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Inferences About Means
20.1 The Central Limit Theorem
20.2 Gosset’s t
20.3 A t-Interval for the Mean
20.4 Hypothesis Test for the
A curve has been found representing the frequency distribution of values of
the means of such samples (from a normal population), when these values
are measured from the mean of the population in terms of the standard
deviation of the sample . . .
—William Gosset
20.5 Determining the Sample
*20.6 The Sign Test
Where are we going?
We’ve learned how to generalize
from the data at hand to the world
at large for proportions. But not
all data are as simple as “yes” or
“no.” In this chapter, we’ll learn
how to make confidence intervals
and test hypotheses for the mean
of a quantitative variable.
Secondary school students
Time to travel to school
To learn about the time
spent by Ontario students
travelling to school
Taking a random sample
from the Census At School
data base
Figure 20.1
The travel times (to school) of Ontario
secondary students appear to be unimodal
and perhaps slightly right-skewed.
# of Students
ravelling back and forth to work or school can be a real pain (though a good seat on
the bus or subway can provide a chance to read, study, maybe snooze . . .). Since
2000, the International CensusAtSchool Project has surveyed over a million school
students from Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa using
educational activities conducted in class. School participation is on a voluntary basis. Over
30 000 Canadian students participated in 2007–08. One question commonly asked in the
survey is, “How long does it usually take you to travel to school?”
So just how long does it take Ontario students to get to school? Times vary from student to student, but knowing the average would be helpful. As we’ve learned, a single
number or estimate that is almost surely wrong is not as useful as a range of values (or
confidence interval) that is almost surely correct. Using the random data selector from the
CensusAtSchool project, the responses (in minutes) were obtained for a random sample of
40 participating Ontario secondary school students from 2007–2008.1
These data differ from data on proportions in one important way. Proportions are
summaries of individual responses, which have two possible values, such as “yes” and
“no,” “male” and “female,” or “1” and “0.” Quantitative data, however, usually report a
quantitative value for each individual. Now, recall the three rules of data analysis and plot
the data, as we have done here.
With quantitative data, we summarize with measures of centre and spread, such as
the mean and standard deviation. Because we want to make inferences, we’ll need to
think about sampling distributions, which will lead us to a new sampling model. But first,
some review.
Time (minutes)
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PART VI Learning About the World
20.1 The Central Limit Theorem Revisited
You’ve learned how to create confidence intervals and test hypotheses about proportions.
We always centre confidence intervals at our best guess of the unknown parameter. Then,
we add and subtract a margin of error. For proportions, that means pn { ME.
We found the margin of error as the product of the standard error, SE(pn ), and a critical
value, z*, from the Normal table. So we had pn { z*SE(pn ).
We knew we could use the Normal distribution because the Central Limit Theorem
(CLT) told us (in Chapter 15) that the sampling distribution model for proportions is Normal.
Now we want to do exactly the same thing for means, and the Central Limit Theorem
(still in Chapter 15) told us that the same Normal model works as the sampling distribution for means. Here again is this fundamental theorem:
When a random sample is drawn from any population with mean m and standard
deviation s, its sample mean, y, has a sampling distribution with the same mean m
(and we write s(y) or SD(y) =
but whose standard deviation is
No matter what population the random sample comes from, the shape of the
sampling distribution is approximately Normal as long as the sample size is large
enough. The larger the sample used, the more closely the Normal approximates the
sampling distribution of the sample mean.
Based on weighing thousands of animals, the American Angus Association reports
that mature Angus cows have a mean weight of 1309 pounds (1 pound = 0.4536 kg)
with a standard deviation of 157 pounds. This result was based on a very large sample of animals from many herds over a period of 15 years, so let’s assume that these
summaries are the population parameters and that the distribution of the weights
was unimodal and not very severely skewed.
QUESTION: What does the CLT predict about the mean weight seen in random samples of 100 mature Angus cows?
ANSWER: It’s given that weights of all mature Angus cows have m = 1309 and s =
157 pounds. Because n = 100 animals is a fairly large sample, I can apply the Central
Limit Theorem. I expect the resulting sample means y will average 1309 pounds and
= 15.7 pounds.
have a standard deviation of SD(y ) =
The CLT also says that the distribution of sample means follows a Normal
model, so the 68–95–99.7 Rule applies. I’d expect that
in 68% of random samples of 100 mature Angus cows, the mean weight
will be between 1309 −15.7 = 1293.3 and 1309 + 15.7 = 1324.7 pounds;
in 95% of such samples, 1277.6 … y … 1340.4 pounds;
in 99.7% of such samples, 1261.9 … y … 1356.1 pounds.
The CLT says that all we need to model the sampling distribution of y is a random
sample of quantitative data.
And the true population standard deviation, s.
Uh oh. That could be a problem. How are we supposed to know s? With proportions,
we had a link between the proportion value and the standard deviation of the sample
proportion: SD(pn ) =
. And there was an obvious way to estimate the standard
deviation from the data: SE(pn ) =
pn qn
. But for means, SD(y) =
, so knowing y
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
Because we estimate the standard deviation of the sampling
distribution model from the
data, we’ll call it a standard
error. So we use the SE(y )
notation. Remember, though,
that it’s just the estimated standard deviation of the sampling
distribution model for means.
Ever since Gosset, t has been reserved in
Statistics for his distribution.
Activity: Estimating the
Standard Error. What’s the average age
at which people have heart attacks? A
confidence interval gives a good answer,
but we must estimate the standard deviation from the data to construct the interval.
doesn’t tell us anything about SD(y). We know n, the sample size, but the population standard deviation, s, could be anything. So what should we do? We do what any sensible
person would do: We estimate the population parameter s with s, the sample standard
deviation based on the data. The resulting standard error is SE(y) =
A century ago, people used this standard error with the Normal model, assuming it
would work. And for large sample sizes it did work pretty well (as mentioned earlier in
optional section 16.6). But they began to notice problems with smaller samples. The
sample standard deviation, s, like any other statistic, varies from sample to sample. And
this extra variation in the standard error was messing up the P-values and margins
of error.
William S. Gosset is the man who first investigated this problem. He realized that not
only do we need to allow for the extra variation with larger margins of error and P-values,
but we even need a new sampling distribution model. In fact, we need a whole family
of models, depending on the sample size, n. These models are unimodal, symmetric,
bell-shaped models, but the smaller our sample, the more we must stretch out the tails.
Gosset’s work transformed Statistics, but most people who use his work don’t even
know his name.
20.2 Gosset’s t
International Statistical Institute (ISI)
To find the sampling distribution of
y - m
, Gosset simulated it by hand.
s> 1n
He drew 750 samples of size 4 by
shuffling 3000 cards on which he’d
written the heights of some prisoners
and computed the means and
standard deviations with a mechanically cranked calculator. (He knew m
because he was simulating and knew
the population from which his samples
were drawn.) Today, you could repeat in
seconds on a computer the experiment
that took him over a year. Gosset’s
work was so meticulous that not only
did he get the shape of the new
histogram approximately right, but he
even figured out the exact formula for
it from his sample. The formula was
not confirmed mathematically until
years later by Sir R. A. Fisher.
Gosset had a job that made him the envy of many. He was the chief experimental brewer
for the Guinness Brewery in Dublin, Ireland. The brewery was a pioneer in scientific brewing and Gosset’s job was to meet the demands of the brewery’s many discerning customers
by developing the best stout (a thick, dark beer) possible.
Gosset’s experiments often required as much as a day to make the necessary chemical
measurements or a full year to grow a new crop of hops. For these reasons, not to mention
his health, his sample sizes were small—often as small as three or four.
When he calculated means of these small samples, Gosset wanted to compare them to
a target mean to judge the quality of the batch. To do so, he followed common statistical
practice of the day, which was to calculate z-scores and compare them to the Normal
model. But Gosset noticed that with samples of this size, his tests weren’t quite right. He
knew this because when the batches that he rejected were sent back to the laboratory for
more extensive testing, too often they turned out to be OK. In fact, about three times more
often than he expected. Gosset knew something was wrong, and it bugged him.
Guinness granted Gosset time off to earn a graduate degree in the emerging field of
Statistics, and naturally he chose this problem to work on. He figured out that when he used
the standard error,
, as an estimate of the standard deviation of the mean, the shape of
the sampling model changed. He even figured out what the new model should be.
The Guinness Company may have been ahead of its time in using statistical methods to
manage quality, but they also had a policy that forbade their employees to publish. Gosset
pleaded that his results were of no specific value to brewers and was allowed to publish
under the pseudonym “Student,” chosen for him by Guinness’s managing director. Accounts
differ about whether the use of a pseudonym was to avoid ill feelings within the company or
to hide from competing brewers the fact that Guinness was using statistical methods. In
fact, Guinness was alone in applying Gosset’s results in their quality assurance operations.
It was a number of years before the true value of “Student’s” results was recognized.
By then, statisticians knew Gosset well, as he continued to contribute to the young field of
Statistics. But this important result is still widely known as Student’s t.
Gosset’s sampling distribution model is always bell-shaped, but the details change
with different sample sizes. When the sample size is very large, the model is nearly Normal, but when it’s small, the tails of the distribution are much heavier than the Normal.
That means that values far from the mean are more common and that can be important for
small samples (see Figure 20.2). So the Student’s t-models form a whole family of related
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PART VI Learning About the World
distributions that depend on a parameter known as degrees of freedom. The degrees of
freedom of a distribution represent the number of independent quantities that are left after
we’ve estimated the parameters. Here it’s simply the number of data values, n, minus the number of estimated parameters. When we estimate one mean, that’s just n − 1. We often denote
degrees of freedom as df and the model as tdf with the degrees of freedom as a subscript.
Figure 20.2
The t-model (solid curve) on 2 degrees
of freedom has fatter tails than the
Normal model (dashed curve). So the
68–95–99.7 Rule doesn’t work for
t-models with only a few degrees of
freedom. It may not look like a big
difference, but a t with 2 df is more
than four times as likely to have a
value greater than 2 compared to a
standard Normal.
What Did Gosset See?
We can reproduce the simulation experiment that Gosset performed to get an idea of what
he saw and how he reached some of his conclusions. Gosset drew 750 samples of size 4
from data on the heights of 3000 convicts. That population looks like this:2
166.301 cm
StdDev 6.4967 cm
Heights (cm)
Following Gosset’s example, we drew 750 independent random samples of size 4 and
found their means and standard deviations.3 As we (and Gosset) expected, the distribution
of the means was even more Normal.4
If you have sharp eyes, you might have noticed some gaps in the histogram. Gosset’s height data were rounded
to the nearest 1/8 inch, which made for some gaps. Gosset noted that flaw in his paper.
In fact, Gosset shuffled 3000 cards with the numbers on them and then dealt them into 750 piles of four each.
That’s not quite the same thing as drawing independent samples, but it was quite good enough for his purpose.
We’ve drawn these samples in the same way.
Of course, we don’t know the means that Gosset actually got because we randomized using a computer and he
shuffled 3000 cards, but this is one of the distributions he might have gotten, and we’re pretty sure most of the
others look like this as well.
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
y - m
. We know m = 166.301 cm
s> 1n
because we know the population, and n = 4. The values of y and s we find for each sample. Here’s what the distribution looks like:
Gosset’s concern was for the distribution of
It’s easy to see that this distribution is much thinner in the middle and longer in the tails
than a Normal model we saw for the means themselves. This was Gosset’s principal result.
20.3 A t-Interval for the Mean
To make confidence intervals or test hypotheses for means, we need to use Gosset’s model.
Which one? Well, for means, it turns out the right value for degrees of freedom is df = n - 1.
Ever since Gosset, t has been reserved in
Statistics for his distribution.
When certain assumptions and conditions5 are met, the standardized sample mean,
t =
y - m
follows a Student’s t-model with n − 1 degrees of freedom. We estimate the standard
error with
SE(y ) =
When Gosset corrected the model for the extra uncertainty, the margin of error got
bigger, as you might have guessed. When you use Gosset’s model instead of the Normal
model, your confidence intervals will be just a bit wider and your P-values just a bit larger.
That’s the correction you need. By using the t-model, you’ve compensated for the extra
variability in precisely the right way.6
When we found critical values from a
Normal model, we called them z*. When we
use a Student’s t-model, we’ll denote the
critical values t*.
When the assumptions and conditions7 are met, we are ready to find the confidence
interval for the population mean, m. The confidence interval is
y { t*n - 1 * SE(y )
The critical value t*n - 1 depends on the particular confidence level, C, that you specify
and on the number of degrees of freedom, n − 1, which we get from the sample size.
where the standard error of the mean SE(y ) =
You can probably guess what they are. We’ll see them in the next section.
Gosset, as the first to recognize the consequence of using s rather than s, was also the first to give the sample
standard deviation, s, a different letter than the population standard deviation s,
Yes, the same ones, and they’re still coming in the next section.
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PART VI Learning About the World
Two tail probability
One tail probability
Table T
Values of ta
Part of Table T
Activity: Building t-Intervals
with the t-Table. Interact with an
animated version of Table T.
