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Rocket Science
Secondary Schools Resource Pack
Welcome to Rocket Science
In December 2015 Tim Peake will leave Earth to live
and work on the International Space Station (ISS).
British astronaut Tim was selected for his mission in May 2013. His selection
followed an increase in Government investment in the European Space Agency,
and a first time ever investment by the British Government in the ISS programme.
Principia, the name of Tim’s mission, honours the great work of Sir Isaac Newton,
which laid down the laws of gravity and motion that are key to the world of
space environments and human spaceflight. At his temporary home in space Tim
will embark on his own programme of scientific discovery. The ISS is above all a
place for scientific research, and while there Tim will be working on experiments
that cannot be done anywhere on Earth.
To mark Tim’s mission, the UK Space Agency has initiated a range of inspiring
projects for schools. The projects harness the expertise of partner organisations in
a wide range of fields. All projects have some element of science or technology in
them, cover a range of curriculum-linked activities and use the mission to inspire
young people and increase interest in STEM subjects.
Everyone can be a space biologist!
For Rocket Science, the UK Space Agency has teamed up the Royal Horticultural
Society (RHS) Campaign for School Gardening to encourage students to become
space biologists.
On 2 September 2015, two kilograms of Rocket seed (Eruca sativa) travelled from
Bailkonur, Kazakhstan on the Soyuz 44S rocket to the ISS. The seeds are being
stored in microgravity aboard the ISS for six months before returning to Earth in
the spring of 2016.
Once returned to Earth, the seeds will be distributed to up to 10,000 UK schools
along with seeds of the same batch that have remained on Earth. The seeds will
be sown and grown side by side over 35 days, with schools observing, measuring
and recording similarities or differences in growth. At the end of the experiment,
schools will enter their results in a national database and findings will be published,
thereby contributing to the knowledge bank scientists have been building since the
beginning of spaceflight 50 years ago.
If you have not already applied for your seeds please go to the RHS Campaign for
School Gardening website.
Royal Horticultural Society
Reg charity no. 222879/SC038262
Join us in our mission to discover
the vital role of plants in space
The new Secondary Science curriculum encourages students to
recognise the power of rational explanation and to develop a
sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena.
The new Secondary Science curricula encourages students to
recognise the power of rational explanation and to develop a
sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena.
Students also learn to appreciate the relevance of science to
their everyday lives.
insects for pollination - are either absent or reduced in a
space environment. Plants grown on Mars would be subjected
to dust storms, freezing temperatures and harsh radiation. So
over the last fifty years, space biologists have been finding
out ways to compensate for these differences to see how
plants could flourish.
Rocket Science gives students the opportunity to take part in
a live, practical, science experiment to explore the fascinating
world of plants through the eyes of a space biologist.
In our Rocket Science Secondary Resource Pack you will find
three activities that will help you and your students have fun
with plants and space, whilst considering the potential for our
long term survival there. The resources have been designed to
support learning in plant science, maths and human nutrition.
One activity particularly concentrates on genomics and the
effects of radiation on plant life in space.
In space, as is the case here on Earth, plants will be vital for
human survival. Plants provide the food that we eat and are a
source of essential vitamins and minerals to keep us healthy.
They absorb carbon dioxide and give us oxygen to breathe.
In the world’s poorest countries, they can account for 90% of
human needs; food, fuel, medicine, shelter and transportation.
The activities have been designed to take between one and
three lessons. Although we have recommended activities by
age group/key stage, each can be adapted to suit a group of
different ages with similar skills. Teacher, technician and pupil
resources are available for each activity.
People needs plants in space – and plants need people! Plants
need all our ingenuity, scientific knowledge and skills to help
them survive in really inhospitable conditions. All the things
we take for granted on Earth - light, water, soil, gravity and
Activity 1
Activity 2
Growing food for
space exploration
Healthy eating for
space travellers
Activity 3
Hazards of space
travel: modelling
mutation in seeds
with Rabidops
Challenges to growing and eating in space
Eating enough fresh food
Food tastes different in space. Flavours are dulled leading to
astronauts suffering from ‘menu-fatigue’ and craving food
that is spicier and tarter than they would prefer on Earth.
This is not helped by the physiological changes astronauts
undergo in space, making it difficult for them to smell
their food. Dieticians have pushed for more fresh food in
astronauts’ space diets. How could they achieve this?
Astronaut Kjell Lindgren opens a supply of fresh fruit
Growing plants in space
Some space bound plant growth experiments are already being conducted here on
Earth in an environment that mimics space conditions. Scientists also work side by side
with astronauts and train them to perform certain experiments whilst they are in space.
In 1982 Valentin Lebedev, a Russian cosmonaut, was the first to grow an Arabidopsis
plant through it’s entire life-cycle in space in a laptop sized greenhouse called Fiton.
This breakthrough was the first indication that humans could grow their own food in
space without having to transport new seeds from Earth. From 2002 to 2011 a series of
experiments were conducted using the Lada greenhouse on the Russian segment of the
International Space Station.
Developed on Earth in 2006 by the European Space Agency, MELiSSA
(Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative) is a five compartment system that
harnesses the power of plants to break down human waste and provide water and
fertiliser to grow healthy food crops. The crew themselves form an important part of
the cycle providing MELiSSA with waste and water filtered from the crew’s urine. A key
component of the MELiSSA system is Spirulina, a blue green algae harvested from the
oceans. Spirulina can recycle carbon dioxide breathed out by the crew into fresh oxygen
via photosynthesis. It also has spectacular nutritional properties and is sold dried in
health food stores. The ultimate end product from MELiSSA is food suitable to sustain
astronauts on long term missions.
Red Romaine lettuce growing in
Veggie on board the ISS
Astronauts are currently working with plants in the Columbus Laboratory aboard
the ISS. Veggie, developed by NASA, is a low cost plant growth chamber that uses a
combination of red, blue and green Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) so that plants can
grow in an alternative to natural daylight. Red Romaine lettuce has been grown under
LED lights on board the International Space Station since May 2014 and astronauts
were finally able to snack on their space grown lettuce on the 10th August 2015.
To extend your knowledge visit these websites; RHS, RHS Campaign for School
Gardening, UK Space Agency, European Space Agency
Astronauts enjoy their first taste of
space grown lettuce on board the ISS
Growing plants on Mars
The Martian climate is a challenging one; it is harsh and
exposure to ultraviolet radiation will cause severe damage
any living organism.
Plants need air, light, warmth, water and nutrients to be healthy. If they are healthy, they can continue making their own
food through photosynthesis. Thanks to NASA’s recent Mars exploration we know that there is water on Mars and some of
it is at the surface.
Features called ‘recurring slope lineae’ – dark lines that appear on Mars seasonally – have been shown to have salts from
briny water associated with them. This means that water is in its liquid form and is flowing on the surface of Mars today.
According to NASA, the probable mechanism enabling liquid water to exist is a process called deliquescence where the salts
absorb water from the atmosphere and then form a liquid solution. On Mars there is 62.5% less gravity than on Earth. Even
in this reduced gravity there is evidence that plant roots could find their way down into soil or growing media.
If there are regions near the surface of Mars where life could exist and these can be protected from radiation, suddenly
the prospect for life gets a lot better. Although the water on Mars appears to be very salty, we know of ‘extremophiles’
- organisms with the ability to thrive in extreme environments - that could thrive in facilities such as hydrothermal vents.
Knowing if these organisms are able to live in very salty environments could be a step forward to make growing plants on
Mars a reality.
These pictures show evidence of historic water activity on the surface of Mars.
Martian surface
False colour view
Summary of Activities and Curriculum links
Growing food for space exploration: The idea of needing to grow food to
support space exploration is introduced, along with some of the challenges
associated with growing plants in space. Students plan and carry out an
investigation to measure germination rates in soils with different particle size,
and relate their findings to the soils found on Mars and the Moon.
