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Research paradigms behind amino acid requirements of the lactating sow: Theory and future application' N. L. Trottie9 and X. F. Guan Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing 48824 ABSTRACT: Significant progress has been made in nized. It will become essential to identify what pools are significant contributors of amino acid provision to the mammary system, and whether milk or the mammary system itself should be the protein accretion pool to derive the amino acid profile. Third, the single nutrient input approach and simple regression does not completely take into account the basic knowledge behind nutrition. By moving from simple regression to surface response models, new experimental designs will emerge to address multiple amino acid interactions. The empirical and factorial approach to define amino acid requirements will still be useful in the future, only if more sophisticated biological and statistical models are used to study and fit the complex nutrient-biological interactions taking place during lactation. establishing amino acid requirements for the lactating sow through prediction models. Further understanding of amino acid nutrition is essential to maximize genetic potential for litter weight gain and milk production of the sow. Three research paradigms behind sow amino acid nutrition are discussed. These paradigms may be recognized as limiting factors that could impede further progress in amino acid nutrition of the sow. First, the approaches to estimate amino acid requirements, such as the factorial and empirical approach, will only be optimized by switching to a different focus (e.g., the efficiency of amino acid utilization for milk synthesis). Second, the significance of a practical application for an ideal protein for the lactating sow should be recog- Key Words: Sow, Lactation, Amino Acid, Response Surface Model, Ideal Protein, Requirement 02000 American Society of Animal Science. ALL rights reserved. Introduction J. h i m . Sci. 2000. 78(Suppl. 3):48-58 better reflection of individual biological variation. There is no doubt, however, that further progress in amino acid nutrition of the sow is necessary to optimize lactation, and current limitations must be recognized. Defining amino acid requirements of the lactating sow is confined to three main research paradigms. The first paradigm is the approach used in defining amino acid requirements. The empirical and factorial approaches both have limitations mainly as pertains t o the response criteria used and the biological assumptions made behind each approach. The second paradigm is the ideal dietary protein for the lactating sow. Milk is currently the protein accretion pool on which the amino acid profile is based. Evidence for other pools exists, and thus knowledge beyond nutrient intake and lactation performance will become increasingly important. The third paradigm is the type of experimental design used in determining amino acid requirements. Most designs focus on the use of simple regressions and single amino acid titration studies. Information relating amino acid interactions and lactational performance is scarce and may be oversimplified due to limitations of factorial designs. With the notion of the biological system complexity, other designs, such as response surface models, should be investigated. The objective of this paper is to discuss these paradigms Defining the amino acid requirements of the lactating sow is essential to optimize dietary formulation for ensuring maximum milk production and litter weight gain. However, the quest for establishment of amino acid requirements for the lactating sow during the past 20 yr, particularly in regard to lysine, has given rise to a wide variety of estimates (Pettigrew, 1993). This variability has nonetheless permitted development of models that allow prediction of any amino acid requirement to be made based on litter weight gain or production level, feed intake, and body weight loss of sows during lactation (NRC, 1998). This has significantly contributed to the progress of amino acid nutrition of the lactating sow. For example, recommendations for amino acid requirements are now based on predicted feed intake and production levels, and therefore are a 'The authors gratefully acknowledge the critical review of Tom D. Crenshaw (Univ. of Wisconsin) and Rob Tempelman (Michigan State Univ.) on the RSM section. Authors also acknowledge Allen Tucker (Michigan State Univ.) for critical review of the manuscript. 'To whom correspondence should be addressed (phone: (517) 4325140; fax: (517) 432-0190; E-mail: [email protected]). 