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Clearswift SECURE
Web Gateway
Evaluation Guide
Revision 1.1
Thank you for taking the time to evaluate the Clearswift SECURE
Web Gateway.
Balancing the requirement for strong network security with the
need to harness collaborative web technologies is essential for
business growth. The Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway is a trusted
internet security solution for your web gateway that does just that.
The SECURE Web Gateway’s policy-based content-filtering engine
allows your organisation to both exploit and benefit from modern
web technologies and services, while ensuring that the company
network remains fully protected against incoming threats and
data leakage.
With the Web Gateway deployed, the web is transformed from
a high-risk environment to a place of free and safe collaboration
and communication. Business-enhancing online technologies, like
webmail, social-media websites and collaborative services, can
therefore be enabled with confidence.
This evaluation guide explores and explains some of the many
benefits of the SECURE Web Gateway. Rather than overwhelm
you with an in-depth analysis of every feature our intention is to
present the essential information that will allow you to continue to
explore and evaluate of SECURE Web Gateway at your own pace.
Note that this guide assumes that you have already followed the
Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway Getting Started Guide. As such,
you should have completed the Initial Setup Wizard and be able
to log in to SECURE Web Gateway. If this is not the case then the
Getting Started Guide can be found on the Technical Guides area
of the Clearswift website – please read it before proceeding.
We’ll start with a brief overview of what you can expect to see –
the graphical user interface. As that’s a bit of a mouthful, we’ll call
it the ‘GUI’ from here on.
Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway Evaluation Guide / Revision 1.1
When you first log in you will be presented with this Home page:
The Home page is the starting point for managing SECURE Web
Gateway’s features and for implementing and maintaining an Acceptable
Usage Policy (AUP) for your organisation. It is supported by a further
five pages, or Management Centers, displayed as tabs across the top of
the GUI – Policy, Reports, System, Health and Users. Let’s take a closer
look at these...
Here’s a close-up of the six tabs used to navigate SECURE Web Gateway
– just click on one to access the associated features.
• The Home page presents an overview of SECURE Web Gateway. It is
the first page displayed each time you log in.
• The Policy Center lets you define and maintain an Acceptable Usage
Policy (AUP) for your organisation. This involves creating rules to
manage information flowing in to and out of your organisation. Use the
Policy Center to block the viewing of particular websites, for example,
or to allow specific users access to certain types of content.
• The Report Center provides access to the monitoring capabilities of
SECURE Web Gateway. It collates and presents information on the
activities of users, from websites visited to time spent online. As well,
the Report Center tracks bandwidth use and detected threats, like
malware and phishing sites.
• The System Center is used to manage some of the more technical
aspects of SECURE Web Gateway. The most important settings will
have been configured during the Initial Setup Wizard, so there’s not too
much to worry about with this Center. However, they can be edited
from here at any time.
• The Health Center is the place to view real-time usage information
for SECURE Web Gateway. Key metrics available here include number
of concurrent connections, bandwidth use and the number of threats
prevented from entering the organisation.
• The Users Center control access to the aforementioned Management
Centers. Use it to create new administrative users, allowing access to
all or selected Management Centers.
This evaluation guide will focus on the most important Management
Centers, offering simple guidelines on making the most of them.
Before proceeding, though, take pause for a brief (if mildly technical)
tip. When evaluating SECURE Web Gateway it can be useful to have two
web browsers available. Why? Well, it will help you to better understand
the differing experiences of users and administrators. Configuring, say,
Internet Explorer, to use SECURE Web Gateway as its proxy will simulate
the users’ experience. Then, use Firefox to access the Management
Centers without the proxy to understand how administrators will work.
Policy centre
We’ll start by exploring the Web Policy Routes page, in the Policy
Center. We will examine SECURE Web Gateway’s default policy and gain
an understanding of the policy options.
NTLM and Kerberos
To identify users transparently so
that individuals or departmental
groups can have unique aspects
of the policy applied and
reporting can be specific to an
individual or department.
Flexible and granular policy
construction for users,
departmental groups, machines
and IP addresses
Easily define advanced policies to
enable and allow Web 2.0 usage
while minimizing risk.
Time and quota user web
access rights
Define both times of day and
total amount of time per day a
user may browse the web.
Acceptable usages ‘inform’ pages
‘Inform’ pages highlight
individual web usage is being
monitored and is subject to com­
pany policy.
Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway Evaluation Guide / Revision 1.1
To begin, click the Policy tab. Now select Web Policy Routes from the
submenu to view SECURE Web Gateway’s default policy. Here’s what you
should see:
At first glance there’s a lot to take in here but the information is actually
very easy to read. The rows represent different types of web content – or
‘routes’. Notice that access to some routes is allowed (indicated by green
‘Allow’ symbols), while other routes are blocked (red ‘Block’ symbols).
SECURE Web Gateway’s default policy blocks some routes because the
content from these categories may be considered inappropriate for
the workplace. Blocked routes include ‘Sexually Explicit’, ‘Violence/
Offensive’, ‘Weapons’, ‘Gambling’ and so forth.
Of course, access to any or all of these routes can be allowed or blocked
as desired. Regardless, SECURE Web Gateway’s default policy provides
a good starting place for creating an Acceptable Usage Policy for your
organisation. It can also help to gain an understanding of SECURE Web
Gateway’s key features – so let’s try out aspects of the default policy
right now.
Notice that the default policy is to block content that fits the Weapons
route. Moreover, ‘Everyone’ is blocked from this route – meaning all
users. To see this in action, fire up the web browser configured for users
(Internet Explorer, if you followed our earlier suggestion) and visit www. SECURE Web Gateway intercepts the request and displays this
block message in the browser window:
Now, blocking all users from accessing a particular type of web content
will sometimes be wholly appropriate – but it’s a rather blunt tool. As
an alternative, SECURE Web Gateway allows administrators to restrict
some routes with a ‘soft block’. A soft block presents the user with the
option to continue if required, but only after they have acknowledged the
block page. This may be useful for routes that are blocked primarily for
productivity reasons, helping users to respect your organisation’s policy
while affording them the freedom to continue with essential business.
To see a soft block in action, use Internet Explorer to browse to www. This time, SECURE Web Gateway will present a soft block
page, distinguished by the option to ‘Continue Browsing’:
Now refer back to the Manage Policy Routes screenshot on the previous
page. Examine it a little more closely and you’ll notice that the ‘block’
symbol on the Gambling route is complemented by a secondary symbol –
the soft block symbol. It looks like this:
While we’re focused more closely on this screen, you may spot another
symbol – a little clock:
This clock symbol indicates that access to the relevant route is
restricted by a time schedule, which could be specific hours during
the day (the company lunch hour, say) or for a limited amount of time
throughout the day.
Note, too, that the Web Policy Routes screen summarises which
users are allowed or denied access to particular routes. The default
policy either blocks, soft blocks or allows ‘Everyone’. However,
much more flexibility is possible. As we’ll see later, it’s possible,
for example, to define specific user groups, such as ‘Sales’, ‘Marketing’
and ‘Finance’, and apply different policies to the various departments
within your organisation.
Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway Evaluation Guide / Revision 1.1
Web Policy Routes & Content Rules
SECURE Web Gateway policy routes are supported by content rules.
These determine the content that is allowed to flow between the
organisation and the websites defined by the route. Routes may have
any number of content rules added, with seven applied by default.
These are:
• Block Virus
• Block Encrypted Data
• Block Spyware
• Block Spyware Call Home
• Remove Tracking Cookie
• Block Executables including ActiveX
• Processing of requests or response Fails
The presence of these default rules is indicated by the ‘7’ in the Rules
column on the Web Policy Routes screen. We’ll explore rules in more
detail in just a moment but before we proceed, notice that the ‘Trusted
Sites’ route lacks content rules. This means that the traffic flowing via
the ‘Trusted Sites’ route will not checked against any rules – but this is
intentional. The route exists as a place to categorise automatic update
servers, such those used by Microsoft or Clearswift. Applying content
rules to such servers, or indeed deleting this route, may cause any
automatic updates to fail – an undesirable situation.
Let’s take a closer look at how policy and rules work together. Click
‘Show Printable Version’ on the left-hand side of the GUI. You should
see something like this:
Web Policy Routes are selected top down, first to match
Show printable
version of policy
Content Rules are processed left to right
If SECURE Web Gateway detects web content that matches a particular
rule then a ‘block’ or ‘allow’ action will be triggered. The content
rules included with the default policy are all set to ‘block’. If the user
attempts to access content that contravenes one of these rules then
a block page will be shown in their web browser. Here, for instance,
the user has attempted to download an executable file and has been
blocked by the ‘Block Executables including ActiveX’ content rule:
As we’ve already seen, SECURE Web Gateway’s default policy includes
a number of ready-made content rules for each route. However, it
is simple to define new content rules or edit existing ones. We’ll
demonstrate by editing route number 8, which relates to ‘Non-Business
Related’ traffic. To do this, simply double-click the route or click once
to highlight and then click the Edit button.