Level / KS
Working Scientifically
• A
sk questions and develop a line of enquiry based on
observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge
and experience
• M
ake predictions using scientific knowledge and
• S
elect, plan and carry out the most appropriate types of
scientific enquiries to test predictions, including identifying
independent, dependent and control variables, where
Combined science GCSE subject content (DfE)
Working Scientifically
• Carry out experiments appropriately having due regard
to the correct manipulation of apparatus, the accuracy of
measurements and health and safety considerations
• Present observations and other data using appropriate
Subject content - explain how some abiotic and biotic factors
affect communities.
Subject content - Plants making carbohydrates in their leaves
by photosynthesis and gaining mineral nutrients and water
from the soil via their roots.
Northern Ireland
Developing pupils’ Knowledge, Understanding and Skills
Develop skills in scientific methods of enquiry to further
scientific knowledge and understanding:
• Planning for investigations,
• Obtaining evidence,
• Presenting and interpreting results
Developing pupils as Individuals
Spiritual Awareness - Develop a sense of wonder about the
universe, for example, the scale from the smallness of the
atom to the vastness of outer space, the complexity, diversity,
and interdependence of living things etc.
Inquiry and investigative skills
• O
bserve, collect, measure and record evidence, taking
account of safety and controlling risk and hazards
Scientific analytical thinking skills
• Making predictions, generalisations and deductions
Enquiry – Planning
The number of observations or measurements that need
to be made and their range and values to ensure reliability
of evidence.
CCEA GCSE Science (Double award)
• Collection and analysis of scientific data;
• Interpretation of data, using creative thought, to provide
evidence for testing ideas and developing theories.
• Complexity, diversity, and interdependence of living
things etc.
• CCEA GCSE Science (Double award)
• Collection and analysis of scientific data;
• Interpretation of data, using creative thought, to provide
evidence for testing ideas and developing theories.
Experiences and Outcomes
By using my knowledge of our solar system and the basic
needs of living things, I can produce a reasoned argument on
the likelihood of life existing elsewhere in the universe.
By researching developments used to observe or explore
space, I can illustrate how our knowledge of the universe has
evolved over time.
• Make measurements/collect data.
• Know that individual organisms have a need for resources
from their environment e.g. food, water, light and minerals
and understand that the size of a population may be
affected by competition for these resources along with
predation, disease and pollution.
Summary of Activities and Curriculum links
Healthy eating for space travellers: A basic space diet will need
supplementing with vitamins if astronauts are to remain healthy for extended
periods of time. In this activity students compare the vitamin C content of
different plants to decide which should be grown in space to supplement the
astronaut’s diet.
Level / KS
Working Scientifically
• A
sk questions and develop a line of enquiry based on
observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge
and experience
• Make predictions using scientific knowledge and
• S
elect, plan and carry out the most appropriate types of
scientific enquiries to test predictions, including identifying
independent, dependent and control variables, where
Combined science GCSE subject content (DfE)
Working Scientifically
• Carry out experiments appropriately having due regard
to the correct manipulation of apparatus, the accuracy of
measurements and health and safety considerations
• Present observations and other data using appropriate
Subject content - explain how some abiotic and biotic factors
affect communities.
Subject content - Plants making carbohydrates in their leaves
by photosynthesis and gaining mineral nutrients and water
from the soil via their roots.
Northern Ireland
Developing pupils’ Knowledge, Understanding and Skills
Develop skills in scientific methods of enquiry to further
scientific knowledge and understanding:
• Planning for investigations,
• Obtaining evidence,
• Presenting and interpreting results
Developing pupils as Individuals
Inquiry and investigative skills
• O
bserve, collect, measure and record evidence, taking
account of safety and controlling risk and hazards
Experiences and Outcomes
By using my knowledge of our solar system and the basic
needs of living things, I can produce a reasoned argument on
the likelihood of life existing elsewhere in the universe.
By researching developments used to observe or explore
space, I can illustrate how our knowledge of the universe has
evolved over time.
Scientific analytical thinking skills
• Making predictions, generalisations and deductions
Interdependence of organisms
How food is used by the body as fuel during respiration and
why the components of a balanced diet are needed for
good health.
Spiritual Awareness - Develop a sense of wonder about the
universe, for example, the scale from the smallness of the
atom to the vastness of outer space, the complexity, diversity,
and interdependence of living things etc.
CCEA GCSE Science (Double award)
• Collection and analysis of scientific data;
• Interpretation of data, using creative thought, to provide
evidence for testing ideas and developing theories.
Find patterns/relationships in data.
• Understand that health is affected by a variety of factors
and that science and technology may provide the answer
to some health problems.
• Understand that some treatments may involve risk-benefit
Summary of Activities and Curriculum links
Hazards of space travel: Modelling mutation in seeds with Rabidops. This
activity introduces mutation as a naturally occurring phenomenon that can be
useful in producing new varieties of plant and animal. In space the chances
of mutation are much higher than in Earth’s atmosphere. In this introductory
activity students observe, record, and if possible explain the effects of mutation
on a plant species through a modelling activity. Templates and sample data
are provided to support two versions of this activity. Version 1 looks at the
effect of mutation on six characteristics. Version 2 may be more appropriate if
short of time or if you need to reduce the challenge for students.
Level / KS
Working Scientifically
• U
se a variety of models such as representational, spatial,
descriptive, computational and mathematical to solve
problems, make predictions and to develop scientific
explanations and understanding of familiar and
unfamiliar facts
• E
valuate risks both in practical science and the wider
societal context, including perception of risk in relation to
data and consequences.
Subject content - Describe simply how the genome, and its
interaction with the environment, influence the development
of the phenotype of an organism.
Developing pupils’ Knowledge, Understanding and Skills
Research scientific information from a range of sources;
The solar system and universe.
2.7.2 Understand that mutations are random changes in the:
- Number of chromosomes (Down’s Syndrome); or
- Structure of genes and can be triggered by environmental
factors, such as UV light causing skin cancer.
Northern Ireland
CCEA GCSE Science (Double award)
• M
any phenomena can be explained by developing and
using scientific theories, models and ideas;
• T
he use of contemporary scientific and technological
developments and their benefits, drawbacks and risks;
Inquiry and investigative skills
• P
resent, analyse and interpret data to draw conclusions
Scientific analytical thinking skills
• Being open to new ideas and linking and applying learning
Enquiry – Planning
Linking the learning to dissimilar but familiar situations,
within and outside school.
Recall that all variants arise from mutations, and that most
have no effect on the phenotype, some influence phenotype
and a very few determine phenotype.
Experiences and Outcomes (CfE)
I can use my understanding of how characteristics are
inherited to solve simple genetic problems and relate this to
my understanding of DNA, genes and chromosomes.
Effect of/on society Developments in science and technology
are useful for society but in a context of the risk management
of consequential effects.
• U
nderstand that new genes result from changes, mutations,
in existing genes and that mutations occur at random.
• Most mutations have no effect but some may be beneficial
or harmful.
• Mutation rates can be increased by ionising radiation.
Growing food
for space
Estimated time:
Three weeks
(One lesson week
one, and two half
lessons in weeks tw
o and three)
Location: Laborat
ory or greenhouse
School term: All ye
ar round
Level of Experienc
e: No prior
experience requir
Science, Technolog
y & Maths
Age group:
Growing food for space exploration
Technical & Teaching Notes
Soils on the Moon and on Mars have
different compositions to those found
on Earth
Students plant seeds on different
media to simulate different soil types
and calculate germination rates over
two weeks
Further activities are suggested that
look at an alternative method of
assessing healthy growth, and for
comparing different artificial light
sources for plant growth
Learning outcomes
Make predictions using scientific
Make and record observations
over time
Suggest scientific solutions, including
the use of technology, to problems of
the growing human population
For each small group of students:
Compartmentalised seed trays – 5x2 compartments
Tray in which to place seed tray for drainage and ease of transport
Horticultural silver sand 500g
Modelling clay – finely crushed (take care with dust). Alternatively source clay with inert fine particles 500g
Access to top pan balance
Plant labels + pen/pencil
Containers and spoons for mixing different proportions of sand and clay
Seeds – such as rocket or ‘microgreens’ such as broccoli that can be planted indoors throughout the year and are fast
germinating – about 100 seeds.
