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Installation and Operating Instructions
Proper installation, commissioning and records are required to maintain product warranty
Keep batteries upright.
use insulated tools.
DO NOt place or drop metal objects on top of the battery.
DO NOt wear watches, rings or other jewelry. Remove any articles of clothing with metal parts that might come in contact with
the battery terminals.
DO NOt smoke and DO NOt use open flames or create electric sparks.
Always wear protective clothing and equipment such as rubber gloves and goggles. If acid comes in contact with skin or eyes,
flush immediately with water and obtain immediate medical attention.
Avoid electrostatic charge. Before starting work on the battery, discharge any static electricity buildup.
DeLIveRy & stORAge
unpack the cells as soon as they arrive.
equipment is correct and is in good condition.
verify that the
If the cells cannot be installed immediately, store them in a clean,
cool, dry place. Avoid storing in direct sunlight.
When delivered filled and charged, the cells must be placed on
charge within 90 days from the date of shipment. At higher
temperatures, that period is reduced. If continuous charge is not
possible, the cells should be given a freshening charge every 60
days until they can be placed on permanent float charge.
Cells shipped in a dry-charged condition (without electrolyte) may
be stored for up to three years, provided they are adequately
protected against condensation and high humidity.
Apply a thin layer of No-Ox-Id® grease to the post surfaces.
CAutION: Never lift cells by the posts!
Place the cells on the rack, spacing them to accommodate the
inter-cell connectors supplied (.4”). Orient the cells so that the
polarity sequence is maintained (+...-...+...-, etc).
On tiered racks, start on the bottom tier and fill it before moving
to the top. unused space should be on the top. For stepped
racks, begin on the bottom (or front) step and fill it before moving
to the next steps. unused space should be on the top (back)
Remove oxidation from connectors with a fine grit paper or
scotch-Brite® pad. Be careful not to remove the lead plating.
Apply a thin layer of No-Ox-Id® grease to the contact surfaces.
the battery room must be clean and dry. the temperature
should be between 50°F and 80°F. the battery will perform best
at temperatures between 68°F and 77°F.
Lightly smear No-Ox-Id® grease on the surfaces of all hardware.
Fit the inter-cell and inter-tier connectors using the bolts, nuts
and washers supplied.
use insulated wrenches to tighten the parts firmly together. Do
not overtighten. Recommended torque is 70 inch-pounds (8 Nm)
for BLse and 90 inch-pounds for Lse.
the battery room should be sized to ensure adequate ventilation
and access to battery to allow proper maintenance.
entry doors should have signs warning against smoking or open
flames and regarding the presence of hazardous materials.
entry should be restricted to authorized personnel who are fullytrained and knowledgeable of batteries.
Before installing the cells, clean and dry jars, lids, posts and all
other components. Remove oxidation from posts with a fine grit
paper or scotch-Brite® pad. Be careful not to remove the lead
If spilled acid is present, use a rag dampened in a water and
baking soda solution to remove acid from the post bodies. If
spilled acid is found in the post inserts, soak the part with this
solution and then dry. Do not let the solution get into the cells.
Be sure area around battery is free of debris and items used
during installation.
Make sure that all vent caps are closed.
Connect the positive terminal of the battery to the positive
terminal of the charger and the battery negative to the charger
(Continued on reverse)
L12/14-IC 03/10
(continued from front)
Number the cells with the numbers supplied with the battery. It
is common practice to number the cells beginning with number
1 at the positive end of the battery and following the sequence
of electrical connections of the cells to the negative end of the
An equalize charge is generally required:
► when the total float voltage spread between the cells is
greater than 0.04v
► for faster recharging after a discharge
► after topping up the cells
► when floating below 2.22v per cell (see table)
Cells shipped in dry-charged condition must be filled prior to use.
When required, equalize between 2.33 and 2.4v per cell for 24
Always use glass or plastic containers and funnels to fill the
cells. Never use metallic materials; electrolyte may corrode
them or react on contact. Fill the cells to the “MAX” line and
wait to allow the acid to soak into separators and plates. After
approximately 3 hours the electrolyte level will drop due to the
absorption. top to the “MAX” line again.
Cells filled on site must be given an initial charge within 18
hours of filling to avoid potential and permanent damage.
Commissioning is required after filling cells that are supplied in
a dry-charged condition.
Before starting the charge, check that electrolyte temperature
does not exceed 95°F. If necessary let the battery rest until this
temperature is reached.
Charge the battery at 0.1 C8 A for 20 hours. every three hours
record individual cell voltages, specific gravity of 20% of the cells
and electrolyte temperature in 2 or 3 pilot cells.
Batteries supplied in a filled and charged condition should be
given a freshening charge before being put into service.
Charge at constant voltage between 2.33 and 2.4v per cell for
24 hours. Continue charging and record the specific gravity each
hour. the charge is complete when the specific gravity readings
of all cells have remained constant for at least 2 hours.
Float charge is applied to maintain the battery in fully charged
condition during normal battery operation.
Recommended float is 2.23v per cell at 77°F.
every 6 months
every 3 months
Water consumption is minimized when floating at 2.23v. When
level approaches MIN line, top the cells to the MAX line with deionized water. Never allow the electrolyte to fall below the MIN
and never top with acid as doing so may cause permanent
damage to the battery and void the product warranty.
2.22 - 2.23
After 20 hours, increase recording interval to every hour and
continue charging until specific gravity and voltage remain
constant for two hours and each cell has reached a minimum of
If the charger does not allow the cells to reach 2.6v, extend the
charge time to deliver 150 - 160% of the cell capacity into the
battery. A minimum of 2.4v per cell should be available for the
initial charge process.
Equalize Interval
should the temperature exceed 113°F (45°C):
► decrease the current to 50% of its original rate, or
► discontinue the charge and let the battery stand on
open circuit until the temperature falls to 95°F
► resume the charging process. the charge time should
be extended proportionally.
Float Voltage
Check the general appearance and cleanliness of the
battery, the battery rack and the battery area.
Check for cracks in cells or electrolyte leakage.
Check for corrosion at terminals, connectors, or racks.
Record the overall battery float voltage measured at the
battery terminals (not at the charger).
Record the voltages, temperature and specific gravity
of the designated pilot cells.
Check the electrolyte level of the cells.
Clean and dry the cell lids and connectors using antistatic cloths
Inspect the charging system, ambient temperature and
take corrective actions, as required, in accordance with
Ieee standard 450 – Recommended Practice for
Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented
Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications
Check the general appearance and cleanliness of the
battery, the battery rack and the battery area.
Check for cracks in cells or electrolyte leakage.
Check for corrosion at terminals, connectors, or racks.
Record the overall battery float voltage measured at the
battery terminals (not at the charger).
Record all cell voltages with the charger on.
Record the electrolyte temperature of the pilot cells.
Record the specific gravity of all the cells.
Check the electrolyte level of all the cells.
Clean and dry the cell lids and connectors.
tighten all connectors to proper torque.
Record the inter-cell connection resistances.
Inspect the charging system.
Record the charge current.
Check the structural integrity of the battery racks.
take corrective actions, as required, in accordance with
Ieee standard 450 – Recommended Practice for
Maintenance, Testing, and Replacement of Vented
Lead-Acid Batteries for Stationary Applications