48 Amino acid requirements of the lactating sow and raise questions regarding their limitations to the progress of amino acid nutrition research for the lactating sow. Approaches to Defining Amino Acid Requirements Despite the availability of lactation models to predict amino acid requirements, the amino acid requirement of the lactating sow is a controversial issue. This is largely due both to the lack of information and t o the variability of estimates of essential amino acid requirements. For instance, requirements of a few essential amino acids (other than lysine) such as valine (Richert et al., 1996,1997b1,methionine (Schneider et al., 19921, and tryptophan (Libal et al., 1997) have only recently been determined through empirical studies. Lysine requirements, however, have been extensively researched for the past 20 yr (NRC, 19981, and estimates of dietary requirements vary significantly. The paucity of data regarding empirically derived requirements of most amino acids and the inconsistency in lactational performance responses to graded levels of dietary lysine is partly inherent in the response criteria and approaches used to estimate requirements. Respoizse Criteria A substantial challenge behind designing nutritional studies with lactating sows has been selecting the response criteria that would most accurately reflect lactational performance. Average daily litter gain has been the response criterion of choice for measurement of lactational performance in sows because litter size is the highest determining factor in influencing milk production level (Hartmann et al., 1997).Its variability within an experimental treatment is high, however, because it is an indirect measure of milk production, and because milk yield is the product of both sow lactation potential and pig growth potential. Other response criteria, such as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (Coma et al., 1996) and nitrogen balance (Dourmad et al., 1998),have been used to a limited extent to estimate lysine requirements. The BUN approach assumes that the requirement of the limiting amino acid in question is met at the nadir where utilization of all amino acids for protein synthesis is maximized and body protein degradation is minimized. Blood urea nitrogen represents catabolism of amino acids arising from basal protein turnover as well as from excess amino acids arising from intestinal absorption and not incorporated into protein. Unless the balance is optimal or ideal, the BUN value may not indicate minimal protein tissue catabolism. Using the BUN approach, Coma et al. (1996) found that the lysine requirement for a sow nursing a litter with a daily growth rate of 2.2 kg was 57 g/d. The linear increase in lysine intake corresponded to a quadratic decrease in BUN. Increasing dietary level of that single amino acid above the nadir would increase BUN due 49 to deamination and oxidation, which implies that the amino acid is in excess of the requirement. Use of BUN as a response criterion may not be applicable to nonlimiting amino acids. It has been suggested that branchedchain amino acids may be needed at higher levels than at the requirement value estimated using BUN (R. Goodband, unpublished data). For example, increasing the dietary valine level increases litter weight gain and simultaneously increases BUN (Richert et al., 1996). This suggests that valine may be oxidized rather than incorporated into milk protein and be utilized for nonprotein synthesis functions essential for milk production. Tremendous effort and years of work have been dedicated to determining lysine requirements of the lactating sow using litter weight gain as the response criterion. The variability in litter weight gain in response to varying levels of dietary lysine allowed development of a useful model to predict lysine requirements (Pettigrew, 1993; NRC, 1998). The prediction model is based on a simple regression approach. By combining selected empirical studies performed over the past 20 yr, it has been established that 26 g of lysine is required for each kilogram oflitter weight gain. Are further studies essential to determine lysine requirements for milk production? The increase in litter weight gain in response to increasing dietary lysine observed over the last 20 yr is a combination of increase in number of pigs, resulting from improved managerial techniques, and pig growth. The current national average is 8.8 pigs per litter (USDA, 1999). If litter size will be maximized to 14 or 16,which would occupy all the functional glands of a sow’s mammary system, it is difficult to predict whether 26 g lysine will still be required for each kilogram of litter growth. It is most likely that as long as the increase in litter weight gain represents the product of pig number and pig growth, the prediction will remain similar. It is possible, however, with development of new genetics, that sow efficiency for milk protein synthesis will change, modifying the slope of the regression line, such that 26 g of lysine may be in excess of or below the requirement. Empirical and Factorial A p p r o a c h The empirical and factorial approaches have both