Notice that the route has five editable sections: Overview, Traffic,
Default Action, Schedule and Content Rules. The last four are the most
important, so we’ll explore these one at a time.
Web Policy Route: Traffic
The Traffic section is the key to building flexible policies. It is possible,
for instance, to allow different groups within the organisation to have
different rules applied to their browsing activity. The selected route,
remember, is concerned with traffic between ‘Everyone’ and websites
considered ‘Non-Business Related’ – we call this an ‘Internet Zone’. This
is how the Traffic section looks currently:
Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway Evaluation Guide / Revision 1.1
It is very easy to edit this route in order to apply it to different groups
within the organisation or to different Internet Zones. To explore this
further, click the ‘Click here to change these setting’ link on the right.
Here’s what you’ll see:
Policy > User Names
Policy > Machines
Policy > Internet
As you can see from the above screenshot, this particular SECURE Web
Gateway has various departmental groups set up, such as Marketing,
Product Management and Sales; and also a couple of groups based on
machines, rather than departments. Of course, these are just examples
to aid clarity: you will need to define your own groups. Changing the
route is a simple case of placing ticks in the appropriate category boxes
listed below the ‘Between’ and ‘And’ headings.
To aid understanding, we’ll consider the Between and And lists in a
little more depth.
Between – User Name Lists and Machine Lists
SECURE Web Gateway draws on Clearswift’s renowned MIMEsweeper
policy engine. This is a very powerful tool that can be used to specify
granular policies for users grouped by department or even individuals.
Grouping users by department offers both administrative simplicity
and flexibility when setting policy for the many job functions within
an organisation. An IT support department, for instance, may require
unfettered access to large downloads or executable files, while
marketing staff may be granted unrestricted use of social-networking
websites and services. Groups also aid SECURE Web Gateway’s powerful
reporting features, because generated reports can be focused on the
activities of specific departments.
By the same token, the ability to apply policy right down to the level
of individual users means an organisation has the freedom to fine-tune
enforcement for job-specific needs.
And – Internet Zones
As noted earlier, we refer to a route’s destination as an Internet Zone.
An Internet Zone is made up of one or more URL categories. The NonBusiness Related Internet Zone, for example, includes URLs categorised
as Gaming, Hobbies, Job Search, Personal Ads and Dating.
Not all businesses are the same, of course, so you may wish to review
the Non-Business Related Internet Zone in order select different nonbusiness categories. To do this, click the Policy tab at the top (to go to
the Policy Center) and then select Internet Zones.
URL filter with Security Risk
categories included
Prevents access to high risk
Malware, Phishing, Remote Proxy
and Hacking sites.
Real-time categorisation
Assigns a category to previously
uncategorised sites in real-time
to ensure undesirable content
is prevented from entering the
Embedded URL Classification
Provides a greater depth of
analysis and categorisation for
embedded URLs to categorise and
prevent ‘inappropriate’ content
delivered from Google or Yahoo!
cached pages.
Web Policy Route: Action
As we’ve already seen, SECURE Web Gateway presents block pages
when it detects content that contravenes policy. These are the result of
‘Actions’. The default Action for a route can be set to either ‘Allow’ or
‘Block’ the request. The default’s policy’s Non-Business Related route
that we’re exploring, for instance, is set to Allow – but only during
scheduled periods (and we’ll cover SECURE Web Gateway’s scheduling
options in just a moment). Here’s what it looks like:
Again, it is easy to change the way this works. To block Non-Business
Related browsing at all times, for example, hit the ‘Click here to change
these settings’ link and use the dropdown menus to choose ‘Block the
communicating using’ and ‘Generic Route Block Page’. Like this:
Policy > End User & Block Pages
Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway Evaluation Guide / Revision 1.1
A handy tip here: to create a ‘soft block’, as discussed earlier, just
place a tick in the box labelled ‘Allow the user to continue browsing
if they acknowledge the block page’. Remember, this will still result
in the user being presented with a block page, reminding them of
your organisation’s Acceptable Use Policy, but they will be offered the
option to continue browsing. This is typical of the flexibility provided
by SECURE Web Gateway, protecting your organisation while allowing
employees freedom to conduct essential business.
Web Policy Route: Schedule
SECURE Web Gateway’s schedule controls allow you to specify quotas or
periods during which users can browse websites matching a particular
route. Here, for example, is the schedule for the default policy’s NonBusiness Related route:
Drag mouse to set
time quota colour
Select time quota
colour before
filling schedule
The green cells indicate access is allowed but users will be unable to
access the route during periods marked by white cells. The orange
cells, incidentally, signify a period during which quotas apply. So, in this
example, no access is allowed after 8am and before 5pm, Monday to
Friday, but there is a three-hour window in the middle of the day when
users are allowed up to 60 minutes access to web content covered by
the route. A schedule like this helps keep minds focused on work during
business hours, while affording freedom to conduct personal activities
during lunch breaks.