Each group will need to leave their seed tray in a well-illuminated position (but out of direct sunlight to avoid drying out) at
room temperature for up to two weeks. They should not need to water their seed tray once set up. A greenhouse would be ideal
or a side bench in a lab where the seed trays can remain undisturbed.
Introduction and context
Moon and Mars soils have been analysed and found to consist of different average particle sizes but both are a type of
loose dusty soil called regolith. Scientists have created artificial Moon and Mars soils from volcanic dust, based on research
information from space exploration. They found that plants grew well on both artificial soil types here on Earth, but that
‘Mars soil’ was especially good and contained a good supply of the minerals needed by plants. These artificial space soils
are called ‘regolith simulants’. In the context of needing to grow crops on planets if astronauts are to survive, students
investigate the effect of soil particle size on germination rates and percentage germination.
In addition to differences between growth substrate and its mineral content, students should be aware that differences in
temperature, radiation levels, reduced gravity, composition of the atmosphere, and absence of other organisms, whether
pests or symbionts, are all going to have effects that are difficult to quantify. It is most likely that plants grown in space for
the foreseeable future will be grown in artificial enclosures using hydroponics, rather than in soil.
A collection of images and videos has been provided with this resource to enable students to identify features of Martian
and lunar landscapes. The Sciences and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) have a collection of moon rocks available for
loan to schools. A reference is provided to an article on regolith simulants at the end of this document.
Teaching Notes - Lesson 1
To prepare the clay, create flattened saucer sized discs of
clay, dry them out and crush to a powder and then sieve.
Use a well-ventilated space (or face mask) when handling
clay to avoid inhaling fine particles. Students need to be
warned of the hazards associated with micro-organisms in
soil. The particle sizes of different clay and sand proportions
can be checked by students using a microscope, or by
photographing using a jewellers lens attached to a mobile
phone camera.
The activity suggests that students make up a range of
artificial soils with different proportions of small and large
particles, using horticultural sand and clay. Modelling clay
is a readily available source of fine particles. Students plant
seeds on their soils and monitor the proportion of seeds
that germinate over a ten day period. The percentage
germination and speed of germination provide evidence
when assessing if particle size influences plant growth.
The procedure assumes that students will make decisions
about the number of soil samples to use and the relative
proportions of sand and clay to be used. This procedure
could be simplified by providing students with seed trays
that have already been prepared with soil samples.
Below are images of sand (left) and clay (right) soils to show
differing particle sizes. The soil samples were photographed
using a mobile phone with microscope attachment.
Image to show seed tray set up with two rows of five different soil compositions. The sandier soils are to the left.
Lesson 2 and 3
These lessons will be used to record seedling growth over a period of time 5-10 days. The students can decide their own
methods of recording i.e. measuring height or number of leaves.
From the results collected so far, seeds germinate more quickly on a mixture of sand and clay than on clay or sand alone. Once
germinated some seedlings have difficulty in supporting themselves on sand alone. Both of these phenomena could give rise
to further questions and investigations. Students could speculate on whether these problems would be reduced in space where
there is less gravity (1.622 m/s² on the Moon, Earth 9.807 m/s², Mars 3.711 m/s²). An interesting fact based on problems of
plant growth in reduced gravity is that when watered, plants get covered in a film of water, rather than the water draining off
the leaves. This will affect light absorbance, gas exchange, and could trigger disease if microorganisms were present in the air.
If microorganisms are found in space it is likely that they will have been introduced artificially by space explorers.
Question and Answers
Which soil provided the most favourable conditions for
seed germination? Suggest a possible explanation.
Possible answer: A mixture of sand and clay provides the
best conditions. This may be due to better drainage and
water retention, to different combinations of minerals
present, or to temperature effects.
Describe any differences you noted in the time taken for
seeds to germinate in different soils.
Possible answer: Seed germination times are different in
different soils. In just clay or just sand, the seeds took longer
to germinate.
Which soil type promoted the fastest germination rates?
Possible answer: Seeds germinate fastest in soils with mixed
particle sizes.
Soils on Mars have a particle size <1mm, whilst on the
Moon particle size is <100μm. Explain the likely effect that
these soils are likely to have on plant growth.
Possible answer: From this investigation there is an optimum
soil particle size. The Moon soil particles are very small and
this investigation showed that seeds do not germinate
easily on fine soils. Mars soil may be more successful for
plant growth than Moon soil.
Was there a difference in the percentage of seeds that
germinated in different soil types?
Possible answer: A greater proportion of seeds germinate in
soils with mixed particle size.
Number of seeds germinated - Sample data
Microgreen Broccoli
100% sand 75% sand
25% clay
0% clay
50% sand
50% clay
25% sand
75% clay
0% sand 100% sand 75% sand
100% clay 0% clay
25% clay
50% sand
50% clay
25% sand 0% sand
75% clay 100% clay
From this data students are recommended to make observations at two day intervals up to a maximum of ten days. If
timetables do not allow this to happen, it may be possible for the seed trays to be photographed at two day intervals, and
for students to analyse the photographs to collect their data.
Silver sand available from garden centres – about £5 – 5kg
Modelling clay - craft shops – about £8 – 5kg
Seeds – rocket and ‘windowsill microgreens’ eg broccoli and mixed salad leaves
Information about exploring plant growth on Mars
Short account of why scientists want to investigate plant growth on Mars, and the problems they are likely to encounter.
Searching for signs of life on Mars – student resource and teachers guide on how to conduct soil tests and comparisons to
model how soil samples from space are analysed.
Is there anyone out there – soils. This is part of a series of lessons produced by ESERO for students aged 9-12 to model the
activities of scientists involved in space exploration
‘Can plants grow on Mars and the Moon: a Growth Experiment on Mars and Moon soil simulants’, G.W. Wieger Wamelink,
PLOS One, August 27 2014.
Student Worksheet / Name:
Growing food for space exploration
Instructions (see separate sheet for diagrams)
You are going to mix sand and clay to make up a range of different soil samples. Each sample needs different proportions of
sand and clay so that each soil has different proportions of large and small particles. You will then find out which soil type is
best for germinating seeds.
1. Decide how many soil samples you will create by combining different proportions of sand and clay.
2. Decide how much soil you will need to fill each of the seed tray compartments.
3. Using a spoon, mix together different proportions of clay and sand to make your soil samples.
4.Put similar amounts of your different soil samples into compartments of a seed tray and label them. Press the soil down
gently to firm it, and remove any air pockets. Each compartment should be filled to within 2cm of the top of the seed tray.
5. Label each soil mixture with information about the proportions of sand and clay used.
6. Pour water into each compartment and allow it to drain out into a tray so that each soil sample is completely wet.
7. Place the seed tray in a tray to catch any further water that drains out of the soil.
8. Place a number of seeds onto the soil surface, recording the number, plant type and soil type with the date.
9.Every few days count the number of seeds that germinate and record your findings. Look for the emergence of a shoot from
the seed case. Once a shoot appears, then the seed has germinated. Record in a table the number of germinated seeds
in each soil sample and the date of the recording. You can calculate the percentage germination in each soil sample by
dividing the number of seeds that germinate by the number of seeds sown and multiplying this by 100.
Student Worksheet / Name:
Growing food for space exploration
Read these instructions carefully before you start.
Powdered clay
Seed tray
1. Use a spoon to mix sand
and powdered clay in
different proportions.
2. Add different mixtures
of sand and clay to each
compartment of a seed tray.
