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College of Nursing
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Columbia University School of Arts and Sciences, New York, NY
Division of Sociomedical Sciences:
Ph.D., October 1982
M. Phil., May, 1982
M.A., January 1975
Columbia University School of General Studies
B.S. Anthropology, 1968
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Summer Sessions (1961-1962)
HIV Counseling: New York State Department of Health, AIDS Institute (1989)
HIV Confidentiality Law: National Development and Research Institutes Training Institute (2002)
Professional Experience
Professor, College of Nursing
Associate Director, Interdisciplinary Research Methods Core,
Center for Drug Use & HIV Research (NIDA), NYU College of Nursing
Deputy Director, WHO Collaborating Center in Gerontologic Nursing, NYU College
of Nursing
Advisor, NYU Center for Bioethics
Professor (Adj), College of Dentistry, Department of Epidemiology & Health
Affiliated Faculty of Global Public Health, NYU Global Institute of Public Health
Affiliated Faculty, NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Affiliated Faculty, NYU Population Center
Visiting Professor, College of Dentistry, University of Szeged (Hungary)
University Professor, University of Szeged (Hungary)
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 2
Research Associate, Population Research Ctr. University of Texas, Austin
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Public Health, School of Public Health,
Columbia University
Professor, (Adj.) School of Nursing, University of Texas at El Paso
University of Texas at El Paso
Charles H. and Shirley T. Leavell Endowed Chair in Nursing & Health Sciences
Professor, Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Co-Director, Hispanic Health Disparities Research Center
PI & Deputy Director, International and Immigrant Health Research,
National Development & Research Institutes (NDRI), New York, NY
President, Sociomedical Resource Associates, Inc.
Columbia University, Center for Population and Family Health
Assistant Professor of Clinical Public Health
Senior Staff Associate
Anthropologist, Rural Health Program, Mexican Directorate of MCH/FP
Program Coordinator for Mexico
Research Anthropologist, Division of Social and Administrative Sciences
Senior Fulbright Scholar (College of Dentistry, University of Szeged, Hungary) 2013
Honorary University Professorship, University of Szeged, Hungary 2014
Fellow, New York Academy of Medicine
Hungarian American Medical Association of America
American Anthropological Association
Society for Medical Anthropology
Population Association of America
American Public Health Association, Latino Caucus
Editorial Board, Advances in Population
AIDS and Anthropology Research Group, (Steering Committee: 1996-1999)
Board of Directors, IMIFAP, Mexico
International Editorial Board, Journal of Sexuality Research & Social Policy
Editorial Board, EHQUIDAD: International Journal of Social Sciences and Social
Work (Spain)
NIH Review Participation
College of CSR Reviewers (2010-2012)
Behavioral and Social Science Approaches to Preventing AIDS (BSPH)
Community Influences on Health Behavior (CIHB)
Social Sciences, Nursing, Epidemiology, and Methods (SNEM)
Special Emphasis Panels [Population; Clinical and Research Ethics; Drug Abuse, Minority Health]
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 3
University Teaching
Researching Behavior: Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience
Qualitative Research Methods [Graduate]
Health Disparities [Graduate]
Suffering & Comfort in Narrative Medicine [Freshman Honors Seminar]
Doctoral Studies Mentor
Shedlin, M.G. (1979). Assessment of body concepts and beliefs regarding reproductive physiology. Studies
in Family Planning. The Population Council, 10, 11-12.
Shedlin, M.G., & Hollerbach, P. (1981) Modern and traditional fertility regulation in a Mexican
community: The process of decision-making. Studies in Family Planning. Population Council, 12, 6-7.
Shedlin, M. G. (1981). Notes from the field. (Special Issue: Midwives and Modernization). Medical
Anthropology, 5(1), 13-15.
Shedlin, M. G., Wray, J., and Correu, S. (1985-86). Supervising community health workers in the
community based delivery of primary health/family planning services. International Quarterly of
Community Health Education, 6(4), 309-321.
Shedlin, M. G. (1989). Examples from the field. Critical issues in reproductive health: Methodological
issues in abortion research. The Population Council.
Shedlin, M. G. (1990). An ethnographic approach to understanding HIV high-risk behaviors: Prostitution
and drug abuse. Research monograph series #93, AIDS and intravenous drug use: Future directions for
community-based prevention research. National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Shedlin, M. G. (1991). Social science perspectives on HIV in the U.S. Social Science and Medicine, 33(1).
Krayacich de Oddone, N., Shedlin, M. G., Welsh, M., Potts, M., and Feldblum, P. (1991). Paraguay: Study
of pharmacies and the sale of pseudo abortifacients. Journal of Biosocial Science, 23, 201-209.
Graham, E., Goldman, L., Schecter, S., Shedlin, M. (1991). Education and outreach. Bulletin of the New
York Academy of Medicine, 67(3).
Benagiano, G., and Shedlin, M. G. (1992). Cultural factors in oral contraceptive compliance. Advances in
Contraception, 8(1), 47-56.
Bronfman, M., Minello, M., and Shedlin, M. (1993). Migración y SIDA: Un llamdo para acción. Dossier
migración. In Appropriate Health Resources and Technology Action Group (Ed.), Acción en SIDA
Series: No. 18, 8-13.
Shedlin, M. G., and Schreiber, J. M. (1995). Using focus groups in drug abuse and HIV/AIDS research.
Research monograph series # 157.
Qualitative methods in drug abuse and HIV research. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (Spanish Version:
Utilizando Grupos de Enfoque en Investigación).
Deren, S., Shedlin, M., and Beardsley, M. (1996). HIV-related concerns and behaviors among Hispanic
women. AIDS Education and Prevention, 8(4), 335-342.
Deren, S., Sanchez, J., Shedlin, M., Davis, W. R., M. Beardsley, M., Des Jarlais, D., and Miller, K. (1996).
HIV risk among Dominican brothel & street prostitutes in New York. AIDS Education and Prevention,
8(5), 444-456.
Deren, S., Shedlin, M., Davis, W.R., Clatts, M., Balcorta, S., Beardsley, M., Sanchez, J., and Des Jarlais, D.
(1997). Dominican, Mexican and Puerto Rican prostitutes: Drug use and sexual behaviors. Hispanic
Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 19(2), 202-213.
Feudo, R., Vining, S., Shulman, L.C., Shedlin, M., & Burleson, J. (1998). Bridgeport’s teen outreach and
primary services (tops) project: A model for raising community awareness about adolescent HIV risk.
Journal of Adolescent Health, 23(2), 49-58.
Rhodes, F., Deren, S., Wood, M., Shedlin, M., et al. (1999). Understanding HIV risks of chronic drug-using
men who have sex with men. AIDS Care, 2(6), 629-648.
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 4
Shedlin, M. G., Bautista, L., Fitzgerald, A., Gilad, R., & Carranza, J. (1999). Factores de riesgo de adquirir
el VIH entre mujeres amas de casa en San Salvador. Academy for Educational Development, Central
American HIV/AIDS Prevention Project (PASCA/USAID), Guatemala.
Shedlin, M. G., Kochems, L., & Deren, S. (2000). Drug-using MSM focus groups: East Harlem, NY. In F.
Rhodes et al. (Eds.), A multi-site study of HIV risks in drug-using men who have sex with men (Chapter
II). Long Beach, CA: California State University Press.
Shedlin, M. G., Fitzgerald, A., & Bautista, L. (2000). Risk factors for HIV among housewives in San
Salvador. AIDS & Anthropology Bulletin, 12(1), 102-104.
Shedlin, M. G., & Deren, S. (2001). Cultural factors influencing HIV risk behavior among Dominicans in
New York City. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 1(1), 71-95.
Deren, S., Shedlin, M. G., Hamilton, T., & Hagan, H. (2002). Impact of the September 11th attack in NYC
on drug users: A preliminary assessment. Journal of Urban Health, Bulletin of the New York Academy
of Medicine, 79(3), 409-412.
Oliver-Velez, D., Finlinson, H. A., Deren, S., Robles, R., Shedlin, M. G., Andía, J., & Colón, H. (2002).
Mapping the air-bridge locations: The application of ethnographic mapping techniques to a study of
HIV risk behavior determinant in East Harlem, New York, and Bayamón, P.R. Human Organization,
61(3), 262-276.
Schreiber, J., Castellanos, G., Chang, E., & Shedlin, M. (2003). Qualitative evaluation of Acción SIDA in
four countries: Guatemala/Nicaragua/Honduras/El Salvador. The Synergy Project. TvT Global Health &
Development Strategies, Washington, DC.
Oliver-Velez, D., Deren, S., Finlinson, A., Shedlin, M. G., Robles, R., Nadia, J., Colon, H., & Kang, S-Y.
(2003). Sexual risk behaviors of Puerto Rican drug users in East Harlem, NY and Bayamón, Puerto
Rico. Culture, Health and Sexuality, 5(1), 19-35.
Deren, S., Oliver-Velez, D., Finlinson, A., Robles, R. R., Andia, J. F., Colon, H., Kang, S-Y., & Shedlin, M.
