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Third Quarter Spelling Menu
Tic Tac Toe!
Here is your spelling menu. Each Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night, you will need to complete a
spelling homework activity. On the back of this page, you will find boxes with activities for each week. You
must complete 3 activities in a row. Color the activity you complete each evening. You may only complete
activities for the current week. By Wednesday evening, you will have made Tic Tac Toe!
On Thursday, you are to take a practice test given to you by an adult or an older sibling. Have your parents
initial the box below after practicing for your test.
____ Week 1 Practice Test
____ Week 4 Practice Test
____Week 7 Practice Test
____Week 2 Practice Test
____Week 5 Practice Test
____Week 8 Practice Test
____ Week 3 Practice Test
____ Week 6 Practice Test
____Week 9 Practice Test
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Below are descriptions of the spelling activities listed on your Tic Tac Toe grid.
30 Second Words: Write a TV commercial using all of your words.
ABC order: Write your words in alphabetical order. ABC
Acrostic Poem: Choose one of your spelling words. Write an acrostic poem for that word.
Fun in the sky
Laps around clouds
Yes! I’m free!
Air Spelling: Write your spelling words in the air 3 times each. Be sure to say the letters out loud as you spell them.
Bubble Letters: Write your spelling words using bubble letters.
Code Words: Come up with a code for each letter of the alphabet. Then write your spelling words using your code.
Compound Sentences: Write a compound sentence for each word using and, but, or so.
Definitions: Look up 8 of your spelling words in the dictionary and write their definitions.
Geometric Words: Draw a geometric shape for each spelling word. Write that spelling word on the side of each geometric
shape. For circles, write the word 3 times in the center.
Flashcards: Make flashcards for each of your spelling words. Practice spelling them from the cards with a partner.
Hidden Words: Draw a picture. Hide your spelling words in the picture.
Inch Words: Write each of your words. Measure them to see approximately how many inches long your words are.
Memory Game: Write spelling words on 2 sets of flashcards. Play the memory game using your words. Spell the word out loud
when you make a match.
Plural and Singular Words: Write your spelling words. If the word is singular, write the plural form of the word next to it. If
your word is plural, write the singular form of the word next to it.
Pyramid Words: Write your words adding or subtracting one letter at a time. The result will be a pyramid shape of words.
Rhymes: Write your words then write a rhyming word next to each word.
Secret Code: Number the alphabet from 1 to 26. Convert your words into a secret code.
Spellersize: Spell your words out loud while doing jumping jacks, pushups, or running in place.
Spelling City: Visit to play games with your spelling words.
Squiggly Words: Write your words 2 times each using squiggly letters.
Subtract a Vowel: Write your words. Consonants are worth 12 points. Vowels are worth 2 points. Add up the consonants and
subtract all of the vowels: Example: DOG: 12+12-2=22
Toss a Word: Toss a ball back and forth with a partner while spelling your words. Example: C (toss) A (toss) T (toss) CAT
Words Within Words: Write your spelling words. Then beside them, write at least 2 more words you can make out of the
letters in each spelling word. Example: FACTS – cat, fat, sat
Words Without Vowels - Write your words replacing all vowels with a line.