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Ph.D.-introdag KI – fredag den 22. november 2013
Kort præsentation af Ph.D.-projekt
Ágúst Ingi Ágústsson, afdelingslæge, afdeling D, OUH
Forskningsenheden for Gynækologi og Obstetrik
The introduction of robotic-assisted laparoscopy has made routine procedures simpler and
allows greater precision. Current data indicates no difference in survival between laparoscopy
and laparotomy for endometrial cancer but evidence is lacking regarding robotic-assisted
Most studies investigating quality of life in endometrial cancer patients have shown that these
patients generally do well after treatment, irrespective of treatment modality. Studies
addressing quality of life in endometrial cancer patients after robotic-assisted laparoscopic
total hysterectomy (RTLH) are few and the impact of RTLH on quality of life is thus not clear.
The aim of this Ph.D. project is to:
1. Compare the overall survival after robotic-assisted total laparoscopic hysterectomy
with the survival after total laparoscopic hysterectomy and total abdominal
hysterectomy for stage I-II (FIGO classification) endometrial cancer.
2. Assess prospectively the physical functioning after robotic-assisted total laparoscopic
hysterectomy in women with endometrial cancer, thereby testing the hypothesis that
women operated with robotic-assisted total laparoscopic hysterectomy only
experience very short term negative effect on their physical functioning.
3. Evaluate prospectively the global quality of life of women with endometrial cancer
having performed a robotic-assisted total laparoscopic hysterectomy. A special
attention will be paid to emotional, social, sexual, and cognitive functioning and
We hypothesize that:
1. The overall survival is comparable for women operated by robotic-assisted total
laparoscopic hysterectomy, total laparoscopic hysterectomy or total abdominal
hysterectomy for endometrial cancer stage I-II.
2. Women operated by robotic-assisted total laparoscopic hysterectomy for endometrial
cancer return to their baseline scores regarding physical functioning within three
weeks after surgery.
3. There is no long-term negative effect on overall quality of life in women who are
operated by robotic-assisted total laparoscopic hysterectomy for endometrial cancer.
Study I
A register study including all patients operated in Denmark for stage I-II endometrial cancer
from 2005-2012. Patients will be compared regarding survival, stratified by operation
Study IIa + b
A prospective observational study in two parts, assessing quality of life in patients operated
with RTLH for endometrial cancer in the short-term (Study IIa) and in the long-term (Study
IIb). Patients will be assessed before surgery and prospectively during the first six months
post-surgery using a newly developed comprehensive computer-adapted testing quality of
life instrument from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. A
patient diary will assess the level of pain and the use of postoperative analgesics
comprehensively during the first four weeks post-surgery.