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Barbara C. Pence Updated
NAME: Barbara C. Pence
ADDRESS: TTUHSC Office of Research, Room 2B106
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Lubbock, Texas 79430
Phone: (806) 743-2556
FAX: (806) 743-2656
e-mail: [email protected]
Place of Birth:
Plainfield, NJ
United States Citizen
Microbiology, Chemistry (minor)
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
Microbiology (Genetic Toxicology)
Texas Tech University
Thesis Title: "A Mutagenesis Assay for the Colon Carcinogen 1,2dimethylhydrazine"
Experimental Pathology, Nutrition
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
Dissertation Title: "A Multivariate Analysis of Dietary and Microbial Interactions in
the Etiology of Colorectal Cancer"
Health Organization Management (Certificate MBA Program)
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
Certificate in Health Organization Management
Barbara C. Pence Updated
CCRP (Certified Clinical Research Professional), SoCRA, 2005-present
Postdoctoral Training
U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Science Park-Research Division, Smithville, Texas
National Cancer Institute Training Workshop
"Histopathobiology of Neoplasia", June 21-28, 1986,
Keystone, Colorado
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Training course: "Comparative Pathology",
April 4-26, 1989, Washington, DC
New England Biolabs Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Summer Workshop,
July 17-30, 1994, Smith College, Northampton, MA
Teaching Assistant in Microbiology: Department of Biological Sciences, Texas
Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
Research Assistant: Environmental Protection Agency Screening Program,
Texas Epidemiological Studies, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech
University, Lubbock, Texas
Laboratory Technician III: Division of Comparative Pathology, Department of
Pathology, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas
Medical Research Technician III: Division of Vivarium Services, Texas Tech
University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas
Postdoctoral Research Associate: Departments of Pathology and Vivarium
Services, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Assistant - Professor (Adjunct), Division of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech
University; Member of Graduate Faculty, 1987-present
Postdoctoral Fellow: Department of Experimental Carcinogenesis, U.T. M.D.
Anderson Cancer Center, Science Park-Research Division, Smithville, Texas
Assistant Professor: Department of Pathology, Texas Tech University Health
Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas (TTUHSC)
Assistant Professor (Joint): Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Member of Graduate Faculty, Department of Cell Biology and Biochemistry,
1992 - tenure awarded
Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, TTUHSC
Director of Research, Department of Pathology, TTUHSC
Adjunct Associate Professor of Animal Science and Food Technology, Texas
Tech University
Joint Associate Professor of Radiology, TTUHSC
Assistant Director, Texas Tech University Institute for Biotechnology
Professor of Pathology, TTUHSC
Associate Vice President for Research;
Associate Dean for Research and the Graduate School
Barbara C. Pence Updated
American Association for Cancer Research
American Society for Preventive Oncology
American Association for Cancer Education
American Institute of Nutrition
Women in Cancer Research
The Oxygen Society
Travel Grant: to attend XIII International Congress of Nutrition in Brighton,
England, American Institute of Nutrition, 1985, $850
Postdoctoral Fellowship: National Research Service Award, Training Grant # CA09480 (T32), National Cancer Institute, 1986-88
Award for Outstanding Publication, Denver Wildlife Research Center, 1983
Soroptimist Club Mentor/Mentee Program: Mentor, 1991
Cited in Who's Who in Science and Engineering 1st Edition, 1992 - present.
Cited in World Who's Who of Women, 12th Edition, 1993 - present.
“Scientist of the Year”, ARCS, Lubbock, Texas Chapter, 1998.
Member, Metabolic Pathology Study Section, National Cancer Institute, 19931997.
Member, Board of Directors, Texas Society for Biomedical Research, 1998present
Member, Nutritional Implementation Committee, Division of Cancer Prevention,
National Cancer Institute, NIH, 1998-2000.
Member, National Cancer Institute Subcommittee E, 2002-present.
Member, National Toxicology Program Board of Scientific Counselors, 20022005
Distinguished Alumna, College of Human Sciences, Texas Tech University, 2002
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Recipient: Marsha Sharp “Making a Difference for Women Award‟, from
Soroptimist International, April 21, 2004.
Member, Physicians Oncology Education Program Steering Committee, Texas
Medical Association, 2005-present
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center:
Founding Member, TTUHSC Institutional Biohazards Committee, 1988-1998;
Chair, 1988-90
Member, TTUHSC Faculty Appointments Committee, 1988-1991, 1995-1998
Member, TTUHSC Admissions Committee, 1988-present
Member, Research Strategic Planning Committee, TTUHSC, 1989
Member, TTUHSC Educational Policy Committee, 1989-1992; 1993-present;
Chair, 1990-91
Member, TTUHSC Faculty Development Leave Committee, 1989
Member, TTUHSC Grading and Promotions Committee, 1990-1993; Chair,
Member, TTUHSC Faculty Executive Council, 1991-1994
Member, TTUHSC Faculty Research Council, 1991-1994, 1995-1996
Member, TTUHSC Biochemistry Chair Search Committee, 1991
University Medical Center:
Member, University Medical Center Cancer Committee, 1996-1998; member
Cancer Audit Sub-Committee, 1991-1994
Member, Joint Strategic Planning Task Force, 2000
National Organizations:
Vice-Chairperson, Planning Committee for 1991 FASEB Conference "Molecular
Nutrition, Gene Expression and Carcinogenesis"
Member, Membership Committee, American Association for Cancer Research,
1992-93, 1995-1996
Member, Program Committee, American Association for Cancer Research,
Member, Program Committee, Women in Cancer Research, 1995-1996
Co-Chair, American Institute for Cancer Research Workshop “Diet, Nutrition and
Cancer Prevention: Research Opportunities, Approaches and Pitfalls”, 1995
Co-Chair, American Association for Cancer Research Workshop “Nutrition and
Cancer Prevention”, annual meeting, 1996
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Research Assistantship: Texas Epidemiologic Studies Project, Cooperative
Agreement CR806904-01, Environmental Protection Agency, 1978-79
Grant: "Multiple Dietary Factors in the Promotion or Inhibition of Colorectal
Cancer", Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech University, 1983-84,
Grant: "Interactions of Dietary Factors as Modifiers of Colon Carcinogenesis",
College of Home Economics Research Institute, Texas Tech University, 198384, $4000
Grant: "Effects of Calcium/Vitamin D Supplementation on Colon Carcinogenesis
in Rats", Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech University, 1985-86,
Grant: "Development of a Colon Multistage Carcinogenesis Model", Texas Tech
University Health Sciences Center Seed Research Grant Program, 1987-88,
Grant: "Reactive Oxygen Species and Selenium Deficiency: Effects on
Metabolism of 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine", Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Texas
Tech University and Health Sciences Center, 1987-88, $5000
Grant: "Colon Multistage Model: Validation", Texas Tech University Health
Sciences Center Seed Research Grant Program, 1988-89, $4000
Grant: "Beef Tallow and Oxidative Stress in Colon Carcinogenesis", National
Livestock and Meat Board, 1988-89, $19,150
Grant: "Modulation of Murine Multistage Skin Carcinogenesis by Vitamin D 3",
Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech University and Health Sciences
Center, 1988-89, $5600
Medical Student Summer Research Fellowship, TTUHSC, Summer, 1989 for R.
