are the same as what is
* stated in the project files provided by, Inc. as the following:
* <p>
* <b>Prerequisites:</b> You must have a valid Amazon Web Services
* developer account, and be signed up to use Amazon SimpleDB.
* For more information on Amazon SimpleDB,
* see
* <p>
* <b>Important:</b> Be sure to fill in your AWS access credentials in the
* file before you try to run this
public class SimpleDB_ArtShow {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
* As stated in, Inc's original sample code file:
* This credentials provider implementation loads your AWS credentials
* from a properties file at the root of your classpath.
* Important: Be sure to fill in your AWS access credentials in the
* file before you try to run this
* sample.
AmazonSimpleDB sdb = new AmazonSimpleDBClient(new
Region usEast1 = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_EAST_1);
//Connected to the data center in US-East (Northern Virginia)
System.out.println("Amazon SimpleDB: Art Show Example");
try {
// List domains
System.out.println("Listing all domains in your account:\n");
for (String domainName : sdb.listDomains().getDomainNames()) {
System.out.println(" " + domainName);
//*** Scenario 1 ***
System.out.println("**************** Scenario 1 ***************");
String selectExpression = "select Exhibition_Title, Start_Date, End_Date from `" +
"Art_Object" + "` where Exhibition_Title = 'The Beauty of Form' and Art_Object_Type =
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest = new SelectRequest(selectExpression);
//Output the result for Scenario 1
System.out.println(" The number of paintings: " + + "\n");
for (Item item : {
System.out.println(" Art_Object");
System.out.println(" Name: " + item.getName());
for (Attribute attribute : item.getAttributes()) {
System.out.println(" Attribute");
Name: " + attribute.getName());
Value: " + attribute.getValue());
//*** Scenario 2 ***
System.out.println("**************** Scenario 2 ***************");
//Implement Query 2.1:
String selectExpression2_1 = "select Name, Description, Country_of_Origin from " +
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression2_1 + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest2_1 = new SelectRequest(selectExpression2_1);
//Implement Query 2.2:
String selectExpression2_2 = "select Artist_Name from `" + "Art_Object" + "` where
Exhibition_Title = 'The Beauty of Form' and Art_Object_Type = 'Painting'";
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression2_2 + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest2_2 = new SelectRequest(selectExpression2_2);
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Item item2 : {
//get the value of attribute: Artist_Name in the result that is returned from Query 2.2
Attribute attribute2 = item2.getAttributes().get(0);
for (Item item1 : {
//get the value of attribute: Name in the result that is returned from Query 2.1
Attribute attribute1 = item1.getAttributes().get(0);
if (attribute1.getValue().equals(attribute2.getValue()))
String rlString = "Name: " + attribute1.getValue() + ", " +
"Description: " +
item1.getAttributes().get(1).getValue() + ", " +
"Country_of_Origin: " +
//Output the result for Scenario 2
System.out.println("Artist(s): ");
for(String artistInfo: result){
//*** Scenario 4 ***
System.out.println("**************** Scenario 4 ***************");
//Implement Query 4.1:
String selectExpression4_1 = "select No_of_Tickets_Sold from `" + "Art_Object" + "`
where Start_Date >= '2010-01-01' AND " +
"No_of_Tickets_Sold is not null ORDER BY No_of_Tickets_Sold
desc limit 1";
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression4_1 + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest4_1 = new SelectRequest(selectExpression4_1);
Item item1 =;
System.out.println("The maximum number of tickets sold: " +
//Implement Query 4.2:
String selectExpression4_2 = "select No_of_Tickets_Sold from `" + "Art_Object" + "`
where Start_Date >= '2010-01-01' AND " +
"No_of_Tickets_Sold is not null ORDER BY No_of_Tickets_Sold
asc limit 1";
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression4_2 + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest4_2 = new SelectRequest(selectExpression4_2);
Item item2 =;
System.out.println("The minimum number of tickets sold: " +
//Implement Query 4.3:
String selectExpression4_3 = "select Exhibition_Title, No_of_Tickets_Sold from `" +
"Art_Object" + "` where Start_Date >= '2010-01-01'";
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression4_3 + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest4_3 = new SelectRequest(selectExpression4_3);
int sumTickets = 0;
int count = 0;
String showName1 = "";
for (Item item3 : {
//Get attribute: No_of_Tickets_Sold
Attribute attribute3 = item3.getAttributes().get(1);
int numTicket = Integer.parseInt(attribute3.getValue()) ;
//Get attribute: Exhibition_Title
Attribute attrib = item3.getAttributes().get(0);
//Filter out the exhibitions that have the same Exhibition_Title;
//only sum up the number of tickets for each different exhibition to prevent the duplicate
