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30 Rebecca Street, Stratford | 519 271 0388 | March 2016 Issue
Help Fight Inflammation
Quashing inflammation is not just about soothing sore joints! Inflammation is linked to ailments that
afflict us from head to toe.
Here are 4 ways to make better choices to reduce inflammation:
Antioxidants block free radicals from triggering inflammation. Incorporate organic fruits and vegetables in
every meal. Indulge in snacks of nuts or seeds, or nut/seed butters.
Minerals, such as magnesium, can be found in nuts and seeds. A magnesium deficiency leads to stress in
the body and leads to inflammation. According to a 2015 review in the journal Nutrients, consuming whey
protein has anti-inflammatory benefits.
Inflammation is controlled by the immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and some seeds
have a modulating effect on the immune system. Probiotics found in fermented foods do too.
Ditch the foods with colouring, preservatives and added sugar. Eat more chlorophyll instead! According to
a study reported in Inflammation, chlorophyll can block the activation of messengers that make
inflammation flare up.
Check out our monthly Flyer!
Sale dates: March 4th - March 19th, 2016 (Click HERE for our flip page
Here is an awesome article from Body Ecology website:
Inflammation: The Real Cause of All Disease and How
to Reduce and Prevent It
Did you know that inflammation is the common link between such debilitating conditions as Alzheimers,
heart disease, cancer, and arthritis?
Did you know inflammation is thought to be the culprit behind the visible signs of aging?
Inflammation is a wellness buzz-word these days, and for good reason. If you reduce inflammation in
your body, you'll not only look and feel younger, but you'll significantly lower your risk for chronic
What is Inflammation?
Inflammation is your body's response to stress - whether from your diet, lifestyle or environment. Think
of what happens when you catch a cold. You may experience inflammation in the form of a fever as your
body heats up to eradicate the effects of the invading virus.
This kind of inflammation is good, but the modern epidemic of chronic, low-grade inflammation destroys
the balance in your body. When your body's systems experience a constant inflammatory response, you
become more susceptible to aging and disease.
What Causes Inflammation?
Body Ecology believes that one of the main causes of inflammation is low-grade bacterial, viral, and
fungal infections in the bloodstream and organs like the stomach and gastro-intestinal tract.
For example, H pylori is a bacteria in the stomach that contributes to inflammation and the development
of ulcers. H pylori is present in 50% of adults over 60 years old and in 20% of adults under the age of
As you can see, inflammation is quite common and caused by more than just pathogenic organisms.
Other causes of inflammation include:
Chronic low-grade food allergies or food sen sitivities that may cause few symptoms.
An imbala n c e of bac teria a n d fu n gi in your gastrointestinal tract, also known
as dysbiosis. This causes your immune system to overreact to bacteria in your gut and can be
without notable symptoms.
Stress! Constant psychological, emotional or physical stress raises the level of cortisol, creating
inflammation. For more on the effects of stress on your body, read How Stress Creates A DoubleWhammy Threat to Your Health.
En viron men tal toxic ity from our air, water, food pollutants and toxic metals like mercury
and lead all contribute to inflammation and have been linked to diseases as varied as
endometriosis and cancer.
D iet an d lifestyle : too much fat, sugar, and protein in your diet, constant dehydration,
consumption of too many sodas or caffeine, inactivity, and lack of sleep can all increase
inflammation in your body
Symptoms of inflammation include:
Visible signs of aging like wrinkles.
Susceptibility to bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.
Acid reflux
Skin conditions like psoriasis and acne.
Chronic pain
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Urinary tract infections
How to Reduce Inflammation
To restore your body's balance, we recommend going "back to basics" with both diet and lifestyle.
The Body Ecology program is perfect for eliminating viral and fungal infections, increasing your
mineral intake, eliminating sugar and balancing all of your nutrients in a way that supports your
health and vitality.
Following the 7 principles of the Body Ecology Diet allows you to heal your body of inflammation,
reduce the damaging effects of aging and giving you plenty of energy.
Reduce stress - which is easier said than done. Read this week's article on The Healing Power of
Get plenty of sleep. For more information read Trouble Sleeping? Why Winter is the Ideal Time to
Learn How to Sleep Right!
