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Skeletal, Muscular, and Circulatory Systems Review
1. List the functions of the Skeletal System
• provide support
• produce blood cells
• storage
• protection
• movement
2. Label the following bones on the skeleton below: femur, humerus, cranium, ribs, vertebrae,
sternum, scapula, clavicle, carpals, tarsals
3. List the layers of the bone and the function of each layer.
Periosteum – covering; tendons attach
Compact bone – makes bones hard
Spongey bone – makes bones light
Bone Marrow – makes red blood cells (red); stores fat (yellow)
4. List all types of joints and provide an example of each.
Ball and socket – shoulders and hips
hinge – elbows and knees
sliding/gliding – phalanges, vertebrae, wrists and ankles
pivot – neck and forearm
5. What function does cartilage serve?
Provides cushion between bones and serves as a shock absorber; prevents bones from rubbing
6. List the functions of the Muscular System
movement; temperature regulation; aids in circulations; aids in digestion
7. Define voluntary muscle & provide an example.
Muscle that can be controlled - skeletal
8. Define involuntary muscle & provide two examples.
Muscle that cannot be controlled – cardiac, smooth
9. What connects muscle to bone?
10. Explain how a muscle moves a bone.
One muscle contracts (or shortens). This muscle is attached to the bone by a tendon, so when it
contracts, it pulls on the bone.
11. Define extensor & provide an example.
In a muscle pair - A muscle that relaxes in order for a bone to move - tricep
12. Define flexor & provide an example.
In a muscle pair - A muscle that contracts in order for a bone to move - bicep
13. List the three types of muscles & provide an example of each.
Skeletal – quadricep
Cardiac - heart
Smooth – inside organs
14. What is the function of the heart?
To pump or circulate blood, oxygen, waste, and nutrients throughout the body
15. List the functions of blood.
Carry oxygen; carry waste; carry nutrients; fight foreign particles; clotting factor
16. List the order in which blood flows through the heart.
Enters the heart through the superior and inferior vena cava; right atrium; tricuspid valve; right
ventricle; pulmonary valve; pulmonary artery to lungs; re-enters through pulmonary veins; left
atrium; bicuspid (mitral) valve; left ventricle; aortic valve; aorta to the rest of the body
17. Label the heart below.
vena cava
Right Atrium
Pulmonary Valve
vena cava
Tricuspid Valve
Right Ventricle
Pulmonary Veins
Left Atrium
Mitral Valve
Aortic Vavle
Left Ventricle