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Chapter 13: The Atmosphere
Learning Target
Lesson 1
I can describe the
composition of the
atmosphere . . .
Vocabulary Word
Facts or Examples
condition of Earth's
_____________at a
particular _______ and
the envelope of
___________ that
Earth's atmosphere consists
of__________, ________ ,
___________dioxide, water
___________, and other gases,
as well as____________ of
liquids and solids.
water vapor
water in the form of a
________(not the same
as steam)
The amount of water vapor in
the air __________ greatly from
place to place.
__________in one part
of the atmosphere
__________ other parts
of the atmosphere.
The atmosphere is like a
____________because it has
________ and these parts
air has mass, density
Air is made up of atoms and
_____________ that
I can state how the
atmosphere is a
system . . .
Lesson 2
I can identify some
properties of air . . .
the amount of_______
in a given ____________
of air.
density = mass / volume
I can describe how
barometers can be
used to measure air
pressure . . .
air pressure
the result of the
__________ of a
______________ of air
pushing on an area
an _____________ that
is used to measure
I can explain how
altitude affects air
pressure and
density . . .
as the air pressure
increases, it pushes
_______ on the surface
of the mercury in the
dish. This causes the
mercury in the tube to
____________ .
an airtight metal
__________ that is
____________ to
changes in air pressure
__________ or distance
above______ level
Air pressure is measured in
inches of ___________ and
As the air pressure drops, the
mercury in the ________ falls
and the mercury in the
_______ rises.
When air pressure increases,
the thin walls of the chamber
are pushed _____. When the
pressure drops, the walls bulge
_______. As the shape of the
chamber changes, the
_________ on the dial moves.
Air pressure ___________ as
altitude increases. As air
pressure decreases so
Lesson 3
I can identify the four
main layers of the
atmosphere and their
characteristics . . .
I can explain the
characteristics of the
layers . . .
Scientists divide Earth's
atmosphere into 4
main __________.
the lowest layer of
Earth's atmosphere
where you ______.
Tropo means
the second layer of
the atmosphere.
Strato means ________
or spread out
the layer above the
the _____________
layer, extends from 80
km into space
________ part of the
thermosphere (80-400
1. Troposphere
3. _____________
4. Thermosphere
Earth's ______________ occurs
here. It is between 9-16 km
thick. It contains most of
the____________ . As altitude
Contains the _________ layer
which protects us from
________________ radiation. As
altitude increases,
____________ Earth's surface
from being hit by ___________.
Between 50-80 km above
Earth's surface
Temperature up to
____________ o C but not much
__________ because gas
molecules __________ so far
Ions are charged particles.
This is where the northern and
southern lights (auroras) are
___________ layer, from
This is where GPS and TV
400 to thousands of km satellites orbit and spacecrafts
Lesson 4
I can state in which
form energy travels
from the sun to
Earth . . .
electromagnetic ________travels to Earth
as electromagnetic
waves and can move
through the _________
of space.
Most of the energy from the
sun travels to Earth in the form
of _________ light and
__________ radiation. A smaller
amount arrives as
___________ transfer of
energy by
visible light
all the colors you see
in a ____________ROYGBIV
Red and orange have
___________ wavelengths;
blue and violet have
___________ wavelengths.
wavelengths are
____________ than
wavelengths for red
It is invisible to humans but it
can be felt as __________.
I can explain what
happens to sun's
energy in the
atmosphere and at
Earth's surface . . .
some sunlight is
absorbed or reflected
by the ____________
before it can reach
the surface.
Lesson 5
I can describe how
temperature is
measured . . .
an invisible form of
energy with
wavelengths that are
___________ than
wavelengths for violet
thermal energy
UV radiation can
cause__________ .
The rest passes through the
atmosphere to the ___________
50% of the energy that
reaches the surface is
__________ by land and water
and changed into
a process where dustsize particles and
gases in the
atmosphere __________
light in all ___________.
The sky looks blue because
gas molecules ___________
short blue __________ more
than long red wavelengths.
the energy from the
___________ radiation
heats the gases in the
air. These __________
hold heat in Earth's
It is a ___________ process, and
keeps Earth at a _____________
temperature. Scientists have
evidence that human
activities may ____________
the greenhouse effect.
the __________amount
of energy of __________
of each particle in a
the __________ energy
of motion in the
________ of a
The ___________ the particles
are moving, the _________
energy they have and the
higher the temperature.
The tea in the ______ has more
thermal energy than the tea
in the _____ because it has
more ________
an instrument that
measures temperature
When the air temperature
increases, the temperature of
the ________ in the bulb
increases and the liquid
__________ and rises up the
Celsius Scale
Freezing point of water
= ___o and boiling
point is _____o
To convert from Fahrenheit to
Celsius use the formula:
Fahrenheit Scale
I can describe how
heat is transferred . . .