Activity: Student’s t in
Practice. Use a statistics package to
find a t-based confidence interval; that’s
how it’s almost always done.
Using the t-Table to Find Critical Values
The Student’s t-model is different for each value of degrees of freedom. Usually we find
critical values and margins of error for Student’s t-based intervals with technology. Calculators or statistics programs can give critical values for a t-model for any number of
degrees of freedom and for any confidence level you choose.
But you can also use tables, such as Table T at the back of this book. The tables run
down the page for as many degrees of freedom as can fit. For enough degrees of freedom,
the t-model gets closer and closer to the Normal, so the tables give a final row with the
critical values from the Normal model and label it “ ∞ df.”
These tables are only a portion of the full tables, such as the one we used for the Normal model. We could have printed a table like Table Z for every df, but that’s a lot of pages
and not likely to be a bestseller. One way to shorten the book is to limit ourselves to only a
few values. Although it might be nice to be able to get a critical value for a 93.4% confidence interval with 179 df, in practice we usually limit ourselves to 90%, 95%, 99%, and
99.9% and selected degrees of freedom. So, Table T fits on a single page with columns for
selected confidence levels and rows for selected df’s.8
For confidence intervals, the values in the table are usually enough to cover most cases
of interest. If you can’t find a row for the df you need, just be conservative and use the next
smaller df in the table.
As degrees of freedom increase,
the shape of Student’s t-model
changes more and more slowly.
Table T at the back of the book
includes degrees of freedom
between 100 and 1000 selected
so that you can pin down critical
values for just about any df. If
your df’s aren’t listed, take the
cautious approach by using the
next lower df value, or use
In 2004, a team of researchers published a study of contaminants in farmed salmon.9
Fish from many sources were analyzed for 14 organic contaminants. The study
expressed concerns about the level of contaminants found. One of those was the
insecticide mirex, which has been shown to be carcinogenic and is suspected to be
toxic to the liver, kidneys, and endocrine system. One farm in particular produced
salmon with very high levels of mirex. After those outliers are removed, summaries
for the mirex concentrations (in parts per million) in the rest of the farmed salmon are:
n = 150 y = 0.0913 ppm s = 0.0495 ppm.
QUESTION: What does a 95% confidence interval say about mirex?
df = 150 - 1 = 149
SE(y ) =
= 0.0040
* ≈ 1.977 (from table T, using 140 df)
(actually, t*149 ≈ 1.976 from technology)
ANSWER: So the confidence interval for m is
y { t*149 * SE(y )
0.0913 { 1.977 (0.0040)
0.0913 { 0.0079
(0.0834, 0.0992)
I’m 95% confident that the mean level of mirex concentration in farm-raised salmon
is between 0.0834 and 0.0992 parts per million.
Student’s t -models are all unimodal, symmetric, and bell-shaped, just like the
Normal. But t-models with only a few degrees of freedom have noticeably longer tails
You can also find tables and interactive tools on the Internet.
Ronald A. Hites, Jeffery A. Foran, David O. Carpenter, M. Coreen Hamilton, Barbara A. Knuth, and Steven J.
Schwager, 2004, “Global assessment of organic contaminants in farmed salmon,” Science 303: 5655, pp. 226–229.
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
z OR t?
If you know s, use the standard Normal model. (That’s
rare!) Whenever you use s to
estimate s, use t (though for
large df, the t is well approximated by the standard
and larger standard deviation than the Normal. (That’s what makes the margin of error
bigger.) As the degrees of freedom increase, the t-models look more and more like the
standard Normal. In fact, the t-model with infinite degrees of freedom is exactly the
standard Normal.10 This is great news if you happen to have an infinite number of data
values, but that’s not likely. However, above about 60 degrees of freedom, it’s very
hard to tell the difference. Of course, in the rare situation that we know s , it would be
foolish not to use that information, and if we don’t have to estimate s, we can use the
Normal model.
When s is known. Administrators of a hospital were concerned about the prenatal
care given to mothers in their part of the city. To study this, they examined the gestation
times of babies born there. They drew a sample of 25 babies born in their hospital in the previous six months. Human gestation times for healthy pregnancies are thought to be
well modelled by a Normal with a mean of 280 days and a standard deviation of 14 days.
The hospital administrators wanted to test the mean gestation time of their sample of babies
against the known standard. For this test, they use the established value for the standard
deviation, 14 days, rather than estimating the standard deviation from their sample. Because
they used the model parameter value for s, they based their test on the standard Normal
model rather than Student’s t.
Assumptions and Conditions
When you check conditions,
you usually hope to make a
meaningful analysis of your
data. The conditions serve as
disqualifiers—you keep going
unless there’s a serious problem. If you find minor issues,
note them and express caution about your results. If the
sample is not an SRS, but
you believe it’s representative of some population, limit
your conclusions accordingly.
If there are outliers, perform
the analysis both with and
without them. If the sample
looks bimodal, try to analyze
subgroups separately. Only
when there’s major trouble—
like a strongly skewed small
sample or an obviously nonrepresentative sample—are
you unable to proceed at all.
Gosset found the t-model by simulation. Years later, Sir Ronald A. Fisher showed mathematically that Gosset was right and confirmed the assumptions needed by Gosset in discovering the t curve—that we are making repeated independent draws from a Normally
distributed population. Now for our practical advice:
Independence Assumption
Independence Assumption: The data values should be mutually independent. There’s
really no way to check independence of the data by looking at the sample, but you should
think about whether the assumption is reasonable.
Randomization Condition: This condition is satisfied if the data arise from a random
sample or suitably randomized experiment. Randomly sampled data, especially data from
a simple random sample, are ideal—almost surely independent, with well-defined target
population. If the data don’t satisfy the Randomization Condition, then you should think
about whether the values are likely to be independent for the variables you are concerned
with and whether the sample you have is likely to be representative of the population you
wish to learn about. Cluster and multistage samples, though, may have bigger SEs than
suggested by our formula.
In the rare case that you have a sample that is a more than 10% of the population, you
may want to consider using special formulas that adjust for that. But that’s not a common
concern for means. Without the correction, your SE will just err on the conservative side
(be too high). This is actually a violation of the independence assumption, but a good one,
since the effects are known and beneficial.
Normal Population Assumption
Student’s t-models won’t work for data that are badly skewed. How skewed is too skewed?
Formally, we assume that the data are from a population that follows a Normal model.
Practically speaking, there’s no way to be sure this is true.
Formally, in the limit as n goes to infinity.
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PART VI Learning About the World
And it’s almost certainly not true. Models are idealized; real data are, well, real. The
good news, however, is that even for small samples, it’s sufficient to check the . . .
Nearly Normal Condition: The data come from a distribution that is unimodal and
Check this condition by making a histogram or Normal probability plot. The importance of Normality for Student’s t depends on the sample size. Just our luck: It matters
most when it’s hardest to check.11
For very small samples (n 6 15 or so), the data should follow a Normal model fairly
closely. Of course, with so little data, it’s rather hard to tell. But if you do find outliers or
clear skewness, don’t use these methods.
For moderate sample sizes (n between 15 and about 40), the t methods will work reasonably well for mildly to moderately skewed unimodal data, but would perform badly in
the presence of strong skewness or outliers. Make a histogram.
When the sample size is larger than 40, the t methods are generally quite safe to
use, though very severe skewness can require much larger sample sizes (in which case
a better approach might be to apply a non-linear transformation, like a logarithm). Be
sure to make a histogram. If you find outliers in the data, it’s always a good idea to perform the analysis twice, once with and once without the outliers, even for large samples. Outliers may well hold additional information about the data, but you may decide
to give them individual attention and then summarize the rest of the data. If you find
multiple modes, you may have different groups that should be analyzed and understood
Guinness stout may be hearty, but the t-procedure is robust!
The one-sample t-test is an example of a robust statistical test. We say that it is robust with
respect to the assumption of Normality, or against violations of Normality. This means that
although the procedure is derived mathematically from an assumption of Normality, it can
still often produce accurate results even when this assumption is violated. How well does the
procedure tolerate violations of assumptions? How greatly do violations perturb the accuracy
of P-values and confidence levels? These are questions about the robustness of the
The bigger the violations that can be tolerated, the greater is the robustness of the procedure. Robustness for most procedures will increase with the size of the sample. The robustness
of the one-sample t-procedure is described above, where we see moderate robustness for sample
sizes as small as 15 and remarkable robustness for samples over size 40. Pretty impressive! And
the two-sample t-procedure to be discussed in the next chapter is even more robust. The usefulness of these t-procedures would be greatly compromised were it not for their high level of
robustness. Similarly, many other common statistical procedures have good robustness, increasing their utility and value.
RECAP: Researchers purchased whole farmed salmon
from 51 farms in eight regions in six countries. The
histogram below shows the concentrations of the
insecticide mirex in 150 farmed salmon (after removing some outliers, mentioned earlier).
QUESTION: Are the assumptions and conditions for
inference about the mean satisfied?
# of Salmon
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Mirex (ppm)
There are formal tests of Normality, but they don’t really help. When we have a small sample—just when we
really care about checking Normality—these tests have very little power. So it doesn’t make much sense to use
them in deciding whether to perform a t-test. We don’t recommend that you use them.
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
Independence/Randomization: The fish were not a random sample because no
simple population existed to sample from. But they were raised in many different
places, and samples were purchased independently from several sources, so they
were likely to be nearly independent and to reasonably represent the population
of farmed salmon worldwide.
Nearly Normal Condition: The histogram of the data is unimodal. Although it may
be somewhat skewed to the right, this is not a concern with a sample size of 150.
It’s okay to use these data for inference about farm-raised salmon. Whew, now we
know that we can actually trust that mechanical confidence interval calculation done
earlier! Anyone can plug into a formula; the hard part is determining whether your
procedure gives trustworthy results and answers.
Just Checking
Every five years, Statistics Canada conducts a census in order to compile a statistical
portrait of Canada and its people. Prior to 2011, there were two forms: the short questionnaire, distributed to 80% of households, and the long questionnaire12 (short-form
questions plus additional questions), slogged through by the remaining one in five
households, chosen at random. For estimates resulting from the additional questions
appearing only on the long form, Statistics Canada would calculate a standard error.
1. Why did Statistics Canada need to calculate a standard error for long-form
information, but not for the questions that appear on both the long and
short forms?
2. The standard errors are calculated after re-weighting the individual results, to
correct for differences between the sample proportion who are male, aged
15–24, etc., and the known (from the long form) population proportions who
are male, aged 15–24, etc., so that the resulting estimates will be more precise
(so, for example, if we know that 50% of residents in a region are male, and
52% of the 20% sample are male, each male is given a slightly lower weight or
multiplier than each female to “correct” for the overrepresentation of males).
Hence, a simple average (for quantitative variables) or simple proportion is not
used. Can Statistics Canada use the t-model for standard errors and associated
confidence intervals (for quantitative variables)? If simple (unweighted) averages were used instead, could we employ the t-model?
3. The standard errors calculated by Statistics Canada are bigger for geographic
areas with smaller populations and for characteristics of small sub-groups in
the area examined (such as people living in poverty in a middle-income neighbourhood). Why is this so? For example, why should a confidence interval for
mean family income be wider for a sparsely populated area of farms in the
Prairies than for a densely populated area in an urban centre? How does the
t-model formula show that this will happen?
[To deal with this problem, Statistics Canada classifies estimates based on
“data quality” (the size of the associated standard error relative to the estimate),
warns of low-quality (high standard error) estimates, and omits low-quality
estimates with excessively high standard errors, since the latter are essentially
noninformative and also have the potential to compromise confidentiality, due
to the small number of cases]
In June 2010, the minority Conservative government decided to do away with the mandatory long form and to
replace it with the voluntary National Household Survey, in spite of significant opposition, citing privacy concerns.
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PART VI Learning About the World
Activity: Intuition for t-based
Intervals. A narrated review of Student’s t.
4. Suppose that in one census tract, there were 200 Aboriginal individuals in the
20% sample, and we estimate their mean annual earnings, along with the standard error and a 95% confidence interval, using the simple t-model. In another
census tract, we would like to calculate a similar confidence interval, but there
were only 50 Aboriginal people in the sample. What effect would the smaller
number of Aboriginals in the second tract have on the 95% confidence interval? Specifically, which values used in the formula for the margin of error
would change a lot and which would change only slightly? Approximately how
much wider would the confidence interval based on 50 individuals be than the
one based on 200 individuals?
Let’s build a 90% confidence interval for the mean travel time to school for Ontario secondary school students. The interval
that we’ll make is called the one-sample t-interval.
Question: What can we say about the mean travel time to school for secondary school students in Ontario?
Identify the variables and review the W ’s.
Make a picture. Check the distribution shape and
look for skewness, multiple modes, and outliers.
The histogram centres around 15–20 minutes, and
the data lie between 0 and 50 minutes. We’d expect a confidence interval to place the population
mean close to 15 or 20 minutes.
