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st 21 International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 21) Sunday 4 August – Friday 9 August 2013 Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, Australia 3D Modelling of dc Atmospheric Arc Discharges E. Tam1, A. B. Murphy1 CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering, Lindfield 2070, NSW, Australia 1 Abstract: The simulation results of an arc discharge, using a three-dimensional fluid model and a modified version of Patankar's SIMPLER algorithm is presented in this work. The physical parameters used here correspond to a system using graphite electrodes immersed in a helium/carbon background gas. The effects of the inflow rate of He, the inter-electrode gap and the arc current are explored in the context of optimizing the arc for the growth of various carbon nanostructures such as graphene and carbon nanotubes. Keywords: arc discharge, carbon nanotubes, graphene, modeling, computational fluid dynamics 1. Introduction Carbon nanostructures, such as carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons, have unique properties that have motivated many researchers to attempt their integration into advanced new devices. Potential applications include, but are not limited to, drug and gene delivery, hydrogen storage and electron field emission [1,2]. Arc discharges generally produce large volumes of high quality nanostructures, because the manufacturing process occurs at very high temperatures when compared to other methods [3,4]. However, even though arc discharges are already used to produce nanostructures commercially for scientific purposes, there are still challenges that must be overcome for applications outside the laboratory. These challenges include controlling the environment to minimize the large temperature gradients typically seen in an arc discharge, optimizing the energy inputs so that the arc produces just enough heat to ablate the electrodes and nucleate the nanostructures and, as with all other fabrication methods, controlling the growth of the desired nanostructure (such as diameter and chirality of single–walled carbon nanotubes). 2. Model A schematic of the system modelled in these simulations can be seen in Fig. 1. The computational domain is a rectangular prism. Room-temperature helium is pumped into the system at a constant rate around the graphite anode. The graphite cathode is roughly twice the diameter of the anode. The plasma is assumed to be incompressible and can be approximated with local thermal equilibrium (LTE). The heat transfer boundary conditions given by Tanaka and Lowke for a thermionic cathode and an anode were used [5]. In addition, the cooling effects associated with the latent heat of vaporization were taken into account. The standard conservation and continuity equations, adapted from those of conventional computational fluid dynamics to take into account thermal plasma phenomena, are used. These include the mass continuity equation, charge continuity, the Navier–Stokes equation and energy conservation [6-11]. Figure 1: Schematic of the system modelled. An equation for conservation of the carbon vapour mass fraction is also required. This is [10] (1) where is the mass density of the plasma, is the plasma velocity, is the mass fraction of carbon in the plasma, is mass flux of the carbon vapour, is the source term for the ablated carbon vapour and t is the time. The carbon mass source term used in Eqn (1) is approximated to be [12] (2) at the plasma–electrode interface and 0 elsewhere. The variables , and are the mass of a carbon st 21 International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 21) Sunday 4 August – Friday 9 August 2013 Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, Australia atom, the vaporization (or ablation) flux and the deposition flux respectively. The Hertz–Knudsen relation [12] (3) ture at which graphite ablates. On the other hand, the electrodes in Fig 2 (b) never exceed 4200 K, less than 10% greater than the ablation temperature, which shows that the ablation has an important cooling effect on the electrodes. is used to determine the vaporization flux, where is the saturation vapor pressure of carbon, determined by Clausius–Clapeyron relation[12] (4) where is the latent heat of the graphite and specific gas constant for carbon . The deposition flux is calculated using [12] is the (5) In this binary gas system, the diffusive mass flux of carbon, relative to the mass–average velocity in a helium plasma, was determined using the combined diffusion coefficient method [9-11]: (6) 3. Results Figure 2 shows the temperature profile of the systems with and without ablation. When vaporization and deposition of carbon vapour is included, there are significant changes in the plasma flow. Without ablation, the temperature appears to be evenly distributed in the z direction as the plasma flow is primarily driven by the magnetic pinch force. This leads to flows which forms eddies and recirculate around the arc, leading