(2003). Integrating qualitative and quantitative methods: Comparing HIV-related risk behaviors among
Puerto Rican users in Puerto Rico and NY. Substance Use & Misuse, 38(1), 1-24.
Woodsong, C., Shedlin, M. G., & Koo, H. (2004). The 'natural' body: God and contraceptive use in the
Southeastern US. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 6(1), 61-78.
Shedlin, M. G., & Shulman, L. (2004). Qualitative needs assessment of HIV services among Dominican,
Mexican, & Central American immigrant populations living in NYC. AIDS Care, 16(4), 61-78.
Decena, C.U., & Shedlin, M. G. (2005). Defining new communities: A challenge for immigrant health.
Papeles de Población, 44. CIEAP/Toluca, México.
Shedlin, M. G., Decena, C. U., & Oliver-Velez, D. (2005). Initial acculturation and HIV risk among new
Hispanic immigrants to New York. Journal of the National Medical Association, 97(7), 32S-36S.
Deren, S., Shedlin, M., Decena, C., & Mino, M. (2005). Research challenges to the study of HIV/AIDS
among migrant & immigrant Hispanic U.S populations. Journal of Urban Health, 82(2), III3-III5.
Belenko, S., Shedlin, M. G., & Chaple, M. (2005). HIV risk behaviors, knowledge, and prevention service
experiences among African American and other offenders. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and
Underserved, 16, 108-129.
Shedlin, M., & Decena, C. (2005). Defining new immigrant communities: Implications for prevention
planning. AIDS and Anthropology Bulletin, 17(2), 3-4.
Shedlin, M. G., & Shulman, L. (2006). New Hispanic migration and HIV risk in New York. Journal of
Immigrant & Refugee Services, 4(1), 47-58.
Shedlin, M., Drucker, E., Decena, C. U., Hoffman, S., Bhattacharya, G., Beckford, S., & Barreras, R.
(2006). Immigration & HIV/AIDS in the NY metropolitan area. Journal of Urban Health, 83(1).
Decena, C.U., Shedlin, M. G., & Martínez, A. (2006). “Los hombres no mandan aquí”: Narrating immigrant
genders and sexualities in New York State in special issue: Unseen New York: Latino immigrants and
suburban/rural politics. Social Text, 88, 24(3).
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 5
Shedlin, M., Arauz, R., Ortels, P., Aburto, M., & Norori, D. (2006). (Fundacion Nimehuatzin). Drugs and
AIDS: National alert. ENVIO (Journal, Central American University, Managua, Nicaragua), 292.
Bianchi, F.T., Reisen, C.A., Zea, M.C., Poppen, P.J., Shedlin, M.G., & Penha, M.M. (2007). The sexual
experiences of Latino men who have sex with men who migrated to a gay epicenter in the USA.
Culture, Health and Sexuality, 9(5), 505-518.
Moya, E. M., & Shedlin, M. (2008). Policies & laws affecting Mexican immigrant access & utilization of
substance abuse treatment: Obstacles to recovery and immigrant health. Journal of Substance Use &
Misuse. 43(12-13), 1747-1769. DOI: 10.1080/10826080802297294.
Guarino, H., Deren, S., Mino, M., Kang, S.Y., & Shedlin, M. (2010).Training drug treatment patients to
conduct peer-based HIV outreach: An ethnographic perspective on peers” experiences. Substance Use
& Misuse, 45, 414-436.
Reisen, C. A., Zea, M. C., Bianchi, F. T., Poppen, P. J., Shedlin, M. G., & Montes Penha, M. (2010). Latino
gay and bisexual men's relationships with non-gay-identified men who have sex with men. Journal of
Homosexuality, 57 (8), 1004-1021.
Bianchi, F. T., Shedlin, M. G., Brooks, K. D., Montes Penha, M., Reisen, C. A., Zea, M. C., & Poppen, P. J.
(2010). Partner selection among Latino immigrant men who have sex with men. Archives of Sexual
Behavior, 39 (6), 1321-1330. PMCID: PMC2992808.
Sauceda, J. A., John, W. S., Simoni, J. M., Longoria, V., Shedlin, M. G., & Khalsa, A. M. (2010).
Experiences of Spanish-Speaking Persons Living with HIV on the US-Mexico Border. In Annals of
Behavioral Medicine (Vol. 39, pp. 86-86). New York, NY: Springer.
Shedlin, M. G., Decena, C. U., Mangadu, T., & Martinez, A. (2011). Research participant recruitment in
Hispanic communities: Lessons learned. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 13(2), 352-60.
DOI: 10.1007/s10903-009-9292-1.
Potter, J. E., McKinnon, S., Hopkins, K., Amastae, J., Shedlin, M. G., Powers, D. A., Grossman, D. (2011).
Continuation of prescribed compared with over-the-counter oral contraceptives. Obstetrics &
Gynecology, 117(3), 551-557. DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e31820afc46.
Grossman, D., White, K., Hopkins, K., Amastae, J., Shedlin, M., Potter, J. E. (2011). Contraindications to
combined oral contraceptives among over-the-counter compared with prescription users. Obstetrics &
Gynecology, 117(3), 558-565. DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e31820b0244
Benagiano, G., Carrara, S., Filippi, V., Shedlin, M.G. (2011) Social and ethical determinants of sexuality,
gender, and health. Minerva Ginecologica, 63(1), 71-84. PMID: 21311421.
Kissinger, P., Kovacs, S., Anderson-Smits, C., Schmidt, N., Salinas, O., Hembling, J., Beaulieu, A.,
Longfellow, L., Liddon, N., Rice, J., & Shedlin, M. (2011). Patterns and predictors of HIV/STI risk
among Latino migrant men in a new receiving community. AIDS and Behavior, 16(1), 199-213. PMID:
Deren, S., Shedlin, M., Kang, S., & Cortes, Dharma. (2011). HIV risk and prevention among Hispanic
immigrants in New York: The salience of diversity. Substance Use & Misuse, 46(2-3), 254-63. DOI:
Potter, J., White, K., Hopkins, K., McKinnon, S., Shedlin, M. G., Amastae, J. & Grossman, D. (2012).
Frustrated demand for sterilization among low-income Latinas in El Paso, Texas. Perspectives on
Sexual and Reproductive Health, 44(4):228-35. DOI: 10.1363/4422812.
Shedlin, M., Anastasi, J., Decena, C.U. & Beltran, O. (2012). Use of Complementary/Alternative medicines
and supplements by Mexican-Origin patients in a US-Mexico border HIV clinic. Journal of the
Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 24(5), 396–410. DOI:10.1016/j.jana.2012.07.001.
Shedlin,M., Decena, C.U. & Beltran, O. (2013). Geopolitical and cultural factors affecting ARV adherence
on the US-Mexico border. Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health. 15(5), 969-974. DOI:
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 6
Mills, Jennifer; Burton, Nicole; Schmidt, Norine; Salinas, Oscar; Hembling, John; Aran, Alberto; Shedlin,
Michele; Kissinger, Patricia (2013). 'Sex and drug risk behavior pre- and post-emigration among Latino
migrant men in post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans'. Journal of Immigrant & Minority Health. 5(3),
Shedlin, M., Decena, U., Noboa, H. & Betancourt, O. (2013). Sending-Country Violence & ReceivingCountry Discrimination: Effects on the Health of Colombian Refugees in Ecuador. Journal of
Immigrant & Minority Health, 16(1), 119–124. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-013-9777-9.
Shedlin, M., Amastae, J., Potter, J.,Hopkins, K., & Grossman, D. (2013). Knowledge & Beliefs about
Reproductive anatomy and physiology among Mexican-Origin women in the U.S.: Implications for
effective oral contraceptive use. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 15(4), 466–479. DOI:
Kissinger, P., Althoff, M., Burton, N., Schmidt, N., Hembling, J., Salinas, O., Shedlin, M. (2013).
Prevalence, patterns and predictors of substance use among Latino migrant men in a new receiving
community. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 133(3), 814-24. DOI:
Hutchinson, M.K., Shedlin, M., Gallo, B., Krainovich Miller, B., & Fulmer, T. (2014). The NYU College of
Nursing Ethics-in-the-Round Program. Nursing Education Perspectives, Vol.35, Issue 1.
Jay, M., Gutnick, D., Squires, A., Tagliaferro, B., Gerchow, L., Sivarimuthu, S., Chintapalli, S., Shedlin,
M.G., Kalet, A. (2014). "“In our country tortilla doesn’t make us fat:” Dimensions and meanings of
goal-setting for lifestyle change in urban Latina women," Journal of the Poor & Underserved, 25(4),
Spear, S. E., Shedlin, M., Gilberti, B., Fiellin, M., and McNeely, J. (2015). Feasibility and acceptability of
an audio computer-assisted self-interview version of the Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement
Screening Test (ASSIST) in primary care patients. Substance Abuse. DOI:
Books and Book Chapters
Andrade, S., Shedlin, M., & Bonilla, E. (1987). Métodos cualitativos para la evaluación de programas: Un
manual para programas de salud, planificación familiar y servicios sociales. Watertown, MA: The
Pathfinder Fund.