I want to find a 90% confidence interval for the
mean travel time to school for Ontario secondary
school students. I have data on the travel time of
40 students in 2007–08.
Here’s a histogram of the 40 travel times.
# of Students
State what we want to know. Identify
THINK ➨ Plan
the parameter of interest.
Think about the assumptions and check
the conditions.
Time (minutes)
✓ Independence Assumption: These are independent selections from the stored data.
✓ Randomization Condition: Participation was
voluntary but very broad-based, so I believe the
students we randomly selected from the database should be reasonably representative of
✓ Nearly Normal Condition: The histogram of the
speeds is unimodal and slightly right-skewed,
but not enough to be a concern.
State the sampling distribution model for the
Choose your method.
The conditions are satisfied, so I will use a Student’s
t-model with
(n - 1) = 39 degrees of freedom
and find a one-sample t-interval for the mean.
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
SHOW ➨ interval.
Calculating from the data given at the beginning of
this chapter:
Construct the confidence
Be sure to include the units along with the
n = 40 students
y = 17.00 minutes
s = 9.66 minutes
The standard error of y is
SE(y) =
The 90% critical value is t*39 = 1.685 (using
software), so the margin of error is
The critical value we need to make a 90% interval comes from a Student’s t table, a computer
program, or a calculator. We have 40 − 1 = 39
degrees of freedom. The selected confidence
level says that we want 90% of the probability to
be caught in the middle, so we exclude 5% in
each tail, for a total of 10%. The degrees of freedom and 5% tail probability are all we need to
know to find the critical value.
= 1.53 minutes
ME =
t*39 * SE(y)
2.58 minutes
The 90% confidence interval for the mean travel
time is 17.0 { 2.6 minutes.
The result looks plausible and in line with what
we thought.
I am 90% confident that the interval from 14.4 to
19.6 minutes contains the true mean travel time
to school for Ontario secondary school students.
Interpret the confidence interval in the proper context.
When we construct confidence intervals in this
way, we expect 90% of them to cover the true
mean and 10% to miss the true value. That’s
what “90% confident” means.
Activity: The Real Effect of
Small Sample Size. We know that
smaller sample sizes lead to wider confidence intervals, but is that just because
they have fewer degrees of freedom?
Here’s the part of the Student’s t table that gives the critical value we needed. (See
Table T in the back of the book.) To find a critical value, locate the row of the table corresponding to the degrees of freedom and the column corresponding to the probability you
want. Our 90% confidence interval leaves 5% of the values on either side, so look for a
one-tail probability of 0.05 at the top of the column or 90% confidence level at the bottom.
The value in the table at that intersection is the critical value we need, but unfortunately,
this concise table omits 39 df. The correct value lies between 1.684 and 1.690. Either be
conservative and go with the bigger value, 1.690, or use software.
Using Table T to look up the critical
value t* for a 90% confidence level
with 39 degrees of freedom.
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PART VI Learning About the World
Of course, you can also create the entire confidence interval with the right computer
software or calculator.
Make a Picture, Make a Picture, Make a Picture
Normal Scores
The only reasonable way to check the Nearly Normal Condition is with graphs of the data.
Make a histogram of the data and verify that its distribution is unimodal and symmetric
and that it has no outliers. You should also make a Normal probability plot to see that it’s
reasonably straight. You’ll be able to spot deviations from the Normal model more easily
with a Normal probability plot, but it’s easier to understand the particular nature of the
deviations from a histogram.
If you have a computer or graphing calculator doing the work, there’s no excuse not to
look at both displays as part of checking the Nearly Normal Condition.
Figure 20.3
A Normal probability plot of travel
times looks a bit curved but close
enough to straight.
Since 90% of random samples yield an interval that
captures the true mean, we
should say, “I am 90% confident that the interval from
14.4 to 19.6 minutes contains the mean travel time for
all Ontario secondary students.” It’s also okay to say
something less formal: “I am
90% confident that the average travel time for all secondary students is between 14.4
and 19.6 minutes.” Remember: Our uncertainty is about
the interval, not the true
mean. The interval varies randomly. The true mean travel
time is neither variable nor
random—just unknown.
Interpreting Confidence Intervals
Confidence intervals for means offer new, tempting, and wrong interpretations. Here are
some things you shouldn’t say:
Don’t say, “90% of all Ontario secondary students take between 14.4 and 19.6
minutes to get to school.” The confidence interval is about the mean travel time, not
about the times of individual students.
Don’t say, “We are 90% confident that a randomly selected student will take
between 14.4 and 19.6 minutes to get to school.” This false interpretation is also
about individual students rather than about the mean of their times. We are 90%
confident that the mean travel time of all secondary students is between 14.4 and
19.6 minutes.
Don’t say, “The mean student travel time is 17.0 minutes, 90% of the time.” That’s
about means, but still wrong. It implies that the true mean varies, when in fact it is the
confidence interval that would have been different had we gotten a different sample.
Finally, don’t say, “90% of all samples will have mean travel times between 14.4
and 19.6 minutes.” That statement suggests that this interval somehow sets a
standard for every other interval. In fact, this interval is no more (or less) likely to
be correct than any other. You could say that 90% of all possible samples will
produce intervals that actually do contain the true mean time. (The problem is that,
because we’ll never know where the true mean time really is, we can’t know if our
sample was one of those 90%.)
Do say, “90% of intervals found in this way cover the true value.” Or make it more
personal and say, “I am 90% confident that the true mean travel time is between 14.4
and 19.6 minutes.”
20.4 Hypothesis Test for the Mean
Students and their parents are naturally concerned about how long the commute to school
takes. Suppose the Ministry of Education claims that the average commute time for secondary students is no greater than 15 minutes. But you’re not so sure, particularly after
collecting some data and finding a sample mean higher than 15 minutes. Maybe this is just
chance variation or maybe we’ve found real evidence of excessive commute times. How
can we tell the difference? This calls for a hypothesis test called the one-sample t-test for
the mean.
You already know enough to construct this test. The test statistic looks just like the
others we’ve seen. It compares the difference between the observed statistic and a
hypothesized value to the standard error of the observed statistic. We’ve seen that, for
means, the appropriate probability model to use for P-values is Student’s t with n − 1
degrees of freedom.
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
Activity: A t-Test for Wind
Speed. Watch the video in the preceding
activity, and then use the interactive tool
to test whether there’s enough wind for
electricity generation at a site under
The assumptions and conditions for the one-sample t-test for the mean are the
same as for the one-sample t-interval. We test the hypothesis H0: m = m0 using
the statistic
t =
y - m0
When the conditions are met and the null hypothesis is true, this statistic follows
a Student’s t-model with n − 1 degrees of freedom. We use that model to obtain a
If you have to make a decision, set your a-level a priori, and reject H0 if P 6 a.
The standard error of y is SE(y ) =
RECAP: Researchers tested 150 farm-raised salmon for organic contaminants. They
found the mean concentration of the carcinogenic insecticide mirex to be 0.0913
parts per million, with standard deviation 0.0495 ppm. As a safety recommendation
to recreational fishers, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recommended
“screening value” for mirex is 0.08 ppm.
QUESTION: Are farmed salmon contaminated beyond the level permitted by
the EPA?
ANSWER: (We’ve already checked the conditions; see p. 571.)
H0: m = 0.08 13
HA: m 7 0.08
These data satisfy the conditions for inference; I’ll do a one-sample t-test for
the mean:
n = 150, df = 149
y = 0.0913, s = 0.0495
SE(y ) =
t =
= 0.0040
0.0913 - 0.08
= 2.825
P(t149 7 2.825) = 0.0027 (from technology)
Such a low P-value provides overwhelming evidence that, in farm-raised salmon, the
mirex contamination level does exceed the EPA screening value.
The true null hypothesis is H0: m … 0.08, but we can only test one null value for m. m = 0.08 is the conservative choice, since if we can reject m = 0.08 in favour of a larger m, we can even more convincingly reject any
m smaller than 0.08. Just plug in something smaller than 0.08 for m0 and you can see the t-statistic get bigger
and more statistically significant.
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PART VI Learning About the World
What if, in the example above about farm-raised salmon, you had used the standard
Normal distribution instead of the t distribution? You would get essentially the same P-value.
This is sometimes referred to as the large sample z-test, since the Normal distribution will
work just fine as the sampling model when you plug SE(y) =
in place of SD(y) =
in the denominator of the standardized statistic—when n is large. Only, only, only when
n is large.
The Ministry of Transportation claims that secondary students can get to their schools in 15 minutes or less, on average
(okay, we confess, we made up this claim).
Question: Do the data convincingly refute this claim?
State what we want to know. Make
THINK ➨ Plan
clear what the population and parameter are.
Identify the variables and review the W’s.
I want to know whether the mean travel time for
students exceeds the Ministry’s claim. I have a
sample 40 travel times from 2007–08.
H0: Mean travel time m = 15 minutes
HA: Mean travel time m 7 15 minutes
Make a picture. Check the distribution for major
skewness, multiple modes, and outliers.
The histogram is clustered around 10–20 minutes,
so we’d be surprised to find that the true mean
was much higher than that. (The fact that 15 is
within the confidence interval we’ve just found
confirms this suspicion.)
Think about the assumptions and check
the conditions.
State the sampling distribution model. (Be sure to
include the degrees of freedom.)
Choose your method.
Mechanics Be sure to include the units
SHOW ➨ when
you write down what you know from the
The t-statistic calculation is just a standardized
value, like z. We subtract the hypothesized mean
and divide by the standard error.
We use the null model to find the P-value. Make
a picture of the t-model centred at zero. Since
this is an upper-tail test, shade the region to the
right of the observed t-value.
# of Students
The null hypothesis is that
the true mean travel time is equal to the claim.
Because we’re interested in whether travel times
are excessive, the alternative is one-sided.
Time (minutes)
✓ Independence Assumption: Discussed earlier.
✓ Randomization Condition: Discussed earlier.
✓ Nearly Normal Condition: Discussed earlier.
The conditions are satisfied, so I’ll use a Student’s
t-model with (n − 1) = 39 degrees of freedom to
do a one-sample t-test for the mean.
From the data,
n = 40 students
y = 17.0 minutes
s = 9.66 minutes
SE(y) =
= 1.53 minutes.
y - m0
17.0 - 15.0
t =
= 1.31
(The observed mean is 1.31 standard errors above
the hypothesized value.)
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
The P-value is the probability of observing a t-value
as large as 1.31 (or larger). We can find this P-value
from a table, calculator, or computer program.
We’re not surprised that the difference isn’t very
statistically significant.
Link the P-value to your decision about H0, and state your conclusion in
P-value = P(t39 >1.31) = 0.099 (using software)
The P-value of 0.099 says that if the true mean
student travel time were 15 minutes, samples
of 40 students can be expected to produce a
t-statistic of 1.31 or bigger 9.9% of the time.
This P-value is not very small, so I won’t reject the
hypothesis of a mean travel time of 15 minutes.
These data do not provide enough evidence to
convince me to reject the Ministry’s claim with any
real conviction.
For hypothesis tests, the computed t-statistic can take on any value, so the value you
get is not likely to be one found in the table. The best we can do is to trap a calculated
t-value between two columns. Just look across the row with the appropriate degrees of
freedom to find where the t-statistic falls. The P-value will be between the two values at
the heads of the columns. Report that the P-value falls between these two values. Usually
that’s good enough.
RECAP: We’ve computed a one-sample t-test for the mean mirex contamination in
farmed salmon, finding t = 2.825 with 149 df. In the earlier example, we found the
P-value with technology.
QUESTION: How can we estimate the P-value for this upper-tail test using Table T?
ANSWER: I seek P(t149 7 2.825). Table T has neither a row for 149 df nor an entry that
is exactly 2.825. Here’s the part of Table T where I’ll need to work; roughly the right
degrees of freedom and t-values:
Two-tail probability
One-tail probability
Values of t␣
One tail
Since 149 df doesn’t appear in the table, I’ll be conservative and use the next lower df
value that does appear. In this table, that’s 140 df. Looking across the row for 140 df,
I see that the largest t-value in the table is 2.611. According to the column heading, a
t-value this large or larger will occur with probability 0.005. My t-value of 2.825 is
larger than this, so I know that the probability of a t-value that large must be even
smaller. I can report P 6 0.005.14
If the alternative was instead HA: m ≠ 0.08, we would report p 6 2(0.005) = 0.01, since values in both
tails would now support HA.
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PART VI Learning About the World
Statistical Significance and Importance
Recall that “statistically significant” does not mean “actually important” or “meaningful,”
even though it sort of sounds that way. In this example, it does seem possible that travel
times may average to a bit above 15 minutes. If so, perhaps a larger sample would show
statistical significance.
So, should we try for a bigger sample? The difference between 17 minutes and 15
minutes doesn’t seem very meaningful, and even if statistically significant, it would be
hard to convince the government of a need to build more schools or the public to spend
more money on improving transportation modes. Looking at the confidence interval, we
can say with 90% confidence that the mean travel time is somewhere between 14.4 and
19.6 minutes. Even in the worst case, if the mean travel time is 19.6 minutes, would this be
a bad enough situation to convince anyone to spend more money? Probably not. It’s always
a good idea when we test a hypothesis to also check the confidence interval and think
about the likely values for the mean.
