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Short Term Maths plan – ‘L3C – L4+ Set’ HA Maths
Week Beginning: 5thNovemberr 2012
Vocabulary: algebra, replace, symbol, equations, equal substitute, problem, rule, letter symbols, represent unknown, variables, algebraic operations, arithmetic operations, linear equations, integer
Learning intention
Minute maths
(Count in steps 0.5 while
Main Learning
L.I to use knowledge
from term 1 to
complete task
- produce a poster
teaching another
child a maths
L.I. to Introduce the
meaning of a+b and
simple substitution.
Chd to build own
success criteria-
Example of Direct Teaching
Diff Activities
Focus group in bold.
Complete posters
Counting stick tables 8x
L.I. to Introduce the
meaning of a+b and simple
Minute maths
(Count in steps 0.5 while
Counting stick tables 8x
Use flashcards y=2, w=5,
c=3, k=10, e=7, t=0.5
Point to 2 cards and ask chd
to write down on their
What is y+w, k-e, k+w-c?
Who can use the letters to
get an answer of….?
What are three lots of w?
What are two lots of c plus
I have in mind-decide which
need to symbols
-decide what the
symbols will be
-substitute the
object for a letter
- Record the
Show the chd the clip
So set the chd the problem of…
If 5 apples is 1 scarf and
6 scarves is 1 jacket
Lower lv5 – Each symbol is worth a
number. Work out the number which
the picture stands for. All the symbols
in one question are worth the same
amount. With a focus on addition and
Sweet bag 1
If n is amount of
bags chd write
equations that
expressive the
Tables showdown
How many apples would one jacket be?
Get the chd to work in pairs to work out this
Chd who solved problem to come to front and
explain who they solved this.
How could we write down with sybmols
what happened in the story.
5a = s and 6s = c where a is apples, s are scarfs
and c is a coat
Can you then substitute apples for scarfs in
the second sum to create an expresion for how
many apples make a scarf (6 x 5a = c)
If the old lady also knitted hats and 1 hat
was worth 3 apples. How many hats would she
need to exchange for a coat?
Lv5- Each symbol is worth a number.
Work out the number which the
picture stands for. All the symbols in
one question are worth the same
amount. With a focus on addition and
subtraction and multiplication.
Lv5 +- Each symbol is worth a
number. Work out the number which
the picture stands for. All the symbols
in one question are worth the same
amount. With a focus on all four
operations -, +, x and ÷
Stop during tasks for mini plenary.
Level 5c- Use letter symbols to represent unknown numbers or variables; know the meaning of word equation.
Level 5b- Understand that algebraic operations follow the same conventions and order as arithmetic operations.
Level 5a- Construct and solve simple linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on one side only) using an appropriate method (e.g. inverse operations).
L.I to use letter symbols to
L.I. to use letter
Chd to build own
Ask a child to come to the front and shake their
Mixed ability groups –
represent unknown
symbols to represent
success criteriahand, ask them how many handshakes can two
Chd to work together and come up
numbers or variables;
unknown numbers or
people make?
with an algebra rule for handshake
Write on the board
Sweet bag 2
If n is amount of
bags chd write
equations now that
Minute maths
(Count in steps 0.5 while
Counting stick tables 7x
Brain Warm Up Problem
Repeat the task from
yesterday with some more
difficult questions such as
W x y?
K = w –c?
I have in mind-decide which
need to symbols
-decide what the
symbols will be
-substitute the
object for a letter
- Record the
Nb people
Nb hands
Nb handshake
Repeat with 2 people shaking hands and recording
on the bd. Repeat with 3 and 4 people.
Nb people
Nb hands
Nb handshake
Talk about how we know the number of people and
then ask them to talk pair share what they notice
about the number of hands (double).
Ask them if anyone can spot the pattern in the
number of handshakes column(adding 1, adding 2
and adding 3 )
Ask talk pair share how many handshakes for 4
people? How do they know??
How many handshakes would 10, 15 and 20 make?
