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by: Veronica Manson
Hawaii valcanos established in 1916 is a U.S National Park
located in the State of Hawaii on the island of Hawaii. It displays
the results of hundreds of thousands of years of volcanism,
migration, and evolution processes that thrust a bare land from
the sea and clothed it with complex and unique ecosystems. and
a distinct Ancient Hawaiian culture. Kīlauea, one of the world's
most active volcanoes, and Mauna Loa, the most massive, offer
scientists insights on the birth of the Hawaiian Islands and
visitors' views of dramatic volcanic landscapes. In recognition of
its outstanding natural values, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
has been designated as an International Biosphere Reserve in
1980 and a World Heritage Site in 1987.
Hawaii is the largest of the Hawaiian Islands, rising to the two peaks of Mauna Kea and
Mauna Loa with, on its southeast flank, Kilauea and the crater of Halemaumau.
Geologically, the islands are young, formed by the underlying plate moving slowly westward
over a hot spot in the Earth’s crust, forming a succession of volcanic islands, the oldest
island being furthest west and the easternmost island, Hawaii, experiencing the most
activity. The Park extends from the summit calderas of Mauna Loa and Kilauea to the
southern coast which is periodically reached by lava flows. Hawaiis double peak is a
massive, flat-domed shield volcano built up by lava from 6,096m below sea-level, making it
at 10,265m the highest freestanding mountain in the world.relatively gentle, is the world's
most continuously active volcano, and is considered the world’s best example of effusive
vulcanism. Halemaumau fire pit on Kilauea was an active lava lake until the 1930s. Maunan
Loa last erupted in 1984 but Kilauea remains active along the East Rift, a ridge over an
underground magma chamber which extends far out under the sea. This rift has been the
site of intermittent eruption since 1983 when a 300m-high cinder cone appeared and
extensive lava flows from the Pu’u ‘O’o vent started to break out, most recently from mid2007, accompanied by a swarm of earthquakes and tremors 240 of land have been
intruded into the sea.. Other volcanic features of the Park include calderas, pit craters,
cinder cones, spatter ramparts, fumaroles, solfataras, lava tubes, tree moulds, pahoehoe
and `a`a lava flows, volcanic sea cliffs and black sand beaches. The separate 'Ola'a Forest
Tract on the northeast flank of Kilauea is a mid-level rain forest.
"the type of rocks that are found at my park are a special type of rock that is formed by lava. it also has the ability to float due to the air trapped inside of it.they also
come in diffrent colors. what gives lava rock different colors and textures? Their surfaces range from shiny jet black to waxy battleship gray to dull yellow-brown. The
reshness of the iridescent glassy surface and the cooling time of the rock determine the luster and color. "Hawaii is one of the top vacation spots in the world, but
ourists need to be careful with the souvenirs they want to bring home. According to superstition, those who take lava rocks home with them meet with bad luck and
horrible misfortune. There have been a large number of reports over the years of tourists picking up rocks near the Hawaiian volcanoes and taking them home, only to
be cursed by Pele afterwords. So who is Pele? She is the mythological volcano goddess, and the volcanoes in Hawaii are said to be her domain. She apparently isn’t
oo happy with tourists stealing her rocks as she sends a curse to follow all of them home. It’s believed that each rock in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park has its
own energy and that when they’re all together, the volcanoes are in harmony, just as the goddess made them."
When molten lava chills quickly, a thin, glassy rind forms on the exposed surfaces because crystallization of the minerals in the melt could not take place in such a
short time. This layer of glass provides the iridescent luster to the rock. When crystallization occurs, the first minerals to crystallize are mafic minerals, which are darkcolored and contain abundant iron and magnesium. Rocks that cool quickly especially the outer layers of a flow, are primarily composed of glass particles and tiny
mafic minerals. This is why the outer surface of a flow is black.
f you look at a road cut where the interior of a flow is exposed, you will see that the rocks are mainly gray and have a waxy luster. The interior of a flow cools slower,
so the light-colored felsic minerals are also able to crystallize. The most abundant felsic mineral in lava rock is plagioclase feldspar, which gives the surfaces a waxy
uster. The combination of dark-colored mafic and light-colored felsic minerals creates a gray rock.
Often, the very dense interior of a thick flow is exposed. This is where there are no gas vesicles or "holes" in the rock, and the grain sizes of the minerals are slightly
arger. The gray rock appears to have a tint of blue to it, and this is often called "blue rock" in Hawai`i. Contractors have other names for it, but they are not printable in
a family newspaper. "Blue rock" is the bane of contractors, especially road builders and pipeline installers, because it is difficult to break. The largest bulldozers and
backhoes are regularly humbled by this dense rock, causing contractors to revert to expensive drilling and blasting techniques.