Stephen Lawlis, $1500
Grant: Dietary Calcium and Multistage Skin Carcinogenesis", TTUHSC Seed
Research Grant, 1989-90, $6000
Grant: Beef Tallow and Oxidative Stress in Colon Carcinogenesis", Institute for
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech University and Health Sciences Center,
Student fellowship, 1990, $6000.
Grant: Visiting Professor in Nutrition Program, National Dairy Council, March 1-2,
1990, $1500.
Grant: "Beef Tallow versus Polyunsaturates: Production of Oxidant Damage
Related to Colon Carcinogenesis", 1990, National Livestock and Meat Board,
Grant: "Antioxidant Status: Relevance to Colon Carcinogenesis and Tumor
Promotion by Type of Dietary Fat", summer 1990, Institute for Nutritional
Sciences, Texas Tech University and Health Sciences Center, $2500
Grant: "Beef Tallow and Oxidative Stress in Colon Carcinogenesis", summer
1990, Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech University and Health
Sciences Center, $600
Grant: "Antioxidant Status: Relevance to Colon Carcinogenesis and Tumor
Promotion by Type of Dietary Fat", Institute for Nutritional Sciences, Texas Tech
University and Health Sciences Center, 1990-91, $7500
Grant: "Calcium Inhibition of Colon Cancer Progression", National Institutes of
Health # CA52006-01A1, 1/1/91 - 12/31/93, $267,517
Grant: "Antioxidant Defenses During Colon Carcinogenesis: Effects of Beef
Tallow Versus Polyunsaturates", National Live Stock and Meat Board, 1/1/91 12/31/91, $33,424
Grant: "Elemental Versus Dairy Product Calcium: Implications for Colon Cancer
Prevention", National Dairy Council, 1/1/91 - 12/31/93, $133,080
Grant: "Colon, Prostate and Cervical Cancer Control Program for Rural West
Texas", Texas Cancer Council, 3/1/92 - 8/31/92, $25,000.
Grant: "Participating Institution: Texas Community Oncology Network", UT MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Co-Investigator, 7/1/92 - 3/31/94, $248,235.
Grant: "West Texas Coalition for Cancer Control, Public Health Region 3", Texas
Cancer Council, 9/1/92 - 8/31/93, $100,000.
Grant: "West Texas Coalition for Cancer Control, Public Health Region 2", Texas
Cancer Council, Co-Investigator, 9/1/92 - 8/31/93, $60,000.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Grant: "Lean Beef versus Total Fat in Colon Carcinogenesis", American Institute
for Cancer Research, 1/1/93 - 12/31/94, $110,000.
Grant: "HealthNet", Physicians's Oncology Education Program of the Texas
Medical Association, 4/1/93 - 8/31/93, $15,000.
Grant: "West Texas Coalition for Cancer Control, Public Health Region 3", Texas
Cancer Council, 9/1/93 - 8/31/94, $89,000.
Grant: “CATCHUM Project”, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston”,
4/1/93 -8/31/95, $15,000.
Grant: “West Texas Coalition for Cancer Control, Public Health Regions 9 and
10”, Texas Cancer Council, 9/1/94 - 8/31/95, $101,689.
Travel grant: To attend the 16th International Cancer Congress in New Delhi,
India, October 30 - November 5, 1994, $3,000.
Grant: “Meat Cooking Methods and Colon Carcinogenesis”, American Institute
for Cancer Research, 1/1/95 - 12/31/96, $110,000.
Grant: “Heme Iron from Beef and its Role in Colon Carcinogenesis”, Texas Tech
University Institute for Nutritional Sciences, 9/1/94 - 8/31/95, $10,000, PI: Dr.
Mark Miller.
Grant: West Texas Coalition Against Cancer”, Texas Cancer Council, 6/1/95 8/31/95, $300,000, PI: Dr. Glen Roberson.
Grant:Mentor, Summer Medical Student Research Fellowship, 1995, $1500.
Grant: “West Texas Mammography Program”, Texas Cancer Council, 9/1/95 8/31/96, $184,846.
Grant: “The CATCHUM Project”, National Cancer Institute 1 R25 CA65618-01,
4/1/95 3/31/98, subcontractee, PI: Billy U. Philips, $21,500
Grant: “Evaluation of the Roles of Antioxidant Nutrients in the Protection of
Macromolecules, and Regulation of Apoptosis Following UVB Irradiation of
Keratinocytes in Culture”, Institute for Nutritional Sciences, TTU, 9/1/95 8/31/96, $10,000
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Grant: “Inhibition of Skin Cancer Growth by Selenium Compounds, E”.A. Franklin
Endowment Fund, 1/1/96 - 12/31/97, $50,000
Grant: “Cooked Meat Mutagens and Increased Risk for Mammary Cancer”,
Texas Tech University Institute for Nutritional Sciences, 9/1/96 - 8/31/97,
Grant: “West Texas Mammography Program”, Texas Cancer Council, 9/1/96 8/31/97, $194,539.
Grant: “West Texas Mammography Program”, Texas Cancer Council, 9/1/97 8/31/98, $194,991.
Grant: “Selenium: Antioxidant or Prooxidant Mechanism”, National Cancer
Institute, R01 CA76675, 1/1/98 - 11/30/03, $739,785.
Grant: “Development of a Genetic Counseling Service for Genetic Testing for
Breast Cancer”, Lubbock Area Chapter of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Foundation, 1/1/98 – 12/31/98, $10,000.
Grant: “The CATCHUM Project”, National Cancer Institute 2 R25 CA65618-05,
4/1/98-3/31/03, B. Pence, subcontractee, PI: Billy U. Philips, $75,000.
Grant: “Genetic Effects of Pesticide Exposure in the Aral Sea Region”, NATO,
5/1/00 – 4/30/02, B. Pence, collaborator, PI: Spencer Wells, $14,200.
Grant: Neely Treadwell Cancer Investigator Award, Southwest Cancer Center,
11/1/03 –5/31/04, $15,000
Grant: “The CATCHUM Project”, National Cancer Institute 2 R25 CA6561809/26/03-10/1/08, B. Pence, subcontractee, PI: Billy U. Philips, $15,000.
Grant: “West Texas Rural EXPORT Center”, (National Center for Minority Health
and Health Disparities (NIH) 1 R24 MD0001097-01, 08/31/05-08/31/08. B.
Pence, Director of Administrative and Research Cores, PI: Patti Patterson, $1,
Grant: “Bridging the Gap: A Patient-Centered Curriculum for Cultural
Competence”, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 1 K07 HL81467-01A1,
09/30/06-08/31/11. B. Pence, Co-Investigator, PI: Lynn Bickley, $640,725.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Grant: “GTP and Tai Chi for Bone Health: A Pilot Study”, National Center for
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH), 1 R21 AT003735-01A1,
06/01/07–05/31/09. B. Pence, consultant, PI: Chwan-Li Shen, $445,500.