Just Checking
One disadvantage of using both long and short census forms is that estimates of
characteristics that are reported on the short form will not exactly match the longform estimates.
Short form summary measures are computed from a complete census, so they
are the “true” values—something we don’t usually have when we do inference.
5. Suppose we use long-form data to make 95% confidence intervals for the mean
age of residents for each of 100 census tracts. How many of these 100 intervals
should we expect will fail to include the true mean age (as determined from the
complete census data)?
6. Based only on a long-form sample, we might test a null hypothesis about the
mean household income in a region. Would the power of the test increase or
decrease if a region returns more long forms?
Intervals and Tests
Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests look at the data from different perspectives. A
hypothesis test starts with a proposed parameter value and asks if the data are consistent
with that value. If the observed statistic is too far from the proposed parameter value, it is
less plausible that the proposed value is the truth. So we reject the null hypothesis. By contrast, a confidence interval starts with the data and finds an interval of plausible values for
where the parameter may lie. The 90% confidence interval for the mean school travel time
was 17.0 { 2.6 minutes, or (14.4 minutes, 19.6 minutes). If someone hypothesized that the
mean time was really 15 minutes, how would you feel about it? How about 25 minutes?
Because the confidence interval included the time of 15.0 minutes, it certainly looks
like 15 minutes might be a plausible value for the true mean school travel time. “Plausible” sounds rather like “acceptable” as a null hypothesis, and indeed this is the case. If we
wanted to test the null hypothesis that the true mean is 15 minutes, and we find that 15 lies
within some confidence interval, it follows that 15 minutes is a plausible null hypothesis—
at some alpha level—but what alpha level? This depends on the confidence level of the
confidence interval.
Confidence intervals and significance tests are built from the same calculations.
Here’s the connection: The confidence interval contains all possible values for the parameter that would not be rejected, as null hypotheses, in a test (after matching up test alpha
level and confidence level, as discussed below).
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
More precisely, a level C confidence interval contains all of the plausible null hypothesis values that would not be rejected by a two-sided hypothesis test at alpha level 1 2 C.
So a 95% confidence interval matches up with a 1 2 0.95 = 0.05, or 5% significance level
test for these data.
Confidence intervals are naturally two-sided, so they match up exactly with two-sided
hypothesis tests. When the hypothesis is one-sided, as in our example, it matches up
exactly with a one-sided confidence interval (which we are not covering in this text).
To relate a one-sided hypothesis test to a two-sided confidence interval, proceed as
follows: Check to see if the level C confidence interval misses the null value and supports
the alternative hypothesis—that is, lies entirely within the range of values of the alternative hypothesis. If so, you can reject the null hypothesis at the (1 2 C)>2 level of significance
(or P 6 (1 - C)>2). If not, the test will fail to reject the null hypothesis at the (1 2 C)>2
level (or P 7 (1 - C)>2).
So if we were to use our 90% confidence interval of (14.4, 19.6) to test H0: m = m0 vs
HA: m 7 m0, then any value for m0 smaller than 14.4 would have to be rejected as a null
hypothesis, not at the 10% level, but rather at the 5% level of significance (P 6 0.05),
since (1 - 0.90)>2 = 0.05.
Degrees of Freedom
Don’t divide by n.
Some calculators offer an alternative button for standard deviation that divides by n instead of
n 2 1. Try sticking a wad of gum
over the “n” button so you won’t
be tempted to use it. Use n 2 1.
The parameter of the t curve, its df = n 2 1, might have reminded you of the value we
divide by to find the standard deviation of the data (since, in fact, it’s the same number).
When we introduced that formula, we promised to later say more about why we divide by
n 2 1 rather than by n.
If only we knew the true population mean, m, we would use it to calculate the sample
standard deviation, giving us:15
s =
Σ(y - m)2
(Equation 20.1)
But we don’t know m, so we naturally use y instead, and that causes a problem. For
any sample, the data values will generally be closer to their own sample mean than to the
true population mean, m. Why is that? Imagine that we take a simple random sample of 10
students who just wrote the final exam in your very large introductory Statistics course.
Suppose that the mean test score (for all students) was 70. The sample mean, y, for these
10 students won’t be exactly 70. Are the 10 students’ scores closer to 70 or y? They will
tend to be closer to their own average y. So, when we calculate s using Σ(y - y)2 instead
of Σ(y - m)2 in Equation 20.1, our standard deviation estimate is too small. How can we
fix it? The amazing mathematical fact is that we can fix it by dividing by n − 1 instead of
by n. This difference is much more important when n is small than when it’s big. The
t-distribution inherits this same number and we call n − 1 the degrees of freedom.16
20.5 Determining the Sample Size
How large a sample do we need? The simple answer is “more.” But more data cost money,
effort, and time, so how much is enough? Suppose your computer just took half an hour to
download a movie you want to watch. You’re not happy. You hear about a program that claims
to download movies in less than 15 minutes. You’re interested enough to spend $29.95 for it,
but only if it really delivers. So you get the free evaluation copy and test it by downloading
that movie 10 different times. Of course, the mean download time is not exactly 15 minutes as
Statistics textbooks often use equation numbers so they can talk about equations by name. We haven’t needed
equation numbers yet, but we admit it’s useful here, so this is our first.
Here is another way to think about df. If the data are say: 4, 5, 9, the mean is 6, and the deviations are 22, 21, 13.
The sum of deviations from the sample mean must equal zero, so since the first two deviations sum to 23, the last
one must be 13. Only n 2 1 deviations are truly free to vary (unlike the deviations about μ, all n of which are free to
vary). Dividing a sum of squared deviations by its df is generally the best way to convert such a sum to an average.
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PART VI Learning About the World
claimed. Observations vary. If the margin of error were 4 minutes, though, you’d probably be
able to decide whether the software is worth the money. Doubling the sample size would
require several more hours of testing and would reduce your margin of error to a bit under
3 minutes. You’ll need to decide whether that’s worth the effort.
As we make plans to collect data, we should have some idea of how small a margin of
error we need to be able to draw a useful conclusion. Armed with the target ME and confidence level, we can find the sample size we’ll need. Almost.
We know that for a mean, ME = t*n - 1 * SE(y) and that SE(y) =
, so we can
determine the sample size by solving this equation for n:
ME = t*n - 1
The good news is that we have an equation; the bad news is that we won’t know most of
the values we need to solve it. When we thought about sample size for proportions in Chapter 16, we ran into a similar problem. There we had to guess a working value for p to compute
a sample size. Here, we need to know s. We don’t know s until we get some data, but we want
to calculate the sample size before collecting the data. A guess is often good enough, but if
you have no idea what the standard deviation might be, or if the sample size really matters (for
example, because each additional individual is very expensive to sample or experiment on), a
small pilot study can provide you with a rough estimate of the standard deviation.
That’s not all. Without knowing n, we don’t know the degrees of freedom and we can’t
find the critical value, t*n - 1. One common approach is to use the corresponding z* value from
the Normal model. If you’ve chosen a 95% confidence level, then just use 2, following the
68–95–99.7 Rule. If your estimated sample size is, say, 60 or more, it’s probably okay—z* was
a good guess. If it’s smaller than that, you may want to add a step, using z* at first, finding n,
and then replacing z* with the corresponding t*n - 1 and calculating the sample size once more.
A company claims its program will allow your computer to download movies quickly.
We’ll test the free evaluation copy by downloading a movie several times, hoping to
estimate the mean download time with a margin of error of only 4 minutes. We think
the standard deviation of download times is about 5 minutes.
QUESTION: How many trial downloads must we run if we want 95% confidence in
our estimate with a margin of error of only 4 minutes?
ANSWER: Using z* = 1.96, solve
1.96 * 5
1n =
= 2.45
n = (2.45)2 = 6.0025
4 = 1.96
That’s a small sample size, so I’ll use (6 − 1) = 5 degrees of freedom17 to substitute
an appropriate t* value. At 95%, t*5 = 2.571. Solving the equation one more time:
2.571 * 5
1n =
≈ 3.214
n = (3.214)2 ≈ 10.33
4 = 2.571
To make sure the ME is no larger, I’ll round up, which gives n = 11 runs. So, to get
an ME of 4 minutes, I’ll find the downloading times for 11 movies.
Ordinarily we’d round the sample size up. But at this stage of the calculation, rounding down is the safer choice.
Can you see why?
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
Sample size calculations are never exact. But, it’s always a good idea to know whether
the sample size is large enough to give you a good chance of being able to tell you what
you want to know, before you collect any data.
On the other hand, when we are testing a null hypothesis, we will be concerned with
our ability to detect departures from the null that might be of considerable practical importance, so our focus shifts from the margin of error to the power of the test. Power calculations for the t-test are more complicated than those for the single proportion test (as
illustrated in Chapter 17), but the basic idea is the same. Specify the difference from the
null that you believe is big enough to be of practical importance, then determine the sample size (using software) that achieves the desired power (such as 0.8 or 0.9).
Make sure your test is adequately powered for important alternatives, or you risk
letting those big important effects (departures from the null)—just what you were looking for—slip by undiscovered. Turning up the power of a test is like turning up the
power of a microscope, allowing you to see and discern even small things more clearly—
in the case of tests, it allows you to see genuine effects or differences more clearly. With
low power, you may end up seeing nothing clearly, so you fall back on the status quo of
the null.
Let’s return to the chapter example where we tested the null hypothesis of a mean
mirex content in farm-raised salmon of 0.08 ppm, the recommended screening level for
this contaminant. True levels slightly above 0.08 ppm might not matter all that much, but
suppose that a level as high as 0.10 ppm was considered dangerously high, meriting major
remedial action. We would want to ensure that our test will lead us to correctly reject the
null hypothesis when such a high contamination level is actually present. Tell your software the following:
Statistical test to be used. Here we need the one-sample t-test.
Alpha level of your test. Let’s choose the very common a = 0.05.
The null hypothesis. In this example, it is the screening level of m = 0.08 ppm.
Directionality of alternative. Let’s make it one-sided: m 7 0.08, since we only care
to detect high levels of mirex.
Particular alternative (effect size) considered to be of practical importance. This is
the alternative (to the null) that we want to have a good chance to detect, should it be
true. We decided that m = 0.10 ppm was a dangerously high level, so that is the
alternative that we enter. For purposes of comparison, we’ll also consider
m = 0.09 ppm.
Your guess at the standard deviation of the measurements. Let’s guess that
approximately s = 0.05, perhaps from some available data or pilot study, or just by
making an educated guess. Why can’t we use the s from our study? Well, remember
that this is usually a planning exercise, so the study hasn’t been run yet!
Desired power. Let’s aim for a rather high power of 0.95. This means that 95 times in
100 when we have a situation as bad as 0.10 ppm, we will correctly reject the null
hypothesis and conclude that mirex levels are too high.
Okay! Ready . . . aim . . . fire (up your software). Below is some typical output:
Power and Sample Size
One-Sample t Test
Testing mean = null (versus > null)
Calculating power for mean = null + difference
Alpha = 0.05 Assumed standard deviation = 0.05
Sample Size
The sample size is for each group.
Target Power
Actual Power
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PART VI Learning About the World
It appears that the researchers didn’t need to test 150 salmon; 70 would have sufficed,
if 0.02 ppm above the screening value is where serious problems occur. But if they felt
they needed to detect a lower mirex level, like 0.09 ppm (0.01 above the screening level),
272 salmon would be required for testing. Note we have demanded a rather high power of
0.95. If you reduce this target power, smaller sample sizes will result.
Actually, this power calculation is quite doable without using the computer if the
sample size is not too small—at least 40 or 50. Check the last two exercises at the end of
this chapter if you’d like to go through the actual calculations without using software, for
moderately big samples.
*20.6 The Sign Test
Another and perhaps more simple way to test the Ministry’s claim of 15 minutes average
school travel time would be to ignore the actual travel time data and just ask each student,
“Does it take longer than 15 minutes to get to school?” So rather than record the numerical
times in minutes, we could just record a “yes” (or “1”) for students who take longer than
15 minutes and a “no” (or “0”) for students who take less than 15 minutes (and we’ll
ignore those who say it takes them exactly 15 minutes).
But what is the actual null hypothesis that could be tested from such 0–1 data? Well,
15 minutes would be some sort of centre if roughly equal numbers of students took more
than 15 minutes and less than 15 minutes. Aha! That would then make 15 minutes not the
mean, but rather the median travel time, and so our null hypothesis would say that the median
is 15 minutes. If this null hypothesis were true, we’d expect the proportion of students who
take longer than 15 minutes to be 50%. On the other hand, if the true median time were
greater than 15 minutes, we’d expect to have more than 50% of students with travel times
exceeding 15 minutes.
