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2015-­‐04-­‐13 Nervous System Dr. Dinithi Peiris Dept. of Zoology Brain Teaser 8  15 14 9 1 6 3 Which number comes next in the sequence? 4,7,10 or 12 ? 3 IntroducGon •  For survival, animal must respond to the outside environment –  External –  Internal •  To detect changes animals have –  Receptors 4 1 2015-­‐04-­‐13 IntroducGon •  To response animals have –  Effectors •  Lower forms-­‐ receptor & effectors are the same cell •  In higher form they are interconnected via •  Nervous system
•  Endocrine system
•  Circulatory system
5 IntroducGon •  FuncGon smoothly •  Nervous system is rapid, fast & do not last long •  Endocrine system is slow & prolong •  Nervous & endocrine systems act independently or together. 6 Development of Nervous
NS develops from the ectoderm • 
Ectoderm along mid-­‐dorsal side of the embryo thickness to from the neural plate • 
Cells of neural tube give rise to enGre CNS 7 2 2015-­‐04-­‐13 Introduc:on •  3 structural elements –  Nerve cells or neurons –  SupporGng cells –  ConnecGve Gssues (join nerve cells and supporGng cells) 8 Nervous tissue
Two types of neural cells in the nervous system: §  Neurons / Nerve cells -­‐ For processing, transfer, and storage of informaGon (nerve impulses) §  Neuroglia – Associate with neurons. For support, regulaGon & protecGon of neurons 9 Nervous tissue
Two Anatomical Divisions ¨ 
Central nervous system (CNS) § 
Brain Spinal cord Peripheral nervous system (PNS) All the neural Gssue outside CNS § 
Afferent division (sensory input) Efferent division (motor output) § 
SomaGc nervous system Autonomic nervous system 10 3 2015-­‐04-­‐13 Nervous tissue
11 Neurons Neurons : microscopic nerve cells that make up the brain, spinal cord, and nerves -­‐ 30,000 neurons can fit on a pinhead 12 Nerve cell •  Very specialized to conduct messages •  Cannot divide •  Damages are irreversible •  Metabolism is very simple and will die within 5-­‐6 min without oxygen •  Extremely delicate 13 4 2015-­‐04-­‐13 Neuron
Consists of 3 parts • 
Cell body • 
Cell processes DendriGe • 
Axon • 
Distal porGon of the axon is branched. 14 Nerve cell • what is the main defining characteristic of neurons?
•  have the property of electrical excitability - ability to
produce action potentials or impulses in response to
15 Nerve cell •  Each neuron contains: -­‐ Cell body with nucleus -­‐ Processes 1 Dendrites : fibers that receive messages from other neurons 2. Axons : fibers that send messages to other neurons 16 5 2015-­‐04-­‐13 Cell body •  Ovoid or irregular structure •  Size varies from 4-­‐5 μm up to 150 μm •  Nucleus & nucleoli large •  The center is called Trophic center & involve in metabolism •  Nissal granules can be seen. •  Large neurons – more Nissal granules than small neurons 17 Cell body •  Nissal granules increases when nerves used for a long Gme •  During an injury granules reduces. 18 Dendrites •  In Greek – large branching. •  Project from the cell body & are branched •  Diameter is not uniform increases when go out from the cell wall 19 6 2015-­‐04-­‐13 Dendrites •  All organelles are present except nucleus & Golgi bodies •  No sheath around as found in axon. •  Always conduct impulses towards the cell body 20 Axon •  Thin & extremely long (may exceed 100m) •  Diameter is constant •  In vertebrates axon is surrounded by a sheath. •  Found in blocks •  In between the blocks, plasma membrane is exposed – Nodes of Ranvier •  One neuron – one axon 21 Axon •  At terminal end – branches out •  Branches end in a terminal bueon •  Contains vesicles with neurotransmieers •  Ach – Cholinergic neuron •  Adrenaline or nor-­‐adrenaline – adrenergic neurons •  Serotonin – Seratonergic neurons 22 7 2015-­‐04-­‐13 Axon Schwann cell
Myelin sheath
23 Axon •  Neurons do NOT touch; there is a gap between them called a synapse •  Messages are sent across the synapses by special chemicals called neurotransmieers 24 Structural ClassificaGon of Neurons •  Mul:polar neuron –  most common •  Bipolar neuron –  one dendrite/one axon •  Unipolar neuron –  Ex. sensory from skin to spinal cord directly •  Anaxonic neuron –  many dendrites/no axon –  Ex. help in visual processes 25 8 2015-­‐04-­‐13 A Structural ClassificaGon of Neurons 26 12.4