Cancer Chemoprevention
Chemical Carcinogenesis
Nutrition/Disease Interactions
Oxygen Radical Pathogenesis
Heterocyclic Amine Carcinogenesis
Cancer Research
Nutrition and Cancer
Cancer Letters
Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
The Cancer Journal
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Academic Medicine
*March of Dimes Grants Program: 1989, 1991
*AdHoc Member, Scientific Advisory Board, National Live Stock and Meat Board,
*NIH, National Cancer Institute, special outside reviewer, Metabolic Pathology
Study Section: 1991, 1992
*NSF, ASEND grant program - North Dakota, 1991, 1992
*Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Services and Research
Administration: 1992
*NIH, National Cancer Institute, Ad Hoc Member, Metabolic Pathology Study
Section: 1992-1993
*NIH, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, outside reviewer, 1992
Barbara C. Pence Updated
*USDA Special Grants Program for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture, 1993
*USDA Human Nutrition Grants Program, 1993, 1994-present
*National Live Stock and Meat Board, grants review panel, 1993
*NIH, regular member, Metabolic Pathology Study Section, 1993-1997
*NCI, Special Review Committees for numerous RFA's, SEP‟s and site visits,
1993- present
*U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, Special Reviewer
for breast cancer research program, 1994.
*Ad Hoc Reviewer, American Institute for Cancer Research grants program,
*Member, scientific review panel, Susan G. Komen Foundation research grants
program, 1995
*Member, American Institute for Cancer Research Review Panel I, 1996-present
*Member, National Dairy Council Review Team, Dartmouth College Dairy
Research Institute for Colon Cancer, 1995
*Member, US Army Medical Research and Development Command review panel
for prostate cancer research program, 1998-2001
*Ad-hoc Member, National Cancer Institute Subcommittee E, 2001 (reviews
Center Grants and Program Project grants)
*Member, NIH National Cancer Institute Subcommittee E, 2002-present; Chair
*Member, Board of Scientific Counselors, National Toxicology Program, 20022005
U.T. M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, Sept. 12, 1985, "Multiple
Dietary Factors and Etiology of Colon Cancer"
University of Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, Arizona, Oct. 8, 1985, "Multiple
Dietary Factors in the Etiology of Colorectal Cancer"
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, Satellite Teleconference,
"Calcium, Osteoporosis and Beyond" aired in February 1986, and "The Diet and
Cancer Link" aired in December 1986
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, February 23, 1987,
"Chemoprevention of Cancer: Role of Diet" as part of seminar series, "Nutrition,
Immunology and Cancer"
Fourth Texas Carcinogenesis Meeting, Smithville, Texas, October 3, 1987,
"Calcium or Vitamin D Inhibition of Colon Carcinogenesis Promoted with Dietary
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Panel Discussion, National Dairy Council, Chicago, Illinois, April 13, 1988,
Nutrition Research Conference, "Update on Dietary Calcium and Cancer"
Symposium speaker, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Summer Research Conference: "Nutrients and Gene Expression in
Carcinogenesis", July 30-August 4, 1989, Copper Mountain, Colorado
Invited Seminar Speaker, University of Texas at El Paso, Department of Biology,
"Oxygen Radicals in Tumor Promotion", October 20, 1989
Symposium speaker, "Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Conference", November
9, 1989, Austin, Texas, sponsored by the Austin Dietetic Association and the
Texas Department of Health.
Invited participant and speaker, National Cancer Institute-sponsored workshop
on "Calcium, Vitamin D and Colon Cancer", Vail, CO, July 8-10, 1990.
Invited speaker, "Partners in Prevention", American Cancer Society-sponsored
symposium, October 11, 1990, Houston, Texas.
Invited speaker, "Micronutrients and Colorectal Cancer Risk: Implications for
Chemoprevention", 5th International Symposium on Colorectal Cancer, Turin,
Italy, September 24-26, 1991.
Invited speaker, "Calcium and Gastrointestinal Cancer", Dairy Council of Arizona
Nutrition Conference "Targeting Trends in Nutrition and Cancer", Tempe, AZ,
October 4, 1991.
Invited seminar speaker, "Nutritional Modulation of Detoxification Systems", to
Faculty of Toxicology, Texas A & M University, October 28, 1991.
Invited speaker, "PKC: Implications for Colon Carcinogenesis", to Department of
Gastrointestinal Oncology, Univ. of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
January 15, 1992.
Invited speaker, "Role of Calcium in Colon Cancer Prevention: Experimental and
Clinical Studies", at conference "Towards Reducing the Incidence of Colorectal
Cancer: The Role of Inheritance and Diet", February 18, 1993, Aukland, New
Invited speaker, "National Dairy Board Annual Research Conference", Ashland,
New Hampshire, May 4-5, 1993.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Panel Discussant, "Diet and Cancer Prevention", Rutgers University, June 11,
Invited speaker, "Dietary Effects in Animal Models for Colon Cancer", M.D.
Anderson Annual Clinical Conference on the Advances in the Biology and
Therapy of Colorectal Cancer, November 6, 1993.
Invited seminar, “Chemoprevention of Colon Cancer with Dietary Calcium:
Animal Studies”, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, December 2,
Invited seminar, “UV-Induced Damage in Murine Epidermis: Role of Antioxidant
Enzymes”, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, December 9, 1993.
Symposium speaker, “Prevention of Colorectal Cancer: Dietary
Recommendations and Clinical Trials”, POEP conference, Colorectal Cancer:
Detection, Prevention, Treatment, Lubbock, Texas, June 18, 1994.
Invited speaker: “Local Health Services Research using Tumor Registry Data”,
Texas Tumor Registrars State Meeting, Lubbock, Texas, October 27, 1994.
Symposium speaker, “Modulation of Oxidative Damage to DNA by Sodium
Selenite via the Mechanism of Apoptosis”, Sixth International Symposium on
Selenium in Biology and Medicine, Beijing, China, August 20, 1996.
Invited speaker, “Is Well-cooked Meat a Cause of Human Cancer?”, Friday
Seminar Series, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, September
20, 1996.
Invited speaker, “West Texas Cancer Prevention Partnership”, University of
Texas System Texas-Mexican Border Health Symposium, South Padre Island,
Texas, October 25, 1996.
Invited speaker, “Red Meat, Heterocyclic Amines, and Human Cancer”,
University of South Carolina Cancer Center, October 23, 1998.
Invited speaker, “Nutrition: The Forgotten Ingredient in Cancer Care”, TaylorJones-Haskell County Medical Society, sponsored by POEP, Abilene, TX, May
18, 2000.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Invited speaker: “Nutrition and Cancer Therapy: The Good, the Bad and the
Ugly”, presented at POEP symposium at TMA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX,
May 27, 2000.