Shedlin, M. G., and Oliver, D. (1992). Prostitution and HIV risk behavior. Advances in Population:
Psychosocial Perspectives. London: J. Kingsley Publisher.
Goldzieher, J. W., & Shedlin, M. (1994). A User's Guide to Oral Contraception. Calera, OK: Essential
Medical Information Systems.
Ferreira Pinto, J., Ramos, R., & Shedlin, M. G. (1996). Migrant males and female sex workers: HIV/AIDS
infection in the US-Mexico border. In S. I. Mishra, R. F. Conner, & J. R. Magaña (Eds.), AIDS crossing
borders: The spread of HIV among migrant Latinos. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Aráuz, R., Ortells, P., Morales, A., Guevara, M., and Shedlin, M.G. (1997). Sexo inseguro: Investigación
cualitativa sobre comportamiento sexual de alto riesgo respecto al SIDA en Nicaragua., Nicaragua:
Fundación Nimehuatzin, Managua.
Shedlin, M. G., Deren, S., & Shulman, L. (1997). Género y cultura como factores de riesgo de VIH/SIDA
en mujeres hispánicas de los Estados Unidos de América. En B. Rico, S. Vandale, B. Allen, & A. L.
Liguori (Eds.), Situación de la mujer en el VIH/SIDA en América Latina: Una agenda de investigaciónacción. Cuernavaca, México: Instituto Nácional de Salud Pública.
Cáceres, F., Shedlin, M. G., & Deren, S. (2000). El consumo de drogas en La Republica Dominicana y su
vínculo con VIH/SIDA. Dominican Republic: Profamilia.
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 7
Shedlin, M. G. (2004). Research vs. support: Focus group participants living with HIV/AIDS. In P. Ulin et
al., (Eds.). Qualitative methods: A field guide for applied research in sexual and reproductive health
(5th Ed.), San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Shedlin, M. G. (2006). Investigación y apoyo: Personas que viven con VIH/SIDA participantes en un grupo
de discussión dirigido. In P. Ulin, E. Robinson, & E. Tolley (Eds.), Investigación aplicada en salud
pública: Métodos cualitativos. Washington, DC: Organización Panamericana de la Salud.
Shedlin, M., Arauz, R., Ortells, P., Aburto, M., & Norori, D. (2008). Geography & Drug Addiction. An
exploratory study of drug use & HIV risk in Nicaragua. New York, NY: Springer Pub
Shulman, L.C., & Shedlin, M. (2009). Focus groups. In Gitterman, A. & Salmon, R. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of
social work with groups. New York: Routledge.
Ortells, P.,Shedlin, M., Arauz, R., Aburto, M., & Norori, D. (2009). Por un chingastito, ‘man: Consumo de
drogas y riesgo de VIH en Nicaragua. Nicaragua: Fundación Nimehuatzin Managua.
Montes Penha, M., Shedlin, M., Reisen, C.A., Poppen, P.J., Bianchi, F.T., Decena, C.U., & Zea, M.C.
(2010). Ethnographic fieldwork on sexual behavior: Developing ethical guidelines for native
researchers. In D. A. Feldman (Ed.), AIDS, Culture, and Gay Men. Gainesville, Florida: U Florida
Kissinger, P. and Shedlin, M. (2012). "HIV/STI Risk Among Latino Migrant Men in New Receiving
Communities: A case study of post-disaster New Orleans." In Organista, K. (Ed.), HIV Prevention with
Latinos: Theory, Research, and Practice (245-251). New York, NY: Oxford University Press .
Shedlin, M. (2012). “Compliance.” In Loue, S. and Sajatovic, M. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health
(489-490). New York, NY: Springer.
Amastae, J., Shedlin, M., Grossman, D., Hopkins, K., Potter, J., M., White, K. (2013). “Lessons for Border
Research: The Border Contraceptive Access Study.” In Ochoa O’Leary, A., Deeds, C.M., & Whiteford,
S. (Eds.) Uncharted Terrains: New Directions in Border Research Methodology, Ethics, and Practice.
Tuscon, Arizona:U of Arizona Press.
Shedlin, M., Decena, C.U., Noboa, H., Baez, M., Betancourt, S., Vilalobos, J., Moreno, P.,Betancourt, O.
(2014). Salud y Condiciones de Vida de los Refugiados Colombianos en Ecuador. Abya Yala Press,
Kurth, A., Squires, A., Shedlin, M., & Kiarie, J. (2015, in press). Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Global
Health Research. In S. Breakey, I.B. Corless, N.L. Meedzan, & P.K. Nicholas (Eds.) Global Health
Nursing in the 21st Century (pp.547-563). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
Health Education Materials (authored and produced)
Health Education Series: Learning English and Improving Your Family's Health.
Center for Population and Family Health, Columbia University.
"The Importance of Breastfeeding" (1983)
"Taking Your Child to the Doctor" (1983)
"Communicating Your Concern About Venereal Disease" (1983)
"Taking Care of Your Baby During Pregnancy" (1983)
"Just Say 'No'!" (1984)
"Planning a Happy Family" (1984)
"Smoking, Pregnancy and Your Children's Health" (1984)
"Know Your Body" (1984)
"Talking to Your Teenager" (1985)
"Immunizations for Your Child" (1985)
"AIDS: The Only Cure is Prevention" (1987)
Teacher's Manual: Learning English & Improving Your Family's Health, 1987 (w/Jan Smith, CNM)
The Best Alternative for You. Center for Population & Family Health, Columbia University, 1985
A Safety Guide for the Working Girl. SRA, 1988 (AIDS prevention education)
Protégete en Tu Trabajo. SRA, 1989 (AIDS prevention education).
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 8
Is Mommy Alright? Technical advisor/narrator, training video. National Elementary School Center, Select
Media, Distributors, 1993. (Co-author, Facilitator's Guide with C. Gates, and L. Shulman)
Selected Papers and Presentations
Shedlin, M. G. (1977, November). Traditional body concepts and implications for the acceptability of
modern contraceptive methods. Paper presented at the Symposium "Body Concepts and Implications
for Health Planning", Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Houston, TX.
Shedlin, M. G. (1978, November). Potential of Anthropology in the development of fertility regulation
policies and programs. Applied Anthropology & Population Policy. Symposium conducted at the
meeting of American Anthropological Association, Los Angeles, CA.
Shedlin, M. G. (1978). Cultural factors affecting the acceptability of CB contraceptive distribution: A
Mexican demonstration project. Prepared for the WHO Symposium, "Acceptability Research in Family
Planning", Annual meeting of the Society of Applied Anthropology, Mexico.
Shedlin, M. G. (1981, February). Anthropology of human fertility. National Research Council.
Barber-Madden, R., & Shedlin, M. G. (1983, December). A community-based approach to primary
prevention and treatment of family violence. Testimony presented to the U.S. Attorney General's Task
Force on Family Violence, New York.
Shedlin, M. G. (1984). Community participation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mexican
Academy of Research in Medical Demography, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS),
Shedlin, M. G., & Smith, J. W. (1986). Promotion of breast feeding and prenatal care: Culturally
appropriate strategies for immigrant communities. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Public Health Association, Las Vegas.
Shedlin, M. G. (1987, November). "If you wanna’ kiss, go home to your wife": Sexual meanings for the
prostitute and implications for AIDS prevention. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL.
Shedlin, M. G. (1988, October). Female prostitutes: The implication of attitudes and high risk behaviors for
HIV infection and transmission. Paper presented at the XIIth World Congress of Gynecology and
Obstetrics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Shedlin, M. G., & Rosenbluth, L. (1989). Factors affecting the health status of homeless children in welfare
hotels. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL.
Shedlin, M. G. (1990, November). Sex, drugs and motherhood: Deadly survival strategies of women. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Deren, S., Shedlin, M. G., & Sanchez, J. (1991). Ethnic factors in HIV risk behavior: A comparison of
Puerto Rican & Dominican populations in NYC. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL.
Sanchez, J., Deren, S., & Shedlin, M. G. (1991). HIV risk factors among the Dominican population in
Washington Heights, New York. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health
Association, Atlanta, GA.
Deren, S., Shedlin, M. G., Sanchez, J., & Clatts, M. (1991, November). Ethnic factors in HIV risk behaviors
among prostitutes and drug abusers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL.
Deren, S., Shedlin, M. G., Sanchez, J., & Clatts, M. (1992, June). Dominicans and Puerto Ricans: difference
in drug use patterns and HIV risk behaviors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, Keystone, CO.
Deren, S., Sanchez, J., Shedlin, M. G., Davis, W. R., & Clatts, M. (1992). HIV prevention among Latinos:
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 9
A comparison of Puerto Rican and Dominican prostitutes and crack users. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C.