//exhibition from being calculated
if (!showName1.equals(attrib.getValue())){
sumTickets += numTicket;
showName1 = attrib.getValue();
float avgTickets = sumTickets / count;
//Output the result for Scenario 4
System.out.println("The average number of tickets sold: " + avgTickets);
//*** Scenario 5 ***
System.out.println("**************** Scenario 5 ***************");
String selectExpression5_1 = "select Artist_Name from `" + "Art_Object" + "` where
Art_Object_Type = 'Painting'";
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression5_1 + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest5_1 = new SelectRequest(selectExpression5_1);
String selectExpression5_2 = "select Artist_Name from `" + "Art_Object" + "` where
Art_Object_Type = 'Sculpture'";
System.out.println("Selecting: " + selectExpression5_2 + "\n");
SelectRequest selectRequest5_2 = new SelectRequest(selectExpression5_2);
List<String> result5 = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Item item5_1 : {
Attribute attribute1 = item5_1.getAttributes().get(0);
for (Item item5_2 : {
Attribute attribute2 = item5_2.getAttributes().get(0);
if (attribute1.getValue().equals(attribute2.getValue()))
//Output the result for Scenario 5
System.out.println("Artist Name(s): ");
for (String artistName: result5) {
//*** Add a new attribute ***
System.out.println("**************** Add a new attribute to an item (Artist)
System.out.println("Adding a new attribute 'Email Address' to Artist_05 (Michael
Maczuga): \n");
sdb.batchPutAttributes(new BatchPutAttributesRequest("Artist",
} catch (AmazonServiceException ase) {
System.out.println("Caught an AmazonServiceException, which means your request
made it "
+ "to Amazon SimpleDB, but was rejected with an error response for some reason.");
System.out.println("Error Message: " + ase.getMessage());
System.out.println("HTTP Status Code: " + ase.getStatusCode());
System.out.println("AWS Error Code: " + ase.getErrorCode());
System.out.println("Error Type:
" + ase.getErrorType());
System.out.println("Request ID:
" + ase.getRequestId());
} catch (AmazonClientException ace) {
System.out.println("Caught an AmazonClientException, which means the client
encountered "
+ "a serious internal problem while trying to communicate with SimpleDB, "
+ "such as not being able to access the network.");
System.out.println("Error Message: " + ace.getMessage());
/* Function: addNewAttributeData
* @return an array of one new Attribute: "Email Address"
private static List<ReplaceableItem> addNewAttributeData() {
List<ReplaceableItem> data = new ArrayList<ReplaceableItem>();
data.add(new ReplaceableItem("Artist_05").withAttributes(
new ReplaceableAttribute("Email Address", "[email protected]", true)
return data;
B.2 Source Code for Application “ExArtShow”
* This file “” is modified from the project file that is provided by Google Inc. and is
* licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* A copy of the License is located at
import java.util.List;
* This class handles all the CRUD operations related to Artist entity.
public class Artist {
* Update the artist
* @return updated Artist
public static void createOrUpdateArtist(String artistName, String dateBorn,
String dateDied, String countryOfOrigin, String description) {
Entity artist = getArtist(artistName);
if (artist == null) {
artist = new Entity("Artist", artistName);
artist.setProperty("dateBorn", dateBorn);
artist.setProperty("dateDied", dateDied);
artist.setProperty("countryOfOrigin", countryOfOrigin);
artist.setProperty("description", description);
} else {
artist.setProperty("dateBorn", dateBorn);
artist.setProperty("dateDied", dateDied);
artist.setProperty("countryOfOrigin", countryOfOrigin);
artist.setProperty("description", description);
* Return all the artists
* @param kind : of kind Artist
* @return artists
public static Iterable<Entity> getAllArtists(String kind) {
return Util.listEntities(kind, null, null);
* Get artist entity
* @param name : name of the artist
* @return: artist entity
public static Entity getArtist(String artistName) {
Key key = KeyFactory.createKey("Artist", artistName);
return Util.findEntity(key);
* Get all ArtObjects for an artist
* @param name: name of the artist
* @return list of ArtObjects
public static List<Entity> getArtObjects(String artistName) {
Query query = new Query();
Key parentKey = KeyFactory.createKey("Artist", artistName);
query.setFilter(new FilterPredicate(Entity.KEY_RESERVED_PROPERTY,
Query.FilterOperator.GREATER_THAN, parentKey));
List<Entity> results = Util.getDatastoreServiceInstance()
return results;
* Delete artist entity
* @param artistKey: artist to be deleted
* @return status string
public static String deleteArtist(String artistKey)
Key key = KeyFactory.createKey("Artist",artistKey);
List<Entity> artObjects = getArtObjects(artistKey);
if (!artObjects.isEmpty()){
return "Cannot delete, as there are artObjects associated with this artist.";
return "Artist deleted successfully";
* This file “” is modified from the project file that is provided by Google Inc.