Can they work on this together and come up with an
algebra rule?
Chd to share their working out and
rules with each other.
Level 5c- Use letter symbols to represent unknown numbers or variables; know the meaning of word equation.
Level 5b- Understand that algebraic operations follow the same conventions and order as arithmetic operations.
Level 5a- Construct and solve simple linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on one side only) using an appropriate method (e.g. inverse operations).
L.I to use letter symbols to
L.I. to use letter
Chd to build own lv5 – work out what each
represent unknown
symbols to represent
success criteriapattern
letter in equations stands for
numbers or variables;
unknown numbers or
(addition only) then make some of
Min maths
It’s two friends’ party and they are trying to work out own.
Use counting stick teach 6
how many people they can sit at their party table. Of
times tables
course the birthday boy and girl must sit at opposite
I have in mindends of the table with all their guests sitting down
Lv5- work out what each letter in
Brain Warm Up
-decide which
either side.
equations stands for (addition and
Function Machine
need to symbols
subtraction and multiplication.)
Ask for a single digit
-decide what the
One table can sit 6 children, one at each end and two then make some of own.
number and put it in to the
symbols will be
on either side, when a second table is added 10
function machine. Look t
-substitute the
children can be seated (2 at either end and 4 at each
Lv5 +- work out what each letter in
the output, on whbds ask
object for a letter
side). As the tables and the number of children grow
equations stands for (all four
chd to write down the
- Record the
a pattern starts to appear. Can your pupils work out
operations -, +, x and ÷) then make
function that occurred
the pattern and predict how many children could
some of own.
come to the party if there were 100 tables.
Tell them we are looking
Stop during tasks for mini plenary.
for rules.
After viewing ask questions such as:
How many children were at the party
when there was 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 tables.
Descibe what is happened each time a
table is added
How many children would be at the party if
there were 100 tables?
Can you work out a formula for how many
children there would be for any number of
we know how many
sweets are in each
bag what does n
represent in each
Head to Head tables
chd to ask
Have a couple
of questions
from today’s
task on the bd
and ask them
to come to
front to solve
what they
have done,
(names on bd)
n = (t x 4) + 2 when n is the number of
children and t is the number of tables.
What if 3 children could sit either side of
the table, how would the formula change?
Level 5c- Use letter symbols to represent unknown numbers or variables; know the meaning of word equation.
Level 5b- Understand that algebraic operations follow the same conventions and order as arithmetic operations.
Level 5a- Construct and solve simple linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on one side only) using an appropriate method (e.g. inverse operations).
L.I to use letter symbols to
represent unknown
numbers or variables;
Min maths
Use counting stick teach 6
times tables
Brain Warm Up
Function Machine
Ask for a single digit number
and put it in to the function
machine. Look t the output,
on whbds ask chd to write
down the function that
Tell them we are looking for
L.I. Use letter symbols
to represent
unknown numbers or
know the meaning of
word equation.
Chd to build own
success criteria-
Davinci codes
Work in small gps for a head to head..
Give the chd a code to solve, quickest person to
solve the code will get a point.
I have in mindRepeat with codes that use all four operations.
Lower lv5 – solve simple equations
for all four operations all four
operations -, +, x and ÷.
Lv5- solve simple equations for all
four operations all four operations
-, +, x and ÷. Then try simplifying
Lv5 +- solve simple equations for all
four operations all four operations
-, +, x and ÷, simplifying equations.
then try some if x=9 what is y?
Stop during tasks for mini plenary.
Level 5c- Use letter symbols to represent unknown numbers or variables; know the meaning of word equation.
Level 5b- Understand that algebraic operations follow the same conventions and order as arithmetic operations.
Level 5a- Construct and solve simple linear equations with integer coefficients (unknown on one side only) using an appropriate method (e.g. inverse operations).
Have a couple
of questions
from today’s
task on the bd
and ask them
to come to
front to solve
what they
have done,
Tables Showdown