Shedlin, M. G., Carrier, J., & Clatts, M. (1992). Rethinking our paradigms: The challenges of HIV/AIDS
research on sexual minorities. Paper presented at the Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Santa Fe,
Shedlin, M. G., & Deren, S. (1992). Ethnicity, gender, subculture and the meaning of needle use. Paper
presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology, Memphis, TN.
Cowell, C., Barber-Madden, R., Shedlin, M. G., & Cross, A. (1992). Mobilizing delivery of nutritional
services for multi-cultural families in NYC. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Public Health Association, Washington, DC.
Shedlin, M. G., & Worth, D. (1992, November). Guiding the development of multi-cultural HIV/AIDS
education strategies for women and high-risk behaviors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Deren, S., Shedlin, M. G., Miller, K., Davis, W. R., Clatts, M., Balcorta, S., Beardsley, M., & Sanchez, J.
(1993). HIV risk behaviors in three groups of Latina prostitutes: Dominican, Mexican, and Puerto
Rican. Paper presented at the VI International Conference on AIDS, Berlin.
Cowell, C., Barber-Madden, R., & Shedlin, M. G. (1993). Low cost nutrition promotion: A key element to
building healthy inner city family infrastructures in the 90's. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA.
Deren, S., Shedlin, M. G., Beardsley, M. J., Davis, R., & Sanchez, J. (1993). HIV-related sexual risk
behaviors among Latina women. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health
Association, San Francisco, CA.
Hoffman J., Miller, K., Shedlin, M. G., & Duarte, P. (1993). Drug and condom use among a sample of
Mexican-American & Mexican prostitutes. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA.
Shedlin, Michele and Dooley Worth. Exploring Relationships: Ethnography in the Development of
STD/AIDS Prevention. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied
Anthropology, San Antonio,TX, March, 1993.
Shedlin, Michele and Rebeca Ramos. Border Sex Industry Standards: Do They Exist? Paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, San Antonio,TX, March, 1993.
Shedlin, M. G., & Trotter, R. (1994, November). Fertility decision-making and the HIV/AIDS epidemic:
Revising and rethinking paradigms. Paper presented at the Meeting of the annual meeting of the
American Anthropological Association, Atlanta, GA.
Shedlin, M.G., Cowell, C., Barber-Madden, R., Roy, S., & Norris, G. (1994). Understanding the health
needs of head start families: Focus groups with mothers & grandmothers. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington.
Beardsley, M., Deren, S., & Shedlin, M. G. (1994). Decision making patterns and HIV-related behavior
among Dominican and Puerto Rican women and their partners in New York City. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.
Shedlin, M. G., & Deren, S. (1995, February). Cultural factors influencing couple relationships and sexual
decision-making among three groups of Latina women. Paper presented at the Conference on HIV
Infection in Women, Washington, D.C.
Shedlin, M. G., Deren, S., & Shulman, L. (1995, June). Gender and culture: Factors affecting HIV/AIDS
risk in Latina women in the U.S. Paper presented at the Latin American Agenda for Research on
Women & AIDS. Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, Mexico.
Shedlin, M. G., Arauz, R., Ortells, P., & Morales, A. (1996). Research on high-risk behavior in Nicaragua.
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York, NY.
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 10
Kochems, L., Shedlin, M. G., & Deren, S. (1996, November). Money, drugs sexual identity and HIV risk in
the world of East Harlem drug using men who have sex with men. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Shedlin, M. G. (1997, July). Focus groups in Psychosocial research on HIV/AIDS and substance abuse.
Regional Congress of Psychology for Professionals in the Americas, Mexico.
Shedlin, M. G., & Kochems, L. (1997, November). Different choices, different risks: Transgender MSMs
and drug use in New York and El Paso. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.
Malotte, C., Shedlin, M. G., Rhodes, F., & Wood, M. (1998, July). Using perceived status and personal
functionality to inform risk-reduction programs for crack users. Poster session presented at the XII
International Conference on AIDS, Geneva.
Wood, M., Shedlin, M. G., Padilla, S., & Malotte, K. (1998, July). Gender differences in sexual risk
behaviors associated with crack cocaine use: Implications for HIV risk reduction. Poster session
presented at the XII International Conference on AIDS, Geneva.
Corby, N., Shedlin, M. G., & Wood, M. (1998, July). Motherhood as an opportunity for HIV risk reduction
among Crack-using women. Poster session presented at the XII International Conference on AIDS,
Koo, H., Woodsong, C., & Shedlin, M. G. (1999). From unintended to unintentionally planned: Exploring
sub-intended pregnancies. Paper presented at the Population Association of America, New York.
Shedlin, M. G., Bautista, L., Fitzgerald, A., Gilad, R., & Carranza, M. (1999). Infraestructura de riesgo de
adquirir el VIH/SIDA en mujeres amas de casa del gran San Salvador. Paper presented at the 1st
Central American Congress of STDs and HIV/AIDS, Honduras.
Deren, S., Shedlin, M. G., Caceres, F. (2000, July). Identifying a drug use/HIV nexus in understudied
countries: A case study of the Dominican Republic. Paper presented at the XIII International AIDS
Conference, Durban, South Africa.
Deren, S., Colon, H., Caceres, F., Robles, R., Shedlin, M. G., Andia, J., & Yeon-Kang, S. (2000, July).
Impact of mobility on risk behaviors: Dominican and Puerto Rican drug users Who Travel to New York
City. Paper presented at the XIII International AIDS Conference, Durban, South Africa.
Shedlin, M. G., Woodsong, C., & Koo, H. P. (2001, November). Understanding fertility behavior: lowincome African American and White women’s cultural construction of the body, reproductive
Physiology and fertility. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health
Association, Atlanta, GA.
Shedlin, M. G., Oliver-Velez, D., Finlinson, A., & Deren, S. (2002, November). Qualitative research on
HIV risk for women drug users: Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Paper Presented at the
University of Puerto Rico Conference, Technology Transfer: The Application of Research to the HIV
Epidemic in Women in Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico.
Shedlin, M. G., Shulman, L., Laraque, F., Hammond, A., & Mwaungulu, L. (2002, November). Cultural
factors affecting infant mortality of African American women in Brooklyn, NY. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia.
Shedlin, M. G., & Shulman, L. (2003, May). Qualitative needs assessment for HIV services among
Dominican, Mexican, and Central American immigrant populations living in the New York metro
region. Paper presented at the AIDS & Social Work Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
Decena, C., Shedlin, M.G., & Oliver-Velez, D. (2003, July). “Los hombres no mandan aquí”: Changing
gender roles among new Central American, Mexican & Dominican immigrants to suburban and semirural New York. Paper presented at the National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Shedlin, M. G., Decena, C. U., & Oliver-Velez, D. (2003, October). Migration and acculturative stress:
Factors affecting HIV-related risk for new Hispanic immigrants to New York. Presented at the Second
International Conference on Urban Health, New York, NY.
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 11
Belenko, S., Shedlin, M. G., & O’Connor, L. (2003, November). Individual and systematic barriers to
improving HIV education services for offenders. Paper presented at the American Society of
Criminology Conference, Denver, CO.
Shedlin, M. G., & Decena, C. U. (2003, November). New Hispanic communities and HIV risk. Paper
presented at “The Many Faces of AIDS” Conference of the Lower/Mid Hudson Latino/a HIV/AIDS
Network, Yonkers, New York, NY.
Shedlin, M.G., & Decena, C. U. (2003, November). New Hispanic communities and HIV Risk. Presented at
the Conference “Recognizing the Latino Community on Eastern Long Island: Creating Community
Awareness of Unmet Needs” Conference, Southampton, NY.
Shedlin, M. G., Decena, C. U., & Oliver-Velez, D. (2003, November). New Hispanic immigrant
communities and HIV risk. Presented at the Invited Session, “Rethinking Global AIDS Policy” of the
annual meeting of The American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL.
Shedlin, M. G., Decena, C. U., & Oliver-Velez, D. (2004, March). New Hispanic immigrant communities
and HIV risk. Presented at Reunión Latina Sobre el SIDA, Albany, NY.
Belenko, S., Shedlin, M. G., & Langley, S. (2004, June). Transitional health service planning for druginvolved inmates at risk for HIV: Organizational and Individual Determinants. Paper presented at the
Complexities of Co-Occurring Conditions Conference, Washington, DC.
Deren, S., Shedlin, M.G., Decena, C.U., & Mino, M. (2004, June). Addressing health disparities among
migrant and immigrant populations in the U.S.: Research challenges to the study of HIV/AIDS. NIDA
Science Meeting on Advancing Research to Reduce Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS Health Disparities:
Methodological Considerations.
Carballo-Diéguez, A., Shedlin, M., Dowsett, G., Remien, R., Lin, P., Dolezal, C., Balan, C., & Ventuneac,
A. (2004, July). “Barebacking” and the internet: Ethnography of popular sites used by gay men to meet
others for intentionally unprotected anal sex. Paper presented at the XV International AIDS
Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Shedlin, M., Arauz, R., Ortells, P., Aburto, M., & Norori, D. (2004). Drug use and HIV risk in Nicaragua.