Soak up the Sun - Vitamin D, available from sunlight, is an easy way to effectively stop
Within the human gastrointestinal tract is a unique, unseen world filled with tiny bacteria – lots of tiny
bacteria. There are as many as 100 trillion bacteria inside each of us from a potential 1000 different
species. And the bacteria are indeed tiny: 1000x smaller than 1 mm. While they are unseen to us, these
bacteria do add up; each of us has between 1-2 kg of intestinal bacteria in our intestinal tract! Each
individual human has their own unique and specific composition of microflora, depending on age, health
status, environment and diet.
Amongst the trillions of bacteria, there are “good” bacteria and there are “bad” bacteria. In a normal,
healthy human intestinal tract about 80% are good and 20% bad. These good and bad bacteria are
constantly waging an intestinal war – fighting for resources and trying to multiply and increase their
The human intestinal tract: Lactobacilli are most common in the small intestine, bifidobacteria are most
common in the large intestine (colon).
Probiotic s – Th e “good” bac te ria
Probiotics or “good” bacteria are defined as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate
amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.”1 The most commonly used probiotics for human health
benefits are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Lactobacilli are most commonly found in the small intestine,
while bifidobacteria are most common to the large intestine or colon. Both families of probiotic bacteria
are non-pathogenic, non-toxic and safe. The use of fermented foods such as yogurt, cheese, pickled
vegetables, miso or tempeh containing good bacteria is traditional in many human cultures. While the
bacterial strains in these foods have long been considered healthful, it wasn’t until more recently that
research confirmed this theory. (see “Probiotics – How do they benefit human health” section that
Path ogen s – Th e “bad” bac teria
Anything that can cause disease is a pathogen. Pathogens can include microorganisms such as bacteria,
virus or fungi. “Bad” bacteria are pathogens. These pathogens can cause health issues to human hosts in
numerous ways. They can use up nutrients such as iron, depleting the host. They can attach to host cells
and multiply, feeding on the cell as nutrition, then producing waste that can rupture the cell. The
pathogens then are released to attack more cells. Pathogenic bacteria can also produce poisonous toxins.
Often these toxins are released as the pathogen dies, accounting for the reason infection-related
symptoms sometimes worsen initially when starting antibiotics.
Clostridium difficile is an example of a pathogenic bacterial strain. This bacterium can enter the intestinal
tract when probiotic bacteria have been upset due to antibiotic treatment, allowing the C. difficile an
opportunity to multiply uninhibited. C. difficile can cause difficile-related diarrhea, flu-like symptoms and
inflammation of the large intestine resulting in abdominal pain. It can be transmitted through soil or fecal
matter. C. difficile is becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotic treatment and found in hospital
environments. Probiotics such as L. plantarum and L. acidophilus are considered to have strong
antimicrobial effects against C. difficile.
Another common pathogen that affects over 10 million people annually is “traveler’s diarrhea.” 2 Traveler’s
diarrhea can leave international travelers with unformed stool, abdominal cramps, nausea and bloating.
The main bacteria involved in this diarrhea is enterotoxigenic E. coli. Probiotic strains such as L.
plantarum, L. rhamnosus and B. bifidum are considered to have good antimicrobial effects against
traveler’s diarrhea.
Read more at Health First Network.
Natural Factors Acidophilus & Bifidus
10 billion active cells keeps a proper pH balance in the small
intestine, inhibiting yeast growth. Helps maintain the health of the
large intestine. Natural Factors Acidophilus & Bifidus contains
three strains of probiotics to assist with the maintenance of
normal intestinal health. Each capsule contains goat milk powder
to provide an excellent environment for lactic bacteria to grow.
Supplementing with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium will crowd
out unwanted bacteria by repopulating the gastrointestinal tract.
Health First Probio Supreme
ProBio Su preme:
Potent: 55 billion total live microorganisms (at time of
Targeted: Enteric-coated vegetable capsules, allowing the
bacteria to pass safely through the stomach into the
intestinal area where the probiotic strains are needed.
Broad-based: 14 probiotic strains from the lactobacilli and
Tested and proven: All strains tested for bacterial adhesion
and strain compatibility.
Natural: All strains natural to the human microbiome.
Colonization support: Contains fructooligosaccharides as
bacterial food to assist colonization.
Health First PrimeZyme
Enzymes are known as the “sparks of life” as they play a catalytic
role in all of our body’s biochemical activities. Enzymes help us to
digest our food, stimulate the brain, and provide energy at the
cellular level. We can not live without enzymes.