Web Policy Route: Content Rules
SECURE Web Gateway’s content rules define the type of information
that is allowed to flow to and from your organisation. It’s possible, for
example, to create a rule that allows Word and Excel documents to be
downloaded but not uploaded – limiting data leaks.
We’ll explore now how text within documents can also be examined,
using SECURE Web Gateway’s powerful Detect Lexical Expressions
content rule. A common policy requirement is to prevent document
uploads only when specific watermarks are detected within the
document. Similarly, you may wish to scan documents uploads for other
sensitive information such as credit card, National Insurance or Social
Security numbers. Given their importance, let’s explore content rules
in more detail.
Policy > Content Rules
Ability to copy
Content Rules from
an existing Route to
save time
That completes the overview of the Web Policy Routes. We shall now
explore the content rules in more detail.
Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway Evaluation Guide / Revision 1.1
Content Rules
SECURE Web Gateway’s content rules provide the real-time protection
when a website is being accessed. Their purpose is to examine all
data that flows into and out of your organisation, protecting against
known and unknown malware threats and performing deep, contentaware inspection.
Bi-directional anti-malware
Stops known and unknown
malware infection, entering or
leaving the network.
Bi-directional anti-spyware
Stops spyware, adware, key
loggers and spyware call homes,
and identifies infected user
Deep content-aware inspection
The ability to look inside
containers being uploaded or
downloaded and detect and
prevent policy violations even
when the file type is embedded
in other file types/containers.
True ‘binary file-type’
Provides accurate identification
of file types, embedded
attachments and direction. File
identification is based on the
binary type and NOT the file
name or reported MIME type
which can be misrepresented.
Real-time categorisation
Prevents undesirable content
from new or uncategorised sites
such as pornography. And prevent
access to remote proxy sites that
appear every day.
Suspicious script detection
Protection from web content
that includes suspicious script
SECURE Web Gateway includes comprehensive set of default content
rules that have been set to detect various types of web content. To
view them, click the Policy tab and then select Content Rules. This is
what you’ll see:
Policy > Content Rues
As noted, SECURE Web Gateway’s powerful content rules make real-time
decisions about the information that is allowed to flow into and out of
your organisation. So, how do content rules apply in practical situations?
Well, consider these three questions:
• Should a document containing the phrase ’top secret’ be allowed to
leave the organisation?
• Should a document with multiple credit card numbers be allowed to
leave the organisation?
• Should a virus-infected file, concealed within a compressed zip file, be
allowed to enter the organisation?
• Most companies, of course, would answer a resounding ‘No!’ to all
three. And it is for exactly these kinds of situations that SECURE Web
Gateway’s content rules exist.
The purpose of the content rules included as part of SECURE Web
Gateway’s default policy are reasonably self-explanatory – and also
demonstrate the power and depth Clearswift’s content-inspection
technology. Take ‘Block Confidential Office Documents’ rule, for
example: rather than place a block on the transfer of all documents, it
inspects document content for words and phrases that may indicate the
presence of confidential information.
Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway Evaluation Guide / Revision 1.1
Editing the default content rules to reflect the specific needs of your
organisation is straightforward – as is creating rules from scratch. To
see how this is done, click the Policy tab, select Content Rules and then
click New. This is what you’ll see:
Policy > Content Rues > New
All rules in SECURE Web Gateway – including those provided with the
default policy – are built from a base set of content rules. This table
provides an idea of how these base content rules were used to build the
content rules that make up default policy.
To explain what’s going on here, the leftmost column one lists SECURE
Web Gateway’s default content rules, while the middle column details
the base rule on which each content rule was built. The right-hand
column, by the way, shows the lexical expression list (if any) that the
rule draws on. So, for example, the Block Confidential Office Documents
rule has been built on the ‘Detect Lexical Expressions’ base rule, and
draws on the ‘Confidential Material’ lexical expressions list.
Of course, deciding which base content rule is the most appropriate for
a particular policy depends on the desired outcome. However, it is fair
to say that ‘Detect Media Type’ and ‘Detect Lexical Expressions’ are the
most powerful and the most frequently used base rules.
For example, if wanting to detect a particular data format or file type
then use the Detect Media Type base rule. To scan for particular words
or phrases, regardless of whether the focus is an upload, download, web
page or URL, begin with the Detect Lexical Expression base rule.