Freezing point of water
is ____ o and boiling
point is ______o
Thermal energy
transferred from a
________ object to a
_________ one.
The transfer of heat by
the _____________ of a
_________ (liquids and
Transfer of heat
between two
____________ that are
in direct_____________.
Direct transfer of
energy by
______________ waves
Heat is __________ in three
ways convection, conduction
and radiation.
Ex. air conditioning in your
house, boiling noodles
Conduction works well
in__________ , air and water do
not conduct heat ________.
Ex. pan touching stove, feet
on hot sand
Ex. campfire, sun's rays
Fahrenheit -32
Lesson 6
I can explain how
scientists describe
and explain winds . . .
___________ movement
of warm air and the
___________ movement
of cool air.
Heat is transferred mostly by
convection within
the______________ .
the movement of air
_____________ to
Earth’s surface
move from areas of ______
pressure to __________ pressure
caused by __________ heating
of the atmosphere
I can distinguish
between local winds
and global winds and
identify major global
wind belts…
instrument used to
measure the
__________ of the wind
windchill factor
the increased
____________ that wind
can cause
local winds
winds that blow over
short _____________
form when large scale winds
are weak
2 types = sea breezes and
land breezes
sea breeze
during the day, land
heats up________, (low
pressure), water is
________ , (high
pressure) so wind
blows from ________ to
land breeze
global winds
Coriolis Effect
during the night, land
________ down faster,
(high pressure), water
is ____________, (low
pressure) so wind
blows from _______ to
winds that blow
_________ from specific
directions over
________ distances
the way Earth’s
_____________ makes
winds __________
________ area where
warm air ___________=
little to no wind
occur over a large area
in Northern Hemisphere global
winds turn ___________
in Southern Hemisphere global
winds turn counter clockwise
a global wind belt
occur at the _________
horse latitudes
two calming areas of
________ air
a global wind belt
from equator to _____° North
and South latitudes
little to no wind
threw horses
overboard to lighten
ships to move in no
the air stops moving toward
the poles and sinks
trade winds
polar easterlies
blow from horse
latitudes _________ bn
the equator
Winds blowing from 30
degrees to 0
(equator); sail from
Europe to USA
blow from west to
east, ______ from the
horse latitudes
Winds blowing from 60
to 30 degrees latitude;
most of USA __________
(rain, snow)
blow cold air away
from the _________
Winds blowing from 90
to 60 degrees latitude;
brings USA snow &
________ weather
a global wind belt
blow from ___to ____
between 30° and 60° N and S
blow from ___ to ___
global wind belt
a global wind belt
blow from ___ to ___
Learning Targets Chapter 13
Lesson 1
I can describe the composition of the atmosphere . . .
Earth’s atmosphere consists of_____________, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ________________, and other gases, as well as particles
of liquids and solids.
I can state how the atmosphere is a system . . .
Events in one part of the atmosphere ______________ other parts of the atmosphere.
Lesson 2
I can identify some properties of air . . .
Because air has_____________, it also has other properties, including ______________ and ___________________.
I can describe how barometers can be used to measure air pressure . . .
Two common kinds of barometers are __________________ barometers and _____________ barometers.
I can explain how altitude affects air pressure and density . . .
Air pressure ___________________ as altitude _______________. As air pressure______________, do does _________________.
Lesson 3
I can identify the four main layers of the atmosphere and their characteristics . . .
Scientists divide Earth’s atmosphere into ________________ main layers according to changes in ______________________.
I can explain the characteristics of the atmosphere's layers . . .
Earth’s weather occurs in the _______________. The stratosphere contains the ________________ layer. The mesosphere protects
Earth from ____________________. The ____________________ is the outermost layer of the atmosphere.
Lesson 4
I can state in which form energy travels from the sun to Earth . . .
The sun’s energy travels to Earth as ______________ light, ______________ radiation and______________ radiation.
I can explain what happens to sun's energy in the atmosphere and at Earth's surface . . .
Some sunlight is ______________ or reflected by the atmosphere. Some of the energy Earth absorbs is radiated back out as
______________ radiation.
Lesson 5
I can describe how temperature is measured . . .
Air temperature is usually measured with a______________.
I can describe how heat is transferred . . .
Heat is transferred in three ways: ______________, ______________and ______________. Heat is transferred mostly by convection
within the ______________.
Lesson 6
I can explain how scientists describe and explain winds . . .
Winds are caused by ______________ in air pressure.
I can distinguish between local winds and global winds and identify major global wind belts…
The ______________ heating of Earth’s surface within a ______________ area causes local winds. Global winds are caused by
the unequal heating of Earth’s surface over a ______________ area.