International Research Conference, Opportunities, Challenges and Successes of International Research,
University of Miami, Drug Abuse and AIDS Research Center/NIH.
Shedlin, M. G., Decena, C. U., & Oliver-Velez, D. (2004, November). Disrupted communities: Defining
policy priorities for HIV prevention among new Hispanic immigrants in New York.” Presented at the
annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington.
Montes Penha, M., Shedlin, M.G., Zea, M.C., Reisen, C. A., Poppen, P., Bianchi, F., & Decena, C. (2004,
November). Ethical guidelines to support ethnographic fieldwork among men who have sex with men
(MSM). Presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.
Shedlin, M. G., Decena, C. U., & Oliver-Velez, D. (2005, January). New Hispanic immigrant communities
and HIV Risk. Hispanic Health Disparities Research Center, University of Texas, El Paso, TX.
Shedlin, M. G., & Decena, C. U. (2005, March). New Hispanic Communities and HIV Risk. Presented at
the Psychosocial Workshop at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America,
Shedlin, M. G., & Decena, C. U. (2005, April). Nuevas comunidades Hispanas y el riesgo del VIH.
Presented at National Development and Research Institutes, Training Institute, N.Y.
Shedlin, M. G., & Decena, C. U. (2005, April). New Hispanic communities and HIV Risk: The role of
Anthropology. Presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, NM.
Shedlin, M. G., & Decena, C. U. (2005, May). Nuevas comunidades Hispanas y el riesgo del VIH.
Seminario Permanente Sobre Migración Internacional, Colegio de Mexico de la Frontera Norte
(COLEF), Tijuana, Mexico.
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 12
Poppen, P. J., Reisen, C.A., Zea, M.C., Bianchi, F. T., Shedlin, M. G., & Penha, M. (2005, June).
Seroconcordance as a contextual factor influencing sexual risk. Poster session presented at the National
HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Zea, M.C., Reisen, C.A., Bianchi, F.T., Poppen, P.J., Shedlin, M.G., & Montes Penha, M. (2005, August).
Sexual playground: Fantasy or reality? Immigrant gay experiences in New York City. Presented at the
annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Decena, C.U., Shedlin, M. G., & Martínez, A. (2005, November). “Los hombres no mandan aquí”:
Narrating immigrant genders and sexualities in New York State. Paper presented at the American
Studies Conference, Washington, DC.
Shedlin, M. G., Arauz, R., Ortells, P., Aburto, M., Norori, D., & Deren, S. (2005, December). La droga no
tiene fin. Drug use & HIV risk among sex workers in Nicaragua. Presented at the annual meeting of the
American Public Health Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Shedlin, M., Arauz, R., Ortells, P., Aburto, M., Norori, D., & Deren, S. (2006, March). Drug use & HIV
risk in Nicaragua. NIDA-AAG Symposium on Geography & Drug Addiction, Chicago.
Guarino, H., Deren, S., Mino, M., Kang, S., & Shedlin, M. G. (2006, May). Using Ethnography to assess
the impact of an HIV/AIDS intervention on peer outreach workers. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Northeast Anthropological Association, Albany, NY.
Shedlin, M. G. (2006, April). Qualitative methods in drug use and HIV research. Lectures presented at the
Workshop “Conducting Research to Prevent HIV in Substance Users”, Pavlov University, St.
Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Shedlin, M. G. (2006, June). Qualitative methods in behavioral health research. Presentation as Visiting
Professor, Complementary & Alternative Medicine Department, John A. Burns School of Medicine,
University of Hawai’i at Manoa.
Shedlin, M. G. (2006, August). Qualitative methods for criminal justice research. Invited Speaker. Center
for Mental Health and Criminal Justice research, Rutger’s University.
Shedlin, M., Arauz, R., Ortells, P., Aburto, M., Norori, D., & Deren, S. (2006, September). Presentation of
findings: Drug use and HIV risk in Managua and Chinandega. Hotel Princess, Managua, Nicaragua,
September, 2006. [Presentation to University, Government, CBOs, Treatment Program staff, and the
press/media by Fundacion Nimehuatzin]
Shedlin, M., Caceres Ureña, F., & Deren, S. (2006, November). Cultural and contextual factors affecting
HIV risk for Dominicans in New York and Santo Domingo. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Anthropological Association, San Jose, CA.
Guarino, H., Deren, S., Mino, M., Kang, S-Y., & Shedlin, M. (2007, March). Assessing impact of an
HIV/AIDS intervention on peer outreach workers: An ethnographic perspective. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Tampa, FL.
Shedlin, M. (2007, March). Recruitment of undocumented Hispanic immigrants in HIV research. Presented
at the Psychosocial Factors Workshop of the Population Association of America Annual Meeting, New
York, NY.
Shedlin, M., Ramos, R., & Ramos, M. E. (2007, May) Methamphetamine use on the US-Mexico border.
Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the US-Mexico Border Health Association, S. Padre
Island, TX.
Shedlin, M. (2007, September). Cultural acceptability in reproductive health care: The intersection of
biomedical and behavioral research. Invited Speaker. Good Clinical Practice, Szeged, Hungary.
Shedlin, M., Arauz, R., Ortells, P., & Aburto, M. (2007, November). Las drogas como ractor de riesgo en
VIH/SIDA en Nicaragua. Invited Session. V Congreso Centroamericano de ITS, VIH y SIDA
(CONCASIDA). Managua, Nicaragua.
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 13
Shedlin, M., & Mangadu, T. (2007, November). Recruitment of new Hispanic immigrants in HIV
prevention research. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health
Association. Washington, DC.
Shedlin, M. & Ramos, R. (2008). Emerging trends in methamphetamine use on the US-Mexico border.
Paper presented at the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA.
Shedlin, M., Amastae, J., Potter, J., & Talavera, V. (2008).Cultural factors affecting the use of oral
contraception on the U.S.-Mexico border. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Public Health Association, San Diego, CA.
Shedlin, M. (2008, May). Invited Speaker: Culture, behavior & mobility: Factors affecting HIV risk in
Hispanic communities. Research to Reduce HIV Disparities: Fifth Annual Investigator’s Development
Meeting of the Comprehensive Center for the Study of HIV Disparities, University of Puerto Rico, San
Juan. PR.
Shedlin, M. (2008, July). Invited: New Hispanic immigrant communities: Factors affecting drug use and
HIV risk. U.S.-Mexico 7th Bi-National Drug Demand Reduction Conference. Monterrey, Mexico.
Shedlin, M., Arauz, R., Ortells, P., Aburto, M., & Norori, D. (2008, August). Drugs & HIV in Nicaragua:
Differences between two cities of a “bridge” country. Poster presented at the XVII International AIDS
Conference, Mexico City.
Shedlin, M., Ramos, R., Villalobos, Ramos Rodriguez, M.E. (2008, August). Methamphetamine use among
male and female populations on the Mexico-U.S. border. Poster presented at the XVII International
AIDS Conference, Mexico City.
Potter, J. E., Amastae, J., Shedlin, M., Hopkins, K., Grossman, D., & Diaz de Leon, C. (2008, September).
Did the Texas legislature derail family planning? Contraceptive access & continuation in El Paso,
Texas. Paper presented at the Texas Society of Allied Health Professions, El Paso, TX.
Grossman, D., Hopkins, K., Talavera, V., White, K., Shedlin, M., Amastae, J., & Potter, J.E. (2008,
September). Knowledge, perceptions and use of emergency contraceptive among Latina oral
contraceptive users in Texas. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association of
Reproductive Health Professionals and the Society for Family Planning, Washington, DC.
Shedlin, M., Talavera, V., Potter, J.E., Hopkins, K., Amastae, J., & Grossman, D. (2008, October). A little
learning is a dangerous thing: Beliefs affecting the use of oral contraception on the US-Mexico border.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, San Diego, CA.
Belenko, S., Shedlin, M., and Sung, H-E. (2009) Reentry planning for inmates at risk for HIV: Organizational and
policy barriers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Royal York,
Potter., McKinnon, S.,Grossman, D., Hopkins, K., Amastae, J., Shedlin, M.,& Powers, D.(2009, May). Oral
contraceptive continuation along the U.S.-Mexico border: Does a prescription or the number of pill
packs matter? Meeting of the Population Association of America, Detroit.
Grossman, D., White, K., Hopkins, K., Amastae, J., Shedlin, M., & Potter, J.E. (2009, September). Are women who
obtain oral contraceptives over the counter in Mexico more likely to be contraindicated for use?: Results from a
cohort study in el Paso, Texas. Presented at the Reproductive Health 2009 Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
Potter, J., McKinnon, S., Hopkins, K., Amastae, J., Shedlin, M., Powers, D., & Grossman,D. (2009,
November). Oral contraceptive continuation along the US-Mexico border: Does a prescription matter?