* and is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* A copy of the License is located at
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* This servlet responds to the request corresponding to artist entities. The servlet
* manages the Artist Entity
public class ArtistServlet extends BaseServlet {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ArtistServlet.class.getCanonicalName());
* Get the entities in JSON format. */
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
super.doGet(req, resp);
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Obtaining artist listing");
String searchFor = req.getParameter("q");
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
Iterable<Entity> entities = null;
if (searchFor == null || searchFor.equals("") || searchFor == "*") {
entities = Artist.getAllArtists("Artist");
} else {
Entity artist = Artist.getArtist(searchFor);
if (artist != null) {
Set<Entity> result = new HashSet<Entity>();
* Create the entity and persist it.
protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Creating Artist");
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
String artistName = req.getParameter("artistName");
String dateBorn = req.getParameter("dateBorn");
String dateDied = req.getParameter("dateDied");
String countryOfOrigin = req.getParameter("countryOfOrigin");
String description = req.getParameter("description");
try {
Artist.createOrUpdateArtist(artistName, dateBorn, dateDied, countryOfOrigin, description);
} catch (Exception e) {
String msg = Util.getErrorMessage(e);
* Delete the artist entity
protected void doDelete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String artistkey = req.getParameter("id");
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
} catch(Exception e) {
* Redirect the call to doDelete or doPut method
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String action = req.getParameter("action");
if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("delete")) {
doDelete(req, resp);
} else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("put")) {
doPut(req, resp);
* This file “” is modified from the project file that is provided by Google Inc.
* and is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* A copy of the License is located at
import java.util.List;
* This class handles CRUD operations related to ArtObject entity.
public class ArtObject {
* Create or update ArtObject for a particular Artist. Artist entity has one to many
* relationship with ArtObject entity
* @return updated ArtObject
public static Entity createOrUpdateArtObject(String artistName, String artObjectId, String year,
String title, String description, String artType, String type, String style, String drawnOn,
String material, String weight, String height, String exhibitionTitle, String startDate,
String endDate, String noOfTicketsSold) {
Entity artist = Artist.getArtist(artistName);
Entity artObject = getSingleArtObject(artObjectId);
if(artObject == null){
artObject = new Entity("ArtObject",artist.getKey());
artObject.setProperty("artId", artObjectId);
artObject.setProperty("artist", artistName);
artObject.setProperty("year", year);
artObject.setProperty("title", title);
artObject.setProperty("description", description);
artObject.setProperty("artType", artType);
artObject.setProperty("type", type);
artObject.setProperty("style", style);
artObject.setProperty("drawnOn", drawnOn);
artObject.setProperty("material", material);
artObject.setProperty("weight", weight);
artObject.setProperty("height", height);
artObject.setProperty("exhibitionTitle", exhibitionTitle);
artObject.setProperty("start_date", startDate);
artObject.setProperty("end_date", endDate);
artObject.setProperty("no_of_tickets_sold", noOfTicketsSold);
if (year != null && !"".equals(year)) {
artObject.setProperty("year", year);
if (title != null && !"".equals(title)) {
artObject.setProperty("title", title);
if (description != null && !"".equals(description)) {
artObject.setProperty("description", description);
if (artType != null && !"".equals(artType)) {
artObject.setProperty("artType", artType);
if (type != null && !"".equals(type)) {
artObject.setProperty("type", type);
if (style != null && !"".equals(style)) {
artObject.setProperty("style", style);
if (drawnOn != null && !"".equals(drawnOn)) {
artObject.setProperty("drawnOn", drawnOn);
if (material != null && !"".equals(material)) {
artObject.setProperty("material", material);
if (weight != null && !"".equals(weight)) {
artObject.setProperty("weight", weight);
if (height != null && !"".equals(height)) {
artObject.setProperty("height", height);