Invited speaker:, “Is well-cooked meat a cause of human cancer?”, presented at
workshop “What‟s new in Diet and Cancer Prevention?”, presented at Annual
Meeting of American Dietetic Association, Denver, CO, Oct. 16, 2000.
Invited speaker: “Nutrition and the Cancer Patient”, presented at Texas Oncology
Nurses Association, Dallas, TX, April 27, 2001.
Keynote speaker: “Nutrition and Cancer: From Prevention to Survivorship”, 45th
Annual Nutrition and Food Service Seminar, University of Texas, Austin, TX,
March 21, 2002.
Invited speaker: “Cancer – What Primary Care Physicians Need to Know”,
presented at POEP symposium at TMA Annual meeting, Dallas, TX, April 20,
Invited speaker: “Nutrition and Cancer: From Prevention to Survivorship”,
presented at the Lubbock, Crosby, Garza County Medical Society meeting, May
8, 2004.
Invited speaker: “Nutrition and Cancer: From Prevention to Survivorship”,
presented at the Lubbock chapter of the Susan G. Komen Foundation, May 8,
Invited speaker: “Nutrition and Cancer”, UMC Southwest Cancer Research and
Treatment Center „Well-Informed‟ public lecture, presented August 24, 2004.
Invited speaker: “Symposium 2005: IRB Best Practices”, UT Southwestern, May
11-12, 2005.
Presenter: “Obesity and Cancer”, CNNT Cancer Survivors‟ Workshop, ACS,
Lubbock, TX, August 28, 2006.
Invited Participant: “Eliminating Disparities in Clinical Trials (EDICT): Formulating
Policies” Roundtable, Houston, TX, September 6-8, 2006.
Invited speaker: “Clinical Research: What comes after the guinea pigs?”
Southwest Cancer Center Public Lecture, Lubbock, TX, November 2, 2006.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Roundtable presentation at AAMC GREAT meeting on training graduate
students for translational and clinical research, April 27, 2007
Invited Presentation to SACHRP (Secretary‟s Advisory Committee on Human
Research Protections): “Eliminating Disparities in Clinical Trials” on July 31,
2007, Washington, DC
Panel discussion/presentation: “Eliminating Disparities: The Scientific
Perspective” at PRIM&R meeting, December 4, 2007
National Press Conference: “EDICT Recommendations for Clinical Trials”,
National Press Club, Washington DC, April 1, 2008.
1. Felkner, I.C., M.J. Wargovich and B.C. Wells. 1981. Colon cancer induced in rats by
1,2-dimethylhydrazine: parallel mutagenesis and enzymology monitored by a
Bacillus subtilis detector system. In: Abstracts of the January 1981 Workshop,
"The Large Bowel Cancer Program: Its Achievements and Future Investigation".
2. Wells, B.C., M.J. Wargovich and I.C. Felkner. 1981. Characterization of interactions
affecting mutagenic activity of the colon carcinogen, 1,2-dimethylhydrazine.
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Dallas, Texas.
3. Pence, D.B., B.C. Wells and L. Windberg. 1981. Sarcoptic mange in south Texas
coyotes. Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Disease Association, Laramie, Wyoming.
4. Pence, D.B. and B.C. Wells. 1982. Epizootiology of sarcoptic mange in south
Texas coyotes. Fifth International Congress of Parasitology, Toronto, Canada
(Abstracts, In: Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. Suppl., p. 570).
5. Pence, B.C. and F. Buddingh. 1984. Dietary selenium deficiency and 1,2dimethylhydrazine-induced colon cancer. Fed. Proc. 43: 794.
6. Pence, B.C. and F. Buddingh. 1984. Effects of selenium deficiency on 1,2dimethylhydrazine-induced colon cancer in rats. Third International Symposium
on Selenium in Biology and Medicine, Beijing, China.
7. Pence, B.C. 1985. Dietary cholesterol effects on fecal levels of Bacteroides fragilis
group organisms. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
8. Pence, B.C., S.P. Yang and F. Buddingh. 1985. Multiple dietary interactions in the
promotion of colon cancer in rats. Fed. Proc. 44: 1499.
9. Pence, B.C., F. Buddingh and S.P. Yang. 1985. Enhancement of 1,2dimethylhydrazine tumorigenesis by dietary cholesterol, beef fat and indole-3carbinol. Proc. American Association for Cancer Research 26: 124.
10. Pence, B.C., S.P. Yang and F. Buddingh. 1985. A model for the study of the
effects of complex dietary interactions on carcinogenesis. Abstracts, XIII
International Congress of Nutrition, Brighton, England
11. Buddingh, F. and B.C. Pence. 1985. Enhancement of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine
tumorigenesis by dietary cholesterol, beef fat and indole-3-carbinol. Annual
Meeting of the Texas Branch of the American Association for Laboratory Animal
Science, Arlington, Texas.
12. Pence, B.C. and F. Buddingh. 1986. Dietary effects on lipid peroxides and uric
acid in rat serum. Fed. Proc. 45: 1076.
13. Pence, B.C., S.C. Buessow, M.T. Yang, S.P. Yang and F. Buddingh. 1986. Effect
of selenium and molybdenum supplementation on K562 erythroleukemia cells in
culture. Fifth Joint Meeting of the American Institute of Nutrition, American
Society for Clinical Nutrition and the Canadian Society for Nutritional Sciences,
Davis, California. J. Nutr. 116: xxxi.
14. Pence, B.C. and F. Buddingh. 1987. Inhibition of dietary fat promotion of colon
carcinogenesis by supplemental calcium or vitamin D. Proc. American
Association for Cancer Research 28: 154.
15. Reiners, J.J.Jr. and B.C. Pence. 1987. 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetatedependent induction of xanthine dehydrogenase and conversion to xanthine
oxidase in murine epidermis. Proc. American Association for Cancer Research
28: 160.
16. Pence, B.C. 1989. Reactive oxygen species and selenium deficiency: toxic effects
of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine. FASEB J. 3: A779.
17. Pence, B.C. and M.F. Naylor. 1989. Effects of single-dose ultraviolet light on
superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and xanthine oxidase in
Skh:HR-1 mouse epidermis. Proc. American Association for Cancer Research 30:
Barbara C. Pence Updated
18. Pence, B.C., Demick, D.S. and F. Buddingh. 1989. Effective control of Myobia
spp. in laboratory mice with chlorpyrifos (DursbanTM). Annual Meeting of Texas
Branch of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, Fort Worth,
19. Kuratko, C.N. and B.C. Pence. 1989. The effect of different dietary fats on oxygen
radical detoxication in rat colon. Annual Meeting of the American Dietetic
Association, Kansas City, Missouri. J. Amer. Dietetic Assoc. 89: A-59, 1989.
