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Neuroanatomy (2007) 6: 28–29
eISSN 1303-1775 • pISSN 1303-1783
Case Report
Bilateral absence of foramen transversarium in atlas vertebra: a case report
Published online 25 April, 2007 ©
Satheesha NAYAK
Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Campus), International Centre for Health
Sciences, Madhav Nagar, Manipal, Karnataka State, INDIA.
Atlas is the first cervical vertebra. It does not have a body like other cervical vertebrae. It has two transverse
processes, each one of which bears a foramen transversarium. The vertebral artery passes through this foramen.
We noticed a bilateral absence of foramen transversarium in an atlas vertebra during osteology demonstration
classes. The knowledge of this variation may be of importance during the interventions to that area and also of
interest for anthropologists. Neuroanatomy; 2007; 6: 28–29.
Dr. Satheesha Nayak B.
Associate Professor of Anatomy
Melaka Manipal Medical College (Manipal Campus)
International Centre for Health Sciences
Madhav Nagar, Manipal, Udupi District
Karnataka State, 576104, INDIA.
+91 820 2922519
+91 9844009059
[email protected]
Received 1 August 2006; accepted 15 March 2007
Key words [atlas vertebra] [transverse process] [foramen transversarium] [cervical vertebra] [vertebra]
Atlas is the first cervical vertebra. It is ring shaped,
without a body. It has an anterior arch, a posterior arch
and two lateral masses. The lateral masses articulate
with the occipital condyles to form an ellipsoid type of
synovial joint. The anterior arch articulates with the
dens of the axis to form a pivot type of synovial joint.
The posterior arch is grooved by the third part of the
vertebral artery. The transverse process has a foramen
transversarium where passes the vertebral artery.
Case Report
During the osteology demonstration classes for
undergraduate medical students, we noticed the absence
of foramen transversarium bilaterally in an atlas vertebra
(Figures 1 and 2). Each transverse process was 2 cm in
length and resembled the transverse process of thoracic
vertebra in shape. A small pleurapophysis tubercle was
projecting laterally from anterior part of the lateral mass.
Though the foramen transversarium was absent, the
groove for vertebral artery was present on the posterior
arch. Apart from absence of foramen transversarium,
there were no other abnormalities in the bone.
The reported variations of atlas include partial or total
fusion of atlas vertebra with the occipital bone [1]. In a
recent study, atlas showed the greatest variability among
the cervical vertebrae. The variations recorded in this
study include the split superior articular process (47.8%),
split posterior (3%) or anterior (1%) arches, and the
presence of some accessory bony arches embracing the
vertebral artery [2]. Absence of foramen transversarium
in atlas is a very rare variation. Absence of foramen
transversarium unilaterally, on the left side has been
reported [3]. In our case however, the groove for vertebral
artery was present on the posterior arch.
The transverse process of atlas is an important landmark
for head and neck surgeons [4]. Lateral to the transverse
process, sits the posterior belly of the digastric muscle,
the stylohyoid muscle, and the occipital artery. Anterior
to the transverse process, the styloid process can be
exposed. The internal jugular vein and cranial nerves
X, XI, and XII sit between the styloid process and the
transverse process of atlas. Superior to the transverse
process, tracing the carotid sheath upward, the carotid
canal and jugular foramen can be reached. Anteroinferior to the jugular foramen, the hypoglossal nerve
emerges from the cranial cavity through the hypoglossal
canal. Posterior to the transverse process, the suboccipital
triangle can be recognized.
In cases of bilateral absence of the foramen transversarium,
there may be confusions in reaching these structures.
Bilateral absence of the foramen transversarium in atlas
has not been reported yet. Hence it is noteworthy for
various disciplines like neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery,
radiology and anthropology.
Bilateral absence of foramen transversarium in atlas vertebra: a case report
Figure 1.  Anterosuperior view of the atlas vertebra. Color version of
figure is available online. (AA: anterior arch; PA: posterior arch; T:
transverse process; P: pleurapophysis)
Figure 2.  Superior view of the atlas vertebra. Color version of
figure is available online. (AA: anterior arch; PA: posterior arch; T:
transverse process)
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