Different mixtures of sand and clay
3. Water each compartment
until water drains out of the
bottom of the seed tray.
4. Place
5 seeds on the clay
/ sand mixture in each
compartment. Label the
Place on a tray and put to
one side.
Student Worksheet / Name:
For each soil sample you will need a table like the one below:
No. seeds sown (b)
No. seeds germinated (a)
% germinated = (a/b) x 100
Ensure you wash your hands after handling soil and plant material. You need to cover any cuts with a plaster before
handling soil. Avoid eating and drinking where there is a risk of contamination with soil borne microorganisms.
Describe any differences you noted in the time taken for seeds to germinate in different soils.
Which soil type promoted the fastest germination rates?
Was there a difference in the percentage of seeds that germinated in different soil types?
Which soil provided the most favourable conditions for seed germination? Suggest a possible explanation.
Soils on Mars have a particle size <1mm, whilst on the Moon particle size is <100μm. Explain the likely effect that these
soils are likely to have on plant growth.
Nutritional Data Cards
The cards provide basic information
on 12 different plants that could be
used to provide food and oxygen in
future space missions
The plants listed are spinach, carrot,
radish, tomato, lettuce, spring onion,
chilli pepper, strawberry, cabbage,
basil, thyme, parsley
Plants that are currently being
considered for use in space by the
European Space Agency (ESA) are
soy bean, potato, soft white wheat,
tomato, spinach, lettuce, beetroot,
onion, rice (and spirulina – a
photosynthetic cyanobacterium)
The cards describe:
Nutritional values – the percentage of human daily
requirements each plant provides for vitamins A, C, B6
and for iron, calcium and magnesium
Did you know? – historical, medical or other
interesting facts
Growing– how to grow from seed and the likely yield
from each plant
Information about how the plant is linked to
space exploration
The cards can be used for:
Finding out which plants would
provide the richest source of
various nutrients
Some of the reasons plants have
been taken into space
Planning a space garden, where
soil, time and growing conditions
are all limited
European Space Agency space plants:
Soy beans – a source of protein
Onions – add flavour to space diets
Potato, wheat and rice – source of carbohydrates for
astronauts from different cultures
Spirulina – a photosynthetic bacterium that recycles
astronaut waste and can be eaten too
Tomato, spinach, lettuce, beetroot – add colour and
micronutrients to space diets
Spinacea oleracea
Daucus carota
Best For:
Vitamin K
Best For:
Vitamin A
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Vitamin A: 56%
Vitamin C: 14%
Vitamin K: 181%
Iron: 4%
Calcium: 3%
Magnesium: 6%
Vitamin A: 367%
Vitamin C: 10%
Vitamin B6: 10%
Iron: 1%
Calcium: 3%
Magnesium: 3%
Space Connection:
Space Connection:
Students in Greece developed a solar-powered greenhouse to
grow spinach on Mars called “Popeye on Mars”.
The high carotenoid content of carrots provides valuable
antioxidants to astronauts exposed to cosmic radiation on the ISS.
History Conundrum:
Super Healthy:
In 1890, a researcher put the decimal point in the wrong place
when calculating the iron content of spinach. Poor Popeye
wasn’t getting nearly as much iron as he thought!
A new variety of purple carrot provides increased anthocyanins,
another type of antioxidant. A return to the roots of the
originally purple carrots!
Growing Spinach:
Growing Carrot:
Germination time: 16 days
Yield per metre row: 1.0kg
Growth time: 11 weeks
Growth conditions: Needs rich soil and regular watering
Germination time: 17 days
Yield per metre row: 1.5kg
Growth time: 16 weeks
Growth conditions: Needs deep sandy soil
Raphanus sativus
Solanum lycopersicum
Best For:
Vitamin C
Best For:
Vitamins A and C
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Vitamin A: 0%
Vitamin C: 28%
Vitamin B6: 5%
Iron: 2%
Calcium: 2%
Magnesium: 3%
Vitamin A: 29%
Vitamin C: 41%
Vitamin B6: 5%
Iron: 5%
Calcium: 1%
Magnesium: 5%
Space Connection:
Space Connection:
Radishes are used to study how exposure to microgravity and space
environments might affect plant nutritional value and growth.
An early NASA study investigated whether tomato seeds that
had been in space would grow just as well on Earth. They did!
Super Healthy:
Did you know?
Radishes are thought to have a cooling effect on the body.
They are often used in alternative medicines to remove excess
heat from the body during summer.
Tomatoes contain large amounts of the antioxidant lycopene,
which protects our skin from damaging UV rays. Eating more
tomatoes might even make us look younger!
Growing Radish:
Growing Tomato:
Germination time: 6 days
Yield per metre row: 1.0kg
Growth time: 5 weeks
Growth conditions: Easy, and can be grown in small spaces
Germination time: 16 days
Yield per metre row: 3.5kg
Growth time: 16 weeks
Growth conditions: Needs considerable care and attention
Spring Onions
Lactuca sativa
Allium sp
Best For:
Vitamin A
Best For:
Vitamin K
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Vitamin A: 53%
Vitamin C: 3%
Vitamin B6: 0%
Iron: 2%
Calcium: 1%
Magnesium: 1%
Vitamin A: 19%
Vitamin C: 31%
Vitamin B6: 5%
Iron: 8%
Vitamin K: 259%
Magnesium: 5%
Space Connection:
Space Connection:
When NASA grew red romaine lettuce under red and blue light,
it had much more anthocyanin – good for astronaut health!
NASA is using spring onions to investigate whether plants grow
better in monocultures, on their own, or with other plants as well.
History Conundrum:
Did you know?
Romaine lettuce and other dark green leafy vegetables have
high levels of antioxidants that can help reduce your risk for
cancer. Another reason to eat your greens!
One cup of spring onions provides 172% of your daily value of
vitamin K. This vitamin is crucial for maintaining bone health
and staving off Alzheimer’s disease.
Growing Lettuce:
Growing Spring Onions:
Germination time: 9 days
Yield per metre row:
3 lettuce heads
Growth time: 11 weeks
Growth conditions:
Needs rich neutral or alkaline
soil and regular watering
Germination time: 21 days
Yield per metre row: 1.0kg
Growth time: 16 weeks
Growth conditions: Easy to grow, can be planted in close set rows
Chilli Pepper
Capsicum annuum
Fragaria x ananassa
Best For:
Vitamin C
Best For:
Vitamin C
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Vitamin A: 24%
Vitamin C: 606%
Vitamin B6: 20%
Iron: 12%
Calcium: 0%
Magnesium: 9%
Vitamin A: 0%
Vitamin C: 141%
Vitamin B6: 5%
Iron: 3%
Calcium: 2%
Magnesium: 4%
Space Connection:
Space Connection:
There are plans to introduce chillies into astronauts’ diets, to
increase interest and variation into their food.
Strawberries smell just as nice in space as on Earth, providing a
mental boost to astronauts. They also contain healthy antioxidants.
Did you know?
Did you know?
Chillies contain capsaicin which stimulates pain receptors
to give sensations of heat. Jalapeno chillies measure 5000
Scoville Heat Units, but some chillies are 2 million SHU.
The strawberry variety used in gardens is a hybrid created by
horticulturalists. The first hybrid was created in France in the
1700s, and we still use the same variety today!
Growing Chilli Peppers:
Growing Strawberry:
Germination time: 17 days
Yield per metre row: 8 fruits
Growth time: 18 weeks
Growth conditions: Difficult
outdoors, needs regular
watering and nutrients
Germination time: Not easily grown from seed
Yield per metre row: 0.5g
Growth time: 20 weeks
Growth conditions: Easy in well drained soil
Brassica oleracea
Ocimum basilicum
Best For:
Vitamins C and K
Best For:
Vitamin A and K
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Vitamin A: 1%
Vitamin C: 54%
Vitamin B6: 5%
Iron: 2%
Vitamin K: 85%
Magnesium: 2%
Vitamin A: 24%
Vitamin C: 4%
Vitamin B6: 0%
Iron: 4%
Vitamin K: 124%
Magnesium: 4%
Space Connection:
Space Connection:
Cabbage is prized by space nutritionists for its high content of
vitamin K, for bone health, and dietary fibre, for healthy digestion.
