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Research Cyberinfrastructure:
Virtual Organizations, Data and
Chaitan Baru
San Diego Supercomputer Center
UC San Diego
Virtual Organizations and Data Sharing
Visualization and Cyberdashboards
Collaboration, and the Socio-technical
Some VO Projects
– Biomedical Informatics Research Network
– VO for sharing neuroscience imaging data
– Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulations
– VO for sharing earthquake engineering experiment and simulation data
– Geosciences Network
– VO to facilitate integration of earth sciences data
TEAM,, (Moore/Conservation
– Tropical Ecology, Assessment and Monitoring
– VO for sharing field ecology data from wildland sites in the tropics
More VO Projects…
GLEON, (Moore, NSF)
– Global Lake Ecology Observation Network
– VO for sharing lake ecological data
– The Digital Archaeological Record
– Sharing of data from different digs
MOCA, (Mathers, UCSD)
– Museum of Comparative Anthropogeny
– Creation of a phenomic information resource for investigating the origin of
Many others…in high energy physics, astronomy,
climate/atmospheric research, hydrology, ecology,
biomedicine, emergency response, …
Cyberinfrastructure at the speed of
In some cases, “do what it takes” to keep up
– Take shortcuts
– Leverage infrastructure from other CI projects and off-the-shelf
– Difficult because
• Can be stressful on software developers who take pride in creating
their own
• Software engineers may think PI is changing course too many times
In other cases, “don’t get too far ahead” of the users
– User community may see no apparent benefit to the
infrastructure being developed
• And, therefore, become frustrated and may stop using the system
“Community data” and the nature
of data sharing
– Petabytes of data from the same detector, shared by a global research
community. Common physics model.
– Petabytes of digital data from the same telescopes, shared by a global research
community. Common astrophysics model.
– 100’s terabyte to several petabytes of digital imaging data about the same
human organ (e.g. brain) from different individuals. Common organ model.
Earth Science (e.g. geophysics):
– 10’s-100’s Terabytes of seismic sensor data and tomographic image data,
shared by a global research and hazards response and policy community.
Common Earth model.
“Community data” and the nature
of data sharing
– 10’s of terabytes of sensor and field ecology data. There may be
common models at local and regional scale. What is the common
model at continental and global scale?
– Megabytes to terabytes of data from archaeological digs. What is the
common model? The data may be the model.
Social Sciences
– Sharing data from surveys of small populations
– Share data or share models? What is the metadata for models? Is there
a way to “normalize” the data, e.g. basic steps such as creating grids
from non-gridded data
Portal-based Science Environments
Support for resource sharing and collaborations
GEON Portal
GEON Portal and Cyberinfrastructure provide:
Authenticated access to data and Web services
Registration of data sets, tools, and services with metadata
Search for data, tools, and services, using ontologies
Scientific workflow environment and access to HPC
Data and map integration capability
Scientific data visualization and GIS mapping
GEON LiDAR Workflow (GLW)
Data: opentopography portal
EarthScope Data Portal
San Diego
Cyberdashboard for a Tropical
Ecology Network
Cyberdashboard for Emergency
2007 San Diego Wildfires
– 911 calls
• Data mining of spatiotemporal data
• Analysis of calls during San Diego
wildfires, Oct 2007
– Wildfire Evacuations
• Visualization of data from Red Cross
disastersafe database
California Fire Plan
• UCSD/SDSC will assist in the new Fire
Plan for State of California
Campus-scale information
Cyberinfrastructure for Data Visualization
On-demand access to data
– Short lead times from request to readiness to rendering
and display
On-demand access to computing
– Online modeling, analysis, and visualization tools
“On-line” Collaboration environments
– Software architecture
– Facility architecture
Software: E.g. OpenEarth Framework
Interactive Visualization of 3D/4D earth science data
“For a given region (i.e. lat/long extent, plus depth), return a 3D structural model with
accompanying physical parameters of density, seismic velocities, geochemistry, and
geologic ages, using a cell size of 10km”
–Derived 3D volumetric model
–Multiple isosurfaces, with different transparencies
–Slices through the volume
–Variable gridding: data typically has lower resolution at greater depths
–2D surface data: Satellite imagery, street maps, geologic maps, terrain
surface, fault lines, and other derived features etc.
–Bore hole or well data
OpenEarth Framework (OEF)
Facility: E.g. SDSC / Calit2
Synthesis Center
Conceived as a collaboration space “to do” science
– Bring together …
High-performance computing
Large-scale data storage
In-person collaboration
Technical professionals to move projects forward
Face-to-face collaborations
– Are important, even in a “flat world” where distance is
Synthesis Center Facility
Large meeting space
Multiple display
Private conference
room with high
resolution projection
A variety of uses
Viz-oriented workshops
GEON Visualization workshop
Workshop on Visualization of Large
Biomolecular Complexes
Tsunami Recon Data Workshop
GEON Workshop on Constructing, Editing,
and Visualizing Integrated models of Earth
GEON Digital Acquisition Workshop: From
hand-held computers to ground-based LIDAR
Classes / Hands-on
UCSD Digital Photo Class
GEON Summer Institute
NBCR Summer Institute
GEON Portal Usability Workshop
NEES IT Managers’ Retreat
SEEK All-Hands Meeting
NEON CI Planning Workshop
The NEURON Simulation Environment
Metagenomics 2006
BIRN All-Hands Meeting
Information Theory and Applications
ORION Coastal/Global RFP meeting
Geoinformatics 2007
Governor’s Broadband Taskforce Meeting
Moore Foundation Annual Marine
Microbiology Investigator Symposium
Site Visits
NEESit NSF Site Visit
LOOKING NSF Review Meeting
Calit2 UCOP Review
NEON NSF Conceptual Design Review
Staffing and Funding
– Technical Support Staff
– Research Staff: Visualization, Data Integration,
Analysis, Data Mining
– Coordination
– “Project-based” funding: Staff funded by research
– “Recharge”: Facility usage fee
Calit2 Stereo Wall (C-Wall)
Dual HD resolution (1920
x 2048 pixels) with JVC
HD2k projectors
2 Linux PCs w/Nvidia
Quadro 5600
Passive stereo
Ascension Flock of Birds
tracking system w/Wanda
Calit2 Stereo Wall (C-Wall)
Philip Weber exploring a multi-spectral DaVinci painting
Calit2 Digital Cinema Theater
200 Seats, 8.2 Sound, Sony SRX-R110, SGI
Prism w/21TB, 10GE to Computers/Data
The StarCAVE
Computers: 15 Dell XPS PCs with Quad
Core Intel CPUs
OS: CentOS Linux
Graphics cards:
2 Nvidia Quadro 5600 per node
Projectors: 30 JVC HD2k (1920x1080
pixels), ~30 megapixels per eye
Stereo: passive with circular polarization
15 screens, ~8 x 4 feet each
Optical tracking system by ART
Visualization software:
COVISE, OpenSceneGraph
Programming Language: C++
Calit2’s 225 Megapixel HiPerSpaceTiled Display
Personal Varrier: 3D
The Varrier Wall
12 x 5 array of
displays from EVL
15 Linux PCs with
Nvidia GeForce 7900
graphics cards
1600 x 1200 pixels on
each display
Optical tracking
SIO Visualization Center