been used, but the empirical approach has been preferentially employed. The empirical approach involves the addition of graded concentrations of the test amino acid in its crystalline form to a diet deficient in that amino acid (D’Mello, 1982). The response curve is then used to determine the optimal dose for given levels of the response criteria chosen, such as milk production or litter weight gain. In the factorial approach, amino acid requirements are determined from the sum of the functional components (Fuller, 1994). Milk amino acid composition and production level are the main components used for estimating amino acid requirements for the lactating sow. 50 Trottier and Guan Both methods have several flaws that should be addressed in the context of future amino acid nutrition research in lactating sows. The biggest obstacle in using the empirical approach for the lactating sow is the limited feed intake capacity of the sow and, to some extent, the accuracy of feed intake measurement. Accurate measurement of feed intake represents an essential prerequisite for satisfactory interpretation of the data in dose-response experiments (D’Mello, 1994). Sows typically lose body weight during lactation to buffer nutrient demand imposed by the nursing litter (Weldon et al., 1994). Hence, amino acids that are made available from body protein pools are not part of the estimated amino acid intake needed to maximize milk protein deposition. This has contributed t o the wide variation in dietary lysine requirement estimates among studies. The NRC (1998) model now predicts dietary amino acid requirements of sows taking into consideration expected daily feed intake and body protein loss. Hence, “dietary” amino acid requirements are determined by the empirical approach, whereas amino acid requirements for milk production per se are estimated by the factorial approach. Empirical studies thus far have been based on titration of single amino acids and simple regression modeling of the response. Consequently, two concerns are now surfacing. First, what will be the design of choice to address multiple amino acid interactions, and what is the ideal protein for the lactating sow? Second, with the advent of molecular biology techniques and new livestock genetics, the question ofwhether conventional empirical studies will keep pace with the need for new nutritional requirements should be considered. The latter concern has also been raised by Buttery and D’Mello (1994), in particular regarding the time commitment and economics of repeating studies to re-evaluate amino acid responses. Using a factorial approach, if we calculate the lysine requirement for milk production in a sow nursing a litter gaining 2 kg/d we achieve estimates similar to those found when we use the regression approach (Table l). Both approaches reveal key factors that should be addressed in the future to ensure progress in amino acid nutrition of the sow. First, in the case of the regression approach, efficiency of lysine utilization is unknown but assumed to be constant across milk production levels, litter sizes, stages of lactation, and feed intake levels. Because all other indispensable amino acids are based on lysine concentration in milk, the efficiency of utilization of these amino acids is also assumed to be constant. Evidence suggesting that milk is perhaps not the sole protein pool to derive all indispensable amino acids requirements will be discussed later. In the case of the factorial approach, accuracy of requirement estimates is primarily dependent on knowledge of utilization efficiency for each amino acid. Because these coefficients are unknown, a single value derived from the efficiency of digestible nitrogen utilization (.7) is used for all amino acids (see Table 1footnote). Table 1. Calculated amino acid requirements for a lactating sow weighing 160 kg postfarrowing and expected to produce a litter growth rate of 2 kg per day, based on a factorial or regression approach Amino acid Arginine Histidine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Total sulfur Phenylalanine Total aromatic Threonine Tryptophan Valine Factorial approach, g/aa Regression approach, g/db 34.16 20.93 29.34 60.82 54.05 13.92 25.91 29.51 60.32 32.11 9.74 39.18 34.16 20.92 28.51 59.68 54.09 13.96 26.25 28.59 58.44 32.12 9.76 39.22 “Amino acid requirements were calculated the following way: 1) 2,000 g litter weight gain corresponds t o 388 g milk protein output per day; 388 g x g M 1 6 g N in milk = g AA in milk/day. 2) ( g AA in milWdayY.7 (efficiencyof N utilization into milk protein synthesis) = digestible AA required for milk. 3) (Digestible AA required for milk/ .8) + total AA for maintenance = total AA dietary requirement. bAmino acid requirements were calculated the following way (adapted from Pettigrew, 1993): 1)26 g lysinenig litter growth (see text) x 2 kg (expected daily litter growth rate) = 52 g. 2 ) 52 g x AA:lysine ratio in milk protein + maintenance = total amino acid requirement. Second, the potential contribution of amino acids from body protein pool to milk protein synthesis can be derived using either the empirical or factorial approaches. However, de novo amino acid contribution estimates are unlikely to be useful in predicting dietary requirements unless the efficiency of amino acid utilization coming from the whole-body protein pool is known. Third, it is assumed that amino acids arising from the body protein pool are all utilized for milk protein synthesis, although other physiological needs should be identified. The latter highlights the need of developing approaches to focus on the biological processes between amino acid intake and lactation performance. Amino acid requirement estimates derived from either the factorial and regression approaches are similar. This indicates that further titration studies with lysine alone are most likely not going to contribute substantially to the current body of knowledge. Estimates of the efficiency of lysine and other indispensable amino acid utilization for milk production in the lactating sow should be the highest priority in the next decade. Ideal Amino Acid Profile Limits to an Ideal Protein for the Lactating Sow A second research paradigm is concerned with defining the ideal dietary amino acid profile for lactating sows. The ideal protein concept was originally formulated for growing animals (Cole, 1978; Fuller et al., 1979). By definition, the ideal protein yields an opti- Amino acid requirements of the lactating sow 40 51 sents non-milk protein synthesis requirements, as suggested earlier for valine based on the BUN response. 1 30 - Variation in the Ideal Dietary Amino Acid Profile for Lactat ion 20 - ? l n r ; rn 10 - 0 Arg -10 Lys Val Ile Thr Phe His Met 1 Figure 1. Daily mammary amino acid uptake, output in milk, and mammary retention (adapted from Trottier et al., 1997). Black bars indicate uptake, shaded bars indicate output, and open bars indicate the difference between uptake and output. mum dietary balance of indispensable amino acids, supplied with sufficient nitrogen for the synthesis of dispensable amino acids, that matches the animal’s requirements for growth and minimizes nitrogen loss (Cole and Van Lunen, 1994). Whereas carcass protein accretion represents the main pool from which the dietary amino acid profile is derived in the growing pig, milk represents the main protein accretion pool in the lactating sow. As shown in Table 1,amino acid requirements for lactation are estimated from an empirically derived lysine requirement and the milk profile for other amino acids relative to lysine. In theory, the ideal protein concept could be applied to the lactating sow, although two limitations should be recognized. The first limitation is the metabolic status of sows during lactation. Most sows are catabolic throughout lactation, because feed intake is a major limiting factor for meeting dietary requirements. As body protein contributes to the pool of circulating amino acids during catabolism, the amino acid profile derived from the diet is modified, thus rendering the practical significance of an ideal dietary amino acid profile questionable. Second, if milk only is used as the basis for setting the ideal amino acid profile, there is no consideration for the amino acid metabolism associated with mammary gland functions. Hence, regression and factorial approaches have similar amino acid requirement estimates for milk production when feed intake is not limiting (Table 1). For instance, amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine, valine, and arginine are taken up by the mammary gland of the sow in excess of their appearance in milk (Figure 1) (Trottier et al., 1997; Guan et al., 1998). Similar results were found in other species, such as the goat (Bequette et a]., 1997) and dairy cow (Guinard and Rulquin, 1994). This “excess uptake” could be associated with specific metabolic functions for the process of milk production and repre- Proposed amino acid profile ratios relative to lysine have varied significantly. Table 2 represents a summary of amino acid ratios for the lactating sow from 1981 to 1998. Ratios from the Agricultural Research Council (ARC, 1981) and Pettigrew (1993) are similar because they are based on milk amino acid profile. The amino acid ratios from the NRC (1988) were calculated based on amino acid requirement values relative to lysine. The basis of NRC (1988) amino acid requirements other than lysine are mostly factorially derived. The ratios in NRC (1998) are based on Pettigrew’s (1993) ratios, except for valine, for which the ratio has been increased from .73 to .85. This increase in valine:lysine ratio deviates from the amino acid profile found in milk. The increase was based on the studies of Richert et al. (19961, in which dietary valine