to the temperature profile seen in Fig 2 (a). On the other hand, when ablation is included, the flow is primarily driven by the rapidly expanding carbon as it forms a gas. Also, as graphite is a thermionic emitter, the cathode is significantly cooler than the anode at the surface. Recalling from Eqns (3) and (4) that the rate of ablation has an exponential dependence on temperature, the hotter anode therefore ablates more rapidly, leading to a plasma flow which predominantly flows away from the anode, producing the temperature distribution seen in Fig 2 (b). The maximum temperature of the arc is observed to be higher when ablation is included, however the temperature drops off much more rapidly and the arc appears to be more constricted with the inclusion of ablation. More importantly, the temperature of the electrodes differs greatly between the two cases. In Fig 2 (a), the anode temperature can be seen to reach approximately 6000 K, which is approximately 2000 K higher that the tempera- Figure 2: Temperature field of an (a) arc with no carbon ablating from the electrodes and (b) arc with carbon ablating and depositing on to the electrodes. Temperature units are kelvin. Figure 3 shows the mass density of the carbon species (C, C2, C+, etc) in two different extreme cases. In Fig 3 (a), a large He inflow rate of 38.4 L/min is used. In this system, the He inflow is very clear. An almost complete absence of carbon is seen in the blue region, corresponding to where helium enters the system, with the colour beginning to turn green as the gas passes the electrodes where carbon is ablated. Fig 3 (b), on the other hand, uses a large current of 200 A, resulting in the rapid ablation of the electrodes and a much higher average carbon mass density in the system in general. The higher carbon density away from the electrodes, near the walls of the chamber, is due to two effects: the cooler gas temperature, which leads to a denser gas, and the fact that carbon molecules are taken into account in this model (up to C5). The isolines overlaid in both Fig 3 (a) and (b) represent the carbon saturation ratios ( ) of 0.01, 1 and 100. The carbon saturation ratio is the ratio of the partial pressure of the carbon species to the saturation carbon vapour st 21 International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 21) Sunday 4 August – Friday 9 August 2013 Cairns Convention Centre, Queensland, Australia pressure. Solid carbon cannot nucleate when , and will typically form for S ~ 10, so this ratio is a good indicator of where carbon nanostructures will nucleate and grow. In Fig 3 (a), these lines are very close to each other, and the density of carbon species is low. This indicates that only very small nanoparticles will form, since growth of the carbon nuclei by condensation will be weak. On the other hand, Fig 3 (b), with a high current density and relatively low He inflow rate shows saturation isolines that are more widely spaced. Further, the region between the isolines of 1 and 100 has a much higher density of carbon species, and therefore larger carbon nanostructures can be expected. Figure 3: Carbon mass density of arc systems with an inter-electrode gap of 4 mm and; (a) total current of 50 A and helium in-flow rate of 38.4 L/min and; (b) total current of 200 A and helium in-flow rate of 2.4 L/min. The isolines represent the carbon saturation ratios of 0.01, 1 and 100 respectively. Carbon mass density units are g/cm3. 4. Summary The effect of the inclusion of carbon mass conservation on a dc arc discharge has been investigated using a self-consistent code that includes the electrodes in the solution domain. Comparisons to results obtained for a pure helium plasma with no carbon vaporization show differences in the plasma flow, current densities and temperature distribution of the plasma. By including ablation, the maximum temperature of the electrodes is kept close to the ablation temperature of graphite. Results demonstrate that both the total current and the He inflow rates have a strong influence on the carbon mass density and the carbon saturation ratio, which will strongly affect the size of the carbon nanostructures that are formed. 5. References [1] D. Cai et al. Nat. Methods 2, 449–454 (2005). [2] A. Sidorenko, T. Krupenkin, A. Taylor, P. Fratzl, and J. Aizenberg. Science 315, 487–490 (2007). [3] Y. Ando, X. Zhao, K. Hirahara, K. Suenaga, S. Bandow, and S. Iijima. Chem. Phys. Lett. 323, 580 – 585 (2000). [4] J. Qiu, Y. Li, Y. Wang, T. Wang, Z. Zhao, Y. Zhou, F. Li, and H. Cheng. Carbon 41, 2170 – 2173 (2003). [5] M. Tanaka and J. J. Lowke. J. Phys. D 40, R1 (2007). [6] J. J. Lowke, R. Morrow, and J. Haidar. J. Phys. D 30, 2033–2042 (1997). [7] A. B. Murphy. J. Phys. D 31, 3383–3390 (1998). [8] A. B. Murphy. Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 025002 (2002). [9] A. B. Murphy. Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 20, 279–297 (2000). [10] A. B. Murphy. J. Phys. D 43, 434001 (2010). [11] A. Murphy. 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