Basil seeds will be among the first seeds to grow on the moon
in a “lunar greenhouse”, launching in late 2015.
Did you know?
Did you know?
In ancient Rome and Greece, eating cabbage was thought to
prevent drunkenness as they believed cabbage couldn’t grow
next to grapevines.
The strong scent of basil is caused by a variety of essential
oils, with different proportions of the oils resulting in distinct
aromas for different varieties.
Growing Cabbage:
Growing Basil:
Germination time: 10 days
Yield per metre row: 1.0kg
Growth time: 30 weeks
Growth conditions:
Conditions: easy but need 40
cm between plants
Germination time: 6 days
Yield per metre row: 0.5kg
Growth time: 16 weeks
Growth conditions: Easy in warm well drained soil
Thymus vulgaris
Petroselinum crispum
Best For:
Vitamins A and C
Best For:
Vitamins A and C
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Vitamin A: 38%
Vitamin C: 106%
Vitamin B6: 6%
Iron: 39%
Calcium: 16%
Magnesium: 16%
Vitamin A: 101%
Vitamin C: 133%
Vitamin B6: 5%
Iron: 20%
Calcium: 8%
Magnesium: 7%
Space Connection:
Space Connection:
Thyme and other fresh herbs are highly valued by astronauts for
their ability to add flavour to often uninspiring space meals.
Parsley was one of the first plants grown in space by the Russian
cosmonaut Valery Ryumin on the Salyut 6 space station.
Did you know?
Did you know?
Thymol is a key component of thyme essential oil. It is an
important antiseptic, originally used to medicate bandages.
It may also be beneficial in preventing acne.
Some varieties of parsley produce large root structures, which
can be eaten much like carrots. Others are valued for their
leafy stems with high antioxidant content.
Growing Thyme:
Growing Parsley:
Germination time: 21 days
Yield per metre row: 0.5kg
Growth time: 15 weeks
Growth conditions: Grows
in poor soil, four plants per
Germination time: 21 days
Yield per metre row: 0.5kg
Growth time: 10 weeks
Growth conditions: Difficult to germinate but easy to grow
Eruca vescaria subsp sativa
Beta vulagaris
Best For:
Vitamins A and K
Best For:
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Vitamin A: 47%
Vitamin C: 25%
Vitamin B6: 5%
Iron: 8%
Vitamin K: 28%
Magnesium: 11%
Vitamin A: 0%
Vitamin C: 11%
Vitamin B6: 5%
Iron: 6%
Calcium: 2%
Magnesium: 7%
Space Connection:
Space Connection:
There are a series of Rocket cultivars with a space connection in
their name; Rocket ‘Adventurer’, ‘Discovery’, ‘Voyager’ & ‘Apollo’.
European Space Agency scientists suggest beetroot as one of
their top 10 crops to take on long term space missions.
Did you know?
Did you know?
Rocket has been used in British salads since Elizabethan times,
it has a peppery/ mustardy taste and is good to mix with other
salad leaves.
Beetroot is a versatile vegetable, the leaves are full of nutrients
as well as the root, meaning the whole plant can be eaten.
Growing Beetroot:
Growing Rocket:
Germination time: 5 days
Yield per metre row: 350g
Growth time:
5-8 weeks from sowing
Growth conditions: Sow in
well drained fertile soil, keep
the soil shady and moist to
avoid bolting (flowering early)
Solanum tuberosum
Best For:
Vitamin C
Percent of your daily values
in 1 cup
Vitamin A: 0%
Vitamin C: 32%
Vitamin B6: 15%
Iron: 4%
Calcium: 1%
Magnesium: 5%
Space Connection:
Five small potatoes were grown from tubers in the laboratory
on board the space shuttle Columbia in 1995.
Did you know?
Potatoes originated in the Andes mountain range, South
America. Over 200 species are found there in the wild.
Growing Potato:
Germination time: 2-3 weeks for first shoots to appear
Yield per metre row: 3kg
Growth time: 10-12 weeks to harvest
Growth conditions: Chit (sprout) potatoes inside before
planting outdoors
Germination time: 15-21 days
Yield per metre row: 1.5kg
Growth time: 13-15 weeks
Growth conditions: Sow in fertile well drained soil, keep watered
every 10-24 days in hot weather
Healthy eating
for space
Estimated time:
One lesson
Location: Laborato
School term: All ye
ar round
Level of Experienc
Good level of prac
tical science
experience require
Subject(s): Science
Age group: 13-16
Healthy eating for space travellers
Technical and Teaching Notes
Long-term space exploration will
require astronauts to be provided with
a varied diet for physical health and
for psychological reasons.
This student activity involves
measuring the vitamin C content of
a range of vegetables and developing
a number of technical and
investigative skills.
Further activities are suggested
including assessing the impact of
cooking on the nutritional value of
food and research into VEGGIE and
MELiSSA projects.
Interpret data.
Explain features of a healthy diet.
Learning outcomes
Handle equipment and chemicals
safely and with precision.
Apparatus – vitamin C content investigation
For each small group of 2-3 students:
50cm3 0.1% dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP). Weigh out
approximately 0.24 g DCPIP (Mr¬ = 268.1g/mol) and make
up to 1 L with distilled water.
A range of fresh vegetable leaves such as spinach, basil,
parsley and lettuce. Each group requires 1.0g of leafy
material from each plant.
Pestle and mortar
DCPIP solution is blue, but is decolourised by ascorbic acid
although a faint pink colour may remain in acid solutions.
DCPIP needs to be freshly prepared.
10cm3 measuring cylinder
200mg vitamin C tablet or ascorbic acid. This is for the
preparation of a standard solution, so colourings and
flavourings to be avoided if possible.
Filter funnel, filter paper, small beaker
Test tubes in rack, pen to label tubes
Graph paper
Disposable 2cm3 graduated plastic pipettes, or disposable
1cm3 syringe
A top-pan balance (1 d.p.) for students to weigh their
vegetable samples.
Safety Notes
Students need to be warned of the hazards associated with handling plant material (allergies). Eye protection is required when
using pestle and mortar and handling chemicals.
Introduction and context
Dietary supplements such as vitamin C (ascorbic acid) will
be needed if humans are to spend extended periods of time
exploiting space. Some vitamins are damaged by dehydration
and storage, so a supply of fresh vegetables will be needed to
supply the nutrients needed to keep space travellers healthy.
(It is thought ‘vitamin’ is derived from ‘vital amine’ – a group
of compounds that must be included in a human diet)
Vitamin C can be obtained from meat and from plants. It
is made by plants to protect them from oxidation damage
during photosynthesis. The vitamin C content of foods
deteriorates with time, particularly if food is not kept cool in
a dry atmosphere. This is why growing fresh vegetables in
space provides a better supply of vitamin C than transporting
food from Earth.
Vitamin C plays a vital role in protecting against scurvy. It is
a cofactor in several enzyme reactions and is an antioxidant
in humans. In plants it is associated with cell division and cell
wall formation.
This need has given rise to a number of NASA experiments on
growing plants in space including the development of growth
chambers on ISS and a planned experiment on Mars.
But which plants should be grown to provide a vitamin C
supplement to the space diet? The following investigation
is used to compare the vitamin C content of different plant
material. The investigation may be supplemented with the
nutrition data card resource that provides information about
the food content of different plants. The cards also show a
number of other nutrients essential for human health.
