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If you are experiencing low back pain, you are in good company. Low back pain is
one of the more common reasons for someone to visit their physician. Fortunately, 9 out
of 10 people get completely better after suffering from back pain.
Low back pain can range from an annoying ache to agony so severe that it is difficult
just to turn over in bed. There many causes of low back pain, including injuries to the
back muscles, ligaments or spinal disks that may have occurred during an activity such as
heavy lifting. Other causes include a pinched nerve, infections, arthritis in the spine,
scoliosis, rare spine tumors, and vertebral fractures resulting from osteoporosis. Some
people are more susceptible to low back pain than others are. Sometimes there are
genetic factors that make their backs more susceptible to stress and injury. Being
overweight, out of shape, and highly stressed can all make you more susceptible to low
back pain and injury.
One needs to know what to do when they begin to experience pain in their back. Rest,
ice packs for 20-30 minutes off and on, and over-the-counter pain relievers for the first 48
hours should be helpful. Sometimes it is difficult to know if and when to see a physician
for low back pain. Some of the reasons you should see your physician are: You were hurt
in a fall or a severe blow, One of your legs is weak or numb, severe pain that interferes
with your life, Fever or vomiting occurs, If your back is red or swollen, Pain goes down
your leg, If you have trouble with your bowel movements or urination, If you are a child
or elderly, You were hurt a work.
Some of the available treatments that are often used include: Ice and bed rest, Exercise
and stretching, Massage, Acupuncture, Physical therapy, Manipulation, Drug treatment,
Back supports, Relaxation training and stress management, Weight loss, Electrotherapy,
and Surgery.
Once your back feels better, lifestyle changes can be made to keep your back strong
and healthy. Here is to your good health.