Presented at the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Bianchi, F.T., Shedlin, M., Brooks, K.D, Reisen, C.A., Zea, M.C, & Poppen, P.J. (2009, November). A
qualitative exploration of partner selection among Latino immigrant men who have sex with men:
Cultural stereotypes, sexual objectification, and masculinity. In P.J. Poppen, Sex among Latino MSM in
context. APHA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 14
Sauceda, J.A., Wiebe, J.S., Simoni, J.M., Longoria, V., Shedlin, M.G., Khalsa, A.M. (2010). Experiences of
Spanish-speaking persons living with HIV on the US-Mexico border. 31st annual meeting of the
Society for Behavioral Medicine, Seattle.
Shedlin, M., Beltran, O., Rivera, J., (2010) ARV Adherence in a US-Mexico Border Clinic: A Qualitative
Study to Inform Nursing Education & Practice. Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the
National Association of Hispanic Nurses, Washington, DC.
Schmidt, N., Salinas, O., Hembling, J., Desmarais, C., Kovacs, S., Beaulieu, A., Anderson-Smits, C.,
Longfellow, L., Shedlin, M., Kissinger, P.(2010) The evolution of sexual partnerships and condom use
among newly arrived Latino migrant men. CDC National STD Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Amastae, J., Shedlin, M., White, K., Hopkins, K., Grossman, D.A., and Potter, J. (2010, April). Ethical and
methodological issues for border research: The Border Contraceptive Access Study. Border Research,
Ethics and Methodologies, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Potter, J.E., Hopkins, K., White, K., McKinnon, S., Grossman, D., Shedlin, M., & Amastae, J. (2010,
April). Unmet demand for sterilization among Latinas. Presented at the Population Associate of
American Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.
Amastae, J., Shedlin, M., White, K., Hopkins, K., Grossman, D., & Potter, J. (2010, April). Ethical and
methodological issues for border research: The Border Contraceptive Access Project. Presented at the
Border Research Ethics and Methodology Conference, Tucson.
Ortells, P., Shedlin, M., Arauz, R., Aburto, M., & Norori, D. (2010, July). Drug use In Nicaragua:
Challenges for harm reduction in a low HIV prevalence country at risk. Poster: XVIII International
Conference on AIDS: AIDS 2010, Vienna.
Shedlin, M., Rivera, J, Beltran, O., & Smith, K. (2010, August). Drug use and violence as barriers to ARV
adherence on the US-Mexico border. Keynote Address: Annual Meeting of the US-Mexico Border
Initiative. El Paso, TX.
Potter, J.E., McKinnon, S., Grossman, D., Kipings, K., Amastae, J., Shedlin, M., & Powers, DA (2010,
September). “Does convenience matter? Oral contraceptive continuation along the US-Mexico border.
Presented at the Reproductive Health 2010 Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Shedlin M., Schmidt N., Kovacs S.D., Salinas O., Hembling J., Anderson-Smits C., Kissinger P. (2010,
October). Innovative Strategies for longitudinal research with hidden urban populations: Latino migrant
workers. Presented at the 9th International Conference on Urban Health. New York Academy of
Medicine, New York, NY.
Shedlin M., Kovacs S.D., Schmidt N., Salinas O., Hembling J., Anderson-Smits C., Kissinger P. (2010,
October). Individual, environmental, and cultural factors affecting illicit drug use among Latino migrant
workers in New Orleans. Presented at the 9th International Conference on Urban Health. New York
Academy of Medicine, New York, NY.
Shedlin, M. Invited Dedication for the State School/Hospital for the Blind in the name of Dr. Vilmos
Goldzieher (2010, October), Budapest, Hungary.
Potter, J., White, K., Hopkins, K., McKinnon, S., & Shedlin, M. (2011, March). Frustrated Demand for
Sterilization among Low-Income Latinas in El Paso, Texas. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Population Association of America, Washington, D.C.
Shedlin, M., & Amastae, J. (2011, March). Knowledge & Beliefs about Reproductive Anatomy and
Physiology among Mexican-Origin Women in the U.S.: Implications for Effective Oral Contraceptive
Use. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington, D.C.
Shedlin, M., Rivera, J.O., Beltran, O. (2011, March). ARV Adoption & Adherence in a US-Mexico border
Clinic: Impact of the side effects of medicines and drug violence. Presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Population Association of America, Washington, D.C.
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 15
Potter, J.E., McKinnon, S., Grossman, D., Hopkins, K., Shedlin, M., & Amastae, Jon., (2011), Myths,
Beliefs and Continuation of Oral Contraception. Presented at the International Conference on Family
Planning, Dakar, Senegal.
Potter, J.E., McKinnon, S., Grossman, D., Hopkins, K., Shedlin, M., & Amastae, Jon., (2011,
December), OTC vs. Prescription Only OCs: Results from the Border Contraceptive Access Study.
Presented at the International Conference on Family Planning, Dakar, Senegal.
Kurth, A., Shedlin, M., Norman, R., Crespo-Fierro, M., Lizcano, J., & Sharp, V. (2012) Computerized
Counseling to Support Treatment Adherence and Retention among Latinos. Poster presented at the 2nd
International HIV Treatment as Prevention Workshop, Vancouver, Canada, April.
Kurth A., Norman, R.,Shedlin, M., Crespo-Fierro, M., Lizcano, J., Chhun, N. & Sharp, V. (2012) Baseline
findings of a randomized controlled trial of Spanish-language computerized counseling. Poster
presented at the 7th International Conference on HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence, Miami
Florida, June.
Shedlin, Michele G. (2012) Qualitative Research in Understanding Addictive Behaviors and Informing
Interventions. Paper Presented at the International Workshop on Tobacco Control and Cessation for
Central and Eastern European Healthcare Professionals, University of Szeged, Faculty of Dentistry,
Crespo-Fierro,M.,Shedlin, M., Lizcano, J., Chhun, N., Kurth, A. (2012) Perceptions of Ease of Use and
Applicability of a Spanish Language Computer-Based Counseling Program to Support HIV Treatment
Adherence and Risk Reduction. 25th Annual ANAC Conference, Tucson, AZ, November.
Shedlin, M., Decena, C.U., Beltran, O. (2012) Culture & violence as factors affecting Latinos living with
HIV on the US-Mexico Border. Poster presented at the 2012 Summit on the Science of Eliminating
Health Disparities. National Harbor, Maryland.
Shedlin, M. (February, 2013) A Qualitative Approach for US Grant Applications: New Opportunities for
Interdisciplinary Health Research. Invited lecture, College of Dentistry, University of Szeged.
Shedlin, M. Using Qualitative Research Methods for the Patient Perspective: An Example of Oral Care
Compliance by Poor Minority Care Givers (April, 2013). Presentation to the Faculty, College of
Dentistry, University of Szeged.
Shedlin, M. Qualitative Methods in Nursing Research (May, 2013). Invited Lecture, Faculty of Nursing.
University of Szeged.
Shedlin, M. Qualitative Methods in Reproductive Health Research (May, 2013). Invited Lecture, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Szeged.
Shedlin, M. Qualitative Research to Understand Health Behavior: Body Knowledge and Beliefs Affecting
Reproductive Health & HIV/AIDS (April, 2013). "Women: Health, Family & Work" Student
Conference. Faculty of Nursing, University of Szeged.
Shedlin, M. (2013) Qualitative & Mixed Methods in HIV and Substance Abuse Research. Ukraine HIV
Research Capacity Building Workshop, NYS-ITRP Research Training, Kiev, Ukraine, June.
Shedlin, M. (2013) Focus Groups in HIV/AIDS Research. Ukraine HIV Research Capacity Building
Workshop, NYS-ITRP Research Training, Kiev, Ukraine, June.
Beltran, O., Shedlin, M. G. (2013, November) Factors affecting the emotional and physical health of aging
Latinos living with HIV/AIDS on the United States-Mexico border. Paper presented at the 141st
Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA.
Beltran, O. & Shedlin, M. (2014) Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression Among Latino MSM Living with
HIV/AIDS on the US/Mexico Border. Paper presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society of
behavioral Medicine, San Antonio, TX.
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 16
Shedlin, M. & Naegle, M. (2014) Salud y Condiciones de Vida de los Refugiados Colombianos en
Ecuador. XIV Coloquio Panamericano de Investigación en Enfermería.“Evidencia y compromiso:
El cuidado de Enfermería transcendiendo fronteras”. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
Shedlin, M. (2014) The patient perspective in oral care: Qualitative research informing practice and patient
compliance. [Invited Lecture]. Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Medical Association of America,
Sarasota, FL.
Shedlin, M. & Decena, C. (2014) Discrimination and Health Vulnerability: Colombian Refugees from Drug
Violence Living in Ecuador. Paper presented at the 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Public
Health Association, New Orleans, LA.
Shedlin, M. (2014) Salud y Condiciones de Vida de los Refugiados Colombianos en Ecuador. [Invited
lecture] Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing, Master’s Program in Vulnerable Populations,
Autonomous University of Madrid.
Shedlin, M. and Decena. C. (2014) New Hispanic Communities and HIV Risk. [Invited lecture] Faculty of
Medicine, Department of Nursing, Master’s Program in Vulnerable Populations, Autonomous
University of Madrid.