While we do get enzymes from the foods we eat, many of us do
not get sufficient quantities, resulting in indigestion and poor
nutrient absorption. PrimeZyme is an excellent basic full spectrum
digestive enzyme complex that can help us break down protein,
fat, carbohydrates, fiber and milk sugar more effectively. Betaine
HCL has been added to assist the digestive environment,
especially in seniors who tend to be low in stomach acid.
PrimeZyme should be taken before meals with water.
All of the enzymes in PrimeZyme are either plant or bacterial based, not animal
Renew Life Flora Bear
FloraBEAR is a blend of probiotics (good bacteria) specifically
formulated for the intestinal tract and colon of children. FloraBEAR
is a chewable tablet with citrus flavour from real orange and
tangerine for a taste that children will enjoy. Kids love the fun
bear shape!
FloraBEAR is a blend of 4 resident strains of probiotics normally
Acidophilus, Bifidobacterium Breve, Bifidobacterium Longum.
These 4 probiotics work synergistically to help ensure a healthy
microbacterial environment in the intestinal tract.
The term ‘probiotic’ means supporting life. Probiotics are friendly,
beneficial bacteria. These bacteria are normal inhabitants of the
large and small intestines and are an important part of a healthy
digestive system.
Recent research shows that probiotics help
improve gastrointestinal function, respiratory and allergy response,
as well as help to counter the negative effects of antibiotic use.
Further, these beneficial bacteria help the body to
produce vitamins
absorb nutrients
control overgrowth of bad bacteria and fungus.
Renew Life carries a number of different probiotic formulas. To
verify if FloraBEAR is the best formulation for your child’s
condition, please view their probiotic comparison chart.
Host Defense MyCommunity
MyCommu n ity ® is the 17 species formula originally created
by Paul Stamets—a comprehensive Host D efen se ® formula
for Supporting Natural Immunity.*
H ost Defen se
MyCommu n ity
uses Certified Organic
mycelium and fruitbodies, with a full spectrum of constituents:
polysaccharides (beta glucans, arabinoxylane, glucose, xylose,
ergosterols, triterpenoids and other myconutrients, which are
essential for Supporting Natural Immunity.*
A blend of 17 potent mushroom species
The most comprehensive immune support formula in the
Host Defense line*
Encourages resistance to cellular assaults*
and fruitbodies, providing a diverse range of constituents
to help balance the immune system*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Why Alkalizing is Important!
Having too many acid-forming foods and not enough alkalizing foods can cause serious health
consequences. When the body does not have sufficient alkalizing substances and is overly acidic, the
body will take from the bones or vital tissues . This is very damaging and impairs the body’s ability to
repair or detoxify and will cause a person to be more susceptible to disease and illness.
Having acidic conditions and not alkalizing can cause negative effects such as: acne, headaches, joint
pain, indigestion, low immune system, weak hair and nails, trouble losing weight, trouble gaining weight,
and allergies.
There are also many more serious conditions which can occur from acidic conditions such as yeast and
bacteria thriving in the digestive track, cancer cells thriving in acidic environments, yet have been shown
to perish when alkalizing. All our organs and glands can be influenced by our pH level including; heart,
lungs, liver, pancreas, thyroid, colon, kidneys, etc.
Written by Lori - Health Extremist
Genuine Health greens+ Whole Body
A revolution in achieving complete, whole body nourishment with
the power of advanced food fermentation and the alkalizing and
energizing benefits of green s+ O! 100% vegan, gluten-free,
dairy-free, soy-free and
made with
green s+ wh ole body NUTRITI ON harnesses the power
of supercharged whole food ingredients and fermentation to
optimize key body systems - nourishing, balancing and alkalizing
your whole body!
Progressive VegeGreens
VegeGreen s is a comprehensive combination of over 60 land,
sea and cruciferous vegetables, as well as super green foods,
EFAs, pre and probiotics, enzymes and herbal co-factors. With 9
distinctive blends of green foods and plant extracts, VegeGreens
supplies an extraordinary spectrum of nutrients ranging from the
rare trace minerals found in sea vegetables to the healthenhancing compounds exclusive to cruciferous vegetables. Each
small scoop provides the nutrient equivalent of 6 to 8 servings of
fresh vegetables.
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