While encountering "blue rock" is a contractor's worst nightmare, it is also the most sought-after rock type by commercial quarry operators. The best grade
construction aggregates are from "blue rock." The concrete made with a mixture of crushed "blue rock" and cement has the structural integrity to pass necessary
strength tests.
Another type of "blue rock" is a blue-glassy pahoehoe only found in small, thin flows at the base of tumuli such as in the current Kilauea eruption flow field. The shade
of blue of this rock is closer to gun-metal and is probably caused by the refractive index of the glass. Eventually, with exposure to the elements, the color of the rock
urns to black.
As older lava flows weather, the minerals in the rocks oxidize and often turn to clay minerals. The once shiny rock becomes dull and cloudy, or the glassy surface
breaks and falls away to expose the dull interior. One of the most common minerals found in the decomposed rock is hematite, an iron oxide that is usually yellowbrown or rust colored. The abundance of this mineral in the exposed weathered surfaces gives the older flows their distinctive yellow-brown appearance.
The color changes of lava from its molten to its solid state are similar to that which you can observe in the tungsten coils of an electric stove. The higher the
emperature of the lava or the stove coils, the brighter the shade of red attained.
just some cool rock pics,and info
enjoy :)
goddess Pele's tears
lava rocks
Pele’s tears is a geological term for small pieces of solidified lava drops
formed when airborne particles of molten material fuse into tear like
drops of volcanic glass. Pele’s tears are jet black in color and are often
found on one end of a strand of Pele's hair. Pele's tears is primarily a
scientific term used by vulcanologist's.
Pele's tears, like Pele's hair, is named after Pele fire goddess of the
Hawaiian volcanos
the landscape varies from rainy forests,too sandy beaches and
rocky mountains making Hawaii an ideal place to vacation with one
small catch it has a tendency to ErUpT. Hawaii's volcano has
erupted and is still a live volcano.
from habitat decomposition to car fatalities wild life in and around Hawaii national
parks Within Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park live 22 species of endangered
vascular plants and 6 of 15 endangered native birds.Noxious sulfur dioxide
gas and other pollutants emitted from Kilauea Volcano on the Island of
Hawai`i react with oxygen and atmospheric moisture to produce volcanic
smog (vog) and acid rain. Vog poses a health hazard by aggravating
preexisting respiratory ailments, and acid rain damages crops and can
leach lead into household water supplies. The U.S. Geological Survey's
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory is closely monitoring gas emissions from
Kilauea and working with health professionals and local officials to better
understand volcanic air pollution and to enhance public awareness of this
hawwii land forms are constanly changing due
to volcanic activity continuously adding on to
the island makeing it grow.many people arent
aware that a new island is forming from an
under water volcano
Papayas star fruit mangoes guava you
name the exotic fruit, Hawaii’s got it. Like a luscious
fruit basket, the state has an abundance of produce. But
Hawaii also has serious pests, like the fruit fly, that force
a quarantine treatment on these delicacies before they
can be exported to the U.S. mainland and Japan.
Vapor-heat, high-temperature forced-air, and irradiation
are currently the only quarantine treatments available.
Because they use heat, vapor and forced-air treatments
are inferior to irradiation regarding fruit quality
both before and after treatment. Irradiation allows fruit
to be treated at a riper, tastier stage than the heat treatments,
which slightly cook produce, further reducing
its savoriness and freshness.
Irradiation, in contrast to heat treatments, does not
change the raw character of the produce while it eliminates
the pests that may infest it. Irradiation disrupts the
genetic material of the pests’ cells, inactivating insects
and larvae while preserving plant tissue. This technology
also controls pathogenic microorganisms such as E. coli
and Campylobacter jejuni, which can be carried in spices
and raw animal foods such as ground beef and chicken.
Moreover, irradiation hinders food spoilage, prevents
sprouting of vegetables, and delays fruit ripening.
For example, irradiated ground beef and strawberries
may last days longer than their non-irradiated counterparts.
This can benefit Hawaii’s produce, which takes
longer to reach its export destinations than produce
shipped within the continental United States. Irradiation
allows foods to remain fresh longer, extending shelf
life in stores and after purchase. Irradiated fruits could
be exported on a commercial scale, boosting the state’s
economy, helping ensure the livelihood of local farmers,
and promoting Hawaii’s agriculture on the mainland
and overseas.