Download F(x)= -1/5x^2 The vertex is: (0,0) The equation of the line of

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F(x)= -1/5x^2
The vertex is: (0,0)
The equation of the line of symmetry is (type an equation): x= 0
2. F(x)= 3x^2-18x+8
The vertex is: (3,-19)
he equation of the line of symmetry is: x=3
What is the max/min of f(x)? -19
is the value of f(3)=-19 a min or max? Min
         
3. Solve the formula for the given letter. Assume all variables represent non-negative numbers.
E=mc^2, for c
The solution is (or it isn’t given):
4. F(x)=-(x+4)^2-6
The vertex is: (-4,-6)
the line of symmetry is: x=-4
The min/max value of f(x) is: -6
The value of “f(-4)=-6” is min or max? Max
     
        
     
5. A. Solve for 2x^2= 6 (the solution(s) is/are x=
 3, 3
B. Find the x-intercepts of f(x)=2x^2-6 (or tell if there aren’t any)
( 3 ,0), ( 3 ,0)
6. The number of tickets sold each day for an upcoming performance of Handel’s Messiah is given by N(x)=-0.5x^2+10x+13, where x is the number of days since the concert was first announced. What will daily ticket
sales peak and how many tickets will be sold that day?
Tickets will peak __ days after concert was announced. : 10
The number of tickets sold on that day will be: ___ (round to the nearest integer) : 63
7. A. Solve 7x+x(x-4)=0
The solution(s) is/are x=__ (simplify) -3,0
What are the x-intercepts? (ordered pair) (-3,0),(0,0)
8. Determine the nature of the solutions of the equation.
Y^2= 4/3 y(not 3y) + 4/7
a. the equation has two non-real solutions
b. the equation has two real solutions
c. The equation has one real solution
9. X^2-5x+5=0
The exact solutions are x=__
5 5 5 5
The approximate solutions to 3 decimal places are x=__ 1.382,3.618
10. For the scatterplot, determine which of the following types of fractions might be used as a model for the data.
plots are (1,4), (3,5), (5,6), (7,7), (9,8) (graph is a straight line rising up from lower left towards the right)
Quadratic, linear, or non-linear or quadratic? linear
11. F(x)=-x^2+8x+6
The vertex is: (4,22)
the equation line of symmetry is: x=4
the max/min of f(x) is: 22
the value of f(4) = 22 is max/min?? Max
What does the graph look like?
          
12. F(x)=-4(x+2)^2 +9
The vertex is: (-2,9)
the equation line of symmetry is: x=-2
the max/min of f(x) is: 9
the value of f(-2) = 9 is max/min?? Max
What does the graph look like?
        
13. Solve for x.
5x^2=-26x-5 x=__ (or no solution)
Please repost the question
14. (x-10)^2=45
the exact solution(s) is/are x=
10  3 5 ,10  3 5
(exact answer, rationalize all denominators. express complex numbers in terms of i.)
The approximate solution(s) are x≈3.292,6.708 (round to nearest thousandth as needed)
15. X^2-2x+1=0 What does this equation have?
a. two non-real solutions
b. one real solution
c. two real solutions
16. M^2 - 1/2m= 7/2
The solutions are
1  57i 1  57i
(use radicals as needed, use a comma to separate answers)
17. Write a quadratic equation in the variable x having the given numbers as solutions. Type the equation in standard form, ax^2 + bx + c=0.
Solution: 5, only solution
The equation is
x 2  10 x  25
18. The width of a rectangle is 1 ft less than the length. The area is 2ft^2. Find the length and width.
length = 2 width = 1
19. F(x)=4x^2 – 16x+17
The vertex is (ordered pair): (2,1)
The line of symmetry is (type and equation): x=1
The max/min of f(x) is: 1
What does the graph look like?
20. Y^2 – 18y+81=49
The exact solution(s) is/are y=2,16
21. F(x)=2(x-1)^2
The vertex is(ordered pair): (1,0)
The equation of the line of symmetry is: x=1
What does the graph look like?
22. F(x)=25x^2+30x+9
the y intercept is (ordered pair): (0,9)
The x intercept is (ordered pair):
( ,0)
23. A student opens a mathematics book to two facing pages. The product of the page numbers is 1806. Find the page numbers. The first page is 42 The second page is 43.