Func:onal Classifica:on of Neurons •  Sensory neurons: Most unipolar, few bipolar •  Transmit sensory informaGon from receptors of PNS towards CNS •  Motoneurons : Mul:polar •  transmit motor informaGon from the CNS to effectors (muscles/glands/adipose Gssue) in the periphery of the body. •  Internurons: Mul:polar •  transmit informaGon between neurons within the CNS; analyze inputs, coordinate outputs •  Most common type of neuron (20 billion) 27 Comparison of Neurons
28 9 2015-­‐04-­‐13 Comparison of Neurons
29 Neuroglia (glial cells)
Neurons are out numbered by neuroglia (1:50) • 
CNS neuroglia • 
Astrocytes • 
Oligodendrocytes • 
Microglia • 
Ependymal cells • 
PNS neuroglia. Schwann cells • 
Satellite cells • 
30 Astrocytes (CNS)
•  most abundant glial cells •  Provide structural support for neurons •  Largest & star shape, project from the cell body •  Astrocytes with few long processes – Fibrous ast. Found in white maeer •  Ast. With many short branched processes in grey maeer – Protoplasmic ast. •  Help & maintain BBB 31 10 2015-­‐04-­‐13 Neuroglia Cells (CNS)
Ependymal cells • 
Low columnar or cuboidal cells • 
Apical ends of some cells have cilia to facilitate the movement of CSF • 
No basal lamina. Instead the basal ends are elongated & extended branch processes 32 Neuroglia Cells (CNS)
Oligodendrocytes • 
Create myelin sheath around axons of neurons in the CNS. • 
Myelinated axons transmit impulses faster than unmyelinated axons • 
Most common •  Form a supporGve networmk Microglia •  Brain macrophages •  Phagocyte cellular wastes & pathogens 33 Myelin Sheath
•  WhiGsh, faey (protein-­‐lipid), segmented sheath around most long axons •  FuncGon: •  ProtecGon of the axon •  Electrically insulaGng fibers from one another •  Increase the speed of nerve impulse transmission 34 11 2015-­‐04-­‐13 Neuroglia Cells (PNS)
Schwann cells • 
Surround all axons of neurons in the PNS creaGng a neurilemma around them. Neurilemma allows for potenGal regeneraGon of damaged axons • 
creates myelin sheath around most axons of PNS Satellite cells • 
Support groups of cell bodies of neurons within ganglia of the PNS 35 Myelin Sheath
Myelin sheath of CNS Myelin sheath of PNS 36 CNS
•  3 regions •  Cerebrum •  Cerebellum •  Spinal cord •  Show regions of grey & white maeer •  Cerebral cortex has 3 layers •  Molecular layer: outer layer •  Purkinje cells: very large neurons •  Granule layer: inner layer 37 12 2015-­‐04-­‐13 CNS 38 Blood Brain Barrier
•  Main structural component is capillary endothelium •  Cells are Gghtly sealed together •  Basal lamina of capillaries are enveloped by preivascular feet of astrocytes. •  BBB allows stable composiGon & constant balance of ions and fluid 39 PNS
•  3 components •  Nerves: bundles of nerve fibers surrounded by glial cells and CT •  Ganglia •  Nerve endings 40 13 2015-­‐04-­‐13 Nerve Fibers •  Consist of axons enclosed within a sheath. •  P. nerves contains groups of nerve fibers; where axons are sheathed by Schwann cells. •  Axons of small diameter are unmyelinated nerve fibers. •  Thicker axons are sheathed by numerous concentric wrappings of enveloping cells forming myelin 41 sheath. Nerves •  Nerve fibers are grouped into bundles to form nerves. •  Axon & Schwann cells are enclosed within concentric layers of nerve fibers. •  Consists of 3 layers •  Epineruium: dense fibrous coat •  Perineurium: surrounds each nerve fiber bundle •  Endoneurium: consists of spare layer of loose CT 42 Ganglia •  Ovoid structures containing neural cell bodies & glial cells supported by CT •  2 types •  Sensory ganglia •  Receive afferent impulses •  Associated with dorsal root of the spinal & cranial nerves •  Autonomic ganglia •  Effects the acGvity of skeletal muscles 43 14 2015-­‐04-­‐13 ClassificaGon of synapses •  CNS -­‐ Nerve & nerve only •  Excitatory •  Inhibitory •  PNS •  Nerve & muscles (Smooth, skeletal, cardiac) •  Nerve & nerve (Autonomic ganglia) •  Nerve & receptors (e.g. rods & bipolar nerve cells in the eye) 44 15