supplementation in diets for high-producing sows increased litter weight gain. This is further supported by other studies (Nielsen et al., 1996; Trottier et al., 1997; Guan et al., 1998) in which va1ine:lysine ratios across the porcine mammary gland varied from .88 to 1.06, as shown in Table 2. The discrepancy of amino acid ratios relative to lysine among different sources indicates that the ideal protein for the lactating sow remains undefined. The milk amino acid profile may not accurately reflect the dietary profile required for maximum milk synthesis and production. The complexity behind the biological control of milk production may not allow the application of an ideal amino acid concept for the sow. We are now testing a method to facilitate the study of multiple amino acid interactions and identify limiting amino acids. A criterion of amino acid requirements based on arteriovenous differences of amino acids across the mammary gland was investigated (Trottier et al., 1997; Guan et al., 1998). Preliminary findings indicate that the mathematical relationship between lysine uptake by the porcine mammary gland and arterial and(or) dietary supply is quadratic (Trottier, 1997). Recent findings (Figure 2) (Guan et al., 1998) indicate that this relationship exists for all limiting amino acids, and the point of maximal response may correspond to amino acid requirements. In contrast to other response criteria and approaches, the arteriovenous difference method potentially estimates multiple limiting amino acids concurrently, rather than estimating the requirement for a single amino acid. Defining the ideal protein for the lactating sow will require adaptation of new biological methods by which multiple amino acids metabolism can be concurrently studied. In addition, a transition into more sophisticated statistical design, as proposed in the following section, is essential. 52 Trottier and Guan Table 2. Suggested dietary amino acid (AA) ratios relative to lysine for lactating sows Based on milk AA profile Amino acid ~~ ARC" 11981) NRC~ (1988) Pettigrew (1993) ( 1998) .67 .39 .70 1.15 1.00 .66 .42 .65 .80 1.00 - - .66 .40 .55 1.15 1.00 .26 .45 .55 1.12 .58 .18 .73 .49-.53 .39 .55 1.05-1.09 1.00 .25 .49 .53 1.09-1.11 .65-.63 .18 .84-.86 NRC' Based on mammary AA uptake Trottier et a1 ( 1997) Nielsen et al. (1996) Guan et a1 (1998) 1.25 .30 .76 1.50 1.00 .28 .65 1.09 .79 1.48 1.00 .26 1.16 .30 .79 1.23 1.00 .33 - - .61 - - .61 .61 ~ Arginine Histidine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Total sulfur" Phenylalanine Total aromaticd Threonine Tryptophan Valine .55 .60 - - 1.15 .70 .19 .70 1.17 .72 .20 1.00 28 .68 .64 - __ .88 .89 .18 1.06 "Agricultural Research Council (ARC. 1981). "National Research Council (NRC, 1988) ratios are calculated from M requirements. 'National Research Council (NRC, 1998)ratios are based on study by Pettigrew (1993),except for valine. Ranges indicate ratios corresponding to different milk production level and sow body weight change combinations. dTotal sulfur contains methionine and cystine and total aromatic contains phenylalanine and tyrosine. Because cystine and tyrosine are probably synthesized in the mammary gland, the total sulfur and aromatic AA uptake by the mammary gland cannot be estimated accurately. Using Response Surface Methodology to Establish Dietary Amino Acid Ratios Respoizse Surface Model Methodology Although the response in performance of the lactating sow has been successfully modeled using one independent variable, dietary lysine intake (Pettigrew et al., 1992; Pettigrew, 1993, 1997; Kerr, 1997; Guan et al., 1998; NRC, 19981, the models remain incomplete. A difficult task for modeling is establishment of appropriate ratios between dietary amino acids to maximize 6.0 1 ' 1 aJ aJ Max. log Lysine A-V difference I I I Y ' Lysine intake = -bl2c I = a + bX + cX*(c< 0) v 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 . 100 Dietary lysine intake, g/d Figure 2. Relationship between the log lysine arteriovenous (A-V) difference across the porcine mammary gland and the daily dietary lysine intake (Guan et al., 1998). Lysine A-V difference reaches a plateau at a certain dietary intake of lysine that corresponds to dietary lysine requirement. performance in the lactating sow. Optimal dietary ratios of amino acids for the lactating sow discussed above (Table 2) have yet to be successfully modeled. Traditional factorial experimental designs can be used to test interactions among multiple experimental factors. However, factorial designs cannot efficiently identify curvature among multiple independent variables, at least within a reasonable number of treatment groups that can be economically and practically handled. Optimal experimental designs should be employed to model these curvatures to define a combination of amino acids to describe the most desirable response in growth rate. Response surface methodology (RSM) is one technique that addresses optimization issues. The RSM includes three major procedures, as follows: 1) the experimental strategy for exploring the space of multiple input independent variables; 2) empirical statistical modeling to develop an acceptable approximating relationship between the response and those variables; and 3) optimization methods for finding a combination of levels of variables that produces the most desirable response. The RSM has been used extensively in engineering, physical, chemical, medical, biological, and agricultural sciences. However, the RSM has been employed only to a limited extent in swine nutrition. Golz and Crenshaw (19901 used a response surface design to examine the interrelationships of dietary sodium, potassium, and chloride on growth rate in young pigs. During the last decade, no other studies in swine nutrition have been performed using response surface design. The RSM may provide a method to optimize quantitative relationships of dietary nutrients for lactating sows, such as dietary intake of metabolic energy, ideal amino acid patterns, or multiple limiting amino acids. The response criteria may include milk protein output, milk yield, daily litter weight gain, Amino acid requiremenIts of the lactating sow i (0, 1.414) 9 (0, -1.414) Figure 3. Graphical depiction of the central composite design for fitting the second-order response surface model. BUN, and(or) mammary arteriovenous differences in plasma free amino acids. Whereas a common procedure is to vary one factor while holding other factors constant, RSM techniques allow simultaneous variation of several factors to find a combination of quantitative levels that leads to an optimum response. The response y of a given system to multiple input independent variables XI,x2, . . . xk, can be described by the following empirical model: For example, y can be daily milk yield of the lactating sow, and x can be dietary intakes of several limiting amino acids. The form of the true response function f is unknown and perhaps very complicated, and the error term (e) represents other sources of variability not accounted for in f . Usually, the function f is a first- or second-order polynomial (Myers and Montgomery, 1995). In an appropriate experimental regression design, representative combinations of different levels of independent variables should be symmetrically distributed across the whole response surface in order to model the nature of the response. A second-order regression model is usually employed to fit the response surface. Box and Wilson (1951) developed a central composite design specifically for fitting the second-order response surface. For two independent factors, a graphical depiction of this design is shown in Figure 3. The treatments are indicated by the dots. There are five levels of each independent variable that involve three components (Neter et al., 1996). 1) Corner points have four coded coordinates ( f l , f l ) ,which is a two-level, full factorial design to provide for the estimation of linear main ef- 53 fects and all two-factor interaction effects. 2) Axial points have 4 coded coordinates (f1.414, 0) or (0, f1.4141, which enhance estimates of quadratic effects. 3) Central points have four replicates of coded coordinates (0, 01, which estimate pure error in a lack of fit test. Note that the design essentially consists of eight equally spaced points on a circle of radius 22 with four treatments in the design center. The second-order response surface model (SORSM) is fitted to the data generated from the central composite design. The SORSM is expressed as follows: The geometric nature of this second-order response function can be of three graphical types: maximum, minimum, or saddle point. In the same experiment, the geometric nature of a second-order response may change as a function of the response criteria. For example, in a RSM of amino acid ratios for lactating sows, we expect a maximum litter weight gain (or milk yield) but a minimum fecal and(or) urinary nitrogen excretion if dietary ratios of amino acids are the most appropriate for the lactating sow. Analysis of response surface design has been discussed in detail elsewhere (Myers and Montgomery, 1995; Neter et al., 1996). The RSM is a collection of statistical and mathematical techniques useful for developing, improving, and optimizing processes. Fitting data with a SORSM is one example when central composite designs are used. Any response surface model can be fit to a data set, but the difficulty arises in determining which fit is the best fit in terms of both statistical and biological principles. Indiscriminate use of response surface models to fit available data may be misleading from the true nature of the response. Thus, careful attention to experimental designs for exploring the response surface are essential. First, central composite or optimal response surface