Download GSTM Model Challenge February 16, 2010 Power point - eco

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Can you design a neighborhood?
Use the GSTM or stacked cube.
What is it?
above geocoded zero:
allopatric10km3 neighborhood sets
geocoded zero:
sea level
elow geocoded zero: sympatric 10km3 neighborhood sets
Geocoded Spatial Transparent Metric neighbor effects
exist between GSTM scale volumes: can seeing patterns
between GSTM units allow perception of risk?
share information 24/7 for timely anomaly
detection and local action e.g. earthquake
indicators e.g. NOAA buoys, GHG (greenhouse
gases and ODS (ozone depleting substances e..g.
capturing synergies in local land management e.g.
tracking pollination systems in local agricultural
production at one meter cubed within GSTM
allowing health infrastructure to access deficits
and assets for timely interventions e.g. monitoring
UN Treaties, SALW, mapping trafficking, NPT
Create a 3-D model: learning to think spatially using the stacked
ten kilometer cube GSTM at all scales of organization e.g. mm3,
cc to 10m3 to 100m3 , adding an extra ten kilometers cubed etc.
Target curriculum cohorts: K12+4+4 creating opportunities for
team teaching and data sharing in curriculum pedagogy between
grades and ages.
Job creation: data collections, data entry protocol oversight are
just a few kinds of jobs for K12+4+4 students involved in GSTM
spatial learning curriculum.
GSTM spatial think pedagogy offers life long learning
Predictable Proximity
I can count on you to watch me. We are visual social, small group size
(cohorts) primates.
You will not leave too soon.
Words are magic.
You will give language signals to indicate your unique personal
spatial-temporal needs.
There will appear to be a choreography to your unique, recognizable
complex, predictable pattern (ing) = ‘ecoplay’.
“I am because we are.” Hippocampus mapping and replaying of
‘happy’ events. Linking back (as in religio) to ‘dream’ peace,
smoothing chaos.... ‘catching the wave’, ‘take a sit’ by me. Patting.
GSTM Transparency Framework
Mapping the local using indicators
published in the Millennium Ecological
Mapping the local using Food and
Agriculture early warning indicators ---FAO
Mapping the local using Center for
Disease Control indicators---CDC, WHO
LTM=Long Term Monitoring
Watching as you ‘take a sit’.
Engaging by gift giving*.
Using language to describe caring.
Sitting close enough to see eye to eye comfortably
as in the meaning of relax.
Welcoming embarrassment.
Awareness of alert behavior.
Opening up to owning your own chauvanism.
Seeing the beauty in the other and the moment.
Goals of creating a GSTM
spatial think pedagogy K12+4+4
create model of your local area and use water
data e.g. rainfall patterns, storage, demand
incorporate your local interest e.g. study
Monarch butterflies or frogs etc.
pick a piece of data and run with, plot it out in
the ten kilometer stacked cube format or GSTM
use a 3D modeling program to create a visual
display of the GSTM and at one meter cubed within
Ecoplays provide for cooperative and creative and timely n=10
small group size... K12+4+4... activities in enhancing local predictable
proximity in vegetation connectivity and soil cover, data entry protocols, and
new moves in seasonal and diurnal K12+4+4 activities of K12+4+4 n=10.....ecoplays in emergent
ecological restoration... Buffering climate change is only local ecological, it is endemic
vegetation connectivity enhancement and the present efforts towards UNFCC/Kyoto?
Bali et al ...climate restoration. Vegetation and the water cycle. Salt water freshening.
Global Circulation Model.
Each 1m3:10km3x2 volume in the local is unique, and as n=10 students
examine, study, record etc. varied biogeochemical markers or MEA
indicators ....each recognizable, complex, predictable pattern is brought in to
focus, frame or context” = urcpp****= mapping graticule @1m3 or less
volume within 10km3x2 allows seeing anomaly. Risk assessment relies on
Sets, frames and in ecological restoration
and the beauty of nature...seeing cohorts. Enhancing beauty,
fostering hope, planning on clean water and food.
**** “If this, then that.”
Tamra Engelhorn Raven January 2009
Is out of sight, out of mind, the
the last word as we struggle to
manage global ecosystem
Geocoded Spatial Transparent Metric
GSTM offers a new way to see our
It can facilitate spatial thinking which
forces the issue that each of us impact
one another and are neighbors.
Does biodiversity extinction
challenge local actions to buffer
climate change?
Local photosynthetic overyielding and increasing local plant species
diversity may increase carbon sequestration and increase biodiversity
resilience locally.
The GSTM or Geocoded Spatial Transparent Metric scale of ten
kilometers cubed above and ten kilometers cubed below geocoded zero
may offer a model for local institutional and individual participation
in acting locally to buffer global climate change.
“Look at me , look at me, look at me.” This is the sound of our first call.
Our hippocampus maps it all. But why can we not over come our
resistance to changing behavior? We will not move off base. It seems safe.
Ways of learning* in a world of near seven billion humans will be
different. Human gestation within more than half of our human
population, it is a female thing....
Resources of all kinds are patchy and unpredictable.
Patterns of human behavior anomaly are increasingly unpredictable.
Patterns of biochemical pollution and biodiversity disturbance are
increasingly unpredictable.
* “Spatial Thinking” is one kind of thinking we are good at.
Does biodiversity extinction
challenge local actions to buffer
climate change?
Local photosynthetic overyielding and increasing local plant species
diversity may increase carbon sequestration and increase biodiversity
resilience locally.
The GSTM or Geocoded Spatial Transparent Metric scale of ten
kilometers cubed above and ten kilometers cubed below geocoded zero
may offer a model for local institutional and individual participation
in acting locally to buffer global climate change.