if (exhibitionTitle != null && !"".equals(exhibitionTitle)) {
artObject.setProperty("exhibitionTitle", exhibitionTitle);
if (startDate != null && !"".equals(startDate)) {
artObject.setProperty("start_date", startDate);
if (endDate != null && !"".equals(endDate)) {
artObject.setProperty("end_date", endDate);
if (noOfTicketsSold != null && !"".equals(noOfTicketsSold)) {
artObject.setProperty("no_of_tickets_sold", exhibitionTitle);
return artObject;
* get All the artObjects in the list
* @param kind: ArtObject kind
* @return all the ArtObjects
public static Iterable<Entity> getAllArtObjects() {
Iterable<Entity> entities = Util.listEntities("ArtObject", null, null);
return entities;
* Get the ArtObject by ArtObjectId, return an Iterable
* @param itemName: item name
* @return Item Entity
public static Iterable<Entity> getArtObject(String artObjectId) {
Iterable<Entity> entities = Util.listEntities("ArtObject", "artId", artObjectId);
return entities;
* Get all the ArtObjects for an artist
* @param kind: ArtObject kind
* @param artistName: name of the artist
* @return: all ArtObjects created by that artist
public static Iterable<Entity> getArtObjectsForArtist(String kind, String artistName) {
Key ancestorKey = KeyFactory.createKey("Artist", artistName);
return Util.listChildren("ArtObject", ancestorKey);
* get ArtObject with artObjectId
* @param artObjectId: get artObjectId
* @return ArtObject entity
public static Entity getSingleArtObject(String artObjectId) {
Query query = new Query("ArtObject");
query.setFilter(new FilterPredicate("artId", FilterOperator.EQUAL, artObjectId));
List<Entity> results =
if (!results.isEmpty()) {
return (Entity)results.remove(0);
return null;
public static String deleteArtObject(String artObjectKey)
Entity entity = getSingleArtObject(artObjectKey);
if(entity != null){
return("ArtObject deleted successfully.");
} else
return("ArtObject not found");
* This file “” is modified from the project file that is provided by Google
* Inc. and is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* A copy of the License is located at
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* This servlet responds to the request corresponding to ArtObjects. The class
* creates and manages the ArtObject Entity
public class ArtObjectServlet extends BaseServlet {
private static final Logger logger =
* Searches for the entity based on the search criteria and returns result in
* JSON format
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
super.doGet(req, resp);
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Obtaining ArtObject listing");
String searchBy = req.getParameter("artObject-searchby");
String searchFor = req.getParameter("q");
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
if (searchFor == null || searchFor.equals("")) {
Iterable<Entity> entities = ArtObject.getAllArtObjects();
} else if (searchBy == null || searchBy.equals("artId")) {
Iterable<Entity> entities = ArtObject.getArtObject(searchFor);
} else if (searchBy != null && searchBy.equals("artistName")) {
Iterable<Entity> entities = ArtObject.getArtObjectsForArtist("ArtObject", searchFor);
* Creates entity and persists the same
protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Creating ArtObject");
String artObjectId = req.getParameter("artId");
String artistName = req.getParameter("artist");
String year = req.getParameter("year");
String title = req.getParameter("title");
String description = req.getParameter("description");
String artType = req.getParameter("artType");
String type = req.getParameter("type");
String style = req.getParameter("style");
String drawnOn = req.getParameter("drawnOn");
String material = req.getParameter("material");
String weight = req.getParameter("weight");
String height = req.getParameter("height");
String exhibitionTitle = req.getParameter("exhibitionTitle");
String startDate = req.getParameter("start_date");
String endDate = req.getParameter("end_date");
String noOfTicketsSold = req.getParameter("no_of_tickets_sold");
ArtObject.createOrUpdateArtObject(artistName, artObjectId, year, title,
description, artType, type, style, drawnOn,
material, weight, height, exhibitionTitle, startDate, endDate, noOfTicketsSold);
* Delete the entity from the datastore. Throws an exception if there are any
* orders associated with the artObject and ignores the delete action for it.
protected void doDelete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "deleting artObject");
String artObjectKey = req.getParameter("id");
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
} catch(Exception e) {
* Redirects to delete or insert entity based on the action in the HTTP
* request.
