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The concept of weight loss is one that so many people cannot quite grasp, at least not in a manner that
produces quantifiable and sustainable results. Dieting has always been the top choices when it comes
to weight loss methods, as it demands less effort than working out. However, many are still clueless as
to which diet program is best for losing weight, especially now that the market has been saturated with
so many programs.
The Dukan Diet is one of the most popular weight loss plans today, and it has received its share of praise
as well as critique from users as well as nutrition/weight loss experts. Below is a comprehensive Dukan
Diet review, which would allow consumers to decide whether this program is for them.
What is Dukan Diet?
This weight loss plan revolves around consuming low fat and low carb foods. Authored by French
physician Pierre Dukan, this diet is segregated into four phases, each of which focuses on a specific
change in the person's eating habits as well as the type of food that he/she is allowed to eat.
Main Benefits
Clearly Delineated and Detailed Diet Phases
While there are so many diet programs in the market today, very few are as structured and well
organized as the Dukan Diet. The four phases of this program allows even novices to follow the
protocols without the usual confusion that usually plague dieters. The four phases are as follows:
Phase One: Mostly known as the Attack Phase, this part focuses mainly on the consumption of lean
proteins such as the following:
Leanest cuts of beef (top sirloin, eye of round roast, top round roast, bottom round roast, and fillet)
Poultry products (including organic eggs and chicken),
Seafood (crab, lobster, prawns)
Some types of wild game meat (rabbit, etc) are also acceptable as long as it does not exceed the limits
on fat and carb content.
During this phase, it is highly recommended that you use cooking methods that do not involve the use of
fat or grease. Poaching, grilling, broiling, and roasting would be the best way to cook meat as well as
fish during this stage. This phase usually lasts 10 days or more, depending on how much weight you
intend to lose.
Phase Two: This one is often referred to as the "Cruise Phase", and it involves the consumption of nonstarchy vegetables in addition to the core diet (high protein). This phase is largely intended to meet the
RDA or Recommended Daily Allowance for Nutrients, which enables the body to function normally.
Additional Requirement: Eating 2 tablespoons of oat bran and exercising for 30 minutes everyday.
Phase Three: The "Consolidation Phase" allows for the consumption of unlimited protein rich foods,
including pork, chicken, and lamb. Also included are carrots, peas, potatoes, corn, and other vegetables
and/or starchy root crops. Among the recommended foods to eat during this phase includes:
Wild berries
Lemons and other citrus fruits.
In addition to fruits, Dukan Diet users can also eat up to 40g of whatever type of cheese they prefer,
except for Blue cheese, goat cheese, and brie. This particular allowance allows dieters to indulge their
taste buds so they do not fall victim to cravings and/or severe hunger pangs.
Depending on the amount of weight you wish to shed, this phase can last up to 100 days or more.
Phase Four: The final stage is by far the hardest to keep at, especially for those who are used to eating
what they want, whenever they want. Phase four is referred to as the "Stabilization Stage" which
involves going back to eating normally, but with slight restrictions.
For instance, every Thursday is dedicated to consuming only protein rich foods and not much else. This
would entail extreme self-discipline as well as rigid menu planning.
Rapid Weight Loss
According to the projections of Doctor Pierre, the Attack Phase alone should allow a person to lose at
least 7 pounds. Considering the first phase only lasts about 5 days, 7 pounds is a sizable loss, which is
what most people look for when choosing a diet program.
Upon reaching the second phase of the program, you can expect to lose about 2 pounds every week.
This is of course largely dependent on how well you follow the dietary restrictions and whether or not
you incorporate exercise in your daily routine.
Set Meal Plans
Since there is a limited set of choices provided in the Dukan Diet, planning for meals should be a breeze.
In fact, you can go to the store once a week and have everything you need to make 3 meals everyday
(excluding the produce, which you need to buy fresh every couple of days).
This particular diet plan is the perfect choice for budget conscious individuals since there are no other
supplies or prepared meals to purchase. You might have to buy a recipe book for the Dukan Diet, but
the miscellaneous expenses are almost nonexistent.
Overly Detailed Diet Plan
While some people find it liberating to have all the instructions laid out for them, others get frustrated
over the sheer amount of information included in the Dukan Diet. Some Dukan users even go so far as
saying that the details prove to be counterproductive, which often causes people to abandon the
program altogether.
Requires Home Cooked Meals Everyday
This program does not allow for much flexibility. In fact, the list of foods that dieters are allowed to eat
for long stretches of time are so limited that dining at restaurants or eating takeout food is not a valid
option when taking on the Dukan Diet plan.
This plan is not ideal for those who do not like to cook, or have no desire and/or time to prepare daily
Not Suitable as a Long Term Solution
Considering the restrictions set by the Dukan Diet, it is easy to glean that not too many people would be
able to use it as a long-term weight loss solution. While there are those who have extraordinary resolve
when it comes to following stringent dietary limitations, over 90% of Dukan Diet users will eventually
lose steam and go back to eating the way they used to.
Most Dukan users usually last up to 150 days before they succumb to cravings or get tired of eating the
same type of food every day.
Verdict and Recommendation
This Dukan Diet review clearly illustrates that while the diet program clearly works as far as bringing
about rapid weight loss, it is not meant as a long-term solution. If you are to take on this diet plan, you
should note that it is only successful as a precursor to sustainable weight loss, and that you will have to
move on to other methods for long term results.