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Drama Department Assessment Policy (2016/7)
Where appropriate we follow the school assessment policy.
In addition to this within Years 7-9 practical assessment is on-going and given through verbal
feedback, summative and formative assessments.
Verbal feedback is given using WWW (What Worked Well) & EBI (Even Better If….) format or
adaptations of this structure. Feedback will be given in most lessons to individuals, small groups or
as whole class. As a department we encourage self and peer assessment on a regular basis as part of
our verbal assessment. Praise is a fundamental aspect of this process.
At key points in the SOL mastery statements for Year 7 & 8 pupils will be used to assess the three
key areas of Creating, Performing and Responding. This will be documented by the teacher in a class
mastery booklet which is monitored every half term by HJ. Attitude grades are also recorded.
Year 9 assessment of Creating, Performing and Responding will be made using level descriptors and
reported, alongside attitude grades, via termly progress checks.
Where progress is not being made as expected self-assessment will be encouraged and written
feedback given in pupils’ specific drama report.
All teachers will involve themselves in a standardisation process to ensure consistency and rigour
across the classes. Video evidence is required to aid this process.
Drama Department Assessment Policy
(Reformed GCSEs first examined in 2018)
GCSE assessment follows the requirements of the specification which focuses on the following
assessment objectives:
A01: Create and develop ideas to communicate meaning for theatrical performance
A02: Apply theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions in live performance
A03: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and
A04: Analyse and evaluate their own work and the work of others
From 2018 onwards pupils will also be assessed using the mastery statements.
Practical Assessment
Assessment of the practical components builds on the structure used in Key Stage 3 with verbal
feedback for practical work being at the heart of what we do. In addition to this we use focused 1:1
teacher feedback alongside targeted group feedback to support and ensure progress is made. The
use of video is essential to the assessment of the rehearsals and the end performance. Peer
assessment develops into critical analysis in line with A04.
Written Assessment: Devising Log
There are regular opportunities to attempt written coursework with both summative marking and
teacher comments that pupils are encouraged to respond to. In addition to written feedback pupils
will engage in a dialogue with their teacher to aid progression. The frequency of this assessment is
determined by the practical work as it is holistic.
Written Assessment: Understanding Drama
Understanding Drama is assessed through a final written exam. All work in preparation for this will
be assessed using the exam board criteria and the departments marking key. We aim to have all
work marked within one week after the deadline. Literacy needs are responded to as per the
specification and school policy.
Marks will be recorded in teacher mark book and a central database. These will be reported to pupils
after internal moderation has occurred via the usual school systems.
Drama Department Assessment Policy
A Level
All feedback and assessment is linked to specification criteria.
Component 1: Drama and Theatre
This component is a written exam in which students are assessed on their knowledge and
understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and performed (AO3) and on their ability to
analyse and evaluate the live theatre work of others (AO4). To prepare students for this part of the
exam they will write regular practice essays that are marked by the teacher using the exam criteria
and the departments marking key. We aim to have all work marked within one week after the
deadline. Literacy needs are responded to as per the specification and school policy. The frequency
of these assessments will be determined as and when practical work is completed and the frequency
of live theatre trips. All essays and written work are recorded in their assessment books; they must
be hand written unless they have access arrangements.
Component 2 & 3
Assessment of the practical components builds on the structure used in GCSE with verbal feedback
for practical work continues to be at the heart of what we do. In addition to this we use focused 1:1
subject tutorials alongside targeted group feedback and the use of director’s notes to support and
ensure progress is made. The use of video is essential to the assessment of the rehearsals and the
end performance.
There are regular opportunities to attempt the written coursework expectations with both
summative marking and teacher comments that students are encouraged to respond to. In addition
to written feedback pupils will engage in a dialogue with their teacher to aid progression. The
frequency of this assessment is determined by the practical work as it is holistic.