What we’ve done is turn the quantitative data about travel times into a set of yes-or-no values (Bernoulli trials from Chapter 14). And we’ve turned a question about the median time into
a test of a proportion (Is the proportion of students who take more than 15 minutes to get to
school greater than 0.50?). We already know how to conduct a test of proportions, so this isn’t a
new situation. (Can you see why we had to throw out the data points exactly equal to 15?)
When we test a hypothesized median by counting the number of values above and
below that value, it’s called a sign test. The sign test is a distribution-free method (or
non-parametric method), so called because there are no distributional assumptions or conditions on the data. Specifically, because we are no longer working with the original quantitative data, we aren’t requiring the Nearly Normal Condition.
We already know all we need for the sign test Step-by-Step:
Step-by-Step Example *A SIGN TEST
THINK ➨ Plan
State what we want to know.
I want to know whether there is evidence that the
median travel time to school for secondary school
students exceeds 15 minutes.
Identify the parameter of interest. Here, it is the
population median.
I have 34 students for the test (six students
with travel times of 15 minutes were omitted) and
have recorded whether or not their travel times
exceeded 15 minutes.
Identify the variables and review the W’s.
Write the null and alterna-
tive hypotheses.
There is not a great need to plot the data. Medians are resistant to the effects of skewness or
H0: The median travel time to school for Ontario
secondary students is 15 minutes. Equivalently,
the proportion of student travel times exceeding
15 minutes is 50%:
H0: p = 0.50.
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
HA: The true proportion of students taking
more than 15 minutes is more than 0.50, or
p 7 0.50.
Think about the assumptions and
check the conditions. The sign test doesn’t require the Nearly Normal Condition.
✓ Independence Assumption: Previously checked.
✓ Randomization Condition: Previously checked.
✓ 10% Condition: The data are from a large
number of students (so no special adjustment
is needed to our SE formula).
If the Success/Failure Condition fails, we can
still calculate a P-value using the Binomial model
for the observed count of Successes.
✓ Success/Failure Condition: Both np0 =
34(0.5) = 17 and nq0 = 34(0.5) = 17 are
greater than 10, showing that I expect at
least 10 successes and at least 10 failures.
Hence the Normal model for proportions may
be used.
Choose your method.
Because the conditions are satisfied, I’ll do a sign
test. This is just a test of p0 = 0.5.
Mechanics We use the null model to find
SHOW ➨ the
P-value—the probability of observing a proportion as far from the hypothesized proportion
as the one we observed, or even farther.
The P-value is the probability of observing a
sample proportion as large as 0.529 (or larger)
when the null hypothesis is true:
SD(pn) =
0.5 * 0.5
= 0.0857
Of the 34 students, 18 had times over 15 minutes (six indicated exactly 15 minutes and were
dropped), so the observed proportion, pn, is 0.529.
P = P(pn Ú 0.529 p = 0.50)
The probability of observing a value 0.34 standard
deviations or more above the mean of a Normal
model can be found by computer, calculator, or
0.529 - 0.5
= 0.34, so it is 0.34
standard deviations above the hypothesized
z =
The P-value is P(z 7 0.34) = 0.367.
Link the P-value to your deciTELL ➨ Conclusion
sion, then state your conclusion in the proper
The P-value of 0.367 is not very small, so I fail to
reject the null hypothesis. There is insufficient
evidence to suggest that the median travel time is
greater than 15 minutes.
The sign test is simpler than the t-test, and it requires fewer assumptions. We need
only yes/no data. We still should check for Independence and the Randomization Condition, but we no longer need the Nearly Normal Condition. When the data satisfy all
the assumptions and conditions for a t-test on the mean, we usually prefer the t-test
because it is more powerful than the sign test; for the same data, the P-value from the
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PART VI Learning About the World
t-test would be smaller than the P-value from the sign test. (In fact, the P-value for the
t-test here was 0.099.) That’s because the t-test uses the actual quantitative data values,
which contain much more information than just knowing whether those same values
are over 15. The more information we use, the more potential for statistical
On the other hand, the sign test works even when the data have outliers or a skewed
distribution—problems that can distort the results of the t-test and reduce its power. When
we have doubts whether the conditions for the t-test are satisfied, it’s a good idea to perform a sign test.18
The most fundamental issue you face is knowing when to use Student’s t methods.
Don’t confuse proportions and means. When you treat your data as categorical, counting
successes and summarizing with a sample proportion, make inferences using the (usually
Normal model based) methods you learned about in Chapters 16 through 19. When you
treat your data as quantitative, summarizing with a sample mean, make your inferences
using Student’s t methods.
Student’s t methods work well when the Normality Assumption is roughly true. Naturally, many
of the ways things can go wrong turn out to be different ways that the Normality Assumption can
fail. It’s always a good idea to look for the most common kinds of failure. It turns out that you
can even fix some of them.
Beware of multimodality. The Nearly Normal Condition clearly fails if a histogram of the
data has two or more modes. When you see this, look for the possibility that your data
come from two groups. If so, your best bet is to try to separate the data into different
groups. (Use the variables to help distinguish the modes, if possible. For example, if the
modes seem to be composed mostly of men in one and women in the other, split the data
according to sex.) Then you could analyze each group separately.
Beware of severely skewed data. Make a Normal probability plot and a histogram of the
data. If the data are very skewed, you might try re-expressing the variable. Re-expressing
may yield a distribution that is more nearly unimodal and symmetric, more appropriate
for Student’s t inference methods for means. Re-expression cannot help if the sample
distribution is not unimodal. Some people may object to re-expressing the data, but unless
your sample is very large, you just can’t use the methods of this chapter on data that are
severely skewed.
Set outliers aside – respectfully. Student’s t methods are built on the mean and standard
deviation, so we should beware of outliers when using them. When you make a histogram
to check the Nearly Normal Condition, be sure to check for outliers as well. If you find
some, consider doing the analysis twice, both with the outliers excluded and with them
included in the data, to get a sense of how much they affect the results.
The suggestion that you can perform an analysis with outliers removed may be controversial in some disciplines. Setting aside outliers is seen by some as “cheating.” But an
analysis of data with outliers left in place is always wrong. The outliers violate the Nearly
Normal Condition and also the implicit assumption of a homogeneous population, so they
invalidate inference procedures. An analysis of the nonoutlying points, along with a separate discussion of the outliers, is often much more informative and can reveal important
aspects of the data.
How can you tell whether there are outliers in your data? The “outlier nomination
rule” of boxplots can offer some guidance, but it’s just a very rough rule of thumb and not
an absolute definition. The best practical definition is that a value is an outlier if removing
it substantially changes your conclusions about the data. You won’t want a single value to
It’s probably a good idea to routinely compute both. If they agree, then the inference is clear. If they differ, it
may be interesting and important to see why.
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
determine your understanding of the world unless you are very, very sure that it is absolutely correct and truly “belongs” to your target population. Of course, when the outliers
affect your conclusion, this can lead to the uncomfortable state of not really knowing what
to conclude. Such situations call for you to use your knowledge of the real world and your
understanding of the data you are working with.19
Of course, Normality issues aren’t the only risks you face when doing inferences
about means. Remember to Think about the usual suspects.
As tempting as it is to get rid
of annoying values, you can’t
just throw away outliers and
not discuss them. It isn’t
appropriate to lop off the
highest or lowest values just
to improve your results.
Watch out for bias. Measurements of all kinds can be biased. If your observations differ
from the true mean in a systematic way, your confidence interval may not capture the true
mean. And there is no sample size that will save you. A bathroom scale that’s five pounds
off will be five pounds off even if you weigh yourself 100 times and take the average.
We’ve seen several sources of bias in surveys, and measurements can be biased, too. Be
sure to think about possible sources of bias in your measurements.
Make sure cases are independent. Student’s t methods also require the sampled values
to be mutually independent. Think hard about whether there are likely violations of
independence in the data collection method. If there are, be very cautious about using
these methods.
Make sure that data are from an appropriately randomized sample. Ideally, all data that
we analyze are drawn from a simple random sample or are generated by a completely randomized experimental design. When they’re not, be careful about making inferences from
them. You may still compute a confidence interval or get the mechanics of the P-value
right, but this might not save you from making a serious mistake in inference. For other
types of random samples, more complicated SE formulas apply. Cluster sampling in particular may have a much bigger SE than given by our formula.
Interpret your confidence interval correctly. Many statements that sound tempting are, in
fact, misinterpretations of a confidence interval for a mean. You might want to have
another look at some of the common mistakes (as explained on p. xxx). Keep in mind that
a confidence interval is about the mean of the population, not about the means of samples,
individuals in samples, or individuals in the population.
Choose your alternative hypothesis based only on what you are trying to prove. Never
choose a one-sided alternative after seeing which way the data are pointing, or you will
incorrectly report a P-value half its true size. If you have any doubt about the nature of
the alternative, go with the conservative choice of a two-sided alternative.
The steps for finding a confidence interval or hypothesis test for means are just like the corresponding steps for proportions. Even the form of the calculations is similar. As the z-statistic
did for proportions, the t-statistic tells us how many standard errors our sample mean is from
the hypothesized mean. For means, though, we have to estimate the standard error separately.
This added uncertainty changes the model for the sampling distribution from standard
Normal to t.
As with all of our inference methods, the randomization applied in drawing a random
sample or in randomizing a comparative experiment is what generates the sampling distribution. Randomization is what makes inference in this way possible at all.
The new concept of degrees of freedom connects back to the denominator of the sample standard deviation calculation, as shown earlier.
There’s just no escaping histograms and Normal probability plots. The Nearly Normal Condition required to use Student’s t can be checked best by making appropriate displays of the data. When we first used histograms, we looked at their shape and, in
particular, checked whether they were unimodal and symmetric, and whether they showed
any outliers. Those are just the features we check for here. The Normal probability plot
zeros in on the Normal model a little more precisely.
An important reason for you to know Statistics rather than let someone else analyze your data.
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PART VI Learning About the World
What Have We Learned?
Learning Objectives
Know the sampling distribution of the mean.
■ To make inferences using the sample mean, we typically will need to estimate its
standard deviation. This standard error is given by:
SE(y) =
■ When we use the SE instead of the SD, the sampling distribution model that allows
for the additional uncertainty is Student’s t.
Construct confidence intervals for the true mean, m.
A confidence interval for the mean has the form y { ME.
The Margin of Error is ME = t*dfSE(y).
Find t* values by technology or from tables.
When constructing confidence intervals for means, the correct degrees of freedom is
n 2 1.
Check the Assumptions and Conditions before using any sampling distribution for
Perform hypothesis tests for the mean using the standard error of y as a ruler and then
finding the P-value from Student’s t* model on n 2 1 degrees of freedom.
Write clear summaries to interpret a confidence interval or state a hypothesis test’s conclusion.
Find the sample size needed to produce a given margin of error or to produce desired
power in a test of hypothesis.
Review of Terms
Student’s t
A family of distributions indexed by its degrees of freedom. The t-models are unimodal, symmetric, and bell-shaped, but generally have fatter tails and a narrower centre than the Normal model.
As the degrees of freedom increase, t-distributions approach the standard Normal (p. 565).
Degrees of freedom for
Student’s t-distribution
For the application of the t-distribution in this chapter, the degrees of freedom are equal to
n 2 1, where n is the sample size (p. 566).
One-sample t-interval
for the mean
A one-sample t-interval for the population mean is
y { t*n - 1 * SE(y), where SE(y) =
The critical value t*n - 1 depends on the particular confidence level, C, that you specify and
on the number of degrees of freedom, n 2 1 (p. 567).
One-sample t-test
for the mean
Sign test
The one-sample t-test for the mean tests the hypothesis H0: m = m0 using the statistic
y - m0
where the standard error of y is SE(y) =
(p. 574).
t =
A distribution-free test of a hypothesized median (p. 582).
Statistics packages offer convenient ways to make histograms of the data. Even better for assessing near-Normality is a
Normal probability plot. When you work on a computer, there is simply no excuse for skipping the step of plotting the data
to check that it is nearly Normal. Beware: Statistics packages don’t agree on whether to place the Normal scores on the
x-axis (as we have done) or the y-axis. Read the axis labels.
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
Any standard statistics package can compute a hypothesis test. Here’s what the package output might look like in
general (although no package we know gives the results in exactly this form):20
Null hypothesis
Test Ho: (speed) = 30 vs Ha:
Sample Mean = 31.043478
t = 1.178 w/22 df
P-value = 0.1257
Activity: Student’s t in
Practice. We almost always use
technology to do inference with
Student’s t. Here’s a chance to do that
as you investigate several questions.
Alternative hypothesis
(speed) > 30
The P-value is usually
given last
The package computes the sample mean and sample standard deviation of the variable and finds the P-value from the
t-distribution based on the appropriate number of degrees of freedom. All modern statistics packages report P-values. The
package may also provide additional information, such as the sample mean, sample standard deviation, t-statistic value, and
degrees of freedom. These are useful for interpreting the resulting P-value and telling the difference between a meaningful
result and one that is merely statistically significant. Statistics packages that report the estimated standard deviation of the
sampling distribution usually label it “standard error” or “SE.”