20. Kuratko, C.N. and B.C. Pence. 1990. Effect of different dietary fats and 1,2dimethylhydrazine on oxygen radical detoxification in rat colon. FASEB J. 4:
21. Pence, B.C., Lawlis, R.S. and C.N. Kuratko. 1990. Effect of dietary vitamin D3 on
mouse skin tumor promotion. Proc. Amer. Assoc. for Cancer Res. 31: 143
22. Pence, B.C., Kuratko, C.N. and S.-Y. Tsai. 1990. Dietary fat effects on antioxidant
status of rat colon: implications for carcinogenesis. To be presented at "Oxidative
Damage and Repair", November 14-20, Pasadena, CA. Free. Rad. Biol. Med. 9
Suppl.: 164.
23. Tsai, S.-Y., Richard, B.C. and B.C. Pence. 1991. Effects of dietary fat on hepatic
microsomal metabolism of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine. FASEB J. 5: A926.
24. Kuratko, C.N., Tsai, S.-Y. and B.C. Pence. 1991. Effects of dietary fat and 1,2dimethylhydrazine on hepatic microsomal lipid peroxidation. FASEB J. 5: A1281.
25. Pence, B.C. and G.S. Cameron. 1991. Effects of multiple applications of tumor
promoters and ultraviolet radiation on epidermal proliferation and antioxidant
status. Proc. Amer. Assoc. for Cancer Res. 32: 150 .
26. Pence. B.C. 1991. Do dietary fats promote colon cancer by inducing oxidative
stress? NIH Workshop: Cellular and Molecular Targets for Chemoprevention,
March 16-19, 1991, Charleston, SC.
27. Pence, B.C. 1991. Micronutrients and colorectal cancer risk: implications for
chemoprevention. Proc. 5th International Symposium on Colorectal Cancer.
Torino, Italy, p. 54.
28. L.S. Binder, J. Brown III, E.J. Wheeler, J.A. Chappell, T. McMahon, P. Doris, B.
Pence, R. Rolfe, P. Castiglia, R. Elizondo, R. Brands, A. Reynolds, D. Mahr, S.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Reding, J. Barber, and P. Duarte. 1991. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation's
community partnership with health professions education (CP/HPE): The Texas
Tech model emerges. Proc. Assoc. American Medical Colleges Annual Meeting.
29. Pence, B.C., Zhao, C. and S. Hunter. 1992. Elemental versus dairy calcium:
effects on colonic protein kinase C and ornithine decarboxylase. FASEB J. 6:
30. Tsai, S.-Y., Dunn, D.M. and B.C. Pence. 1992. Colonic antioxidant status during
dimethylhydrazine carcinogenesis: effects of type and amount of dietary fat.
FASEB J. 6: A1395.
31. Pence, B.C., Dunn, D.M., Zhao, C. Hunter, S. and M.J. Wargovich. 1992.
Modulation of rat colonic protein kinase C and ornithine decarboxylase by dietary
calcium. Proc. Amer. Assoc. for Cancer Res. 33: 130 (779).
32. Pence, B.C. 1993. Role of calcium in colon cancer prevention: experimental and
clinical studies. Presented at conference, "Towards Reducing the Incidence of
Colorectal Cancer: The Role of Inheritance and Diet", Aukland, New Zealand,
Feb. 15-19, 1993.
33. Tsai, S.-Y. and B.C. Pence. 1993. Effect of type and amount of dietary lipid on
colonic nuclear aberrations during colon carcinogenesis. FASEB J. 7:A174.
34. Delver, E. and B.C. Pence. 1993. Effects of dietary selenium level on UV-induced
skin cancer and epidermal antioxidant status. FASEB J. 7:A290.
35. Pence, B.C., Zhao, C., Hunter, S. and M.J. Wargovich. 1993.
Compartmentalization of calcium, free fatty acids and bile acids in rats fed cholic
acid and CaCO3. Gastroenterology 104:A440.
36. Pence, B.C., Dunn, D.M., Zhao, C., Landers, M. and M.J. Wargovich. 1994.
Experimental chemoprevention of colon carcinogenesis by combined calcium and
aspirin. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res. 35: 624.
37. Pence, B.C., Dunn, D.M., Zhao, C. and M. Landers. 1994. Elemental vs. dairy
product calcium in experimental colon cancer prevention. FASEB J. 8:A426.
38. Zhao, C., Landers, M., Butler, M., Miller, M. and B.C. Pence. 1994. Effects of beef
protein and fat source on serum iron status in rats. FASEB J. 8:A721.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
39. Pence, B.C., Zhao, C., Landers, M. and M.J. Wargovich. 1994. Modulation of
colonic protein kinase C by dietary bile acids, calcium carbonate, and aspirin.
Proc. XVI Internatl.Cancer Congress, Delhi, India.
40. Ronaghan, C.A. and B.C. Pence. 1994. Strategies for cancer control program
implementation in rural regions. Proc. XVI Internatl. Cancer Congress, Delhi,
41. Pence, B.C., Dunn, D.M., Zhao, C., Landers, M. and M.J. Wargovich. 1994.
Validation of intermediate biomarkers during experimental colon carcinogenesis in
rats. Gastroenterology, 106, A427.
42. Landers, M., Dunn, D.M., Zhao, C., B.C. Pence and M.J. Wargovich. 1994.
Promotional effects of lactose feeding on small bowel tumorigenesis in an
experimental animal model of colon carcinogenesis, Gastroenterology, 106, A407.
43. Butler, M.J., Miller, M.F. and B.C. Pence. 1994. Lack of colon promoting
carcinogenesis by beef in the rat model. Annual Meeting of the American Meat
Science Association.
44. Kuratko, C.N. and B.C. Pence. 1994. Dietary lipid and iron modify normal colonic
mucosa without affecting phospholipase A2 activity. American Institute for Cancer
Research meeting, Washington, D.C.
45. Pence, B.C., Butler, M.J., Dunn, D.M. and M.F. Miller. 1994. Non-promoting effects
of lean beef in the rat colon carcinogenesis model. American Institute for Cancer
Research meeting, Washington, D.C.
46. Kuratko, C.N. and B.C. Pence. 1995. Fatty acid composition of colon mucosa is
altered by dietary lipid and iron without affecting phospholipase A 2 activity. Proc.
Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res. 36, 115 (#682).
47. Stewart, M.S., Cameron, G.S., Harris, B.D. and B.C. Pence. 1995. Modulation of
UVB-induced oxidative damage to DNA in murine keratinocytes by sodium
selenite. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res., 36, 113 (# 669).
48. Stewart, M.S., Cameron, G.S. and B.C. Pence. 1995. Modulation of ultraviolet B
light-induced oxidative damage by vitamins C and E. FASEB J. 9: A988 (#5736).
49. Walsh, L.P. and B.C. Pence. 1995. Induction of apoptosis by sodium selenite in
human colonic carcinoma cells. Gastroenterology 108, A550.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
50. Philips, B.U. Jr., M. Becker, J.R. Bowling, E. Buck, C.O. Freytes, J.B. Green, L. Kirk,
B.C. Pence, J. Shores and A. Weinberg. 1995. Impact evaluation drives strategic
planning in cancer education: The Texas consortium. Annual meeting, American
Association for Cancer Education.