Technical Reports
Scrimshaw, S., Shedlin, M. G., Bram, S., & de Ruales, M. (1975). Aceptabilidad e Impacto: La Evaluación
de un Programa Modelo de Prestación de Servicios de Salud in Cali, Colombia. Report presented to
PRIMOPS, USAID, and Columbia University.
Shedlin, M. G. (1975). Cultural Factors Relevant to the Design and Implementation of a Community-Based
Family Planning Program. Report for the Mexican Ministry of Health, USAID, and the Center for
Population and Family Health, Columbia University.
Shedlin, M. G. (1976). Technical Report for the Task Force on the Acceptability of Fertility Regulating
Methods. WHO, Geneva.
Henry, E., Shedlin, M. G., Isaacs, S., & Wray, J. (1981). New Strategies for the Delivery of Maternal/Child
Health and Family Planning Services in Rural and Semi-Urban Slum Areas of Mexico: Final Report.
Center for Population and Family Health, Columbia University.
Shedlin, M. G. (1989, October).The Health Care of Homeless Mothers and Children: Impact of a Welfare
Hotel. Medical and Health Research Association of New York City.
Shedlin, M. G. (1990). Methadone Maintenance Client's Knowledge, Attitudes & Behavior Relating to HIV
Infection & Implications for Service Provision, St. Lukes/ Roosevelt Hospital.
Shedlin, M. G. (1993). Report: Ethnographic Research on HIV-Non-High Risk Dominican Women and
Couples. Prepared for National Development and Research Institutes, Inc., NY.
Shedlin, M. G. (1993). Report: Ethnographic Research on HIV-Non-High Risk Puerto Rican Women and
Couples. New York City. National Development & Research Institutes, NY.
Shedlin, M. G. (1993). Report: Ethnographic Research on HIV-Non-High Risk Mexican Women and
Couples. El Paso. TX. National Development & Research Institutes, NY.
Shedlin, M. G. & Shulman, L. C. (1993, September; 1994, May; 1995, March). Final Evaluation Reports:
OB/GYN Residency Training Program in the Identification and Treatment of Women with Chemical
Dependencies. Prepared for the Greater NY March of Dimes.
Shedlin, M.G, & Shulman, L. C. (1993, August). Final Evaluation Report: Parent Aide Program. Prepared
for the Bridgeport (CT) Department of Health.
Shedlin, M.G., & Shulman, L. C. (1993, August). Final Evaluation Report: Texas WIC Marketing Study,
Qualitative Evaluation/Latino Population. Prepared for Best Start.
Shedlin, M. G., & Shulman, L. C. (1991, May; 1992, July). External Evaluation Reports: Urban Youth
Diversion Project (Powerline). Prepared for the Private Industry Council.
Shedlin, M. G. (1994). Head Start Needs Assessment: Focus Group Research with Mothers and
Grandmothers. Prepared for Columbia University Head Start/CPFH.
Shedlin, M. G. (1994). Mother-Daughter Program Evaluation Report: Analysis and Summary of Focus
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 17
Group Discussions. Prepared for UTEP, Department of Education, 1994.
Shedlin, M. G, & Shulman, L. C. (1995; 1996; 1998). Assessment of the Impact of HIV Prevention
Community Planning in States &Territories, Technical Reports (3): Prepared for the U.S. Conference of
Shedlin, M. G, & Shulman, L. C. (1997). Technical Report: Activities to Reduce Perinatal Transmission of
HIV in 7 States & Puerto Rico. Prepared for the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
Shedlin, M. G. (1998, July). HIV/AIDS Services for Trans-Border Populations in the Juarez/ El Paso/ Dona
Ana Area. Unpublished Report, Sociomedical Resources Associates.
Shedlin, M. G., & Shulman, L. C. (1999). The Effects of Welfare Reform on Immigrant Women in New
York City. NYC Department of Health, Maternity Services and Family Planning.
Sanchez, J., Shedlin, M. G., Cortez, C., Fitzgerald, A., & Heisler, D. (1999). Evaluation of the AIDS/STD
Prevention and Control Project, USAID/ Honduras.
Sanchez, J., Shedlin, M., & Araica, A. (2000).Needs & Resource Assessment: STIs/HIV in Nicaragua.
Shedlin, M. G., & Shulman, L. C. (2000). Perceptions and Experience of the Perimenopause by Minority
Women in New York City. Report prepared for the New York City Department of Health, Bureau of
Maternity Services and Family Planning.
Shedlin, M. G., & Shulman, L. C. (2001, August). Factors Affecting Infant Mortality Among AfricanAmerican Women in Brooklyn, NY. NYCDOH, Maternal, Infant and Reproductive Health Program.
Shedlin, M. G., & Shulman, L. C. (2002). Needs Assessment for HIV Services Among Dominican,
Mexican and Central American Immigrant Populations Living in the New York EMA.NYC. Mayor’s
Office for AIDS Policy Coordination, NYC HIV & Health Planning Council & Medical and Health
Research Association.
Shedlin, M. G., & Shulman, L. C. (2002, June). HIV Prevention Community Planning: An Assessment of
Latino Participation in Seven States. U.S.-Mexico Border Health Association.
Consultancies [Selected]
The Pathfinder Fund: TA to pharmacy training programs in Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay;
evaluation design and data analysis; development of curriculum and training workshops in qualitative
evaluation methodology for Latin American countries (1982-1985) Co-authored manual for qualitative
evaluation of FP programs in Latin America (1987).
Family Health International: Development of population content for TV series (1983); Direct research in
Paraguay on demand for contraceptive methods/abortifacients in pharmacies (1985-1986); Staff and
student in-services (1984); AIDS education materials development; Direct AIDS prevention project for
sex workers (1987-88).
Columbia University Center for Population and Family Health: Contraceptive Update Seminar (Puerto
Rico, 1984); International Intern Training Program (1989-1998); Focus Group Research on Prenatal
Nutrition (1992); Development of Culturally Appropriate Nutrition Education (1993).
Ministry of Health, Cuba (MINSAP): Development of collaborative research in reproductive health;
Curriculum development, training health professionals in medical anthropology (1978-80).
Autonomous University of the State of Mexico: Teaching and curriculum planning for medical
anthropology and family planning seminars, School of Medicine (1975-76); Technical support, Medical
Anthropology Degree Program (1992).
Mexican Federation of Private Family Planning Associations (FEMAP): Development of culturally
appropriate bilingual family planning and health education materials (1984-85); Training of community
family planning workers (1982,1984); Project development (1985-86).
Mexican Social Security Institute (MSS), Family Planning Department: Assistance in the development of
operations research for integrated health and development project; Assistance to the Social and
Demographic Research Unit (1983-87).
MCH and Family Planning Directorate, Mexican Ministry of Health (SSA): Direct research, field
supervision of MCH/FP activities; Training of community health workers (1974-80).
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 18
American Friends Service Committee: Bilingual health education series and Teacher's Manual for Haitian
community (1985-86), Training of ESL program personnel.
New York City of Board of Education, Bilingual Education Department: Training of ESL teachers to
incorporate MCH/FP education curriculum (1984-85).
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals: Interactive computer program for physician instruction (1985-86); Research
development (1987); Lecture tour, Australia, August 1993.
CARE: Training, International Regional Technical Advisors, (1986).
International Planned Parenthood Federation: Proposal preparation and project design for PROFAMILIA,
Dominican Republic (1986).
New Jersey Department of Health: Evaluation research/staff training for WIC Program (1987).
The Center for Development and Population Activities: Training of international workshop participants in
qualitative program evaluation (1987).
Massachusetts Department of Public Health: Design of prenatal care research (1987).
St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital Center: Project development: Outreach strategies for AIDS prevention
(1987-89); Research: AIDS: Counseling, Testing, Referral and Partner Notification (1989-90).
New York State Department of Health, Office of Public Health: Program planning: health education for
Latino communities and AIDS prevention education and outreach (1988).
Metro Mayors Commission on AIDS: Organizer and Coordinator (CT, 1988).
The Center for Development and Population Activities: Training of international participants in qualitative
program evaluation (1987-88).
March of Dimes: Staff training; Research on institutional barriers to prenatal care (1987-89).
Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission: Development of needs assessment and evaluation:
improving minority utilization of drug abuse treatment programs (1989).
Medical and Health Research Association of New York City, Direct research on welfare mothers access to
pediatric care (1988-1989).
NYC Department of Health, AIDS Research Unit Staff training; program development (1988-89).
Subsequent Pregnancy Prevention Project, (Chicago): Research and staff training for prevention of
subsequent adolescent pregnancy project (1988-98).
Boston Department of Health and Hospitals, Urban Health Institute: Qualitative Methods for Program
Evaluation Workshop (1990).
Centers for Disease Control: Workshop in Qualitative Research (1990).
Center for Health Policy Development: Workshop in Prevention Research and Evaluation for Hispanic
Community-Based Organizations (1990).