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
String action = req.getParameter("action");
if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("delete")) {
doDelete(req, resp);
} else if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("put")) {
doPut(req, resp);
* This file “ajax.util.js” is modified from the project file that is provided by Google Inc. and is
* licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* A copy of the License is located at
var HOME='home';
var ENTITY_ARTIST='artist';
var ENTITY_ARTOBJECT='artObject';
//function to initialize the page
var init = function() {
//showing the home tab on initializing
//adding event listeners to the tabs
$('#tabs a').click(function(event) {
//function to show the tab
var showTab = function(entity) {
//remove the active class from all the tabs
//setting the active class to the selected tab
//hiding all the tabs
//showing the selected tab
$('#' + entity + '-tab').show();
//hiding the create block
showHideCreate(entity, false);
//function to show/hide create block for an entity in a tab
var showHideCreate = function(entity, show) {
//checking if the block is show or not
if (show) {
//hiding the search container
$('#' + entity + '-search-ctr').hide();
//hiding the list container
$('#' + entity + '-list-ctr').hide();
//showing the create container
$('#' + entity + '-create-ctr').show();
} else {
//showing the search container
$('#' + entity + '-search-ctr').show();
//showing the list container
$('#' + entity + '-list-ctr').show();
//hiding the create container
$('#' + entity + '-create-ctr').hide();
//checking if the entity is not a home then populating the list of the entity
//parameter object definition
var param=function(name,value){
//function to add an entity when user clicks on the add button in UI
var add = function(entity) {
//display the create container
showHideCreate(entity, true);
$("span.readonly input").attr('readonly', false);
$("select[id$=artObject-artist-list] > option").remove();
//checking the entity to populate the select box
if (entity == ENTITY_ARTOBJECT) {
//populating the artist and contact by making an ajax call
populateSelectBox('artObject-artist-list', '/artist');
//function to search an entity when user inputs the value in the search box
var search = function(entity) {
// collecting the field values from the form
var formEleList = $('form#'+entity+'-search-form').serializeArray();
//assigning the filter criteria
var filterParam=new Array();
for(var i=0;i<formEleList.length;i++){
//calling population of the list through ajax
var showMessage = function(message, entity){
var formValidate = function(entity){
var key;
var formEleList = $('form#'+entity+'-create-form').serializeArray();
var valueArtist = $('#artObject-artist-list').val();
if(valueArtist == "" || key == ""){
showMessage('please check the key and Artist values in the
form', entity);
default :
showMessage('please check the values in the form', entity);
//function to save an entity
var save = function(entity) {
// creating the data object to be sent to backend
var data=new Array();
// collecting the field values from the form
var formEleList = $('form#'+entity+'-create-form').serializeArray();
for(var i=0;i<formEleList.length;i++){
data[data.length]=new param(formEleList[i].name,formEleList[i].value);
//setting action as PUT
data[data.length]=new param('action','PUT');
//making the ajax call
url : "/"+entity,
type : "POST",
success : function(data) {
//function to edit entity
var edit = function(entity, id){
var parameter=new Array();
parameter[parameter.length]=new param('q',id);
url : "/"+entity,
type : "GET",
success : function(resp) {
var data = '';
if (resp!='')
data =[0];
var formElements = $('form#'+entity+'-create-form :input');
for(var i=0;i<formElements.length;i++){
if(formElements[i].type !="button"){
var ele=$(formElements[i]);
$("select[id$=artObject-artist-list] >
showHideCreate(entity, true);
$("span.readonly input").attr('readonly', true);
//function called when user clicks on the cancel button
var cancel = function(entity) {
//hiding the create container in the tab
showHideCreate(entity, false);
//function to delete an entity
var deleteEntity = function(entity,id,parentid) {
var parameter=new Array();
parameter[parameter.length]=new param('id',id);
parameter[parameter.length]=new param('parentid', parentid);
parameter[parameter.length]=new param('action','DELETE');
//making the ajax call
url : "/"+entity,
type : "POST",
success : function(resp) {
if (resp!=''){
showMessage(resp, entity);
error : function(resp){
showMessage(resp, entity);
// function to get the data by setting url, filter, success function and error function
var getData=function(url,filterData,successFn,errorFn){
// making the ajax call
url : url,
type : "GET",
success : function(resp) {
//calling the user defined success function
//calling the user defined error function
//function to populate the select box which takes input as id of the selectbox element and url to
get the data
var populateSelectBox = function(id, url) {
