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Sample Short Answer Questions:
1. Why was Prometheus chained up to the rock?
2. What was written on the apple of discord?
3. Who did Paris pick when asked to judge who was “the fairest”?
4. What are 3 characteristics of Thor (myth)?
5. Who is the god of the Olympians?
6. Do you think Prometheus’ punishment was fair?
7. Why did Phaeton think he could drive the chariot? Why didn’t Apollo want his son to drive the
8. Name the Greek gods
9. What does Arachne turn into?
10. What was the gift Prometheus gave to man?
11. Who was the goddess of beauty? Wisdom?
12. What was the name of Thor’s hammer?
13. Where is the home of the Greek gods?
14. Who is the Greek god of war who is often depicted carrying a blood-stained spear?
15. Who were Thor’s father and mother?
16. Who were the children of the Titans (5)?
17. What is Apollo the god of?
18. Where does the Greek sun god live?
19. Who is Thor’s wife and what did Loki do to her?
20. Why did Thor originally set out to Johutheim?
21. Who is the Greek god of chaos?
22. Who made Thor’s hammer?
23. Who threw the apple of discord?
24. What were the monsters that Phaeton was warned about?
25. How many Norse realms are there?
26. What is the name of the race of gods Zeus defeated?
Sample Essay Questions:
1. Relate Norse or Greek creation to our creation?
2. What are some similarities and differences in the Greek and Norse creation stories?
3. Name the similarities and differences between some of the Greek myths and the Nose
4. Compare two characters in Norse Mythology and Greek Mythology.
5. Describe the Sun Palace of Apollo.
6. How are Greek and Norse mythology similar to each other? How are they different?
7. Explain how the Greek god Zeus and the Norse god Thor are alike? Give proof from the
8. Describe the differences and similarities between Loki and Thor.
9. Explain how Thor’s character changes throughout the movie Thor.
10. How does mythology still show up in our lives today?
*Remember the story of Balder the sun-god
(There are no sample questions related to that story)