USAID, Africa Bureau: Evaluation of USAID funding of HIV/AIDS prevention, Zimbabwe and Zambia
Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe, El Paso, TX: Research on HIV/AIDS in Mexican High-Risk and Clinic
Populations (1990-1992).
University of Washington: Evaluation, Latino health education materials (1991-93).
Education Development Center/LearnTech, Newton MA: Technical assistance, child-to-child health
education project, Bolivia (1993).
Bridgeport, CT Department of Health: Parent Aide Program Evaluation (1993).
Best Start, Inc: Qualitative research for national evaluation of WIC services for Latina women, the Texas
Department of Health (1993).
Center for Population and Family Health, Columbia University: Qualitative health needs assessment
research, Head Start Program (1993).
University of Wisconsin/Madison/Department of Family Medicine: Training in qualitative research to
faculty and students (1993-1994).
National Elementary School Center, (NY): Program and grant development; Technical Advisor.
Educational video on AODA women in recovery (1992-1994).
New Britain Health Department, New Britain, CT: Provide technical assistance to development of a
program of street outreach to women at high-risk for HIV infection (1993-1994).
University of Texas at El Paso: Evaluation of Latina Mother/Daughter Program (1994-1995).
Fundación Nimehuatzin, Managua, Nicaragua/ Family Health International: Technical Assistance and Staff
Training in Qualitative Research for HIV/AIDS Prevention for High Risk Behavior Groups by CBOs
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 19
(1994-1996); Technical Advisor (1996-present).
Subsequent Pregnancy Prevention Project/Sinai Community Institute, Chicago. Evaluation of Subsequent
Pregnancy Program, "Mothers Too Soon", (1993-1996).
U.S. Conference of Mayors: Evaluation, HIV Prevention Community Planning Initiative of the Centers for
Disease Control, Year I, Year II and Year IV Assessments in eight States/ Territories (1994,1995,
AIDSCAP/Family Health International: Technical Assistance and Qualitative Research for HIV/AIDS
Prevention with CBOs, Tegucigalpa, Honduras (1996-1997).
U.S. Conference of Mayors/ Health Resources and Services Administration: Evaluation in 7
States/Territories of the Implementation of ZDV Therapy for Reducing Perinatal HIV, (1996).
Planned Parenthood of New York City: Qualitative Evaluation, Project Street Beat, (1996).
Transnational Fertility Research Institute. Qualitative Research Consultant. NICHD supported Research on
Unintended Pregnancy in Four Low-income Groups, (1996).
NYU/Bellevue Hospital, NY. Evaluation of Domestic Violence Intervention Program, Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1994-1997).
The Children's Hospital, Boston, MA: Evaluation of SPNS/HRSA project, Boston HAPPENS, HIV/AIDS
prevention and services program (1997).
California Office of AIDS: Technical Assistance, HIV Prevention Community Planning, Local
Implementation Groups (CPGs) (1997-1998).
Greater Bridgeport Adolescent Pregnancy Program: Evaluation of Teen Outreach and Primary Services
(TOPS), HRSA SPNS, Bridgeport, CT. (1993-1998).
National Development and Research Institute/CDC/NIDA: Consultant. Multi-site Study on Drug Using
Men-Who-Have-Sex-With-Men (1997-1998).
California State University/Long Beach/NIDA: Consultant. HIV Risk Reduction for Drug Using MSM
(1997-2001); HIV Sexual Risk Reduction for Crack Users (1996-2000).
NYC Department of Health, Bureau of Maternity Services and Family Planning: Principal Investigator.
Impact of Welfare Reform on Immigrant Women in New York City, (1997-1999).
National Development and Research Institute and Universidad del Caribe, Consultant. HIV Risk Behavior
Determinants in Puerto Rican Drug Users in NY and Puerto Rico (1996-1999).
NYCDOH, Maternity Services and Family Planning: Needs Assessment, Principal Investigator. Perimenopausal Womens' Issues in New York City Communities, (1996-1999).
UNFPA Angola: MCH Health Research for Displaced Populations, Huila and Benguela Provinces,
Consultant. 1999.
PASCA, AED/USAID, Consultant. HIV/AIDS research: El Salvador, Honduras, (1998 -2000)
USAID, Country Assessment: STIs/HIV Needs and Resources in Nicaragua, Consultant. 2000.
US-Mexico Border Health Association and Programa Compañeros, Principal Investigator. Qualitative
Research on Cross-Border HIV Service Utilization (1999-2000).
NYCDOH, Maternal, Infant and Reproductive Health Program, Principal Investigator. Factors Affecting
Infant Mortality Among African-American Women in Brooklyn, NY, (2001).
New York City Mayor’s Office for AIDS Policy Coordination, the NYC HIV Planning Council and
Medical and Health Research Association, PI. Needs Assessment for HIV Services Among Dominican,
Mexican and Central American Immigrants Living in the NYC EMA, (2000-2001).
National Development and Research Institutes, Institute for AIDS Research, Consultant. The Impact of
September 11, 2001 on Active Drug Users in New York City. (2001).
New York-Presbyterian Hospital, AIDS Program, Co-Investigator. Qualitative Evaluation of Patient
Adherence to HIV Treatment, (2002-2003).
Academy for Educational Development, CHIVES Project Consultant (HRSA) (2005-6).
Completed Research
1997 - 2001
Research Triangle Institute: Dynamics and Meaning of Adult Unintended Pregnancy
Role: Co-PI
1998 - 1999
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 20
Research on Oral Care: Barriers to Adherence with Dental Treatment among Children with HIV, University
of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey/National Minority Oral Health Research Center, Newark, NJ
Role: Co-PI
R01 DA11837
1998 - 2003
HIV Service Needs in High Risk Criminal Justice Populations, The National Center on Addiction and
Substance Abuse (CASA)
Role: Co-Investigator
R03 DA16163-01
Drug Use and HIV Risk in Nicaragua
Role: PI
2002 - 2004
NY State Oral Cancer Control Partnership: New York University College of Dentistry/New York State
Department of Health. (J. Kumar, PI)
Role: Consultant
R01 HD043669-01
2003 - 2006
Internet Use and Sexual Risk among MSM in New York City
Role: Co-PI
P30 DAD016163
2003 - 2006
High Risk Drug Use & HIV: Learning from the NYC Epidemic-Nicaragua Supplement
Role: PI
R01 HD042970-01
New Hispanic Communities and HIV Risk
Role: PI
2002 - 2004
2003 - 2006
Sexual Risk in the Context of Same-Sex Behavior: HIV Prevention with Men who Use the Internet
Role: Co-I
R01 HD042970-02A1
2005 - 2006
New Hispanic Communities and HIV Risk
Role: PI
R01 DA018130-01A2
2006 - 2009
Therapeutic Communities: A Three Country Comparison: Malaysia, China & US (M. Kressel, PI)
Role: Co-Investigator
2006 - 2008
Methamphetamine Use on the US-Mexico Border, Center for Border Health Research (CBHR)
Role: PI
R01 HD046258-01
2003 - 2008
Contextual Influences on Sexual Risk among Latino MSM
Role: Co-Investigator
R03 NR009974-01
2006 - 2008
Factors Affecting OCD and Health Disparities at the U.S.-Mexico Border
Role: Consultant
P20 MD000548-01
2006 - 2008
Michele G. Shedlin - Page 21
Community-Based Study of OCD & Health Disparities at the U.S.-Mexico Border
Role: Consultant
R21 MH079746-01A1
2007 - 2009
Enhancing HIV Partner Notification through Peer Educators (M. Goldstein, PI)
Role: Consultant
P20 MD002287-01
2007 - 2012
ARV Adoption & Adherence in a US-Mexico Border Community-Based Clinic
Role: PI
R01 HD047816
2005 - 2011
Oral Contraceptive Use along the US-Mexico Border (J.E. Potter, PI)
Role: CO-I
1 R21 DA024706-01
2008 - 2012
Substance Abuse and Health Vulnerability: Colombian Refugees in Ecuador
Role: PI
Drug Use among Latino Migrant Workers
Role: CO-I
2009 – 2011
NIDA (Kissinger, PI)
2008 - 2013
Center for Behavioral Health Services & Criminal Justice Research, Rutger’s University (Wolf, PI)
Role: Consultant
2009 – 2013
A Spanish-language intervention to enhance routine HIV patient care delivery (Kurth, PI)
Role: CO-I
Ongoing Research
R01DA029899 Brower (PI)
Crossing Borders: HIV and Substance use at the Gateway to North America
Role: Consultant
R01DE023072 Northridge (PI)
Integrating Social and Systems Science Approaches to Promote Oral Health Equity
Role: Co-I
K23 DA030395 McNeely (PI)
Screening for Substance Use with Computer Assisted Self Interview in Primary Care
Role: Mentor
CDA 11-257 Marakov (PI)
Optimizing Imaging Use Among Veterans with Prostate Cancer
Role: Mentor
HSR&D/Veteran’s Administration
P30 DA011041 Deren (PI)
Discovery to Implementation & Back: Research Translation for the HIV/SU Epidemic
Role: Deputy Director