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Unit 1: Matter Study Guide
Part I: Define the following terms using your notes, class work assignments, quizzes, and book.
1. Atom – smallest unit of an element that retains properties of the element; basic units of
matter have the same properties of elements
2. Compound – two or more elements that are chemically bonded together
3. Element – a substance that cannot be broken down into a smaller substance; a pure
4. Chemical formula – a shorter easier way to show chemical reactions using symbols
instead of words
5. Subscript – the small number below the element symbol showing the number of atoms
for each element present in the chemical compound or formula
6. Chemical symbol – a combination of 1 to 3 letters in which the first is capitalized and the
rest are lower case to represent an element
Part II: Answer the following questions using your notes, class work assignments, quizzes, and
1. List several examples of a compound. Water, salt, calcium chloride, and sugar
2. Describe the parts that make up an atom. Nucleus – center of the atom that is positively
charged because of the protons; proton – positively charge particle found in the nucleus;
neutron – neutrally charged particle found in the nucleus; electrons – negatively charged
particle found orbiting the nucleus in energy shells; energy shells – orbits the nucleus
and holds electrons and are labeled with capital letters K shell – 2, L shell – 8, and M
shell - 18
3. How are compounds formed? When two or more elements chemically bond together; H2
+ O2 yields H2O2
4. What are the symbols for the following elements?
Calcium = Ca
Magnesium = Mg
Sodium = Na
Sulfur = S
Potassium = K
Chlorine = Cl
Iron = Fe
Oxygen = O
5. Which particle in an atom can only be lost? An electron
6. Explain how you can determine the elements and number of atoms for each element in
the chemical compound C12H22O11. The element is the symbol; the number of atoms is te
subscript; Carbon = 12 atoms, Hydrogen = 22 atoms, and Oxygen = 11 atoms
7. Diagram a Lithium atom.
8. Diagram the compound water.
9. Draw and label the parts to an element key from the Periodic Table of Elements.
Atomic number
Element symbol
Atomic mass
Element name