Many animals can produce their own vitamin C from
glucose, but others have lost the ability to make the enzyme
responsible for vitamin C manufacture. Animals that cannot
make vitamin C include guinea pigs, many bats, some birds
and apes, including humans. These animals need to include
vitamin C in their diet to stay healthy. In humans the main
function of vitamin C is to support a number of enzyme
reactions, including those that build collagen. This is a protein
that plays an essential part in providing the structure of
connective tissue and skin. Without sufficient vitamin C in the
diet, humans are likely to show symptoms of scurvy, a disease
affecting skin and gums, and which was a major problem for
sailors in previous centuries. At one time British sailors were
provided with citrus fruit in their diet to prevent scurvy, giving
rise to the nickname ‘limeys’.
In this investigation students measure the vitamin C content
of different plant material using a simplified titration
technique with DCPIP. Suggestions are included for carrying
out serial dilutions to produce a calibration chart. The activity
provides opportunities for the development of mathematical
skills such as unit conversion and expressing numbers in
standard form.
Teaching Notes
The activity can be simplified for students by providing
them with calibration curve data. The activity could be
further simplified by using initial results data of the volume
of DCPIP used as a semi quantitative comparison of the
different vegetable extracts, without conversion to vitamin
C equivalents.
DCPIP (2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol) reacts in 1:1 ratio
with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) causing the indicator to
become colourless. The procedure has been modified in this
investigation by substituting dropping pipettes for titration
apparatus and burettes for reasons of manageability and
economy. If preferred, 1cm3 syringes rather than dropping
pipettes may be used to simplify measurement of the
volume of DCPIP added.
The investigation provides an opportunity for practising
serial dilutions, conversion of units and standard form, and
for introducing calibration curves.
DCPIP solution should be freshly made. In this investigation
the concentrations used should require about 1cm3 DCPIP
solution to produce a lasting blue solution when mixed with
1cm3 of vegetable extract for vegetables rich in vitamin C.
DCPIP is considered low hazard.
The student sheet provides details of the procedure for
‘titrating’ the vitamin C in a vegetable extract with DCPIP,
for producing a serial dilution of a standardised vitamin C
solution and using this to produce a calibration curve. Finally
students convert their vegetable extract titration data into
concentration of vitamin C using the calibration curve.
A number of different plants have been used in previous
space missions to explore ways of providing food, or recycling
human waste. Such space projects include ‘VEGGIE’ and
‘MELiSSA’. Students interested in plants grown for food
in space could research either of these two projects using
references provided towards the end of this document.
Veggie plant growth facility. Photo credit NASA
Answers to questions on student sheets
Provide evidence to support your recommendation for which vegetables should be grown in space and used as sources of
vitamin C. (Hint: refer to the nutrition data cards provided for this project)
Possible answer: Answers should include data from either their investigation or from the nutrition data cards as evidence to
support their recommendations.
What vital role does vitamin C play in
human metabolism?
Many fruits are a good source of vitamin C.
Discuss why it may be preferable to grow vegetables
rather than fruits in space to provide vitamin C for
space travellers.
Possible answers: It supports enzyme reactions in a
variety of different activities of the cell, including
the formation of collagen, a protein essential for the
formation of connective tissue.
Possible answer: Fruits only develop after pollination
on many plants. In space there would be no pollinating
insects, and so pollination would need to be done
artificially, increasing the demands made on space
explorers to grow food. Fruits also take longer to develop
than many vegetables, particularly leafy vegetables.
What sources of vitamin C were provided for maritime
travellers in previous centuries?
Possible answers: James Lind in 1753 recommended
citrus fruit as a cure and prevention for scurvy. The
British Navy took up his suggestion several decades later.
Captain Cook was said to have avoided scurvy amongst
his crew when exploring the Pacific by insisting on fresh
vegetables when possible and providing sauerkraut. An
outline of the procedure is available from SAPS: http://
What symptoms are associated with vitamin
C deficiency?
Possible answers: Lethargy, skin deterioration, gum
disease and jaundice, scurvy.
Vegetables – available from greengrocers and supermarkets.
The VEGGIE project – an outline of the project to grow food in space including images from ISS
content/veggie-plant-growth-system-activated-on-international-space-station/ - .VQF0kULv2fQ
The MELiSSA project to recycle human waste in space – project outline and images
Further information
Food for space flight. This article gives a brief history of food from the earlier missions and goes on to describe food preparation
and menus used today
Food in space. This video explains the criteria used in selecting appropriate foods for space travel and includes an activity on
foods and storage for 11-13 year old students.
(Suitable 11-12 year olds)
Student Worksheet / Name:
Healthy eating for space travellers
Instructions (see separate sheet for diagrams)
1. Crush 2.0g of green leaves from a vegetable with 10.0cm3 water using a pestle and mortar. Filter your mixture to produce
a clear (but coloured) solution.
2.Take 1.0cm3 of your solution in a test tube. Use a disposable pipette to add a single drop of indicator (DCPIP) at a time. Mix
the solutions and keep adding indicator until the blue colour of the indicator does not disappear.
3. Record the number of drops of indicator needed to produce a permanent blue coloured solution.
4.Repeat this with other vegetables, making sure you are careful to measure and record the quantities accurately.
Making a calibration chart
1. Dissolve a 200mg vitamin C tablet in 10.0cm3 water. Label the tube with the concentration of vitamin C.
2.Measure out 5.0cm3 of your vitamin C solution into a clean tube and mix with 5cm3 of water. Label this tube with the
concentration of vitamin C.
3.Measure out 5.0cm3 of the second (diluted) solution and mix with 5.0cm3 water. Label this third tube with the
concentration of vitamin C.
4.Repeat this process until you have made up a range of vitamin C solutions of different concentrations.
5.Measure how much indicator is needed to make 1.0cm3 of each of your dilutions produce a permanent blue coloured
solution using the technique used with your vegetable solution samples.
6. Draw a graph of your results – concentration of vitamin C against number of drops of DCPIP indicator.
Student Worksheet / Name:
Healthy eating for space travellers
Read these instructions carefully before you start.
Add 10cm3 water
Filter paper
2.0g of plant material
Boiling tube in rack
2. Filter
the mixture to produce
a clear solution.
1. Crush 2.0g of plant material
with 10cm3 water.
Pipette containing
DCPIP solution
1.0cm3 of clear solution
3. Add one drop at a time until
the solution stays blue.
Record how many drops
are required to produce a
permanent blue solution
Student Worksheet / Name:
Converting amount of indicator into vitamin C concentration
in vegetables.
1.Use the chart to convert the number of drops of indicator
used for each vegetable into the amount of vitamin C
contained in each sample of vegetable extract.
Recommend which vegetables should be considered for use
as a source of vitamin C for space travellers. Use the nutrition
data cards to compare your results with standard values, and
find out what other information needs to be considered when
deciding on suitable candidates for ‘space food’.
2.Present your results as a comparison of the amount of
vitamin C found in different vegetables.
Ensure you wash your hands after handling plant material
and chemicals. Wear eye protection when handling chemicals
and when using a pestle and mortar.
Provide evidence to support your recommendation for which vegetables should be grown in space and used as
sources of vitamin C. (Hint: refer to the nutrition data cards provided for this project)
Many fruits are a good source of vitamin C. Discuss why it may be preferable to grow vegetables rather than fruits in
space to provide vitamin C for space travellers.
What symptoms are associated with vitamin C deficiency?
What vital role does vitamin C play in human metabolism?
What sources of vitamin C were provided for maritime travellers in previous centuries?
Hazards of
space travel
Estimated time: On
e lesson
Location: Classroo
m or Laboratory
School term: All ye
ar round
Level of Experienc
KS3, S1-2 & KS4, S3
Subject(s): Science
Age group: 13-16
Hazards of space travel:
Modelling mutation in seeds with Rabidops
Technical and Teaching Notes
There is an increased risk of mutation
by ionising radiation in space due
to the absence of the Earth’s
magnetic field.
