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Vocabulary for 4.3 Magnetism and Electricity
***You will need a good, working knowledge of these words!***
1. magnet- object that pulls iron and steel objects to itself
2. magnetic field- space around a magnet where the force of the magnet acts
3. compass- instrument that points to magnetic north by using the magnetic field of the earth
4. permanent magnet- magnet that holds its magnetic properties for a long time
5. electromagnet- temporary magnet made when electric current flows through a wire wrapped around an iron
or steel rod or center.
6. Michael Faraday- demonstrated that there is a connection between magnetism and electricity
7. static electricity- positive and negative electric charges that are separated from each other and are not
8. Ben Franklin- discovered that lightning is actually a form of electricity and invented the lightning rod
9. thermal energy- energy a substance has related to its temperature
10. radiant energy-energy of electromagnetic waves such as radio waves, microwaves, UV waves, and X
11. mechanical energy- energy of motion (sum of kinetic and potential energy in an object used to do work)
12. appliances- piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task, such as a refrigerator, stove, or dryer.
13. electricity- form of energy that comes from the buildup or flow of electric charge
14. insulator- material through which electric current does not pass easily
15. conductors- material through which electric current passes easily
16. electric current- continuous flow of negative charges (electrons) through a conductor
17. dry cell- chemical cell commonly used in batteries
18. switch- device used to start and stop the flow of electric current in a circuit
19. open circuit- circuit in which electric current cannot flow because the path is not complete
20. closed circuit- complete path along which an electric current flows
21. parallel circuit- circuit that connects several objects so that the current for each object has its own path
22. series circuit- circuit that connects objects one after the other so that the current flows in a single path
23. Thomas Edison- inventor who developed the first practical electric light bulb among many other things