How can we organize information?
Being hopeful is critical to local action
and quality of life
action is critical to human perception of
well being, that feeling of being in
Plenty of data in the global institutional infrastructure
e.g. WHO, NOAA, CDC, EPA, NIEHS etc.
But does human denial keep us from seeing pattern in data and
reacting appropriately to local risk? Can K12 spatial thinking
pedagogy enhance risk response?
responding to National Academy of Sciences USA 2006 call for
spatial thinking in the GIS-GPS era see thought explanation of
using local ten kilometer stacked cubed data for K12+4+4 education:
begin with Kindergarten and choose at least one other grade to team
teach 1-9 as team leaders, teachers aids or teachers (stipend $?)
design 3D GSTM to for K12+4+4 using college student participation
in all disciplines and manage university credit for participation in
GSTM pedagogy
create jobs for timely local access to ten kilometer stacked cube data and
scholarships or stipends for students K12+4+4 and local municipality
GIS tech support
How can local denial of risk be overcome by
education of local human resources?
Ten kilometers stacked cubes begins by measuring
soil, air, water and albedo indicators at one meter
cubed within the GSTM e.g. manage local
mangroves and coral reefs measured at one meter
cubed within GSTM
GSTM facilitates 3D grid for cross sectional
information to be observed for analysis
Can mapping local vegetation at the GSTM
scale spotlight local biodiversity patterns, local
water shortfalls, or disease health clusters each
of which may have a psychological impact on
sustainable environments?
help to manage local biodiversity resources e.g. endemic
vegetation monitoring by GPS ground truthing
increase local carbon sequestration by managing for increased
‘vegetation cover’ on soil at one meter cubed within GSTM
increase predictability of the watershed and associated local
weather patterns by monitoring land use -albedo change at one
meter cubed within GSTM
increase ecological resilience and local food and water security
by monitoring agricultural-soil indicators
Could mapping vegetation at the GSTM scale enhance
community coherence and involvement such that early
detection of biodiversity extinction risk would facilitate
action to engage in Long Term Monitoring (LTM) of
Does extinction drive climate change?
allowing policy makers and educational institutions
to access local ten kilometer cubed data sets to
enable action to buffer global change (adaptations to
climate, agricultural, ecological, economic change)
distribution and choreographed data entry protocol
by university and governmental research facilities
provide platform for awareness of local priorities
e.g. salt water intrusion measured at one meter
cubed within GSTM
Local health issues might drive local policy if GSTM
provided better local transparency by allowing visual
perception of spatial data sets: does this become a metric for
a global early warning system?
Medical infrastructure such as hospital and
neighborhood clinics using GSTM could
facilitate WHO monitoring and early
warning, mapping urban pollution and
disproportionate effects on women and girls.
Sharing news on EID = Emerging
Infectious Diseases e.g. H1N1, West Nile
Fever, TB, HIV-AIDS, to WHO at one meter
cubed within GSTM
Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM) of UNFCCC
(1992) could share technology and training education
best practices in sustainable development using GSTM
scale neighborhoods: could this kind of transparency
allow for better and more timely globally data sharing?
Building local human capacity e.g. to monitor sea level rise
in SIDS at one meter cubed within GSTM
Information and technology transfer on monitoring
trafficking in body parts, women, children, drugs, and Small
Arms and Light Weapons at one meter cubed within
Teachers and students, policy makers and local governments
receive funding for job creation and local human capacity
building including LTM or long term monitoring of MDG
Millennium Development Goals
Guidelines for modeling a
GSTM neighborhood.
keep it simple, choose what interests you e.g. map roadside plants
and their pollinators, specific bird species and seasonal
quality control of information: use EPA or WHO data sets or
comparable public access data bases as well as universities to
establish and monitor data entry protocol for accuracy and real
time management
create university level presentation about your GSTM
visualization 3D model highlighting transparency, quality
control, and information trading attributes in the spirit
‘freeware’. Begin with Kindergarten and include any other grade
in team teaching and at least two university level entry points to
Spatial thinking beginning in Kindergarten and the gift of
the stacked cube neighborhood 10km3x2 can facilitate
structuring problems, finding solutions, and expressing
solutions about local air, water, soil and biodiversity as
well as actions beyond reduce, reuse, recycle:3Rs.
GSTM or Geocoded Spatial Transparent Metric allows real
time monitoring of 3R’s effectiveness in an information-based
economy which is high tech intensive
spatial thinking can enhance visual management of
biodiversity, soil,, air, and water quality using a 3D grid, ten
kilometer cubed over another cube underground
a ten kilometer cube above geocoded zero and below it, the
air and soil stacked cube represents the 3D GSTM which may
allow our species to see their neighborhood
Can GSTM facilitate timely local action to enhance
buffering climate change locally??
Allow GSTM pedagogy to inform students beginning in
Kindergarten: each student receives ‘ten kilometer stacked cube’
folder or home neighborhood 3D data base
Build curriculum based on relational spatial thinking building on
our human capacities e.g. hippocampus, visual, layered complexity
Adapt GSTM to “visualizing relationships within spatial structures,
we can perceive, remember, and analyze the static and dynamic
properties of objects and the relationship between
objects”...presented as “a constructive combination of concepts of
space, tools of representation, and processes of reasoning---uses
space to structure problems, find answers, and express solutions.”
Resources for mapping.
FAO food security
WHO HIV AIDS resistant TB
NOAA tsunami earthquakes
pediatric epidemiology
Chilton Pearce ...The Magical Child
Ashley Montague ...Touching
Frans de Waal ...Gift Giving in the
National Academy of Sciences Spatial
Thinking 2006