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Why Germany, Italy, and
Japan took actions that
prompted the Second World
• Treaty of Versailles
– The Germans felt cheated by the treaty at the
end of WWI
• It strained them economically= War Reparations
• It took away land
• It diminished their military strength
• Great Economic Depression
– Brought on the rise of the Nazis- the
Nationalist Socialist Party
• Led by Adolf Hitler
– Blamed Jews for economic troubles also
• Also upset with Treaty of Versailles
• Also established Totalitarian rule with the
Fascist- Led by Benito Mussolini
– Like Hitler, Mussolini used propaganda to gain
the support of the people, and violence to put
down opposition
• Growing population
– Led to overpopulation and an expansionist philosophy
• Washington Conference- 1921
– Anger over limitations- on navy, territory
– 1931 Returned Manchuria
• Immigration Restrictions by U.S. and other
They gave govt. control to military to help with
overpopulation concerns.
Expansion Timeline
• 1935- Italy invades Ethiopia
• 1937- Japan takes over China
• 1938- Hitler and Germany invade Austria
– Later takes part of Czechoslavakia
• 1939- Germany and Italy assist Franco in
a revolution in Spain.
Hitler’s Grand Plan
• Lebensraum- plan to provide “Living
Space” for the German people
War on the Horizon
1935-Italy invades Ethiopia
1937- Japan takes over Manchuria in China
1938- Hitler invades Austria, Czechoslovakia
1939-Germany and Italy assist Franco in a
revolution in Spain
All of these were signals of another World War,
but some still believed peace was obtainable
Appeasement-The Munich
Conference of 1938
• Appeasement- giving into nations to avoid war-
providing something, in exchange of a promise from the
Munich Conference- After Hitler takes Czech., France &
Britain negotiated with Hitler that he could keep the
chosen territory if he promised to not advance any
further, and he “agrees”(wink wink)
The U.S. tries to remain its neutrality at this time
This would fail at this time, as Hitler takes over the rest
of Czech. & invaded Poland in March 1939
The Non-Aggression Pact
• Britain & France chose to defend Poland,
& seek the help of the Soviet Union, but
are denied
• Stalin(Soviet leader) had agreed to the
“non-Aggression” Pact with Hitler
• This was an agreement that neither would
attack, or invade the other during Hitler’s