51. Philips, B.U. Jr., J.B. Battles, M. Becker, J.R. Bowling, C. Browne, E. Buck, M.
Calloway, C.O. Freytes, J.B. Green, L. Kirk, B.C. Pence, J. Shores, J. Sprankell
and A. Weinberg. 1995. OSCE‟s: A teaching tool in cancer prevention, detection
and control. Annual meeting, American Association for Cancer Education.
52. Becker, M., Battles, J.B., Bowling, J.R., Brown, C., Buck, E., Callaway, M., Freytes,
C.O., Green, J.B., Kirk, L., Pence, B.C., Philips, B.U., Shores, J., Sprankell, J.,
and Weinberg, A. 1995. A template for longitudinal clinical performance
assessment. Annual meeting of Generalists in Medical Education, Washington
53. Battles, J.B., Becker, M., Bowling, J.R., Brown, C., Buck, E., Callaway, M., Freytes,
C.O., Green, J.B., Kirk, L., Pence, B.C., Philips, B.U., Shores, J., Sprankell, J.,
and Weinberg, A. 1996. Intra-institutional multi-level OSCE stations for screening
and detection of cancer. Presented at international OSCE meeting at Maastricht,
the Netherlands.
54. Stewart. M.S. and Pence, B.C. 1996. Modulation of UVB-induced oxidative
damage to DNA of murine keratinocytes by sodium selenite: lack of effect on
repair. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res. 37: 143 (#988).
55. Stewart, M., Dixon, M. and Pence, B.C. 1996. Changes in activity of antioxidant
enzymes in mouse keratinocytes following UVB irradiation. FASEB J.10: A740
56. Pence, B.C., Landers, M. and Walsh, L.P. 1996. Induction of heterocyclic amine
metabolism in rats by diets containing well-browned beef and a high fat content.
Gastroenterology 109, A575.
57. Pence, B.C., Stewart, M., Walsh, L. and Cameron, G. 1996. Modulation of oxidative
damage to DNA by sodium selenite via the mechanism of apoptosis. Proceedings
of the Sixth International Symposium on Selenium in Biology and Medicine,
Beijing, China, August 18-23.
58. Pence, B.C., Shen, C.-L., Landers, M. and Walsh, L.P. 1996. Induction of
heterocyclic amine metabolism in rats by diets containing well-browned beef and a
high fat content. Proceedings of the Annual Research Conference of the
American Institute for Cancer Research, Washington, D.C., August 29-30.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
59. Morell, S.R., Battles, J.B., Becker, M., Bowling, J.R., Buck, E., Freytes, C.O.,
Green, J.B., Laufman, L., Pence, B.C., Shores, J., Weinberg, A. and Philips, B.U.
1996. A template for the creation of an educational Internet Site. J. Cancer Educ.
1996, 11:26 (#64).
60. Stewart, M., Spallholz, J., Neldner, K., and Pence, B.C. Disparate protective effects
of selenite, selenocystamine, and selenomethionine in keratinocytes.
Experimental Skin Carcinogenesis Conference, Bastrop, Texas, October 28-31,
61. Stewart, M.S. and Pence, B.C. 1997. Selenium compounds differ in their abilities to
exert prooxidant effects and induce apoptosis in UVB-exposed keratinocytes.
Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res.38: 79 (#529).
62. Davis, R.L., Spallholz, J.E., and Pence, B.C. 1997. Copper inhibits seleniteinduced cytotoxicity in human colonic carcinoma cells (HT29). FASEB J. 11: A403
63. Shen, C.-L., Purewal, M., San Francisco, S. and Pence, B.C. 1997. Absence of
PhIP adducts and p53 mutations in rats fed a cooked beef diet containing high
levels of heterocyclic amines. FASEB J. 11: A572 (#3328).
64. Stewart, M.S., Spallholz, J.E., Neldner, K. and Pence, B.C. 1997. Cytotoxicity of
selenium compounds to cultured normal primary human keratinocytes and
squamous cell carcinoma cells. FASEB J. 11: A403 (#2332).
65. Kuratko, C., Brinlee, R. and Pence, B.C. 1997. N-acetyl transferase activity is
decreased in rats fed high fat diets containing menhaden oil. FASEB J. 11: A578
66. Pence, B.C., Landers, M., Dunn, D.M., Shen, C.L., and Miller, M.F. 1997.
Enhancement of colon and stomach carcinogenesis in rats fed a diet containing
well-cooked meat with a high heterocyclic amine content. Gastroenterology 112:
67. Stewart, M., Grimson, M., Pence, B., and Bornhop, D., 1998. Polyazamacrocyclic
Tb chelates: Investigations using a new biomarker for early detection of colon
cancer. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 39: 337 (#2296).
68. Shen, C.-L., Cowden, K.D., and Pence, B.C. 1998. Increasing levels of PhIP in the
diet alter the activity of heterocyclic amine metabolizing enzymes in liver, stomach,
Barbara C. Pence Updated
and colon of female Sprague-Dawley rats. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res.39:16
Davis, R.L., Spallholz, J.E., and Pence, B.C. 1998. Copper inhibits seleniteinduced apoptosis and DNA fragmentation in human colonic carcinoma cells.
FASEB J. 12: A564
Philips, B.U., Battles, J.B., Bowling, J.R., Bramson, R., Camp, M., Chang, H.M.,
Freytes, C.O., Kuratko, C., Laufman, L.E., Pence, B.C., Shores, J.H., Weinberg,
A., and Burt, T.M. 1998. The Implementation of technology-based information into
the Texas Medical School Consortium. J. Cancer Educ. 13S: 28 (#116).
Shen, C.-L., Song, W., and Pence, B.C. 1999. Comparative abilities of selenium
compounds in protection against UVB damage in normal human keratinocytes.
Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 40:360 (#2384).
Shen, C.-L., Song, W., and Pence, B.C. 1999. Differential antioxidant and
apoptotic effects of selenium compounds on human skin cells. FASEB J. 13: A247
Kuratko, C.N., Jones, B.G., Chauncey, K.B., Kirby, R.K., and Pence, B.C. 1999.
Assessment of nutrition knowledge and attitudes of medical students graduating
from a four-year traditional curriculum. FASEB J. 13: A550 (440.17).
Chauncey, K., Kirby, R.K., Jones, B.G., Kuratko, C.N., and Pence, B.C. 1999.
Nutrition knowledge scores: Graduating family practice residents vs. graduating
medical students. Annual meeting, Society for Teachers of Family Medicine.
Shen, C.-L., Song, W., and Pence, B.C. 2000. Effects of selenium compounds
plus other antioxidants on cytotoxicity and DNA oxidative damage in normal
human keratinocytes. FASEB J. 14: A537 #372.7.
Shen, C.-L., Song, W., and Pence, B.C. 2000. Effects of selenium compounds
plus esterified glutathione on cytotoxicity, cellular glutathione level, and DNA
oxidative damage in normal human keratinocytes. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res.
41: 340 (#2160).
