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Computer Lab Activities
Neurotransmission and the Nervous System
Name ______________________ Date _____________ Class Period______
Go to Google and type in “Neurotransmitters” Click on the 2 nd link
“Neurons for Kids – Neurotransmitters”
1) Look at the diagram (with the green background) at the top of the
page and read the description of neurotransmission to the right of it.
Describe how the following terms are applied to the
neurotransmission process:
a. Neurotransmitters – __________________________________
b. Synapse – __________________________________________
c. Depolarization - _____________________________________
2) Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on “Exploring the Nervous
System”. On the next page, click on the link “The Neuron” in the top
box. ON the next page, click on the “Gallery of Neurons.”
a. Note the various microscopic images of these pictures which
show what neurons look like under a microscope.
b. If you want to, you can vote for your favorite neuron and then
find out the current survey results.
3) Click on the prior page. In the same section you were just in, under
the heading, “The Neuron”, click on the link, “Lights, Camera, Action
Potential” and then answer the following questions:
a. What is the term that is mentioned that describes an electrically
charged chemical?
b. Is the electrical current polarized or depolarized during the
action potential?
4) Click back to the prior page. Under the heading, “Higher Functions,”
scroll down to “Chocolate and the Nervous System.” And click on the
link. Answer the following questions from the University of Michigan
a. Why does consuming chocolate create a sense of well-being?
b. What neurotransmitter is produced in the brain when chocolate
is consumed?
c. How is the sense of well-being that is created by consuming
chocolate different from that created by marijuana use? (Have a
clinical explanation for this response.)
5) Click back to the prior page. Click on the link for “Smart Drugs.”
Read through this page that includes information about the possibility
that drugs may some day be used to help with memory and thinking
processes and then answer the following:
a. What is your opinion about the possibility that chemicals could
actually change our thinking and learning capabilities? (Be sure
to read the research on this one!)
b. What two drugs have been approved to treat Alzheimer’s
c. What is the chemical explanation for how these drugs work?
6) On this same page, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and give a
brief, but opinionated response to the following questions:
a. Question 3 _________________________________________________
b. Question 5 _________________________________________________
c. Questions 7 ________________________________________________
d. Question 10 ________________________________________________
7) Click back one page and click on the link for “caffeine.” On this page
that comes up, answer the following question:
a. How much coffee consumption is a fatal dose?
8) Look at the charts showing the caffeine content of various drinks,
foods, and over-the-counter drugs. Answer the following:
a. How does the caffeine content of a five ounce cup of
decaffeinated coffee compare with a box of Raisenets?
b. Excedrein with twelve ounce Mountain Dew?
c. Eight Ounce Cherry Coca-Cola with Starbucks Coffee Ice
Computer Lab Activities
The Human Brain
Name ______________________ Date _____________ Class Period______
Go to Google and type in “Neuroscience for Kids” Click on the 2nd link
“Neurons for Kids – Exploring the Nervous System”. Scroll down to the
section titled “Brain Basics”
9) Click on the site, “Lobes of the Brain”. For a review of the lobes, note
the diagram on this page and the location of each lobal region. From
the information provided, give a specific description of the functions
of each lobe.
a. Occipital Lobe – _____________________________________
b. Frontal Lobe– _______________________________________
c. Temporal Lobe - _____________________________________
d. Parietal Lobe - _______________________________________
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and find the section about
Phineas Gage. Here you can see some pictures of his skull which is
now on display at Harvard’s School of Medicine. Click on the link
“more about poor Mr. Gage.” On the next page, click on the link,
“Phineas Gage’s Story.” Here you can read the account of his accident
including the newspaper account that was written in the papers at the
time of the accident.
a. What specific descriptions of Gage’s behavior and abilities after
the accident verify his brain damage mostly affected the frontal
lobe region? ________________________________________
Click back three times to the page showing the “Brain Basics”
section. Read the descriptions of the following brain areas and
summarize their primary functions:
a. The Cerebral Cortex (note the Latin derivative for the word
“cortex”) - __________________________________________
b. The Cerebellum - ____________________________________
c. The Hypothalamus - __________________________________
d. The Thalamus - ______________________________________
Click back to the prior page. Under the heading, “Brain
Basics,” click on the link “1 Brain or 2 Split Brain Experiments.”
Scroll down to the section labeled, “Right Side-Left Side.” Read the
information in this area and answer the following questions:
a. What percentages of right-handed people show a left-side of the
brain dominance for language?
b. What percentages of left-handed people show a left-side
dominance for language?
Scroll down further on this page to the box with the picture
showing a woman/man’s face.
a. Which face would a split brain patient POINT to if asked to
point to the normal face? ______________________________
b. With which hand? ____________________________________
c. Why would they point to that face given your knowledge now
of the specializations of the two hemispheres? _____________
d. When asked to VERBALIZE which face they see which one
they say they see? ____________________________________
Click back again to the prior page. Click on the link, “She
Brains, He Brains.” Answer the following from the site:
a. At birth, how much larger is a typical male brain compared to a
female brain? _______________________________________
b. What has research shown so far about difference in intelligence
and specialized abilities between men and women?
Click back again to the prior page and click on the link, “Brain
Size/Cerebral Cortex.” Look at the chart that compares the brain
weight of various species and answer the following questions by
calculating an approximate RATIO difference between the two
species that are compared:
a. The ratio difference between a cat and an owl?
b. Between a cat and a dog?
c. Between and elephant and a human?
d. What specific biological explanation is offered as to why brain
weight by itself does not correlate with intelligence?
Click back again one page. Click on the link, “What Became of
Albert Einstein’s Brain.” Scroll down and read the THIRD research
paper that was written about this.
a. What unique physiological characteristics were noted about
Einstein’s brain? ____________________________________
b. What were two problems with this research that were noted?
Return to Google. Type in “PET scans and schizophrenia.”
Scroll down to link number 14 titled “Research in Schizophrenia” and
click on this. Look at the diagrams and the information on this site.
a. What is the difference between the schizophrenic brain and the
“normal” brain? _____________________________________
b. What lobe region is showing a significant difference in activity?
c. Based on your knowledge of this lobe, what might this PET
scan activity explain about schizophrenic behaviors that would
result from this abnormality? ___________________________
10) Go back to Google. Type in “EEGs and Brain Activity.” Go down to
the 3rd link “7-2 Enrich: Sleep and Your Brain” and click on this. Read
the article and look at the graphs on this page. Answer the three questions
at the bottom on this page:
d. 1 - ________________________________________________
e. 2 - ________________________________________________
f. 3 - ________________________________________________