experimental designs should be employed to generate a whole data set; second, data must be fit using appropriate response surface models; third, the response surface models should be formally analyzed to obtain a recombination of levels that leads to an optimal response; fourth, biological interpretation of the response is essential. Modeling Lysine and Valine Requirements and Ratios in the Lactating Sow Using RSM Response surface designs have not been used to estimate optimal ratios among dietary limiting amino acids for the lactating sow. To explain the current variation in requirement estimates and in dietary ratios of valine to lysine for a given litter growth rate, we attempted to define the response surface of lysine and valine in the lactating sow and to identify which step, in terms of experimental strategy, should be taken next. Daily litter weight gain (kg/d), adjusted to a 21-d lactation period, was chosen as the response, based on the most 54 Trottier and Guan recent available data (Johnston et al., 1993; King et al., 1993; Knabe et al., 1996; Richert et al., 1996, 1997a,b; Libal et al., 1997; Dourmad et al., 1998; Guan et al., 1998; Sauber et al., 1998; Touchette et al., 1998a,b). Both dietary lysine and valine levels (%, as-fed basis) were adopted either directly from reported papers when available or calculated based on the composition of the diet provided in the papers. Figure 4 represents a threedimensional (3-D) mesh plot of the response surface of daily litter weight gain against dietary lysine and valine levels in the lactating sow. Three distinct peaks are present in the 3-D mesh plot. The response surface shown may be confounded by genetic, environmental, management, litter size, and(or) other nutritional factors besides dietary lysine and valine levels. The three peaks from the 3-D mesh plots, however, offer insight into the range of lysine and valine levels on which future experiments may need to focus. Investigation of this range, which corresponds to the area between the peaks of 1to 1.5% dietary lysine and 1to 1.25%valine, would allow one to obtain the real nature of the whole response surface. This should constitute the central point of a central composite design employed in designing future experiments with lysine and valine. Corresponding to the 3-D mesh plot, a 2-D contour plot, generated from the same data set above, is shown in Figure 5. The contour lines display a set of constant responses. Again, as seen in the 3-D mesh plot, three sets of contour lines indicate better response of litter weight gain around 2.3 and 2.4 kg/d. Figure 5 shows that the dietary ratio of lysine to valine in most studies was concentrated around 1:l.However, this ratio may not be the most appropriate because of uncertainty about the shape of the response surface outside this ratio. More data should be generated simultaneously from representative ratios in an optimization design. Table 3 shows our suggested combinations of dietary lysine and valine levels, needed to fit a RSM as in Figure 3. The dietary ratio of valine to lysine is set at 1 : l as a central point (i.e., treatments 9 to 12), on the basis of both the NRC (1988) recommended ratio and the above preliminary analysis of the response surface. The middle level of dietary lysine was set at 1.0% (i.e., the uncoded level at the central point). Treatments 1 t o 4 and 5 t o 8 represent corner points and axial points, respectively. Both the highest level and the lowest level of dietary lysine or valine are feasible for performing this experiment. Although the lack of data produced Figure 4. Three-dimensional mesh plot of litter weight gain against dietary lysine and valine levels in the lactating sow. Data were obtained from Johnston et al., 1993; King et al., 1993; Knabe et al., 1996; Richert et al., 1996, 1997a,b; Libal et al., 1997; Dourmad et al., 1998; Guan et a)., 1998; Sauber et al., 1998; and Touchette et al., 1998a,b. 55 Amino acid requirements of the lactating sow 1.75 1s o 1.25 s a? n .I CI 2 1.00 a c) a, .CI n 0.75 0.50 ‘ 1 -\ 0.25 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.75 1.25 1.50 1.75 Dietary lysine, % Figure 5. Two-dimensional contour plot of litter weight gain against dietary lysine and valine levels in the lactating ~ Data 7 . were obtained from Johnston et al., 1993; King et al., 1993; Knabe et al., 1996; Richert et al., 1996, 1997a,b; Libal et al., 1997; Dourmad et al., 1998; Guan et al., 1998; Sauber et al., 1998; and Touchette et al., 1998a,b. Line and numbers (1.9, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 kg/d) represent litter weight gain (kg/d). ~ 0 Table 3. A suggested two-factor rotatable central composite design with four replications at central point Dietary lysine, % Treatment Coded Dietary valine, % Uncoded Coded Uncoded .47 .47 1.53 1.53 .25 1.75 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 0 0 -1.414 1.414 0 0 0 0 .47 1.53 .47 1.53 1 1 .25 1.75 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 -1 -1 1 1 -1.414 1.414 0 0 0 0 0 0 from appropriate experimental designs does not allow an accurate analysis of the response surface, the SORSM was employed to fit the data set above. The SORSM was performed using the RSREG Procedure of SAS (1996). Figure 6 shows the 3-D fit of the response surface of litter weight gain against dietary lysine and valine levels in the lactating sow. The estimated stationary point is a saddle point, but the model was not significant ( P < .15).The second-order response surface obtained does not have a unique optimum, that is, a single maximum response point that could not be achieved a t a particular combination of levels of dietary lysine and valine based on this data set. However, when we search for the region of optimum response using the ridge analysis (Myers and Montgomery, 1995), a speculative predicted maximum response (daily litter weight gain) results from increasing the ratio of dietary valine to lysine (Table 4). For example, when the dietary ratio of valine to lysine increases from .93 to 1.2 (i.e., dietary valine in- 56 Trottier and Guan Figure 6. Three-dimensional fitted response surface of litter weight gain against dietary lysine and valine concentrations in the lactating sow (based on the second-order model litter weight gain = 3" + lysine + & valine + ;j3 lysine' + /j4 valine2 + J5 lysine x valine + e). Data were obtained from Johnston et al., 1993; King et al., 1993; Knabe et al., 1996; Richert et a]., 1996, 1997a,b; Libal et al., 1997; Dourmad et al., 1998; Guan et al., 1998; Sauber et al., 1998; and Touchette et al., 1998a,b. Dots represent published experimental response points. Shaded area represents the fitted second-order response surface. creasing from .90 to 1.01% and lysine decreasing from .97 to .84%), the predicted daily litter weight gain increases from 2.15 to 2.39 kg/d. Keep in mind that the above fitted SORSM might not reflect the true nature Table 4. Estimated ridge of maximum response for daily litter weight gaina Estimated response, kg/d Dietary lysine. Dietary valine, SE 5% % Dietary ratio of valineAysine 2.14 2.20 2.28 2.39 2.52 .06 .06 .06 .09 .16 .97 .93 .a9 .84 .a0 .90 .94 .98 1.01 1.05 .93 1.01 1.10 1.20 1.30 aThe estimated response was calculated using the following equation jr = 1.6317 - .7368X1 + 1.8907X~+ 2.3297XI2 + 1.7816X2' 4.7091X1X2(P= .1410), where j r , XI, and XZ denote predicted litter weight gain (kg/d), dietary lysine (%), and dietary valine (%I, respectively. of the whole response because of lack of data generated from optimal experimental designs. We could predict more accurately the response surface of the sow's milk production to diet manipulation with the aid of optimal experimental designs. In turn, this could generate more precise estimates of optimal dietary amino acid ratios. Implications Determination of amino acid requirement estimates has been the focus of sow lactation research for the past two decades. Although significant progress has been made recently through biomathematical models, further understanding of amino acid nutrition is essential to maximize genetic potential for litter weight gain and milk production of the sow. Therefore, it is proposed that the future of amino acid nutrition research should depend on a critical evaluation of the past and current research approaches, and recognition of the limiting factors that could impede further progress. Three re- Amino acid requirements of the lactating sow search paradigms behind sow amino acid nutrition have been identified and discussed. First, the approaches to estimate amino acid requirements, such as the factorial and regression (derived form empirical work) approach, are equally valid within our current understanding of amino acid nutrition of the sow. Both approaches, however, will only be optimized by switching to a different focus: the efficiency of amino acid utilization for milk synthesis. Second, with the negative nitrogen balance usually taking place during lactation due t o limited feed intake capacity of the sow, the significance of a practical application for an ideal protein should be recognized. It will become essential to identify what pools are significant contributors of amino acid provision to the mammary system, and whether milk or the mammary system itself should be the protein accretion pool to derive the amino acid profile. In addition, information on requirement estimates for other limiting amino acids through empirical work using novel biological and statistical methods will be important to validate proposed ideal amino acid profiles. Third, the single nutrient input approach and simple regression does not completely take into account the basic knowledge behind nutrition (i.e., nutrients work interactively to produce a n optimum response). 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