Inference results are also sometimes reported in a table. You may have to read carefully to find the values you need.
Often, test results and the corresponding confidence interval bounds are given together. And often you must read carefully
to find the alternative hypotheses. Here’s an example of that kind of output:
Calculated mean,
Hypothesized value
Estimated mean
Std Error
HA: >30
Prob > ⎢t ⎢
Prob > t
Prob < t
Upper 95%
Lower 95%
2-sided alternative
(note the
1-sided HA:
The alpha level often
defaults to 0.05.
Some packages let you
choose a different
alpha level
P-values for each
Select variables.
From the Calc menu, choose Estimate for confidence
intervals, or Test for hypothesis tests.
Select the interval or test from the drop-down menu, and
make other choices in the dialogue.
Power and sample size calculations are not available.
Many statistics packages keep as many as 16 digits for all intermediate calculations. If we had kept as many,
our results in the Step-By-Step section would have been closer to these.
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PART VI Learning About the World
Specify formulas. Find t* with the TINV(alpha, df) function.
Not really automatic. There’s no easy way to find P-values
or to perform power and sample size calculations in Excel.
From the Analyze menu, select Distribution.
For a confidence interval, scroll down to the “Moments”
section to find the interval limits.
For a hypothesis test, click the red triangle next to the variable’s name, and choose Test Mean from the menu.
Then, fill in the resulting dialogue.
“Moment” is a fancy statistical term for means, standard
deviations, and other related statistics.
For power and sample size calculations, proceed as follows:
■ Choose Power and Sample Size from the DOE menu.
■ Choose One Sample Mean from the submenu.
■ Indicate the Difference in the means that you are hoping to detect, the Alpha value, and choose a one-or
two-sided alternative.
■ Guess at the Std Dev.
■ Fill in either your desired Sample size or Power. The
one you leave blank will be calculated.
Click Continue.
From the Stat menu, choose the Basic Statistics
From that menu, choose 1-sample t. . . .
Then, fill in the dialogue.
For power and sample size calculations:
From the Stat menu, choose the Basic Statistics, then
Power and Sample Size, then 1-Sample t. . . . In the
dialogue box, fill in any two of Sample Sizes, Differences,
Power values. Make your best guess at the value for the
Standard deviation. And be sure to check the Options for
the correct alternative hypothesis and significance level.
For Difference, fill in the difference between the null value
for the mean and the alternative value of the mean at
which you are doing the calculation. No need to indicate
the null value anywhere, as only the difference matters.
To test the hypothesis that m = mu (default is mu = 0)
against an alternative (default is two-sided) and to produce
a confidence interval (default is 95%), create a vector of
data in x and then:
■ t.test(x, alternative = c(“two.sided”
, “less”, “greater”),
mu = 0, conf.level = 0.95)
provides the t-statistic, P-value, degrees of freedom, and
the confidence interval for a specified alternative.
The dialogue offers a clear choice between confidence
interval and test.
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
In package {pwr} (not installed by default), to perform a
sample size or power calculation for a one-sample t-test,
pwr.t.test(n= , d= , sig.level= , power= , type=
“one.sample”) returns one argument that is not specified in the function.
For example, for fixed a = 5%, 80% power, and effect
size, d, of 0.5,
pwr.t.test(d=0.5, sig.level=0.05, power=0.8,
will return a sample size of 33.36713 (i.e., 34).
Use the alternative= “two.sided,” “less,” or “greater”
attribute to perform one-sided tests. In the case of using
“less,” your effect size should be negative.
The effect size, d, required by R is equal to the difference
between the alternative and null means divided by the population standard deviation. Since you often won’t have data
when doing this calculation, the SD needs to be guessed.
A pilot study can help.
From the Analyze menu, choose the Compare Means
From that, choose the One-Sample t-test command.
The commands suggest neither a single mean nor an interval. But the results provide both a test and an interval.
You need the IBM SPSS SamplePower add-on for power
and sample size calculations.
To do inference for a mean using summaries:
■ Click on Stat.
■ Choose T Statistics » One sample » with summary.
■ Enter the Sample mean, Sample std dev, and Sample size.
■ Click on Next.
Indicate Hypothesis Test, then eneter the hypothesized
Null mean, and choose the Alternative hypothesis.
To do inference for a mean using data:
■ Click on Stat.
■ Choose T Statistics » One sample » with data.
■ Choose the variable Column.
■ Click on Next.
Indicate Confidence Interval, and then enter the Level
of confidence.
Click on Calculate.
Indicate Hypothesis Test, then enter the hypothesized
Null mean, and choose the Alternative hypothesis.
Indicate Confidence Interval, then entre the Level of
Click on Calculate.
Power & Sample size calculations are readily available,
using Stat » T Statistics » One Sample » Power/Sample
■ Click on Hypothesis Test Power.
■ Fill in all the boxes except for the one that you want to
determine, either Power or Sample Size.
Make a guess at the Standard deviation.
TI-83/84 PLUS
Finding a confidence interval:
In the STAT TESTS menu, choose 8:TInterval. You may
specify that you are using data stored in a list, or you may
enter the mean, standard deviation, and sample size. You
must also specify the desired level of confidence.
Power and sample size calculations not provided.
Testing a hypothesis:
In the STAT TESTS menu, choose 2:T-Test. You may specify that you are using data stored in a list, or you may enter
the mean, standard deviation, and size of your sample. You
must also specify the hypothesized model mean and
whether the test is to be two-tail, lower-tail, or upper-tail.
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PART VI Accessing Associations Between Variables
1. t-models, part I Using the t tables, software, or a calculator, estimate
a) the critical value of t for a 90% confidence interval
with df = 17.
b) the critical value of t for a 98% confidence interval
with df = 88.
c) P(t Ú 2.09 if 4 df)
d) P( t 7 1.78 if 22 df)
2. t-models, part II Using the t tables, software, or a calculator, estimate
a) the critical value of t for a 95% confidence interval
with df = 7.
b) the critical value of t for a 99% confidence interval
with df = 102.
c) P(t Ú 2.19 if 41 df)
d) P( t 7 2.33 if 12 df)
3. t-models, part III Describe how the shape, centre, and
spread of t-models change as the number of degrees of
freedom increases.
4. t-models, part IV (last one!) Describe how the critical
value of t for a 95% confidence interval changes as the
number of degrees of freedom increases.
5. Cattle Researchers give livestock a special feed supplement to see if it will promote weight gain. They report
that the 77 cows studied gained an average of 56 pounds,
and that a 95% confidence interval for the mean weight
gain this supplement produces has a margin of error of
{11 pounds. Some students wrote the following conclusions. Did anyone interpret the interval correctly? Explain any misinterpretations.
a) 95% of the cows studied gained between 45 and 67
b) We’re 95% sure that a cow fed this supplement will
gain between 45 and 67 pounds.
c) We’re 95% sure that the average weight gain among
the cows in this study was between 45 and 67 pounds.
d) The average weight gain of cows fed this supplement
will be between 45 and 67 pounds 95% of the time.
e) If this supplement is tested on another sample of cows,
there is a 95% chance that their average weight gain
will be between 45 and 67 pounds.
6. Viewing hours Software analysis of the weekly hours
spent by Canadian secondary school students viewing
television, videos, or movies from a random sample of
200 students produced the t-interval shown below.
Which conclusion, from the choices below, is correct?
What’s wrong with the others?
With 90% Confidence,
8.6 6 m (weekly viewing hours) 6 10.8
a) If we took many random samples of Canadian secondary students, about 9 out of 10 of them would produce
this confidence interval.
b) If we took many random samples of Canadian secondary students, about 9 out of 10 of them would produce
a confidence interval that contained the mean weekly
television, video, or movie viewing time of all Canadian secondary students.
c) About 9 out of 10 Canadian secondary students spend
between 8.6 and 10.8 hours per week on television,
videos, or movies.
d) About 9 out of 10 of the students surveyed spend
between 8.6 and 10.8 hours per week on television,
video, or movie viewing.
e) We are 90% confident that the average time spent viewing television, videos, or movies by secondary students
in Canada is between 8.6 and 10.8 hours per week.
7. Meal plan After surveying students at Dartmouth College,
a campus organization calculated that a 95% confidence
interval for the mean cost of food for one term (of three in
the Dartmouth trimester calendar) is ($1372, $1562). Now
the organization is trying to write its report and is considering the following interpretations. Comment on each.
a) 95% of all students pay between $1372 and $1562
for food.
b) 95% of the sampled students paid between $1372
and $1562.
c) We’re 95% sure that students in this sample averaged
between $1372 and $1562 for food.
d) 95% of all samples of students will have average food
costs between $1372 and $1562.
e) We’re 95% sure that the average amount all students
pay is between $1372 and $1562.
8. Snow Based on meteorological data for the past century,
a local television weather forecaster estimates that the
region’s average winter snowfall is 58 cm, with a margin
of error of 5 cm. Assuming he used a 95% confidence
interval, how should viewers interpret this news? Comment on each of these statements (assuming a lack of
systematic climate change):
a) During 95 of the past 100 winters, the region got between 53 cm and 63 cm of snow.
b) There’s a 95% chance that the region will get between
53 cm and 63 cm of snow this winter.
c) There will be between 53 cm and 63 cm of snow on
the ground for 95% of winter days.
d) Residents can be 95% sure that the area’s average
snowfall is between 53 cm and 63 cm.
e) Residents can be 95% confident that the average snowfall during the past century was between 53 cm and
63 cm per winter.
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
9. Pulse rates A medical researcher measured the pulse
rates (beats per minute) of a sample of randomly selected
adults and found the following Student’s t-based
confidence interval:
With 95.00% Confidence,
70.887604 6 m(Pulse) 6 74.497011
a) Explain carefully what the software output means.
b) What is the margin of error for this interval?
c) If the researcher had calculated a 99% confidence interval,
would the margin of error be larger or smaller? Explain.
A computer program found that the resulting 95% confidence interval for the mean amount spent in March 2013
is (−$28366.84, $90691.49). Explain why the analysts
didn’t find the confidence interval useful, and explain
what went wrong.
13. Normal temperature The researcher described in Exercise 9 also measured the body temperatures of that randomly selected group of adults. The data he collected are
summarized below. We wish to estimate the average (or
“normal”) temperature among the adult population.
10. Crawling Data collected by child development scientists
produced this confidence interval for the average age (in
weeks) at which babies begin to crawl:
t-Interval for m 29.202 6 m(age) 6 31.844
(95.00% Confidence):
a) Explain carefully what the software output means.
b) What is the margin of error for this interval?
c) If the researcher had calculated a 90% confidence interval,
would the margin of error be larger or smaller? Explain.
Number of CEOs
Body Temperature (°C)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Total Compensation ($ Million)
Based on these data, a computer program found that a 95%
confidence interval for the mean annual compensation of
all Forbes 500 CEOs is (1.69, 14.20) $ million. Why
should you be hesitant to trust this confidence interval?
12. Credit card charges A credit card company takes a random sample of 100 cardholders to see how much they
charged on their card last month. Here’s a histogram:
# of Participants
11. CEO compensation A sample of 20 CEOs from the
Forbes 500 shows total annual compensations ranging from
a minimum of $0.1 million to $62.24 million. The average
for these 20 CEOs is $7.946 million. Here’s a histogram:
March 2005 Charges
a) Are the necessary conditions for a t-interval satisfied?
b) Find a 98% confidence interval for mean body
c) Explain the meaning of that interval.
d) Explain what “98% confidence” means in this context.
e) 37°C is commonly assumed to be “normal.” Do these
data suggest otherwise? Explain.
14. Parking Hoping to lure more shoppers downtown, a city
builds a new public parking garage in the central business district. The city plans to pay for the structure
through parking fees. During a two-month period (44
weekdays), daily fees collected averaged $126, with a
standard deviation of $15.
a) What assumptions must you make in order to use these
statistics for inference?
b) Write a 90% confidence interval for the mean daily income this parking garage will generate.
c) Explain in context what this confidence interval means.
d) Explain what “90% confidence” means in this context.
e) The consultant who advised the city on this project
predicted that parking revenues would average $130
per day. Based on your confidence interval, do you
think the consultant was correct? Why?
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PART VI Accessing Associations Between Variables
15. Normal temperatures, part II Consider again the stac) According to Stigler (who reports these values), the
tistics about human body temperature in Exercise 13.
true speed of light is 299 710.5 km/sec, corresponding
a) Would a 90% confidence interval be wider or narto a value of 710.5 for Michelson’s 1897 measurerower than the 98% confidence interval you calculated
ments. What does this indicate about Michelson’s two
before? Explain. (You should not need to compute the
experiments? Explain, using your confidence interval.
new interval.)
T 19. Departures 2011 What are the chances your flight will
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the 98%
leave on time? The U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statisconfidence interval?
tics of the Department of Transportation publishes inforc) If we conduct further research, this time using a sammation about airline performance. Here are a histogram
ple of 500 adults, how would you expect the 98% conand summary statistics for the percentage of flights defidence interval to change? Explain.
parting on time each month from 1995 thru September
d) How large a sample would you need to estimate the
2011. (
mean body temperature to within 0.05 degrees with
98% confidence?
