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Types of Plants and Animals
in the Marine West Coast
Typical Weather
Multimedia Design
By Devin
In the Marine West Coast there are
many trees and flowers in the area. In
Marine West Coast
the woods the trees vary, there are
evergreens, pine, and oak trees.
In the Marine West Coast there is a
wide variety of animals that live there.
Many animals including the deer and fox
live in the Evergreen forest. Also a very
unique animal called a lynx lives in this
type of climate.
Through most of this climates’ year it is very
humid. During the year it has westerly winds that
are brought to them by the ocean, these winds also
bring in cloudy skies, much precipitation, and mild
temperatures. The marine west coast climate is
found along a relatively narrow strip of coastal
Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and southern
Alaska in North America.
Average Temperature
Average Precipitation
The marine west coast is noted for having it
mild summers and also for having its mild winters, and
as a result of this it also has a small annual temperature
range. Its location on the west coast of the continent
puts it in the middle latitudes which puts itself in the
path of the westerly winds. Through this situation it
receives an influx of ocean air through out the year.
The marine west coast is not only noted for its
mild temperature but also for its heavy cloud cover and
high humidity throughout much of the year. This is
especially true for the marine west climate of North
America where orographic uplift is an important climate control. Polar air masses that rise up the windward western side create significant cloud cover and
precipitation. This climate is dominated by cyclonic
activities embedded in the Westerly's. These cyclones
bring storms of prolonged rain, drizzle, and fog to these
west coast locations.
The Best Time of
the Year to Visit
The best time of the year
to visit the Marine West Coast
would be during the summer
time. During this time of the
year you are able to do more
activities than you would during the cold months of winter.
Type of Clothes to
Wear in this Area
The clothes that you
should bring for the outdoors
include blue jeans, hiking boots,
t shirts, light jacket, sandals,
shorts, swimming gear, and
heavy coats for the evening
Types of Activities
To Do in This
You can go hiking, canoeing, kayaking, swimming,
whale watching, bird watching,
fishing or just enjoy being in the
great outdoors.
Map of the Marine West