//specifying the success function. When the ajax response is successful then the following
function will be called
var successFn=function(resp){
//getting the select box element
var selectBox=$('#'+id);
//setting the content inside as empty
selectBox.innerHTML = '';
//getting the data from the response object
//appending the first option as select to the select box
selectBox.append('<option value="">Select</option>');
//adding all other values
for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++) {
//calling the getData function with the success function
//function to populate the list of an entity
var populateList=function(entity, filter){
//specifying the success function. When the ajax response is successful then the following
function will be called
var successFn=function(resp){
var data='';
//getting the data from the response object;
//creating the html content
var htm='';
if(data.length > 0){
for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
//creating a row
if(entity == ENTITY_ARTOBJECT)
htm+='<td><a href="#" class="delete-entity"
onclick=\'deleteEntity("'+entity+'","'+data[i].artId+'","'+data[i].artist+'")\'>Delete</a> | <a
href="#" class="edit-entity" onclick=\'edit("'+entity+'","'+data[i].artId+'")\'>Edit</a></td></tr>';
htm+='<td><a href="#" class="delete-entity"
onclick=\'deleteEntity("'+entity+'","'+data[i].name +'")\'>Delete</a> | <a href="#" class="editentity" onclick=\'edit("'+entity+'","'+data[i].name+'")\'>Edit</a></td></tr>';
//condition to show message when data is not available
var thElesLength=$('#'+entity+'-list-ctr table thead th').length;
htm+='<tr><td colspan="'+thElesLength+'">No artObjects
Query Language
C.1 Oracle SQL Syntax
SELECT <attribute list>
<table list>
[WHERE <condition>]
[GROUP BY <grouping attribute(s)>]
<group condition>]
[ORDER BY <attribute list>]
C.2 Amazon SimpleDB Query Language
select output_list
from domain_name
[where expression]
[limit limit]
The output_list can be any of the following:
(all attributes)
itemName() (the item name only)
An explicit list of attributes (attribute1,..., attributeN)
The domain_name is the domain to search.
The expression is the match expression.
The sort_instructions describe how to sort the results.
The limit is the maximum number of results to return (default: 100, max. 250).
The expression can be any of the following:
<select expression> intersection <select expression>
NOT <select expression>
(<select expression>)
<select expression> or <select expression>
<select expression> and <select expression>
<simple comparison>
C.3 Google GQL Syntax
SELECT [DISTINCT] [* | <property list> | __key__]
[FROM <kind>]
[WHERE <condition> [AND <condition> ...]]
[ORDER BY <property> [ASC | DESC] [, <property> [ASC | DESC] ...]]
[LIMIT [<offset>,]<count>]
[OFFSET <offset>]
<property list> := <property> [, <property> ...]
<condition> := <property> {< | <= | > | >= | = | != } <value>
<condition> := <property> IN <list>
<condition> := ANCESTOR IS <entity or key>
<list> := (<value> [, <value> ...]])
"Amazon Web Services," Amazon Web Services, Inc., 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 November 2013].
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S. Sakr, A. Liu, D. M. Batista and M. Alomari, "A Survey of Large Scale Data
Management Approaches in Cloud Environments," IEEE Communications Surveys
& Tutorials, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 311-335, 2011.
M. Fowler, "Introduction to NoSQL Databases," 22 August 2013. [Online].
Available: [Accessed 1
November 2013].
R. Elmasri and S. B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 4th ed., Boston,
MA: Pearson Education, Inc., 2004.
R. Greenwald, "Oracle Cloud Computing," September 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 November 2013].
R. Greenwald, "Data Movement," April 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 November 2013].
R. Lakshminarayanan, B. Kumar and M. Raju, "Cloud Computing Benefits for
Educational Institutions," Cornell University , [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 November 2013].
[10] Amazon Web Services, Inc., "Amazon SimpleDB Developer Guide (API Version
2009-04-15)," April 2009. [Online]. Available:
ry.html. [Accessed 1 November 2013].
[11] Amazon Web Services, "Building Amazon SimpleDB Queries," 23 March 2010 .
[Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 November
[12] Google Inc., "Google App Engine," 24 June 2013 . [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 November 2013].
[13] Google Inc., "Google App Engine," 15 October 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1
November 2013].
[14] Google Inc., "GQL Reference," 23 October 2013. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 1 November 2013].
[15] N. Kumar, "Efficiently Getting a Count of All Entities in Google App Engine," 7
September 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 November 2013].
[16] Amazon Web Services, "Tips and Tricks for Amazon SimpleDB Query," 6 April
2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1
November 2013].