# of Months
16. Parking II Suppose that, for budget planning purposes,
the city in Exercise 14 needs a better estimate of the
mean daily income from parking fees.
a) Someone suggests that the city use its data to create a
95% confidence interval instead of the 90% interval
first created. How would this interval be better for the
city? (You need not actually create the new interval.)
b) How would the 95% interval be worse for the
c) How could they achieve an interval estimate that
would better serve their planning needs?
d) How many days’ worth of data must they collect to
have 95% confidence of estimating the true mean to
within $3?
OT Departure (%)
There is no evidence of a trend over time.
a) Check the assumptions and conditions for inference.
b) Find a 90% confidence interval for the true percentage
of flights that depart on time.
c) Interpret this interval for a traveller planning to fly.
d) Suppose the number of flights differs considerably
from month to month. What are you actually
estimating in part b)? What might you recommend
doing instead?
17. Speed of light In 1882, Michelson measured the speed
of light (usually denoted c as in Einstein’s famous
equation E = mc2). His values are in km/sec and have
299 000 subtracted from them. He reported the results of
23 trials with a mean of 756.22 and a standard deviation
of 107.12.
a) Find a 95% confidence interval for the true speed of
T 20. Arrivals 2011 Will your flight get you to your destinalight from these statistics.
tion on time? The U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statisb) State in words what this interval means. Keep in mind
tics reported the percentage of flights that were late each
that the speed of light is a physical constant that, as far
month from 1995 through September of 2011. Here’s a
as we know, has a value that is true throughout the
histogram, along with some summary statistics:
c) What assumptions must you make in order to use your
n 201
y 17.111
speed of light (described in Exercise 17), Michelson
conducted an “improved” experiment. In 1897, he reported results of 100 trials with a mean of 852.4 km/sec
and a standard deviation of 79.0.
a) What is the standard error of the mean for these data?
b) Without computing it, how would you expect a 95%
confidence interval for the second experiment to differ
from the confidence interval for the first? Note at least
three specific reasons why they might differ, and indicate the ways in which these differences would change
the interval.
# of Months
T 18. Better light After his first attempt to determine the
Late Arrival (%)
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
We can consider these data to be a representative
sample of all months. There is no evidence of a time
a) Check the assumptions and conditions for inference
about the mean.
b) Find a 99% confidence interval for the true percentage
of flights that arrive late.
c) Interpret this interval for a traveller planning to fly.
d) The t test (or confidence interval) is sometimes referred to as a “small sample” procedure. Why would it
be okay to use a z* value instead of a t* value in constructing your confidence interval in part b)?
T 21. Farmed salmon, second look This chapter’s For Ex-
amples looked at mirex contamination in farmed
salmon. We first found a 95% confidence interval for
the mean concentration to be 0.0834 to 0.0992 parts per
million. Later, we rejected the null hypothesis that the
mean did not exceed the EPA’s recommended safe level
of 0.08 ppm based on a P-value of 0.0027. Explain how
these two results are consistent. Your explanation
should discuss the confidence level, the P-value, and
the decision.
22. Hot dogs A nutrition lab tested 40 hot dogs to see if
their mean sodium content was less than the 325 mg upper limit set by regulations for “reduced sodium” franks.
The lab failed to reject the null hypothesis that the hot
dogs did not meet this requirement, with a P-value of
0.142. A 90% confidence interval estimated the mean
sodium content for this kind of hot dog at 317.2 to
326.8 mg. Explain how these two results are consistent.
Your explanation should discuss the confidence level,
the P-value, and the decision.
23. Pizza A researcher tests whether the mean cholesterol
level among those who eat frozen pizza exceeds the
value considered to indicate a health risk. She gets a
P-value of 0.07. Explain in this context what the “7%”
24. Golf balls The United States Golf Association (USGA)
sets performance standards for golf balls. For example,
the initial velocity of the ball may not exceed 250 feet
per second when measured by an apparatus approved by
the USGA. Suppose a manufacturer introduces a new
kind of ball and provides a sample for testing. Based on
the mean speed in the test, the USGA comes up with a
P-value of 0.34. Explain in this context what the “34%”
25. TV safety The manufacturer of a metal stand for home
television sets must be sure that its product will not fail
under the weight of the television. Since some larger sets
weigh nearly 300 pounds (about 136 kg), the company’s
safety inspectors have set a standard of ensuring that the
stands can support an average of over 500 pounds. Their
inspectors regularly subject a random sample of the
stands to increasing weight until they fail. They test the
hypothesis H0: m = 500 against HA: m 7 500, using the
level of significance a = 0.01. If the stands in the sample fail to pass this safety test, the inspectors will not
certify the product for sale to the general public.
a) Is this an upper-tail or lower-tail test? In the context of
the problem, why do you think this is important?
b) Explain what will happen if the inspectors commit a
Type I error.
c) Explain what will happen if the inspectors commit a
Type II error.
26. Catheters During an angiogram, heart problems can be
examined via a small tube (a catheter) threaded into the
heart from a vein in the patient’s leg. It’s important that
the company that manufactures the catheter maintain a
diameter of 2.00 mm. (The standard deviation is quite
small.) Each day, quality control personnel make several
measurements to test H0: m = 2.00 against
HA: m ≠ 2.00 at a significance level of a = 0.05. If
they discover a problem, they will stop the manufacturing process until it is corrected.
a) Is this a one-sided or two-sided test? In the context of
the problem, why do you think this is important?
b) Explain in this context what happens if the quality
control people commit a Type I error.
c) Explain in this context what happens if the quality
control people commit a Type II error.
27. TV safety revisited The manufacturer of the metal television stands in Exercise 25 is thinking of revising its
safety test.
a) If the company’s lawyers are worried about being sued
for selling an unsafe product, should they increase or
decrease the value of a? Explain.
b) In this context, what is meant by the power of the test?
c) If the company wants to increase the power of the test,
what options does it have? Explain the advantages and
disadvantages of each option.
28. Catheters again The catheter company in Exercise 26 is
reviewing its testing procedure.
a) Suppose the significance level is changed to a = 0.01.
Will the probability of a Type II error increase, decrease, or remain the same?
b) What is meant by the power of the test the company
c) Suppose the manufacturing process is slipping out of
proper adjustment. As the actual mean diameter of the
catheters produced gets farther and farther above the
desired 2.00 mm, will the power of the quality control
test increase, decrease, or remain the same?
d) What could they do to improve the power of the test?
29. Marriage In 1960, census results indicated that the age
at which Canadian women first married had a mean of
22.6 years. It is widely suspected that young people today are waiting longer to get married. We want to find
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PART VI Accessing Associations Between Variables
out if the mean age of first marriage has increased durd) Explain in context what your interval means.
ing the past 40 years.
e) Comment on the company’s stated net weight of
a) Write appropriate hypotheses.
28.3 grams.
b) We plan to test our hypotheses by selecting a random
T 33. Popcorn Yvon Hopps ran an experiment to test
sample of 40 women who married for the first time
optimum power and time settings for microwave
last year. Do you think the necessary assumptions for
popcorn. His goal was to find a combination of power
inference are satisfied? Explain.
and time that would deliver high-quality popcorn
c) Describe the approximate sampling distribution model
with only 10% of the kernels left unpopped, on
for the mean age in such samples.
average. After experimenting with several bags,
d) The women in our sample married at an average age of
he determined that power 9 at four minutes was the
27.2 years, with a standard deviation of 5.3 years.
best combination.
What is the P-value for this result?
a) He concluded that this popping method achieved the
e) Explain (in context) what this P-value means.
10% goal. If it really does not work that well, what
f) What is your conclusion?
kind of error did Hopps make?
b) To be sure that the method was successful, he popped
30. Fuel economy A company with a large fleet of cars
eight more bags of popcorn (selected at random) at
hopes to keep gasoline costs down and sets a goal of atthis setting. All were of high quality, with the followtaining a fleet average of at most 9 litres per 100 km. To
ing percentages of unpopped popcorn: 7, 13.2, 10, 6,
see if the goal is being met, they check the gasoline us7.8, 2.8, 2.2, 5.2. Does this provide evidence that he
age for 50 company trips chosen at random, finding a
met his goal of an average of no more than 10% unmean of 9.40 L/100 km and a standard deviation of
popped kernels? Explain.
1.81 L/100 km. Is this strong evidence that they have
failed to attain their fuel economy goal?
T 34. Ski wax Bjork Larsen was trying to decide whether to
a) Write appropriate hypotheses.
use a new racing wax for cross-country skis. He deb) Are the necessary assumptions to make inferences
cided that the wax would be worth the price if he could
average less than 55 seconds on a course he knew well,
c) Describe the sampling distribution model of mean fuel
so he planned to test the wax by racing on the course
economy for samples like this.
eight times.
d) Find the P-value.
a) Suppose that he eventually decides not to buy the
e) Explain what the P-value means in this context.
wax, but it really would lower his average time to
f) State an appropriate conclusion.
below 55 seconds. What kind of error would he
T 31. Ruffles Students investigating the packaging of potato
chips purchased six bags of Lay’s Ruffles marked with a
net weight of 28.3 grams. They carefully weighed the
contents of each bag, recording the following weights
(in grams): 29.3, 28.2, 29.1, 28.7, 28.9, 28.5.
a) Do these data satisfy the assumptions for inference?
b) Find the mean and standard deviation of the observed
c) Create a 95% confidence interval for the mean weight
of such bags of chips.
d) Explain in context what your interval means.
e) Comment on the company’s stated net weight of
28.3 grams.
T 32. Doritos Some students checked six bags of Doritos
marked with a net weight of 28.3 grams. They carefully
weighed the contents of each bag, recording the following weights (in grams): 29.2, 28.5, 28.7, 28.9, 29.1, 29.5.
a) Do these data satisfy the assumptions for inference?
b) Find the mean and standard deviation of the observed
c) Create a 95% confidence interval for the mean weight
of such bags of chips.
have made?
b) His eight race times were 56.3, 65.9, 50.5, 52.4, 46.5,
57.8, 52.2, and 43.2 seconds. Should he buy the wax?
T 35. Chips Ahoy In 1998, as an advertising campaign, the
Nabisco Company announced a “1000 Chips Challenge,” claiming that every 18-ounce (about 625 grams)
bag of their Chips Ahoy cookies contained at least 1000
chocolate chips. Dedicated Statistics students at the Air
Force Academy (no kidding) purchased some randomly
selected bags of cookies and counted the chocolate
chips. Some of their data are given below. (Chance, 12,
no. 1[1999])
1219 1214 1087 1200 1419 1121 1325 1345
1244 1258 1356 1132 1191 1270 1295 1135
a) Check the assumptions and conditions for inference.
Comment on any concerns you have.
b) Create a 95% confidence interval for the average number of chips in bags of Chips Ahoy cookies.
c) What does this evidence say about Nabisco’s claim?
Use your confidence interval to test an appropriate hypothesis and state your conclusion.
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
T 36. Yogourt Consumer Reports tested 14 brands of vanilla
yogourt and found the following numbers of calories
per serving:
for braking effectiveness. The company hopes the tire
will allow a car travelling at 100 km/h to come to a
complete stop within an average of 38 metres after the
brakes are applied. They will adopt the new tread pattern unless there is strong evidence that the tires do not
meet this objective. The distances (in metres) for 10
stops on a test track were 39.3, 39.0. 39.6, 40.2, 41.1,
37.5, 31.1, 38.1, 39.0, and 39.6. Should the company
adopt the new tread pattern? Test an appropriate hypothesis and state your conclusion. Explain how you
dealt with the outlier and why you made the recommendation you did.
# of Golfers
a) Check the assumptions and conditions for inference.
b) Create a 95% confidence interval for the average
calorie content of vanilla yogourt.
c) A diet guide claims that you will get an average of
120 calories from a serving of vanilla yogourt. What does
this evidence indicate? Use your confidence interval to
T 39. Driving distance 2011 How far do professional golfers
test an appropriate hypothesis and state your conclusion.
drive a ball? (For non-golfers, the drive is the shot hit
d) *Perform a sign-test to test the hypothesis that the
from a tee at the start of a hole and is typically the lonmedian number of calories is 120. Is your conclusion
gest shot.) Here’s a histogram of the average driving dissimilar to what you found in part c)?
tances of the 186 leading professional golfers by end of
November 2011 along with summary statistics (www.
T 37. Maze Psychology experiments sometimes involve testing
the ability of rats to navigate mazes. The mazes are classified according to difficulty, as measured by the mean
Count 186
length of time it takes rats to find the food at the end. One
291.09 yd
researcher needs a maze that will take rats an average of
StdDev 8.343 yd
about one minute to solve. He tests one maze on several
rats, collecting the data shown.
Time (sec)
a) Plot the data. Do you think the conditions for inference are satisfied? Explain.
b) Test the hypothesis that the mean completion time for
this maze is 60 seconds. What is your conclusion?
c) Eliminate the outlier, and test the
hypothesis again. What is your conclusion?
d) Do you think this maze meets the “one-minute average” requirement? Explain.
e) *Perform a sign-test to see if the median time is one
minute or less, keeping the outlier in the data set.