Let’s consider a few examples of desired outcomes and see how
they can be achieved by building on SECURE Web Gateway’s base
content rules:
To prevent the usage of unauthorised browsers (Chrome,
Safari, and Opera, for example), use the ‘Detect Lexical
Expression’ base content rule to search HTTP headers for the
appropriate User Agent Header string.
To stop the viewing of specific YouTube videos, use the ‘Detect
Lexical Expression’ base content rule to search requested URLs
for the video’s identification number.
To prevent the upload of Microsoft Office documents (Word,
Excel, etc), use the ‘Detect Media Type’ base content rule and
set the direction to ‘Leaving the Company’.
To prevent data leaks, use the ‘Detect Lexical Expression’
base content rule, set the direction to ‘Leaving the Company’
and search for phrases such as ‘Top Secret’, ‘Sensitive’ and
As we’ve seen, all content rules reference other policy components, be
it Block Pages or Lexical Expression Lists. These referenced items are
referred to as ‘Policy References’ and can be found on the lower part of
the main policy page. We have already seen examples of how some of
these Policy References can be used within the content rules and Web
Policy Routes but here’s a summary.
Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway Evaluation Guide / Revision 1.1
Define user groups
and use to specify
the ‘From’ on a Web
Policy Route
Define machine
groups and use to
specify the ‘From’ on
a Web Policy Route’
Define groups of websites by
URL and category and use
to specify the ‘To’ on a Web
Policy Route.
Create lists
of words
and phrases
that can be
used with
the Lexical
content rule
to prevent
data leaks.
Create or
amend the
pages used to
inform users
about policy
Create an inform email to
alert IT or HR immediately
when a potential policy
violation occurs.
Identify your own
internal servers to
be categorised as
Allows specific file names to
be specified and used with the
Detect File Names content rule.
Tip: to stop certain files types
use the Detect Media Types
content rule to look for binary
Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway includes versatile management and
reporting facilities, all controlled from a simple web-based interface.
Dozens of ready-made report templates are included and new ones
can be created quickly and simply. Better still, SECURE Web Gateway’s
reports are interactive: drill down on the fly to get to the data you
need quickly and avoid producing useless reports.
Intuitive web-based interface
Pre-defined customizable reports
Scheduled reporting
Multi-gateway policy
and reporting
Active Directory (AD) and
LDAP integration
Scheduled spyware reporting
Ease of use and no requirement
to learn complex syntax or Linux
Easy to modify, run and share
reports with interactive
Allows create once, run and
distribute many times report
circulation via email.
Consolidated policy and reporting
view of user’s activities for
centralised management and
Full user-based policy control for
flexible policy and audit reporting
by group or indi­vidual.
Better control of spyware and
the identification of user devices
requiring remediation.
We’d suggest starting your evaluation of SECURE Web Gateway’s
reporting facilities using the reports grouped under the ‘Route’ heading.
To do this, click the Reports tab and followed by the ‘+’ to expand the
Route reports group.
The Route reports show how the users’ web requests are being processed
by the Web Policy Routes. As you will now appreciate, the Web Policy
Routes represent the organisation’s policy and the Route reports show
how that policy is being processed, showing the most popular routes,
users, time and bandwidth usage. Here’s what it looks like:
The provided reports display activity for all users. However, it is easy to
create a new report that focuses on specific user groups or individuals.
First select a report and click Copy. This will create a copy of the
original report and place you in editing mode. This is what you can
expect to see:
From here you can rename the report, change the many report filters
and even schedule the report for automatic delivery. The filters and
their meaning should be self-explanatory. In order to produce reports
focused on specific user groups (‘Marketing’ or ‘Sales’, say), first create
the necessary user lists and then use these in some policy routes.
Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway Evaluation Guide / Revision 1.1
As mentioned, SECURE Web Gateway reporting system is interactive,
so you can drill down on the fly. To see this in action, first run the ‘Top
Routes to Top Categories’ report. Now, to drill down on a particular
route, simply click on the route in the report screen. Drill down still
further by clicking a category – like this:
Tip: After drilling down into a report, use the Back button in the
web browser to return to the previous level. Note that when doing
this, it may be necessary to press F5 to have the browser refresh
the page.
We hope that this brief guide has given you a head start in your
evaluation of Clearswift SECURE Web Gateway. Of course, there’s plenty
more to explore. For more help or guidance either follow the links
below or simply give us a call – we’d love to hear from you.
For further information
Technical Guides:
Clearswift knowledge base:
Technical Support:
Clearswift user discussion forums:
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