An activity is provided to explore
the effect of deletion mutations on
chromosomes and on subsequent
development of an imaginary
organism – Rabidops.
Two versions of the activity have
been provided. The simplified version
has six chromosomes and two pairs
of alleles (labelled ‘2 genes version’);
the more complex version has
ten chromosomes and six pairs of
alleles. Each version uses a different
decoding sheet.
Present reasoned explanations,
including explaining data in relation
to predictions and hypotheses.
Explain that genetic variation
arises through mutation.
Learning outcomes
I nterpret observations and data,
to draw conclusions.
Two model Rabidops plants showing variation in leaf colour and shape, stem length and number
and flower colour and number. Photograph of Arabidopsis (thale cress) used extensively in genetics
research and also used to investigate the effects of reduced gravity on plant growth in space.
Apparatus for Rabidops activity
For each group of students:
If using the simplified version for each
group of students:
Set of 10 chromosomes
10 paper clips
Large marshmallow (to represent growth medium)
Midget gem sweets in assorted shapes and colours
(to represent leaves)
Jelly Tots sweets in assorted colours (to represent flowers)
Cocktail sticks, 5 or 6 (to represent stems and leaf stalks)
Decoding sheet
Set of 6 chromosomes
5 paper clips
Large marshmallow (to represent growth medium)
Midget gem sweets in assorted shapes and colours
(to represent leaves)
Jelly Tots sweets in assorted colours (to represent flowers)
Cocktail sticks, 3 or 4 (to represent stem and leaf stalks)
Simplified decoding sheet
Print the chromosomes onto card, and cut out the individual chromosomes. Laminating the card with plastic will
allow them to be reused by other classes. Fasten a set of ten chromosome strips together with a paper clip. If you are
using the simplified version, use the alternative template with six chromosomes.
Introduction and context:
cause changes in the organism. The mutation will also be passed on
to future generations of plants. The risks of mutation can be reduced
by using heavy shielding, both in space vehicles and in greenhouses
used to grow crops on Mars and the Moon. This adds to the cost of
growing food in space, as the shielding is heavy, requiring extra fuel
for transport.
Prepare for this lesson by explaining that your course requires
students to know about the structure and function of DNA, what
genes are and the fact that chromosomes exist in homologous pairs.
Rabidops are imaginary plants made from midget gem sweets and
cocktail sticks. Their features are determined by genes contained
within their chromosomes. One of the hazards of space travel is
increased risk from solar and cosmic radiation. Solar energetic
particles (SEPs) and galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) can severely
damage genetic material by deleting sections of DNA in the
chromosome. Once such a deletion mutation occurs, the gene is no
longer able to produce normal protein from that gene which can
Mutations happen spontaneously and at random, but the risk of
deletion mutation increases significantly once outside the Earth’s
protective magnetic field. The consequences of such mutations
depend on which part of the chromosome is affected, and whether
the gene on a homologous (paired) chromosome is also affected.
In this activity students should learn that:
Features of plants (their phenotype)
are determined by paired genetic
material on homologous chromosomes.
Certain types of mutation such
as deletion mutation are spontaneous
and occur at random positions on
The risk of deletion mutation increases
when living material is transported
through space unless expensive
shielding can be provided.
Safety Note: Make sure students don’t eat the marshmallows or sweets if you are working in a laboratory.
Teaching Notes
To model the effects of radiation in
space on plant growth.
To explain the effects of mutation
on chromosomes.
To show that mutation is a naturally
occurring random process.
places like Mars and the Moon. Provide students working
in groups with the relevant student procedure sheet, set of
chromosomes, a number of paper clips to represent damaged
DNA, and decoding sheet plus the materials to build their
Rabidops plant.
Rabidops are loosely based on Arabidopsis, a plant used
extensively in genetics research and also used in several
space experiments looking at the effect of gravity on plant
growth. In this activity you can investigate the effect of
different levels of radiation on gene mutation. The model
assumes that all radiation hitting the chromosome will cause
a mutation, but in living systems, some radiation can pass
through the cell nucleus without causing damage.
Students place their paper chromosome set face down and
randomly distribute. They then model the effect of different
levels of radiation on the genetic material of the plant. This
involves placing paper clips at random positions on the
chromosomes. Low levels of radiation are represented by five
paper clips, moderate radiation by eight paper clips and high
levels by ten paper clips. This makes the point that mutation
occurs spontaneously even when there are low levels of
ionizing radiation. It should be pointed out that this is a
‘worst case’ model and that not all radiation passing through
a nucleus will necessarily cause mutations.
Explanation of Rabidops for students:
Rabidops are imaginary plants that have been used in space
to investigate the effect of radiation. Imagined Rabidops
have a typical appearance of round green leaves and multiple
long stems with a number of red flowers on each stem, called
‘wild type’. You can model Rabidops plants’ using cocktail
sticks and sweets to show how the genes in the chromosomes
of the plant exert control over the plants appearance. In
this model you will be given paper strips representing all of
the ten chromosomes to be found in a single embryo cell
inside a Rabidops seed. Your task is to establish the effect
of mutations on the chromosomes and to make a model of
the plant to show its appearance if it was to grow from the
mutated seed.
The chromosomes are then turned face up and arranged in
homologous pairs. If a paperclip partially or wholly covers
a specific gene, that gene is considered ‘mutated’ and
therefore destroyed. The results are analysed on a decoder
sheet so that the effect on the appearance of the Rabidops
plant can be established.
Explain that the students will be working in groups to
investigate the effect of ionizing radiation on genes. The
genes are located within the chromosomes of embryo cells of
seeds transported through space for growing crops. The crops
could provide food in space stations such as the International
Space Station (ISS) or to support humans when exploring
The exercise models mutation, and shows that if a mutation
occurs on a chromosome, it may not damage the genes
that code for phenotype characteristics. If such a gene is
damaged, the presence of a similar gene on a homologous
chromosome may result in no change in the phenotype of
the organism.
Answers to questions (both versions)
1. Consider each of the characteristics in turn. Which, if any, of the mutated form of the characteristics could be harmful
to the plant? Possible answer:
Leaf colour – pale leaves could be due to less chlorophyll
being made which would limit the rate of photosynthesis.
Flower number – a reduced number of flowers would
reduce the amount of fruit and seed made by full plant
Leaf shape – a reduction in leaf area would reduce the
rate of photosynthesis. Very elongated leaves may be
more susceptible to wind damage.
Flower colour – if the flower is insect pollinated this would
affect the chance of the flower being detected by insects.
In space this is unlikely to be a problem as there are no
insects and all insect pollinated plants would need to be
artificially pollinated if they are to set seed.
Stem length – shorter stems reduce the chance of
pollination and could limit seed dispersal.
Stem number – fewer stems would reduce the number
of flowers, and so reduce the number of fruits and seeds
made by the plant.
2. Assess the likely impact on the plant of low level radiation using the findings from your model. How much does the risk
to the plant change when radiation is at moderate or high level? You may need to compare your findings with those
of other groups before answering this question. Possible answer:
At low levels of radiation there is a small chance of a
mutation happening. Many mutations do not affect the
genes that determine characteristics and both copies of
the gene need to be mutated to affect the appearance
of the plant. Therefore at low levels of radiation the
chances of a mutation affecting the appearance of the
plant are small.
When the radiation dose increases and the chances of
a mutation happening are higher, the mutation is more
likely to affect genes that determine appearance, and
there is a higher chance of the mutation affecting both
copies of the gene. At high levels of radiation, the effect
on the plant is likely to be significant. The model does not
take account of repair mechanisms in the cell that can
replace damaged portions of chromosomes.
3. What advice would you have for anyone intending to set up a crop growing facility on another planet based on
your findings? Possible answer:
It is important to protect crops against the effects of radiation both in transport to the planet and whilst growing on
the planet surface. Transparent shielding would be vital.