Does your conclusion change from the one you arrived at in part d)?
38. Braking A tire manufacturer is considering a newly
designed tread pattern for its all-weather tires. Tests
have indicated that these tires will provide better gas
mileage and longer tread life. The last remaining test is
Driving Distance (yards)
a) Find a 95% confidence interval for the mean drive
b) Interpreting this interval raises some problems.
c) The data are the mean driving distance for each golfer.
Is that a concern in interpreting the interval? (Hint:
Review the What Can Go Wrong warnings of Chapter
8. Chapter 8?! Yes, Chapter 8.)
d) If instead we used these golfers’ individual drive distances, what problem would this create for our inferential procedures?
T 40. Wind power Should you generate electricity with your
own personal wind turbine? That depends on whether
you have enough wind on your site. To produce enough
energy, your site should have an annual average wind
speed of at least eight miles per hour (mph), according
to the Wind Energy Association. One candidate site was
monitored for a year, with wind speeds recorded every
six hours. A total of 1114 readings of wind speed averaged 8.019 mph with a standard deviation of 3.813 mph.
You’ve been asked to make a statistical report to help
the landowner decide whether to place a wind turbine at
this site.
a) Discuss the assumptions and conditions for using
Student’s t inference methods with these data. Here
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PART VI Accessing Associations Between Variables
are some plots that may help you decide whether the
methods can be used:
# of Readings
Wind Speed (mph)
Wind Speed (mph)
Wind Speed (mph)
a) Estimate with a 95% confidence interval the true mean
percentage increase in the number of unemployed
persons per CMA/CA in Canada over this period.
b) Is your 95% confidence level quoted in part a) trustworthy? Check what you should.
c) The overall Canadian change in unemployment
numbers was an increase of 71.5%. If we took similar
repeated random samples and calculated such 95%
confidence intervals over and over, would you expect
them to catch this 71.5% figure 95% of the time? Why
or why not?
% Change
Campbell River
Hawkesbury, Ont. part
Prince Albert
Red Deer
Swift Current
Port Hope
Port Alberni
Ottawa-Gatineau, Gatineau part
Labrador City
Source: Adapted from Statistics Canada, Employment
Insurance Statistics Maps, 73-002-XWE2009002 June 2009,
Released August 25, 2009.
b) What would you tell the landowner about whether
this site is suitable for a small wind turbine?
c) Why could we easily analyze data like this even before
Gosset’s discovery of the t distribution?
41. Worst of times Below is a sample randomly selected
from all the Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs)
and Census agglomerations (CAs) in Canada
showing the percentage change in the number of
persons unemployed between May 2008 and May
2009 (during the deep 2008–2009 recession) for
each area.
42. Mercury sushi Torontonians (including one of your
authors) seem to love their sushi, but is it always
safe? The New York Times bought pieces of tuna sushi
from a number of restaurants and stores in New York
City in October 2007 and tested them for mercury levels. The results were not good. At most, consuming
just six pieces per week would put you beyond an acceptable consumption level of mercury (49 micrograms of mercury per week for a person of average
weight of 70 kg). Let’s hope Toronto would fare better—but then again, the article states that experts believe similar results would be observed elsewhere,
particularly for bluefin tuna sushi (the most common
type in the survey). Analysts examined at least two
pieces from each place and calculated the methylmercury level in parts per million. Results below are
for the piece of sushi with the highest mercury level
for the restaurants surveyed. The pieces vary in size,
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
so also shown is how many pieces per week it would
take to exceed the acceptable mercury intake of
49 micrograms per week.
Number of pieces
(parts per million) to reach Rfd
Bar Masa
Blue Ribbon Sushi
Jewel Bako
Monster Sushi
(22 West 46th Street)
New York Times
Nobu Next Door
Sushi of Gari
Sushi Seki
Sushi Yasuda
Yuki Sushi
Source: From the New York Times, January 23, 2008, © 2008 The
New York Times. All rights reserved. Used by permission and
protected by the copyright laws of the United States. The printing,
copying, redistribution, or retransmission of this content without
express written permission is prohibited.
a) Give a 95% confidence interval for the mean mercury
concentration level (per worst piece) if we can
consider this to be a representative sample of
New York City restaurants. Now check to see if
that figure of 95% confidence is really trustworthy (that is, check and comment on any necessary
b) Give a 95% confidence interval for the mean number
of (worst) pieces required to exceed health guidelines
if we can assume this to be a representative sample of
New York City restaurants. Now check to see if that
95% confidence level figure is really trustworthy
(that is, check and comment on any necessary
43. Simulations Use your computer software to generate a
sample of size 20 from a Normal distribution with a
mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10.
a) From the sample, calculate a 90% confidence
interval for the population mean. Does it contain the
number 50?
b) Repeat part a) for 99 fresh samples. How many confidence intervals out of 100 contained the number
50? What percent of confidence intervals would you
expect to contain the number 50 if you repeated these
simulations many times? If X = the number of confidence intervals out of 100 that contain 50, what is the
distribution of X?
44. More simulations Use your computer software to generate a sample of size 30 from a (continuous) uniform
distribution on the interval 0 to 1.
a) From the sample, calculate an 80% confidence
interval for the population mean. Does it contain the
true mean?
b) Repeat part a) for 49 fresh samples. How many
confidence intervals out of 50 contained the true
mean? What percent of confidence intervals would
you expect to contain the true mean if you repeated
these simulations many times? If X = the number of
confidence intervals out of 50 that contain the true
mean of this uniform distribution, what is the distribution of X?
45. Still more simulations Use your computer software to
generate a sample of size 15 from an exponential distribution with a mean of 1 (if a parameter is requested, set
it equal to 1.0). Plot the data and describe the shape of
this distribution.
a) From the sample, calculate a 90% confidence interval for the population mean. Does it contain the true
b) Repeat part a) for 99 fresh samples. How many confidence intervals out of 100 contained the true mean of
1.0? What percent of confidence intervals would you
expect to contain 1.0 if you repeated these simulations
many times? If there are difficulties answering this
question, explain. If we changed the sample size to
100, would that affect your answer?
46. Yet more simulation. Use your computer software to
generate a sample of size 100 from an exponential distribution with a mean of 1 (if requested, set scale = 1.0
and threshold = 0.0). Plot the data and describe the
shape of this distribution.
a) From the sample, calculate a 90% confidence interval
for the population mean. Does it contain the true mean?
b) Repeat part a) for 99 fresh samples. How many confidence intervals out of 100 contained the true mean of
1.0? What percent of confidence intervals would you
expect to contain 1.0 if you repeated these simulations
many times? Justify your answer.
47. Even more simulations Use your computer software
to generate a sample of size 5 from a Normal distribution with mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 5.
(For example, these might be Guinness stout measurements for a batch that you are checking for adequate quality.)
a) From the sample, test the null hypothesis that the
population mean is 50 (our requirement for passing the
batch) at the 10% significance level versus a two-sided
alternative. Did you reject the null hypothesis? Did
you make an incorrect decision? Did you pass or fail a
good or bad batch of stout? An incorrect decision here
would constitute what type of error?
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PART VI Accessing Associations Between Variables
b) Repeat part a) for 99 fresh samples. In how many tests
did you reject the null hypothesis? In what percent of
tests would you expect to reject this null hypothesis at
the 10% level if you repeated these simulations many
times? If X = the number of tests out of 100 in which
you reject the null hypothesis at the 10% significance
level, what is the distribution of X?
48. Final simulations Use your computer software to generate a sample of size 5 from a Normal distribution with a
mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 5. (For example,
these might be Guinness stout measurements for a batch
that you are checking for adequate quality.)
a) From the sample, test the null hypothesis that the
population mean is 60 (our requirement for passing the
batch) at the 10% significance level versus a two-sided
alternative. Did you reject the null hypothesis? Was
this a correct decision or an error? Did you pass or fail
a good or bad batch of stout? What type of error would
a wrong decision here constitute?
b) Repeat part a) for 99 fresh samples. In how many tests
did you reject the null hypothesis? This number is an
estimate of something—what, exactly? If you have the
appropriate software, use it to determine what would
be the long-run percentage of such rejections.
49. Calculating power For the chapter example about
salmon mirex levels, let’s do an approximate calculation
of the power of the test for an alternative of 0.09 ppm.
For samples of size n Ú 30, we can approximate the t
distribution by the standard Normal distribution in these
rough calculations. We also need to make a guess at the
value of the unknown parameter s, but here a study has
already been run, so let’s just take that s = 0.0495 as
the guess for s and round it to 0.05. Since we are guessing at s, this calculation is just an approximation, but
usually that’s all we need.
a) Setting alpha at 0.05, find the critical value for a standard Normal z-statistic. Write the criterion for rejection of the null in terms of the t-statistic. You should
y - 0.08
7 z*, with a specific
have a criterion like
s> 1150
number for the critical value.
b) Now another approximation. Pretend that the sample
standard deviation s will equal the true population
standard deviation s. Funny thing to do, since s is random, not a constant, but this works well enough as an
approximation when n is not too small (and otherwise
we’d be stuck!). Rewrite the criterion above with just
the sample mean on the left side, that is, find out just
how big the sample mean must be for you to reject the
null hypothesis (after setting s = s). You should have
a criterion like y 7 y* with a specific number for the
y* critical value.
c) Calculate the probability that y is bigger than y*, assuming the true mean is equal to 0.09 (standardize
properly and use the standard Normal table). What
you’ve now got is the power—the probability of making the right decision (to reject m = 0.08 ppm) should
the true mean m = 0.09 ppm.
d) For a small n, though, this does not work well, since
you have to take into account more properly the random variation present in the sample standard deviation
s, in which case using statistical software is recommended. If your software does power calculations for
the one-sample t-test, use it to confirm your calculation above. Also using your software, determine how
low the power drops:
i. if you halve your sample size (n = 75).
ii. if you halve the sample size yet again (to n = 38).
50. More power to you For the chapter example about
school travel times, let’s do an approximate calculation
of the power of the test for an alternative of 20 minutes.
For samples of size n Ú 30, we can approximate the t
distribution by the standard Normal distribution in these
rough calculations. We also need to make a guess at the
value of the unknown parameter s, but here, a study has
already been run so let’s just make that s = 9.66 minutes
as the guess for s and round it to 10 minutes. Since we
are guessing at s, this calculation is just an approximation, but usually that’s all we need.
a) Setting alpha at 0.05, find the critical value for a
standard Normal z-statistic. Write the criterion for
rejection of the null in terms of the t-statistic. You
y - 15
should have a criterion like
7 z*, with a
s> 140
specific number for the critical value.
b) Now another approximation. Pretend that the sample
standard deviation s will equal the true population standard deviation s. Funny thing to do, since s is random,
not a constant, but this works well enough as an approximation when n is not too small (and otherwise we’d be
stuck!). Rewrite the criterion above with just the sample
mean on the left side; that is, find out just how big the
sample mean must be for you to reject the null hypothesis
(after setting s = s). You should have a criterion like
y 7 y* with a specific number for the y* critical value.
c) Calculate the probability that y is bigger than y*, assuming the true mean is equal to 20 minutes (standardize properly and use the standard Normal table). What
you’ve now got is the power—the probability of making the right decision (to reject m = 15 minutes)
should the true mean m = 20 minutes.
d) For small n, this does not work well, since you have to
take into account more properly the random variation
present in the sample standard deviation s, in which
case using statistical software is recommended. If your
software does power calculations for the one-sample ttest, use it to confirm your calculation above. Also using
your software, determine how low the power drops:
i. if you halve the sample size (n = 20).
ii. if you double the sample size (to n = 80).
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CHAPTER 20 Inferences About Means
Just Checking
1. Questions on the short form are answered by everyone in the population. This is a census, so means or proportions
are the true population values. The long forms are given to just a sample of the population. When we estimate
parameters from a sample, we use a confidence interval to take sample-to-sample variability into account.
2. They don’t know the population standard deviation, so they must use the sample standard deviation as an estimate.
The additional uncertainty is taken into account by t-models if we are using an unweighted average.21 We don’t
know what model to use for a weighted average (perhaps a t model but with a different SE formula).
3. The margin of error for a confidence interval for a mean depends, in part, on the standard error, SE(y) =
Since n is in the denominator, smaller sample sizes lead to larger SEs and correspondingly wider intervals. Long
forms returned by one in every five households in a less populous area will produce a smaller sample.
4. The t* value would change a little, while n and its square root change a lot, making the interval much narrower for
the larger sample. The smaller sample is one fourth as large, so the confidence interval would be roughly twice
as wide.
5. We expect 95% of such intervals to cover the true value, so five of the 100 intervals might be expected to miss.
6. The power would increase if we have a larger sample size.
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Though ideally a finite population correction factor should be applied to the SE formula, as discussed in Chapter 15, since the sample is more than 10% of
the population.