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Test 1 Review Sheet
Chapter 1
Explain the differences between anatomy and physiology. List and define the different branches of
Explain the difference between cytology and histology.
Explain the levels of structural organization.
What are the major organ systems found in the human body? What are their main functions?
Identify some of the major organs found in each?
What are the basic survival needs of every human?
Define homeostasis. What are the two types of regulation?
What are the parts of a homeostatic control mechanism?
Define and give an example of positive and negative feedback.
What is standard anatomical position? Why is this important?
Use directional terms to describe how body parts are oriented. Ex) The hallux is distal to the popliteal.
Know the regional terms from the handout – both anterior and posterior.
Be able to distinguish the various body planes.
Know the body cavities discussed on the handout. Be able to tell me what body cavities a particular
organ belongs. Ex. The stomach is part of the abdominal cavity which is part of the abdominopelvic
which is part of the ventral cavity.
What is the serosa ? What are the different types (visceral vs ____)? Know the specific name based
on the part of the body you are in- pleura, ________, ___________
Chapter 2
Define proton, neutron, electron, ion, isotope, cation, anion, mass number, atomic number.
Explain the difference between ionic, covalent and hydrogen bonds.
What are the major elements of the human body? Name two lesser and two trace elements.
Explain the different types of chemical reactions.
Name two inorganic compounds. What makes them inorganic?
Understand what the various numbers on the pH scale tell you. Ex. 7 is neutral while 3 is acidic.
Define electrolyte and buffer.
What is the main difference between inorganic and organic?
Define hydrophobic and hydrophilic.
Discuss the relationship between solute, solvent, solution.
Discuss some characteristics of acids and bases.
What are the four classes of organic compounds.
a. Know their monomers
b. How are they formed?
c. Know all examples listed
d. Function
e. You do not have to draw their shape but be able to identify if shown. Ex. A picture of a
monosaccharide but not the specific structure of glucose.
13. Explain in detail how an enzyme works. How are they limited? Saturated? Regulated? (Explain what
the slide Is telling you.)
14. Explain how a fatty acid can be saturated, unsaturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated
15. Draw the basic structure of an amino acid
16. Draw the basic structure of a nucleotide
17. Explain the four protein shapes.
18. What is the difference between ADP and ATP. What are they used for?
Chapter 3
1. What are the four parts of the cell theory?
2. Define sex sell and somatic cell.
3. What are the basic functions of the plasma membrane?
4. Draw a phospholipid bi-layer that includes: hydrophilic and hydrophobic portions, cholesterol,
integral and peripheral proteins, glycocalyx. What is the function of each?
5. Discuss the 3 parts of the cytoskeleton
6. What is the function of the microvilli, cilia, and centrioles
7. What is a ribosome? Proteosome?
8. List the nonmembranous organelles
9. List the membranous organelles. Give the function of each.
10. Discuss the parts of the nucleus.
11. Do NOT memorize transcription and translation. Simply, what are they for? What is the main
purpose/function of each?
12. Discuss the different types of membrane transport. Give an example of one compound/molecule/ion
that use each. Which require ATP?
13. Explain HOW a cell can be hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic. What is happening to make this occur?
14. What are the parts of the cell cycle? What happens in each? How do they look in a microscope?