Download Biology 162 Discussion Section Week 7 The Chromosome Dance

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Biology 162
Discussion Section
Week 7
The Chromosome Dance
Chapters 12 & 13 (the Cell Cycle; Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles) are challenging ones.
They describe a process of fundamental significance to life, cell division, but they are filled with
so much factual information that it is easy for the important principles to be obscured.
Unfortunately, a full appreciation of cell division is not possible without a thorough
understanding of the mechanisms underlying mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is the process of cell
division responsible for growth, development, tissue turnover, and tissue repair in multicellular
organisms. Meiosis, which involves two successive steps of cell division (meiosis I and meiosis
II), is central to gamete formation in sexually reproducing organisms. Your GSI will help you to
understand these processes and the differences between them by leading you through “the
Chromosome Dance”.
Before you begin, be sure you can define (and fully understand!) the following terms:
haploid vs. diploidhomologous chromosomes vs. sister chromatidsThen, jot down the sequence of events occurring in Mitosis & Meiosis
Meiosis I
Meiosis II
Questions for Discussion
1. Fill in the table below. When you can do so without referring to the text, your knowledge of
cell division is sufficient for you to consider the larger issue of the significance of mitosis and
meiosis to multicellular organisms.
Meiosis I
Meiosis II
Generates two diploid cells from a diploid cell
Generates two haploid cells from a diploid cell
Generates two haploid cells from a haploid cell
Homologous chromosomes separate during anaphase
Sister chromatids separate during anaphase
Sister chromatids are not necessarily identical
Sister chromatids are identical
DNA replicates prior to prophase
DNA does not replicate prior to prophase
Crossing over can occur
Non-disjunction can occur
Centromeres divide
Individual chromosomes align at equatorial plate
during metaphase
Homologous pairs of chromosomes align at
equatorial plate during metaphase
Occurs in somatic cells
Occurs in sex cells
Produces two daughter cells that are genetically
identical to each other and to the parent cell
Produces two daughter cells that are not genetically
identical to each other and to the parent cell
2. The crucial difference between mitosis and meiosis is encapsulated nicely by the statement
that “mitosis is a mechanism for constancy,” whereas “meiosis is a mechanism for diversity.”
Why is it important that organisms have one process of cell division that ensures
“constancy” and another that ensures “diversity”?
3. Does chance play a role in either mitosis or meiosis? If so, in what steps or processes?