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Chapter 10 & 11
Energy & Work
• The capacity of a physical system to perform
• Can be heat, kinetic or mechanical energy, light,
potential energy, electrical, or other forms.
• Energy is transformed from one form to another.
It is not created or destroyed.
• Work = (force) x (distance)
• To have work, there must be:
– A force
– Movement of something by that force
Is work being done when you push against a wall?
NO! There is no movement!
Is work being done when a weightlifter
lifts a weight?
Yes – The weight is moving….
What is the weightlifter holds the weight
in place, is work being done?
NO! No movement!
• Work = (Force) x (Distance)
Units: Force = Newton (N)
Distance = Meter (m)
Work = Nm = joule (J)
1 Joule of work is equal to one Newton of
force applied over the distance of 1 meter.
Potential Energy (PE)
• The stored energy an object has because of its
state, composition, or position.
– Ex: A compressed spring
• The spring is able to
bounce back due to PE
– Ex: Food, Fuels
• When atoms are rearranged, energy is released
Potential Energy (PE)
– Ex: When objects are lifted against gravity
• Gravitational Potential Energy = weight x height
= mgh
• Depends only on the weight and the vertical
– Does not depend on the path taken!
Using the steps, ramp, or lifting
the ball directly up all produce
the same PE!
Kinetic Energy (KE)
• The energy associated with a moving object due
to its motion
– Gravitational potential energy can be transformed
into kinetic energy
Kinetic Energy = ½ mass x speed2
KE = ½ mv2
Since Speed is squared, a small change in speed
can cause a large change in KE.
KE can be positive or zero, never negative.
The Work-Energy Theorem
• The change in kinetic energy is equal to work
Work = ΔKE
• If there is no change in an object’s energy, then no
work has been done.
• Energy is required to reduce the speed on an
– A car is able to stop due to the work done by the
Comparison of Kinetic Energy
and Momentum
• Momentum
– Vector Quantity
• Directional
• Able to be canceled
• Kinetic Energy
– Scalar Quantity
• Can’t be canceled
– Transform from one
form to another
– Depends on velocity
• M = mv
– Depends on velocity2
• KE = ½ mv2
Conservation of Energy
• In the absence of external work input or output,
the energy of a system remains unchanged.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed
• Energy is transformed from one form to another
The water behind a dam has potential
energy. When it flows through the
ball or arrow
dam, the energy
of its
is released,
then the
be used to power
a generator,
is transformed
into kinetic
can transformenergy
the energy
electircity energy
• Power: the rate at which work is done
Remember: Work = (Force) x (Distance)
So it takes the same amount of WORK walking
up stairs as it does running….
But the POWER changes because the TIME
changes. Power is greater running up the stairs
than walking.
• The rate at which energy is changed from one
form to another.
• Unit:
Work = Joule (J)
Time = second (s)
Power = J/s = watt (W)
1 Watt of power is equal to 1 joule of work done in 1
• Machine: A device used to multiply a force or to
change the direction of a force
– Ex: Lever
• Changes the direction of the force
– When we push down, it pushes the object up
• (Force x Distance)input = (Force x Distance)output
– If the pivot point (fulcrum) is close to the load, then a small input
force produces a large output force
– Ex: Pulley
• Changes the direction of the force
• Does not multiply force
– Ex: Block and Tackle
• System of pulleys
• Multiplies force at the expense of distance
Efficiency = Work Done
Energy Used
• Using the same energy input, some machines
have a greater output
– They are more efficient!
– Energy is wasted as heat
• Typically a lever is more efficient than a pulley because
more energy is lost as heat in a pulley system