* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
CALL FOR PAPERS: MARKETING AND INNOVATION The ECMI-AMA-EMAC Invitational Symposium on Marketing and Innovation (Inaugural bi-annual joint Symposium of EMAC and AMA) Special Issue of International Journal of Research in Marketing Conference Co-Chairs and Special Issue Co-Editors Gui Liberali (Erasmus School of Economics), Stefan Stremersch (Erasmus School of Economics and IESE Business School), Roland Rust (University of Maryland& Erasmus School of Economics), Eitan Muller (IDC and NYU) Submission Deadline: September 10, 2013 The Erasmus Center for Marketing and Innovation (ECMI), The American Marketing Association (AMA), and the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) are proud to announce the invitational Symposium on Marketing and Innovation, from May 28 to 30, 2014, at the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. This symposium is the inaugural edition of a bi-annual symposium series organized jointly by the American Marketing Association (AMA) and the European Marketing Academy (EMAC). A special issue of the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), EMAC’s flagship journal, will complement the symposium. AMA will distribute the content to its practitioner audience through diverse media. This event is positioned as absolutely first rate: it will draw a pool of hand-selected C-level practitioners and top-level academics in marketing and innovation. The plenary and concurrent sessions will feature thought leaders from both academia and industry, selected from all submissions received. We aim for 150 participants, equally distributed among practitioners and academics. The best papers and contributions can be offered for publication to IJRM, following IJRM’s normal review procedure, to appear in a special issue on Marketing and Innovation. We invite innovative and groundbreaking contributions that address issues related to the fields of marketing and innovation, and their intersection. More specifically, we are looking for a mix of contributions in three different areas: (1) the generation of innovations, (2) the study of market feasibility for innovations, and (3) go-to-market strategies for innovations. The focus of the contributions can be: (1) conceptual, (2) methodological, or (3) interesting findings. We aim for a mix of different types of contribution, so we are very open to a very diverse submission flow: ranging from consumer behavior, to strategy, to modeling. Therefore, we are inviting scholars from such diverse fields as marketing, innovation, econometrics, operations research, consumer behavior, empirical industrial organization, and behavioral economics to submit papers with substantial implications for firms and public policy. Submissions for the conference are due September 10, 2013. The chosen contributions will be placed on the conference agenda. Authors will be notified of acceptance of their submissions by November1st, 2013. For the conference, authors can either submit full papers or extended abstracts (4-5 pages). Papers and/or abstracts should be sent by email (pdf file only) to [email protected]. To be considered for the special issue of IJRM, a completed version of the paper is due January 10, 2014, or preferably before (we will start to process papers when we receive them as of February 1, 2013). The IJRM review process will feature a maximum of two rounds. Papers will be published in 2015 Issue #3 of the journal. Papers are to be submitted through the IJRM submission website (EES) at, with an indication that it is a submission for the special issue (Article Type: “SI: Marketing & Innovation”). Given the limited time-window for revising papers, the editors’ aim is to make a decision in the first round; if not, definitely in the second round. It is therefore very important that submissions are as polished as possible. We allow authors to submit to and present at the symposium, without a commitment to publish their work in IJRM. We allow authors to submit their work to the IJRM special issue, without presenting it at the symposium, however the lead article in the IJRM special issue will be a paper that has been presented at the symposium. The author team of the best paper, as assessed by a jury, that will both be published in IJRM and presented at the symposium will win a contribution of US$5,000 to their future research. Please direct inquiries about the symposium or paper submission to: [email protected]