Sample data
‘Low level of radiation’ – 5 paper clips used - bold text indicates result obtained
No mutation
Single mutation
Double mutation
Leaf colour
Lc / Lc / Green
Lc / — / Green
-- / -- / Pale
Leaf shape
Ls / Ls / Round
Ls / — / Round
-- / -- / Oval
Stem length
SL / SL / Long
SL / — / Long
-- / -- / Short
Stem number
Sn / Sn / Multiple
Lc / — / Multiple
-- / -- / Single
Flower number
Fn / Fn / Multiple
Lc / — / Multiple
-- / -- / Single
Flower colour
Fc / Fc / Red
Lc / — / Pink
-- / -- / White
Outcome – wild type leaf colour, leaf shape, stem length, flower number and flower colour but only single stem.
Sample data
‘High level of radiation’ – 10 paper clips used – bold text indicates result obtained
No mutation
Single mutation
Double mutation
Leaf colour
Lc / Lc / Green
Lc / — / Green
-- / -- / Pale
Leaf shape
Ls / Ls / Round
Ls / — / Round
-- / -- / Oval
Stem length
SL / SL / Long
SL / — / Long
-- / -- / Short
Stem number
Sn / Sn / Multiple
Lc / — / Multiple
-- / -- / Single
Flower number
Fn / Fn / Multiple
Lc / — / Multiple
-- / -- / Single
Flower colour
Fc / Fc / Red
Lc / — / Pink
-- / -- / White
Outcome – wild type leaf colour, stem length, flower number, but oval leaf, single stem and pink flower.
‘Simplified version’ – 5 paper clips used
No mutation
Single mutation
Double mutation
Leaf colour
Lc / Lc / Green
Lc / — / Green
-- / -- / Pale
Flower colour
Fc / Fc / Red
Lc / — / Pink
-- / -- / White
Outcome – wild type leaf colour, stem length, flower number, but oval leaf, single stem and pink flower.
The model could be extended by looking at the impact of interbreeding between the resulting plants, and the likely
effect this would have on future generations of crops, to demonstrate dominance and absence of dominance, both with
further radiation damage, or with low levels of mutation.
The resources for making Rabidops are available from supermarkets or local shops
The idea for the Rabidops activity was developed from the use of ‘Reebops’ for teaching inheritance.
Details of the Reebops modelling activity are available on the practical biology site
Thanks to Science and Plants for Schools (SAPS) for producing these resources’
Student Worksheet / Name:
Hazards of space travel:
Modelling Rabidops Mutation
1. Decide on the level of radiation that
the chromosomes will experience (low,
moderate or high).
2.Place your six chromosomes face
down and randomly arranged.
ollect the required number of paper
clips to represent damaged sections of
3. Attach all of the clips to the
chromosomes – in random positions to
simulate the effect of radiation hitting
the chromosomes.
o not look to see if your paper clips
have covered any of the named genes
at this stage.
low radiation level – 5 clips;
moderate radiation level – 8 clips;
high radiation level – 10 clips
4. Turn over the chromosomes so that you
can now see the named genes. Match up the
pairs of chromosomes.
5. Use the decoding sheet to translate
the genetic information into information
about the appearance of the plant.
Identify which genes have a paper clip
attached to them – either wholly in the gene
or overlapping the edge of the gene. These
will be the genes damaged by mutation.
Draw a circle round the gene
combination for each feature (both
normal; one normal/ one damaged;
both damaged).
6.Collect the materials needed for
making your model.
Using the information on the decoding
sheet, construct a model Rabidops plant
to show the appearance of the leaves and
flowers. Compare your model with the
models made by other groups, noting the
levels of radiation used in each case.
1. C
onsider the leaf colour and the flower
colour of the plant. How harmful would
it be to the plant if either of these
characteristics were mutated?
2. I n your modelling activity can you
explain why not all the mutations
caused a change in the plant’s
3. What advice would you have for
anyone intending to set up a crop
growing facility on another planet
based on your findings?
Safety Note: Do not eat the component parts of the Rabidops models.
Student Worksheet / Name:
Resources 1a
Hazards of space travel:
Modelling mutation in seeds with Rabidops
Decoding Sheet: The genes studied are...
Gene Name
Leaf colour
Leaf shape
Stem length
Stem number
Flower number
Flower colour
Wild type: green
Wild type: round
Wild type: long
Wild type: multiple
Wild type: multiple
Wild type: red
Mutation: pale
Mutation: oval
Mutation: short
Mutation: single
Mutation: single
Single mutation: pink
Double mutation: white
Circle the combination of genes to find out the appearance of
your Rabidops plant. If a gene has a paper clip fully or partially
covering it, then it should be ignored as the gene has been
deleted (mutated).
No mutation
Single mutation
Double mutation
Leaf colour
Lc / Lc / Green
Lc / — / Green
-- / -- / Pale
Leaf shape
Ls / Ls / Round
Ls / — / Round
-- / -- / Oval
Stem length
SL / SL / Long
SL / — / Long
-- / -- / Short
Stem number
Sn / Sn / Multiple
Sn / — / Multiple
-- / -- / Single
Flower number
Fn / Fn / Multiple
Fn / — / Multiple
-- / -- / Single
Flower colour
Fc / Fc / Red
Fc / — / Pink
-- / -- / White
Student Worksheet / Name:
Resources 2a
Print this sheet and cut columns into strips to
model chromosomes
Leaf colour
Leaf shape
Stem length
Stem number
Flower number
Flower colour
Student Worksheet / Name:
Hazards of space travel:
Modelling Mutation (2 genes version)
1.Your chromosome set is going to be
exposed to radiation levels higher than
on Earth.
2.Place your six chromosomes face
down and randomly arranged.
The radiation that affects the
chromosomes causing mutation is
represented by five paper clips.
3. Attach all of the clips to the
chromosomes – in random positions to
simulate the effect of radiation hitting
the chromosomes.
o not look to see if your paper clips
have covered any of the named genes at
this stage.
4.Turn over the chromosomes so that
you can now see the named genes.
Match up the pairs of chromosomes.
5. Use the decoding sheet to translate
the genetic information into information
about the appearance of the plant.
Identify which genes have a paper clip
attached to them – either wholly in the
gene or overlapping the edge of the
gene. These will be the genes damaged
by mutation.
Draw a circle round the gene
combination for each feature (both
normal; one normal/ one damaged;
both damaged).
6.Collect the materials needed for
making your model.
Using the information on the decoding
sheet, construct a model Rabidops plant
to show the appearance of the leaves
and flowers. Compare your model with
the models made by other groups, noting
the levels of radiation used in each case.
1. Consider the leaf colour and the flower
colour of the plant. How harmful would
it be to the plant if either of these
characteristics were mutated?
2. I n your modelling activity can you
explain why not all the mutations
caused a change in the plant’s
3. What advice would you have for
anyone intending to set up a crop
growing facility on another planet
based on your findings?
Safety Note: Do not eat the component parts of the Rabidops models.
Student Worksheet / Name:
Resources 1b
Hazards of space travel:
Modelling mutation in seeds with Rabidops
Decoding Sheet (2 genes version): The genes studied are...
Gene Name
Leaf colour
Flower colour
Wild type: green
Wild type: red
Mutation: pale
Single mutation: pink
Double mutation: white
Circle the combination of genes to find out the appearance of
your Rabidops plant. If a gene has a paper clip fully or partially
covering it, then it should be ignored as the gene has been
deleted (mutated).
No mutation
Single mutation
Double mutation
Leaf colour
Lc / Lc / Green
Lc / — / Green
-- / -- / Pale
Flower colour
Fc / Fc / Red
Fc / — / Pink
-- / -- / White
Student Worksheet / Name:
Resources 2b
2 genes version – 2 genes and three chromosomes
Print this sheet and cut columns into strips to model chromosomes
Leaf colour
Flower colour
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