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„Rozvoj vzdělávání žáků karvinských základních škol
v oblasti cizích jazyků“
Registrační číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.1.07/02.0162
Určeno pro
7. ročník
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Téma / kapitola
Preparation for the War (Příprava války)
Herald a new war in the thirties were minor conflicts in various parts of the world,
accelerating the arms race and increasing conflicts between the superpowers.
Politics of Japan
In the Far East with an aggressive policy of asserting Japan. In 1931 the Japanese army
began to occupy Chinese Manchuria. Although the Western powers protested against the
Japanese attack, but the Japanese did not stop. The League of Nations sent to the
commission that was to illuminate the course of events. Meanwhile, the Japanese military
rule over the whole of Manchuria and created here become totally dependent on Japan.
At the beginning of 1932 the Japanese attacked the city of Shanghai. However,
encountered resistance from the Chinese population and the Kuomintang army and attack
In 1937, China again attacked and managed to conquer large areas of the Chinese coast.
Negotiations on disarmament
In the early thirties began negotiations on arms control. Between 1932 and 1933 took place
in Geneva Disarmament Conference, attended by representatives of nine of fifty states. The
negotiations did not reach any conclusion, because the individual powers trying to promote
their particular interests. The conference lost its meaning, when Germany left the meeting
and shortly afterwards withdrew from the League of Nations.
Politics of Germany
Hitler's Germany refused to integrate into any system of European security, suggesting the
Nazis preparing for war. Germans knowingly violated the Treaty of Versailles and
Locarno, when in 1935 introduced conscription. Although the Western powers with this
violation of German obligations opposed to any particular measure, but acceded. In 1936
the German army occupied the demilitarized zone in the Rhineland. This time the Western
In 1936, Germany and Italy have converged when started to support the Fascists during the
Spanish Civil War. Fighting continued until 1939, when the government seized the rebel
leader, General Franco, who immediately began to build a fascist state under Italian design.
The joint support of the Spanish fascists in European politics formed a new power bloc, the
axis Berlin - Rome. At the end of 1936 Germany and Japan concluded a treaty directed
against the Comintern and the USSR. After the contract also joined Italy, founded the Axis
- Rome - Tokyo.
Policy Italy
In 1935, Italy decided to expand its territory in Africa and invaded Ethiopia (Abyssinia).
Initially, the Italian army advanced rapidly into the interior of the country, but was later
Ethiopian troops, who use local knowledge, delayed. Italians have started the hard war of
extermination, which Ethiopians could face.
Response of the League
The war fully exposed the weakness of the League. The identified Italy, while the
aggressor, but the sanctions were adopted against it, Italy endanger economically, so that
she could continue the attack. The League of Nations failed to intervene effectively,
because the Western powers to apply a policy of appeasement, ie the policy of
reconciliation and appeasement. This policy was based on the belief that if you withdraw
útočníkovým claims, delay the larger conflict. The application of this policy, however,
strengthened the aggressive dictatorial states, particularly Germany, and Europe led to a
The question of Austria
The policy of appeasement of Hitler led to believe that he could carry out their attack
plans. The first goal of his aggression became Austria. 12th Third 1938 the German army
occupied Austria. Annexation of Austria to Germany, the Anschluss, Hitler justified by the
need to combine the two German countries, resulted in only the British and French
diplomatic protests.
The question of Czechoslovakia
After Austria, Hitler directed his attention to Czechoslovakia. The excuse to badger
Czechoslovakia was alleged suppression of rights of German minorities. He demanded that
Czechoslovakia surrendered the territory in which they lived most of the German
population. Great Britain and France did not want to risk war for Czechoslovakia,
Germany, and therefore withdrew. After several meetings on 29 9th 1938 meeting in
Munich conference at which representatives of Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy
signed an agreement under which Czechoslovakia had to give border area (also known as
the Sudetenland) to Germany. The British and French became public after the conclusion
of the Munich Agreement belief that sacrificing a small republic in Central Europe will
maintain.15th Third 1939, however, German troops occupied the rest of the Czech lands,
on which was a protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The day before the occupation
Slovaks declared their state, which was entirely dependent on Germany.
Other plans of Germany and Italy
Another requirement was to Hitler, Danzig, who was from the end of the war free port
administered by the League of Nations. A new crisis had to justify the increasing hostility
towards Germany, Poland, Gdansk controlled by foreign and trade policy. In this situation,
Great Britain and France to provide security guarantees to Poland in case of war. Tense
atmosphere used in Italy occupied Albania in April 1939. Shortly after Germany signed an
After failed negotiations between Great Britain, France and the USSR Stalin decided to
negotiate with Germany. In August 1939, signed in Moscow, the foreign ministers of
Germany and the Soviet Union (Molotov and Ribbentropp) non-aggression pact. Hitler and
make peace on the eastern border and could concentrate on implementing their plans. The
contract was also a secret appendix dividing spheres of influence of Germany and the
At the end of the holidays 1939 must have been obvious to European politicians, the
What policies applied in the 30th Japan years?
Why came out of negotiations on arms control?
The Germany violated the peace treaty?
What was the policy of Italy?
What is the policy of appeasement?
What is the Anschluss?
Describe the events in Czechoslovakia.
Which country ruled Albania?
Which countries have signed non-aggression pact?
Mandel, H.: History of the 20th century, Dialog, Liberec 2005
Kvaček, R. et al. Twentieth century itself, the history of the documents, Dialog, Liberec
Black, P. et al.: History in secondary vocational schools, SPN, Prague 2006
Jancik, D.: History of modern times, Fortuna, Prague, 1997