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Direct-statement made under oath
› Proves fact without the necessity of involvement
or guesses
› When true, it overwhelmingly establishes fact
Circumstantial-any object or material that is
relevant to a crime
› A series of circumstances that supports an
 Physical-fibers, fingerprints, documents, soil, drugs,
tool marks, impressions, glass, etc…
 Biological-hair, body fluids, bodies
Be more reliable than eye-witness
 Prove that a crime has been committed
 Corroborate or refute testimony
 Link a suspect or victim to a crime
 Establish ID of persons related to a crime
 Allow reconstructions to be responsible
 Answer questions about what took
place, # of people involved, sequence
of events
Recognized as potential evidence
 Collected in an appropriate manner
 Preserved properly
Failure to do this could result in:
› The erroneous conviction of an innocent
› The inability to convict a guilty party
Transient-temporary, easily lost or
changed, usually observed by the 1st
 Pattern-produced by direct contact
between 2 objects, an object and a
person, or 2 persons
 Conditional-produced by a specific
event or action, important in
Transfer-produced by temporary indirect
contact between persons and objects
 Associative-something that may
associate a victim or suspect with the
scene or each other
Odor-putrefication, perfume, gasoline,
urine, burning, explosives, tobacco/drug
 Temperature-surroundings, car hood,
coffee, bathtub, body
 Impressions-footprints, teeth marks in soft
food, tire marks or shoe prints on certain
Mostly in the form of imprints, impressions,
striations, markings, fractures, or deposits
Blood spatter
Glass fracture
Burn patterns
Furniture position
Projectile trajectory
Tire/skid marks
Clothing distribution
Gunpowder residue
Material damage
Body position
Modus Operandi
Light-headlights, lighting conditions,
ambient light
 Smoke-color, direction of travel, density,
 Fire-color and direction of flames, speed
of spread, temperature and condition
 Location-injuries/wounds, bloodstains,
vehicles, weapons, cartridge cases,
broken glass
Vehicles-doors locked/unlocked,
windows open/closed, radio on/off,
odometer mileage
 Body-position and types of wounds, rigor
mortis, liver mortis, algor mortis
 Scene-condition of furniture, doors, and
windows, disturbances/signs of struggle
Biological-blood, semen, saliva, sweat,
tears, hair, bone, tissues, urine, feces,
animal material, insects, bacteria, fungi,
 Chemical-fibers, glass, soil, gun powder,
metals, minerals, narcotics, drugs, paper,
ink, cosmetics, paint, plastics, lubricants,
Physical-fingerprints, footprints, shoe
prints, handwriting, firearms, tire marks,
tool marks, type writing
 Miscellaneous-laundry marks, voice
analysis, polygraph, photography, stress
evaluation, psycholinguistic analysis,
vehicle ID
Individual-links evidence to a particular
person or single source
› Broken glass, hair, skin cells, license plate
Class-common to a group of objects or
› Most fibers
Crime Scene
Remember Locard’s Principle!