77. Chauncey, K., Kuratko, C., Jones, B.G., Homan, R.V., and Pence, B.C. 2000.
Charting a course for integrating nutrition training into medical education. Annual
Meeting, AAMC, October 28-November 3, 2000, Chicago, IL.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
78. Shen, C.-L., Song, W., and Pence, B.C. 2001. Effects of selenium compounds
plus ultraviolet B on glutathione peroxidase and DNA oxidative damage in skin of
Skh:HR-1 hairless mice. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 42: 464 (#2496).
79. Shen, C.-L., Song, W., and Pence, B.C. 2001. Differential apoptotic effects of
selenium compounds on human colonic carcinoma cells. FASEB J. 15: A967
80. Liu, Z., Shen, C.-L., Pence, B.C., and Kuratko, C.N. 2001 Production of
inflammatory mediators during early colon carcinogenesis is increased by N-6
fatty acids. American J. Clin. Path. 116:611.
81. Shen, C.-L., Song, W., and Pence, B.C. 2002. Effects of dietary selenium
compounds and glutathione modifiers on epidermal reduced glutathione in the
ultraviolet light-exposed Skh: HR-1 mouse model. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res.
43: 1143-44 (#5667).
82. Pence, B.C., Shen, C.-L., and Song, W. 2002. Effects of dietary selenium
compounds plus ultraviolet light on epidermal glutathione in the Skh: HR-1
hairless mouse model. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 43: 1144 (#5668).
83. Pence, B.C., Shen, C.-L., and Song, W. 2002. Effects of dietary selenium
compounds and glutathione modifiers on epidermal glutathione peroxidase in the
ultraviolet light-exposed Skh: HR-1 mouse model. FASEB J. 16: (A 605).
84. Shen, C.-L., Oetama, B., Henry, J., and Pence, B. 2002. Differential effects of
selenium compounds on nitric oxide production in an induced oxidative stress
human osteoarthritic chondrocyte model. FASEB J. 16: (LB 286).
85. Shen, C.-L., Graham, S., Morgan, D.L., Oetama, B., Brewton, L., and Pence, B.
2002. Differential effects of selenium compounds on glutathione peroxidase and
reduced glutathione in oxidative stress-induced human osteoarthritic synoviocyte
model. FASEB J. 16: (LB 287).
86. Pence, B. and Chaffin, W.L. 2002. First experience with a required RCR Course:
Summary of responses to a student survey. AAMC GREAT meeting, Denver, CO.
87. K.-J. Hong, D. M. Dunn, D.-F. Lo, C.-L. Shen, and B. C. Pence. 2003. Effects of
Ganoderma lucidum on apoptotic and anti-inflammatory function in HT-29 human
colonic carcinoma cells. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res.44: 425 (#1872).
Barbara C. Pence Updated
88. K.-J. Hong, C.-L. Shen, and B. C. Pence. 2003. Apoptotic effects and antiinflammatory function of different selenium compounds in HT-29 colonic carcinoma
cells. Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 44: 893.(#3903).
89. K-J. Hong, C.N. Hostrup, C-L. Shen and B.C. Pence. 2003. Inhibitory effects of
Ling Zhi (Ganoderma lucidum) extract on inflammation and cytokine expression in
human colonic carcinoma cells. FASEB J. 17:178 (#457.8).
90. C.N. Hostrup, K-J. Hong, D.M. Dunn, C-L. Shen and B.C. Pence. 2003. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of herbal treatment Ling Zhi (Ganoderma
lucidum), on human colonic carcinoma (HT-29) cells. FASEB J.17:178 (#457.9).
91. K-J. Hong, C-L. Shen and B.C. Pence. 2003. Differential effects of selenium
compounds on inflammation and cytokine expression in human colonic carcinoma
cells. FASEB J.17:263 (#692.8).
92. C.L. Shen, J. Huang, B. Oetama, M. Zumwalt and B.C. Pence. 2004. Effects of
selenium compounds on the production of inflammatory mediators in human
osteoarthritic chondrocytes. FASEB J. 18: A917 (#604.18).
93. C.-L. Shen, D.D. Lo and B.C. Pence. 2004. Dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
modulate the production of inflammatory mediators in tissues of middle-age rats.
FASEB J. 18: A7 (#36.5).
94. K.-J. Hong, E. Cobos, and B.C. Pence. 2004. Anti-inflammatory and inhibitory
effects of AHCC in A549 human lung cancer cells and HT-29 human colon cancer
95. B.C. Pence, D. Bustillos and A. Weinberg. 2007. Eliminating health disparities in
cancer clinical trials: The EDICT Project. AACR “Science of Cancer Health
Disparities Meeting”, Atlanta, GA.
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38. Aukema, H.M., Davidson, L.A., Pence, B.C., Jiang, Y.-H., Lupton, J.R., and
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39. Lai, C., Dunn, D.M., Miller, M.F., and Pence, B.C. 1997. Non-promoting effects of
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40. Stewart, M.S., Davis, R.L., Walsh, L.P. and B.C. Pence. 1997. Induction of
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41. Pence, B.C., Landers, M., Dunn, D.M., Shen, C.-L., and Miller, M.F. 1998. Feeding
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42. Shen, C.-L., Purewal, San Francisco, S., and Pence, B.C. 1998. Absence of PhIP
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43. Pence, B.C., Shen, C.-L., Dunn, D.M., Landers, M., Purewal, M., and San
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44. Davis, R.L., Spallholz, J.E. and Pence, B.C. 1998. Copper inhibition of seleniteinduced apoptosis in HT29 cells. Nutr. Cancer 32: 181-189.
45. Stewart, M.S., Neldner, K.H., Spallholz, J.E. and Pence, B.C. 1999. Selenite,
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46. Bornhop, D.J., Hubbard, D.S., Houlne, M.P., Adair, C., Kiefer, G.E., Pence, B.C.,
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47. Shen, C.-L., Song, W., and Pence, B.C. 2001. Interactions of selenium
compounds with other antioxidants in DNA damage and apoptosis in human
normal keratinocytes. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev., 10: 385-390.
48. K.-J. Hong, D. M. Dunn, C.-L. Shen, and B. C. Pence. 2004. Effects of Ganoderma
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Phytotherapy Res. 18:768-770.
49. M.C. Esperat, D. Feng, Y. Zhang, Y. Masten, S. Allcorn, L. Velten, L. Billings, B.
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conceptualizing health behaviors in vulnerable populations. Nursing Clinics of North
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50. Wells, R.S., Ruzabakiev, R., Kabulov, M., Yuldasheva, N. Khegai, T., Shen, C.-L.
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51. Pence, B.C. and C.-L. Shen. Why selenium is not an effective skin cancer
chemoprevention agent. J. Invest. Dermatol. In revision.
52. Pence, B.C. and C.-L. Shen. Effects of different selenium compounds on UVBinduced skin tumorigenesis. In preparation.
