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Course Code
Course Title
Semester(s) offered
Language of Course
Co –requisit(ies)
Credit Value
ECTS Value
Duration of Course
Total Student StudyTime
IS 201
Mathematics II
Assis. Prof. Dr. Arzu ŞEN
14 weeks
150 hours
Mathematics is an universal language. Because of this,
building a mathematical model to solve a problem in any field
is crucial. Then our purpose is giving not only basic
mathematical knowledge and mathematical idea but also the
technique of the solving a problem.
Matrices: Definition, Null matrix, Unit matrix, Equal matrices,
transpose of a matrix, matrix addition and substraction, matrix
multiplication, applications of matrix arithmetic, Solution of
Equations: Elimination Methods
Determinants: Evaluate 2x2 and 3x3 determinants, Using
Cramer’s Rule to solve equations, Find the market equilibrium
using Cramer’s Rule, Use Cramer’s Rule for the IncomeDetermination Model
Matrices and Determinants, Systems of Linear Equations
The Definite Integral: To approximate and calculate limits and
To Understand the Definite Integral and Use the Fundamental
Theorem of the Calculus: Definition of the definite integral,
The Fundamental Theorem of the calculus, The antiderivative.
To find antiderivatives: Antiderivatives or antidifferentials;
indefinite integrals, rules of integration, applications of
indefinite integrals, applications to definite integrals.
To Integrate by Substitution: Using substitution in integration,
The Chain Rule, Evaluating definite integrals.
To Use Integration by Parts: The parts formula, The basis of
the parts formula
To Compute Areas between Curves,
To Analyze Motion Along a Line and Similar Problems:
Motion along a line, Other applications.
To Understand and Apply the Average Value of a Function:
Background: Average Velocity, Definition of average (or
mean) value
Intended Learning Outcomes
Learning/ Teaching Methods
To Use Integration in Problems in Economics: Supply and
Demand, Total Maintenance Charges, Predicting Group size
from dropout expectancy, Present value, Resource depletion.
 To Use Integration on Probability Problems: Probability
density functions, a famous probability density function,
expected value and variance.
To Understand and Solve Simple Differential Equations.
 To Apply Separation of Variables: Separating variables, Three
important separable differential equations.
 To Understand Functions of Several Variables: Graphs of
functions of two variables, Demand functions of two
 To Find and Apply Partial Derivatives: Partial derivatives,
Functions of more than two variables, Partial derivatives of
higher order, The total differential, Competitive versus
complementary products.
 Local Maxima and Minima, An Application to the method of
Least Squares.
 The Method of Substitution, Lagrange Multipliers,
Application to functions of more than two variables, an
application to economics.
Basic mathematical principals
Written exam
Indivudual works
Collective works
Essentials of technical mathematics, Richard S.Paul,
M.Leonard Shaevel.
Discovering structure in algebra, Grossnickle Reckzeh
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Reading List
Güncelleme Tarihi: 23.02.2010