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Barbara C. Pence Updated
3. Pence, B.C. 1991. Calcium and vitamin D effects on tumor promotion in rat colon
and mouse skin. In: M. Lipkin, H. Newmark, and G. Kelloff (eds.), Calcium,
Vitamin D and Prevention of Colon Cancer, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 191208.
4. Pence, B.C. 1992. Micronutrients and colorectal cancer risk: implications for
chemoprevention. In: F.P. Rossini, H.T. Lynch and S.J. Winawer (eds.), Fifth
International Symposium on Colorectal Cancer: Biology and Management of High
Risk Groups, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 171-174.
5. Pence, B.C., C. Zhao, M. Landers and M.J. Wargovich. 1994. Modulation of colonic
protein kinase C by dietary bile acids, calcium carbonate, and aspirin. Proc. of the
XVI International Cancer Congress, New Delhi, India, Monduzzi Editore,
Bologna,pp. 577-581.
6. Pence, B.C. 1996. Nutrition and women‟s cancers: breast, cervical, endometrial and
ovarian. In: I. Wolinsky and Klimas-Tavantzis, (eds.), Nutrition Concerns of
Women, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 193-211.
7. Yang, C.S., Pence, B.C., Wargovich, M.J. and Landau, J.M. 1996. Diet, Nutrition,
and Cancer: Research Opportunities, Approaches, and Pitfalls”, In Dietary
Phytochemicals in Cancer Prevention and Treatment. (Edited under the auspices
of the American Institute for Cancer Research, Vol. 401, pp. 231-238, Plenum
Press, New York.
8. Pence, B.C. and Yang, T.C. 1999. Antioxidants: radiation and stress, In, H. Lane
and D.A. Schoeller, (eds.), Nutrition in Space Flight and Weightlessness Models,
CRC Press, pp. 233-251.
9. Pence, B.C. 2003. Nutrition and women‟s cancers: breast, cervical, endometrial
and ovarian. In: I. Wolinsky and Klimas-Tavantzis, (eds.), Nutrition Concerns of
Women, 2nd Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., pp. 341-363 .
10. Pence, B.C. 2007. Metabolic Abnormalities. In: Quattromani, F., ed. Pediatric Q &
A. New York, NY. Thieme Publishers; pp. 232-239
1. Pence, B.C. and Dunn, D.M., 1998. Nutrition and Women‟s Cancers, CRC Press,
Boca Raton, FL, 179 pp.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Attendee, Workshop "Options in Medical Education", University of New Mexico School
of Medicine, Feb. 3-7, 1992 (problem-based learning)
TTUHSC School of Medicine: Coordinator for Nutrition in the Medical Curriculum, 19902000
Member, CATCHUM Project Steering Committee to develop cancer prevention and
early detection modules and standardized patient scenarios for the undergraduate
medical curriculum, 1992-present
Lecturer, MPA 61745 Pathology/ Pathophysiology Course, on Cell Injury and
Adaptation, Molecular Biology, Neoplasia, and Nutritional Diseases, for sophomore
medical students (16-22 lecture hours), 1987-present
Course Director: F & N 5350, Nutritional Pathophysiology, for graduate students and
Registered Dietitian interns (3 semester hours), 1988-1993
Course Director: BCH 6335/F & N 5311, Nutritional Biochemistry, for graduate students
(3 semester hours), 1990
Guest Lecturer: PHM 5335, Cellular and Molecular Toxicology, for graduate students,
lectures on carcinogenesis and tumor promotion, 1989
Lecturer, Medical Biochemistry, for freshman medical students (5 lecture hours), on
nutritional aspects of biochemistry, 1990-1993
Course Director, MPA 50101, Clinical Nutrition Elective for freshman medical students,
Guest Lecturer, AHMT Clinical Chemistry course for medical technology students on
tumor markers and laboratory diagnosis of nutritional status, 1991
Lecturer, Physical Therapy Pathology, PT 5203, lectures on neoplasia and diseases of
the skin, 1993-present
Guest Lecturer, Medical Aspects of Health Organization Management for MBA
students, on cancer epidemiology and management of cancer issues, 1994-present
Guest Lecturer, F & N 5350, Nutritional Pathophysiology, for graduate students and
dietetic interns, on immunology and cancer, 1994
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Lecturer, Introduction to Medicine, for sophomore medical students, on gastrointestinal
function and nutrition topics, 1995 – 97
Course Director, GSBS 5101, Responsible Conduct of Research, required of all
graduate students and clinical research fellows, 2001-present
Course Director, Clinical Research Fellowship, 2001
Facilitator, 3 PBL cases in geriatrics curriculum, 2001-2002
MSI Lectures on Cancer Genetics and Nutrition (4 lecture hours), 2005-2006
Connye Kuratko, Ph.D. student, Division of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech
University, Chairperson, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date: August
Richard Stephen Lawlis, Medical Student II, 1989 Summer Research Fellowship,
Faculty Mentor
Shwu-Yar Tsai, Ph.D. student, Division of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech
University, Chairperson, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date: May
Marjory Stewart, Ph.D. student, Division of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech
University, Chairperson, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date: May
Erica Delver, M.S. student, Division of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech
University, Chairperson, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date: August
Vijay Patel, Medical Student II, 1992 Summer Research Fellowship, Faculty
Bing Shi, Ph.D. student, Division of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech University,
Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date: May, 1994
Micah Butler, M.S. student, Department of Animal Science and Food
Technology, Texas Tech University, Member, Graduate Advisory Committee,
graduation date: August 1995.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Jau-Jiin Chen, Ph.D. student, Division of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech
University, Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date: December
Lugen Chen, Ph.D. student, Division of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech
University, Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date: May 1997.
Melanie Landers, M.S. student, Division of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech
University, Chairperson, Graduate Advisory Committee, left program
Michael Dixon, Medical Student I, summer research fellow, Texas Tech Health
Sciences Center, Faculty Mentor, 1995
Chris Lai, M.S. student, Department of Animal Science and Food Technology,
Texas Tech University, Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date:
August 1996
Randy Davis, Ph.D. student, Division of Food and Nutrition, Texas Tech
University, Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date May 1998.
Amit Kumar, undergraduate student, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas
Tech University, Faculty Mentor, 1995-1997.
Karen Cowden, undergraduate student, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Fellow,
Texas Tech University, Faculty Mentor, 1997-1999.
Cecily Hostrup, undergraduate student, Texas Tech University, 2001-2002.
Haitao Luo, PhD student, TIEHH and Dept. of Environmental Toxicology,
Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date August 2005.
Madhavi Billam, PhD student, TIEHH and Dept. of Environmental Toxicology,
Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date May 2006.
Zemin Wang, PhD student, TIEHH and Dept. of Environmental Toxicology,
Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date August, 2007.
Li Xu, PhD student, TIEHH and Dept. of Environmental Toxicology, Member,
Graduate Advisory Committee, graduation date December 2009.
Barbara C. Pence Updated
Marjory Stewart, 1996-97
Leslie Shen, 1996-1998
Kevin Hong, 2002-2004